anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Scerena glad your on the mend. I was told to remove all dressings today but one on abdo looks slightly funny, so keeping it covered for couple more days. I would try bathing yours with warm tap water may help sofen it,and it will come off easyer.

Bleeding def seems like full blow af. Just wish i could shift this headache now.
My belly button one is the one that doesnt look too great... I phoned the ward and they said use cotton wool and kettle water and dab it clean which I did- I could barely touch or look at it and didnt want to opess down on it yet, but hopefully its ok, I might book a doctors appointment to make sure.
Thats ok then I have to wear them for a week- I can take them off on tuesday- I have been showering rather than having a bath im scared lol!
Are you taking pain meds they should help with the headache?
welcome back Tella, miss you !!! :hug:

i am glad you ladies are healing well after your OD..... it will all be worth it once you get your BFP ..... :flow:

MariaF, WoW,,,, you an Orange already..... are you showing yet ... :baby:

This morning when i wiped, the was a little pink,,,, so this could be :af: showing now only,,, maybe :witch: was also on a Christmas holiday and decided to come back to work today.... but i will be ready for her in Feb when i start my ttc plan again.....

My medical aid is topped-up now, so i am going to be using that funds only when i realy need to....:yipee:

Hubbby and i worked out that if i should do AI from Feb month , then we would be able to pay it in cash..... we intend to do 3 cycles this year... my FS said he would give me a good discount for the procedure if i wanted to pay in cash..... he is really amazing !!! :wohoo:

so here is to another year, but i have a real good feeling about tis year....... :dust:


Much love to all of you.....
Hi girls!

Nikkia & Scerena - sounds like things are on the mend. Yay! NIkkia - I bet your headache is due to hormones. Have you taken anything for it? Hopefully it will work it's way out in a couple of days.

Mommymel - I hope af stays away, but it would be good news that you ovulated on your own again, right?! That's great that you and dh have a plan! I'm still trying to work on my dh.... :dohh:

afm - I'm definitely starting to see more cf, but still not anything worth getting excited over yet. My temp is acting all funny like I ovulated, but I know I didn't, so...??? :wacko:

Dh and I had a big chat over the weekend and I still don't know what he wants. He's very apprehensive about "opening his heart" again to the whole thing. I told him doing 3 rounds of gonal-f isn't a big deal but he disagrees. I'm sure I'll win out in the end :haha: but I want to make sure he's comfortable with our plan as well. :coffee:

I hope you all had a great weekend!
:wave: Cridge yes i've taken paracetamol thats all. I visited GP today as been feeling dizzy as well. He not sure what it is i might have a UTI or the hormones:wacko:He has signed me off work for the rest of week though which I'm pleased about. Because i'm feeling bit rough its making me feel a little low:cry: I had a big op at the end of oct and i was just getting over that and then this one they came at once and i think my bodys feeling the affects. :sleep: Keep us posted on what dh said I'm sure you can wrap him around your little finger:winkwink:

I have an appointment wed at the fs to discuss plans, so will keep you posted.
Nikkia- i am Sorry you are feeling rough... :hugs: at least you have another week off work... Your body has been through alot lately so rest hun :)

Cridge- im sure oh will agree soon they always do dont they :haha:

Mommymel- sounds like you have an amasing FS i am happy for you...
I hope it isnt af- am i right that you arent ttc until next month?

AFM- I start using my opks from tomorrow i havent used them im soooo excited to poas!

I went to the walk in centre to make sure my belly button incision was healing ok and it is thank god! She gave it a clean and said i can wear my dressing for longer if i like- she said i can just wait for the scab to come off yuk!... So im relieved and glad she gave it a proper clean!
Cridge - i hope i at least did ovulate on my own, but i dont know,,, i did not do any ovulation tests at all..... but AF is here now..... :shrug:

scerena, yes, he is amazing,,, always listens to me, and i am able to corrospond to him via email or sms...... no charge ! :thumbup:

the :witch: has shown up.... argh !!!

I am on a ttc break till feb,,, so no meds or anything till then....

how are you doing Cridge ? its always good to have a plan B and C, and in our case, a plan D.... lol :winkwink:

have a terrific day everyone !:hugs:
Nikkia > Hope the extra weeks rest makes you feel a lot better so that you can start working on that BFP!

Scerena > :happydance: Glad everything is ok, just look after yourself and then you can also start chasing that eggