Anyone gave birth in Woolwich???

:wohoo: You are fully viable girl! Hope Mr Lucas starts thinking of making an appearance soon.

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? I had my Antenatal on Saturday. We went through Pain relief options - TENS, Gas and Air, Pethadine and Epidural. I learnt alot about Pethadine! She also spent a bit of time going over the first 24 hours once you have baby home and what your day will be like (and night of course!)
Busy busy days ahead I tell you!

My bump has been a little too quiet today. Still felt some movements but not too much. She was active over the weekend so I am trying to hold out until my MW on Tuesday morning.

Stuffy stuffy nose- and my throat glands are swollen so I am definitely fighting some sort of infection. I feel so tired and run down too. I slept in until 11.30 yesterday morning. I cant tell you the last time I did that. AND then I had a 2 hour nap at 4pm! I think I am getting some of my first tri tiredness back!

You have quite a busy week too dont you! Are you at your MW tomorrow too, antenatal wed and BF on thursday. I wont make that one as I have my growth scan on thursday morning. Let me know what they say!

I think now you are full term you can start to think about all the things you can do to bring Lucas out! LOL. :sex: is of course the first option, then a hot curry! I cant seem to get motivated with :sex: and I think DH is a little worried so is keeping away. It has been ages...I mean at least 2-3 months since we have had :sex: Shocking I know :wacko:

Well I am supposed to be filling in forms for Maternity Allowance, Sure start and HEalthy start vouchers. Not sure I get them but seeing as I am going to the MW tomorrow I can fill them in and she can verify them if I can get them.

Hope you are keeping warm and dry today! What a day huh? I think the rain has held off a bit so I may wonder out for a walk.

TC and let me know how you are doing.

Yeah Full term today!! Come on Lucas, you're allowed to come out now!! Mummy doesn't wanna play hide & seek anymore!!! ;)

No signs yet though... he just moved when I started reading this, felt a bit weird - I think he's still high up... So he's either not engaged yet or he's just tall like me ;)

Yeah we've got quite some things to do this week! Made a list of things to do today, but Jay hardly got any sleep cause he's trying to quit smoking and it's really hard on him. Especially yesterday cause he had a fag and a half yesterday and has to go till the shopping arrives today between 5 and 7pm till he can get his patches (ordered them from Asda). So I let him off, and let him buy 1 pack of fags and have 1 fag to tie him over till his patches are here and we'll give the rest of the fags to his parents next time we see them.
So we're staying in today. Didn't wake up till 1pm anyway :blush:
So I'm just sitting here watching Jeremy Kyle while having my 'breakfast' hahaha

Did you find the antenatal helpful?? I bet hubby did?! I've already read all the pain relief options in my book and the part about labour aswell, just got the first day after birth left to read and will probably go through the first 2 weeks after birth when Lucas is here, or maybe when I'm bored sometime....

Bet your little girl is just a bit tired after that weekend!! And trying to relax and catch up on some sleep ;)
Lucas has been a little bugger! The other night I was trying to sleep but no matter what position I was in he just kept kicking the shit out of me!! I reckon he might've heard my stomach or something though, cause I had some cramps and a bit of an upset stomach. So maybe that was keeping him awake or something and that's why he was kicking me.
I was hoping it would be more than just an upset stomach ;) Ah well!!

I sort of wanna do the whole :sex: thing to try and get him out, but at the same time I'm a bit reluctant cause it's a bit tight atm and hurts a bit/feels uncomfortable! I guess we might try soon!! ;) Doing it for a good cause :p
Don't worry about not having had sex in ages, we hadn't until a little while ago.. When we did do something it was just foreplay really. We hadn't done it in ages either, I bet it had been months aswell!! The actual :sex: had been ages, I think we hadn't done it properly since first trimester :p

About your cold/flu... you should drink a LOT (juice or water especially) and take some paracetamol! I kicked my cold quite quickly with that method! Can't believe how much juice I drank. I ordered enough juice to last me 2 weeks when we got the shopping but I think I finished most of it in the first couple of days :p haha. Oh and keep warm and get a lot of rest aswell!!

Hope you get your forms done and can get everything approved by the MW.
We can't claim for the Sure Start grant until we're claiming child benefit or tax credits (cause we're not entitled to tax credits atm, not sure why).

Ok I'm gonna go, I'll let you know if something's happening!! ;)
Or when I think something's happening... you'll probably get lots of messages ;) Or see lots of posts by me on the forum ;)
Just been to MW and our boy is 1/5 engaged :) So they can still feel 4/5 of his head... but at least he's starting to go down!! Good boy ;)
Hope he'll be fully engaged by my next appointment - which is 6 days before my duedate!!! :O Scary!!!
So I might not even make it to that appointment!! (Hope I don't ;))

I was saying to Jay last night that my belly looked like it had shrunk and I've been having more pressure in my pelvis aswell!
So I was secretly hoping he was starting to engage, and he has started!! :D YAY!!

How was your appointment?? (you had one today aswell didn't you??)
ahh what a clever little boy Lucas is! Great to hear he is taking up position. I bet this means he will be early!! Also the pelvic pain/pressure is good. Isnt our body amazing!
How do they figure how engaged he is?

My MW was ok- I had my usual Pee, Blood Pressure and babba HR monitored. All good. Bump is measuring 30w so I am only 2cm smaller than my 32w stage. MW said it was ok. The main thing is the bump has grown in the last two weeks. Now I just hope the scan on Thursday shows she really has grown and my fluid levels are good!

Had Acupuncture too and then home- made shepards pie and went to turn the oven on and I think it has blown. We had an electricity cut out around 2pm today. Been having several of them so I think there is something wrong with the circuits. Anyway I think it blew out the oven :(

Did you see 1 born yesterday? Was a bit better than last week! Really uncomfortable this evneing- back rib and front rib pain. I cant seem to get comfy even though I am in bed with lap top. I think I am going to have to really just fully lay down and read so I will cut this short.

Hope you had a good day and write soon.

I hope it means he'll be early ;)
Jay ain't getting any sleep atm, and his sister said: oh baby is coming!! But I don't think that's why he isn't's just him being weird ;)

When they feel your tummy to see what position the baby is in they feel how much of the head they can still feel, so it's sort of a guess/estimation.

Glad your belly is measuring good!! They let you have 3cm either way (bigger or smaller than it 'should' be) - So when you're 32 weeks your belly could measure between 29 and 35 cm.
I measured 36 yesterday, but I reckon that's a cm too much, as the student mw measured me and she was kinda low with her hand down there if you get what I mean :doh:

Funny you made shepherds pie! :) I did aswell, it was lovely!! :D Did you just eat your shepherds pie without sticking it in the oven??

I did watch 1 born every minute!! It was quite good!! I thought that man was a bit weird though....dunno what he was talking about when he said: coming down, coming down.... Would've really annoyed me if it was my husband :p
And that girls sister... she looked like she was the one giving birth haha :p And I can't believe she threw up!!

If you get rib pain, you should lift up your arm above your head for a while - like stretching out, so you'll give her some more space and she'll probably move... usually works for me.

Anyways I'm off.... didn't get a lot of sleep last night - Lucas was kicking me again.... and couldn't get back to sleep after I woke up at 8.30 :( So hopefully I'll get some sleep tonight. Gotta get dressed now and start doing some stuff - got friends coming over.
Sounds like you have a busy day. I hope you have fun with your friends over.
I have not heard the tale about husbands not sleeping as a sign the baby is coming. Imagine if it is true!

I had to cook the shepards pie all on the hob- compile the filling and the potatoe and then grill the top in the microwave! LOL- I dont think I have ever used the grill in 3 years of being in this house! Tasted alright and of course I ate too much and was uncomfortable!

The stretching is also a yoga move! I have been doing that but not enough. I should be doing more gentle stretches but I just cant be bothered. Too tired. I do some here and there but no where near enough.

Am also not sleeping well so I got up late- and of course still tired so I think I am going to hit a nap. I didnt nap yesterday but still couldnt sleep until past 1am. Had to force myself to sleep!!!

Hope you have a good day hun and let me know how bump is doing :)

TC Minimin
Yeah was good having our friends over.... Went to pizza hut for lunch, a bit late but hey! Only just got back and am super stuffed!!! So I'll probably just have some soup or something for dinner tonight after the antenatal class.... Or something else to munch on!

Quite tired today though, cause Lucas kept me awake again last night and Jay didn't sleep at all so him tossing and turning does keep you from getting into a real deep sleep. Did sleep well when he got out the bed though!
But I'm not used to waking up at 8.30 :p So I'll probably get some good sleep tonight! And a bit earlier than the past couple of days, which is good cause then I'll be ok to get up around 9 tomorrow for the BF workshop.

Should have someone coming round on friday to fix our ceiling in the nursery (it's moldy cause of that leak we had a while ago)
And we should be getting someone over from Sky on sunday to put our 2nd sky box in downstairs, so we can actually sit in the livingroom without being bored....
Will give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning aswell, hopefully that'll be a bit better! :)

What have you been upto today???
Ohhh antenatal- let me know how that goes and what you learn!
Today has flown past for me as I got up late. Well late for me anyway! I didnt have breakfast until 11! So had lunch around 4.30. DH is working late so not sure what we will be doing for dinner either. He has some Chicken breast's that need using up in the fridge (I'm veggie so will have to make something else for me!)

Spent the morning doing some yoga breathework etc which was nice. I have been slacking!

Then I had a look online for the offers that Asda has . They have their Baby and toddler event. made a shopping list, washed some bedding and towels, cleaned the oven and was going to wash the first batch of babba's clothes but then settled in front of the telly with 'come dine with me' I love that show!

I saw your post for ASDA- I hope you managed to get some compensation. They do owe you something after 3 failed attempts. DH and I will probably go to the shop on Monday as he is off work.
Going to google some Chicken recipes. Enjoy Antenatal and I hope you get a decent night sleep and tomorrow's BF class is good. I have my scan in the morning so wont be able to come to the BF group at Brookhill. I have mine on Friday morning so we can compare notes then.

Oh and great news on the Sky box! I bet you will be glad to have that in!

TC Minimin x
Antenatal was ok... was about pain relief.
Had to form groups and got a bit of paper with a type of painrelief on it (gas/air, pethidine, water(as in waterbirth), epidural and TENS) and write down what you knew about the types of painrelief - every group would get a piece of paper with a type of painrelief and after about 2 minutes we'd swap round and get a different one and write down anything else you knew that others hadn't written down yet. And then the mw went through all of them and dismissed things that were wrong and explained more about the other things written down and just generally about every type of painrelief.
And then we all had to pick 1 object out of a bag and tell everyone what it was (if you knew) we got a cathether... Jay was really freaked out when I told him they stick that up your willy if you're a man :p haha it was funny!!! :haha:

It was REALLY REALLY hot in that room though... At some point I actually thought I was gonna pass out, so I got Jay to get me some water, cause I felt that if I'd get up I'd fall over....
Was glad to go outside after!
Walked down to Sainsbury's after to pick up something to munch on and then walked home... My hips were killing me and felt like baby was pushing down quite a bit. Almost thought I was having contractions - as the uncomfortable feeling kept coming and going. Maybe they were braxton hicks....
I'm in bed now, relaxing, watching Hollyoaks that I recorded. Gonna watch that Mary Portas Secret Shopper after this.... Wonder what that's all about!

You've been quite busy today then :) Getting a lot of washing done and stuff!
Are you planning to buy anything in the Asda event?? I'm not cause we've got everything for the baby now... Just need to get me some PJ's which we're supposed to be doing tomorrow after my BF workshop - as long as Jay feels good enough to go downtown.. .We also have to go to the bank....

I'm gonna go now, cause I'm gonna sit here and relax with some tv :p
Hey how are you!
Did you have a good BF class this morning? Your Antenatal sounds like my last one where we learnt all the pain relief. Was your class much smaller this time? I think the hospital keeps the temps up. My Antenatal lady advise DH to wear shorts and T-shirt when we go into delivery as they ramp up temps there. Make sure Jay has that too otherwise he will be boiling.

isnt it far to walk to sainsbury from Hospital! I always get the bus- but then I am lazy LOL. How was MAry Portas Secret shopper- is it worth me watching it?

How funny about the catheter! LMAO! I bet Jay was wincing!

AFM- Things not progressing too good from this morning's scan at 32w. I have low AFI still at 4.9cm (normal is 8-21cm) and her abdominal circumference has not grown at all in the last two weeks the last few scans at least had shown some growth but this one shows nothing on her AC!

UAPI (umbilical Artery Pulse Index) is high and the sonographer asked about my BP! (which is normal as I am on baby asprin) but making me worry there is a problem with the cord blood flow.

Fetal assessment unit have brought my consultants forward from next week to tomorrow (lets hope she is more useful than she was last week ) and I have another scan with a doppler scanner to check blood flow to brain next week Wednesday at Queen Mary Sidcup where they have a fancier machine. Now I am worried! I will not just let the consultant fob me off tomorrow. I have made a list of questions I NEED answered and will not take crap like I did last week! :evil:

On a good note- still feel movement but she has moved again and is breech so kicks to mummy's bladder all the time! She is moving tons as she has over 4 weeks gone from head down, transverse, breech, transverse back to breech!

Anyway- enough worry I am goign to think about things to ask tomorrow morning. Hope Mr Lucas is behaving. Are you feeling anything? Hope you had a good day and write soon.
Very worried Min xxx

I'm good, a bit tired ,but alright!
The BF class wasn't really a class... I turned up and was the only pregnant one there.. After a while a couple of mums turned up with their babies... So it's more like a breastfeeding club ;) Where you can ask questions and get help if you need/want it or just meet up with people - can also get your baby weighed and that. So the BF-woman just went through how to latch on and that and explained some things about BF and that was it. So I sat there a while after talking to the other mums a little. And asked a couple of questions.
Was supposed to meet Jay there and go into town after, but he was still in bed (and not responding to my text, so figured he was still asleep and I went home). He finally got a good nights sleep last night!! :)

Sainsbury's isn't THAT far from the hospital, about 20 minute walk, maybe a bit more (as it's on the other side of the common) but antenatal is at Brookhill!! So it wasn't that far, but we did have to walk the distance home.
But did ok :)
When I walked to Brookhill this morning I got these stabbing pains in my vagina/bits down there though..... It hurt quite a bit, made me stop and wait for it to go. But after walking a little bit further it came back again. Think it's just LO moving further down and pushing my bits and hips and stuff....
Had terribly aching hips last night though, was pissing me off a bit, cause it keeps me awake!
But I guess they're all good signs that things are moving along and hopefully Lucas won't keep us waiting too long! :p

Sorry your scan wasn't as good as you'd hoped this morning and that you keep having to go to the hospital and that.... Would be handy if they could plan everything in in one day, but unfortunately that's not how they work :(
Hope you'll get your questions answered tomorrow!!

Bet you're happy she is moving though, and don't worry about her being breech, she's still got time to turn around - though it might be quite uncomfortable cause she won't have a lot of room in there (my auntie said my cousin was breech a couple of weeks before she was born but she actually felt her turn around at some point... well she didn't know what was going on in there, but figured that was it since she was the other way round later on).

As for temperatures at hospital... Jay always wears shorts under his jeans or trackies anyway... Same for t-shirt under a jumper, so he can always strip off - or go home and change :p

Hope you'll get some time to relax today :)
I'm just watching Jeremy Kyle and probably play some wii-games with Jay in a bit. And we're having lasagne for dinner - yummy!! :)
Yum Lasagne! DH is out tonight (again) so I am wondering what to make for myself. Kind of feel like spoiling myself after all the crap I am dealing with atm! LOL- But just feeling sorry for myself!
I think those pains are pretty normal. I am taking that as a good sign! lol. I hope they werent too painful :(
I just had a call from some MW who said BF at brookhill is at 1-3pm the number that called me was 0208 8547678 Give them a call and get your name on. I will be there week after next as my Doppler scan is on Wednesday at 2.15pm. It must have been nice to talk to the other mums and see the babies! Dont know if I am making tomorrows BF as I have consultants so I am going to go to the Brookhill one anyway!

Hope your Wii is fun. I am going to get dinner made and then chill. I feel really down about this- I wish that there was some growth to reassure me but now I am just worried. Which I know isnt good

I'll post more if the consultant is useful tomorrow!

Ah so what! Just spoil yourself!! You're pregnant, carrying a little one around so you deserve it! :)

Been having some stabbing pain in my cervix (or like I said last time, what I think is in my cervix :p) Hopefully it's starting to efface or something.
There's definitely things happening in there.... Moving on! Can't wait for him to come out!!
The pains aren't too painful btw, they're just more annoying! At least that's what I'm telling myself, cause I know labour is gonna hurt way more, so this is just 'annoying' and then contractions will be 'hurting quite a bit' and labour will just be 'really hurting' ;) :haha:

Just had my dinner, was lovely! :) And had fun playing the wii, even though I lost :p
Might have a bath later, to make my hips feel better! Get nice and relaxed before getting in the bed.

Hope you have a nice night and can get your mind off your worries for a bit!!
Let me know how your consultants appointment goes/went tomorrow!!
Hey how are you doing?? Haven't heard from you in quite a while!!
Hope you and bubs are ok!

Did you have any more check ups?? You had your consultant appointment the other day didn't you??? How did it go? Did you get your questions answered??

Everything is good here... Feeling like the LO has dropped down a bit more (will post 2 pics at the bottom so I can get your opinion). I keep posting on the Bumps thread and asking people what they think but they never respond and then someone else will post a picture and they have massive conversations about them... it's really annoying me!! :dohh: Ah well...
Apart from that nothing's happening yet, as far as I'm aware...
He was a bit quiet this morning but he's starting to get more active again now!

Me and hubby DTD the other day... it was actually enjoyable this time aswell!! :p It was weird afterwards though, cause I put my hand just under my bump and I could feel Lucas moving his head!! Was a really freaky feeling!!
I'm still hoping he's coming soon.... but sort of trying to tell myself not to think about it as it probably won't happen for weeks yet - thought that's not working ;) Still symptom spotting.. it's almost as bad as when we were TTC. :p haha

Ok so let me know how you're doing and how your appointments went and that!! And let me know what you think about the pictures, do you reckon he's dropped more since last week?? (first pic is 35 weeks, 2nd is 37 weeks and last one is 38 weeks (today))


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Hey Hun!

Your bump is sooooo cute! I hope I get one like that :)

Definitely see the bump lower in the second pic when you compare to the first. I think the third is a bit deceptive as the jeans look like their holding some of the bump in. Does that make sense.
I know what you mean about being ignored in threads. I get that too with some of them but just dont bother too much with writing in them now! I tend to just stalk them for info!

Well done on :sex: I thought I was going to get some tonight but no! :( It is nice you are enjoying it again- perhaps a few more and Lucas will start playing ball! :)
I bet it is a nightmare waiting. Like TTC and symptoms spotting I became really obsessed when we were ttc! eeeekk.

I am well. I spent the weekend at my mum's so quiet on the computer front. I just got home this mornin. I was worried things would go downhill fast but she seems to think their monitoring will catch it :shrug: All she said was to book another appointment in 2 weeks! arrrggghhh- like I dont have enough bloody appointments already.
Oh and she did mention that in such cases the pregnancy rarely gets to 40w so I may be just holding out to 37 and see. She also wasnt worried about the drop in Fluid levels :shrug: as long as Baby HR and Placenta was fine. growth can slow down and we may find another scan shows baby has grown- all in all she wasnt really worried.

I have a doppler scan this Wednesday at Queen Mary's in Sidcup which is a pain to get to :( But hopefully that will be fine and I will just get weekly scans and bi-weekly consultants meetings.

Are you at Antenatal this week? What about Breast feedingon Wednesday? I miss this Wednesday but hope to get their next week. I went to the NCT one on Friday gone. Was good but scared me as I wonder if I will have problems getting baby to latch or with milk production. I guess those are normal fears.

We went to Asda today and stocked up on nappies and wipes. We got two boxes of wipes ( last about 6 months) and nappies (around two months worth). I also washed the new born clothes (whites) and have coloured to do! Phew- too much prep for my liking! LOL.

Well I better sign off as it is late. I have to pop to Woolwich tomorrow and have my Acu at 3.45 so I will be out most of the day! TC and speak soon.
p.s did you see one born this evening?
Ah so no real news at your appointments then.... At least it's kinda nice to know you probably won't have to go to 40 weeks... trust me after you get to 37 weeks it just gets annoying knowing it CAN happen anytime, but probably won't. Oh and at least with all your appointments you'll keep busy :p So time will go a bit faster!
I wish they wouldn't tell you that 37 weeks is considered full term :p Cause it just makes you get your hopes up!
Jay doesn't seem to think about it too much yet, he said he probably won't until next week!

Breastfeeding at brookhill is on thursday 10-12 but it's not really a class, don't think it's worth going to if you have been to the NCT one... as it's really just a get together for new mums that breastfeed so they can talk to each other and coo over their babies ;) and if they have problems BF they can ask the BF consultant, so you could basically drop in at any time between 10 and 12. And 1 woman just sat down with me for like 10 minutes and explained how it works and that was it. I thought it was a little bit of a waste of time as I knew most of it!

We're going to antenatal tomorrownight... it's gonna be about living with a newborn... bathing, nappy changing etc.
And I've got my next (hopefully last) mw appointment next week on tuesday!
Wish time would go a bit faster....

Oh yeah btw, we got our sky in the livingroom now so I'm actually up and sitting downstairs at the moment :) Though I am having a bit of a crappy day today...

Well I'm gonna go and google if it's normal for one of your breasts to leak more than the other... cause last night my left one leaked loads again and the right one only a little... so I wonder what's going on there....

Speak to you soon!!
Hey you!
How are you? How did Antenatal go the other night? Did you google the breast leakage? I am sure it is normal hun. Let me know how you got on with your research!
How about your lil man? How is he doing? I hope you are starting to get some signs!
I agree telling you 37 is full term is like teasing you huh?

My scan in Sidcup was fine- blood flow to brain and cord were fine. The measurements are a still low but there is the chance she will just be small. The Doc there wants to monitor me 2 x a week with CTG (at QE where they monitor my Pee, Bloods, Baby HR, my HR and temp) and a weekly Doppler scan in Sidcup to keep an eye on the blood flow. The moment that changes they will consider a new plan of action and consider an early delivery (eeek) But this could never happen and I may go to 40w! So on standby all the time :(

Anyway! enough of that- I hope she stays put for a few more weeks!
I am tired today after a day of CTG's, bloods etc (mean MW has left my arm bruised!) and then NCT girls got together and had coffee.. Have you met any nice couples from your Antenatal? Did you learn anything exciting? When we did ours we had to place nappy changes over a 24 hour clock and then get the fathers to add when the baby needed feeding, sleeping, our feeding, shower and sleeping! Made you realise how busy our days are going to be!

Well I better think about what I want for dinner- I am not really hungry but I know I will be famished all of a sudden and then need feeding! LOL-

Hope you are well! Let me know how things are going!

At the moment..... I am VERY VERY full!! Just ate my pizza and am absolutely stuffed... Feel like I can't move :p
Apart from that... went to antenatal yesterday, was fine on the walk there.... Went to mcdonalds afterwards and got this really bad period like lower backache..... But that went after about 15 minutes. Then started walking again - to sainsbury's and then back via Jay's work (the army barracks,you know the ones) and back home.... And when we got home the backache came back and stayed for over an hour!! Sometimes it got worse for about a minute or so and then it would ease of a bit again... but it was there constantly for that hour!!
So was hoping something was happening... But no!! :(
Woke up and was perfectly fine.

Little boy is fine, he was really active for about an hour, just before dinner.... And hurting me sometimes... probably just kicking a nerve in my back and bits sometimes and think I felt him on my cervix aswell.... So unfortunately I've started to get my hopes up a bit again!! :(

Antenatal was alright, not a lot of new information... we also had to do something like that with the 24 hour clock. We all got 2 pieces of paper (big one stands for 1 hour and the small one stands for half and hour) with something on it like sleep and bath and clean kitchen and that sort of stuff...
And we all had to lay it down somewhere on the chart. And yes you do realise how full your day is gonna be, but you gotta think about it this way: you won't be cleaning your kitchen and bathroom every day, and there was one bit of paper that said made love... you won't be doing that straight away (at least I know I won't :p)
Mw came up with a funny story though... she said she heard from one of her colleagues ones that she walked in on couple 'doing stuff' behind the curtains at the hospital, couple of hours after having a baby!! :O No way that's gonna happen with us :p I don't get why you'd do something like that in the hospital anyway :p And don't think I'd feel up for it for the first couple of days at least.... I'm not even feeling too into it at the moment... not even to get Lucas out.... Cause I know if I don't really want to atm I won't enjoy it and it will be very uncomfortable! :p Can't wait till things are normal again though!!

Good to hear your scans went well!! Bet you're happy to actually have a plan now.... at least for the first days/weeks.... Hope she stays put a little longer! Only 7 weeks left for you!! :) Yay!!! :happydance:
Bet it's annoying having so many appointments though!!
I'm looking forward to my next appointment!! Can't wait to find out if he's dropped more... And we might discuss induction or a sweep or something if he hasn't arrived by a certain time.... Not sure if I'd want to be induced or have a sweep before 42 weeks though, cause I'd rather have it happen naturally..... Need to discuss it with Jay I think... see what he thinks!

Only 10 days to go for me tomorrow!! Or 24 as a max hopefully ;)
At least I'm almost going into the single digit days for my duedate :)

Well I'm gonna see if I can get up off this sofa and get myself a drink..... still feel sooo full !! :p
Oh and about the leaking boobs.... I looked it up on google and it seemed to be normal... also asked the mw at antenatal yesterday and she said it's fine... probably just the way I'm laying in the bed (as it only really happens at night - apparently your bf hormones kick in more at night or something) so I'm probably sort of squashing my left boob more than my right one!
Ah well!! She also said not everyone leaks, so don't worry if you're not!!!

Well I'm gonna go now... gotta go on skype with my mum aswell, almost forgot!! :blush:
hmm pIzza! I hope you are feeling less full now! :lol:- you sound like me after dinner- I am sometimes so famished I commence shovelling and then realise eating so much leaves me inexplicably uncomfortable! :dohh:- I feel like a bloated whale then and DH has to clear up!

Your period pain back ache sounds promising. Have you had anymore episodes. I wonder if this is the beginning! :wohoo: I hope so hun!

Your Antenatal seems the same format as our one :) Like you we also heard the story about a couple having :sex: about 6 hr after she had given birth! LMAO- really!
Like you I dont think I will be thinking about that once I have given birth! Perhaps the last thing on my mind!!! I also want to feel normal again- and out of my granny pants before I start thinking sexy thoughts! :haha:

Did you have a chat with Jay re: the sweep/induction? When is your next appointment. is it the MW on Tuesday? Will be so cool to see if he has dropped further. I am betting he has- hence the back pain!

10 days to go only! :headspin: that is soooooo close! I am so excited for you. I think babba is too as she is moving tons as I type this! LOL

So what are your plans today? Are you at home? Chilling? Or out and about moving to get this boy in place :)

I have to call QE to find out if they have my bloods and swab results. Hopefully no infections and so no antibiotics. I want to chill the rest of the day :sleep: If they are going to put me on antibiotics I have to come up to QE again! I am a permanent resident there!!!

Amazon should be delivering me some books for Yoga- I also ordered some Pampers as they had a day event on Wednesday and I got 108 Newborn nappies for £9.75 or something but they are not shipped as far as I can tell.

I thought I would use the day to get some other things in like I need a changing mat, some more maternity pads, nipple cream etc If i can do this via computer the better! LOL

Have a good day and write soon- keep me posted on how you are!

Unfortunately nothing's going on atm.... hardly even notice being pregnant ;)

Had a little chat with Jay about sweep/induction, he doesn't really want me to before 42 weeks, or a couple of days before 42 weeks.... Cause we'd rather have him come naturally. But I might consider getting a sweep around 41 weeks anyway, cause it's not like it's not natural in the sense of they're not using any drugs or anything.... So we'll see.. I just want him to come before then!! :p
Though I might not be helping it by just sitting around most of the day...
Might try some :sex: tonight ;)

So yeah no plans for today... just doing some laundry and relaxing as usual..... Wish it would be the start of the month as we'd have money to do something this weekend then, like walking downtown or go to the cinema (cause we'd have to walk to the station, then take the train and then walk again...) but we're pretty much broke at the moment :S
I ordered our shopping online yesterday for monday (as Jay gets paid on monday) - Hoping they'll actually get it right this time!! I allowed substitutes on everything and I ordered loads of food aswell, that way we won't have to worry about it when the LO is here!!

Oh let me know what the results of your tests are!!! Are there any reasons to think you might have an infection or something??? Hope you don't!!!
Hope your books arrive aswell!! ;) And your pampers :p
I don't wanna get any more nappies atm, cause I've got 5 packs (couple pampers and couple huggies) and I wanna see what brand I like best first, and see how much we need and how he grows and fits the nappies etc.
Don't wanna stock up too much just in case he grows really fast (or comes out massive!! ;))

Can't wait to meet our little boy, wish he'd hurry up!!

So you're having a relaxed day in aswell today then?? unless you need to go to QE for antibiotics.... Fingers crossed you can stay in!

How's the little girl doing?? Kicking loads is she??

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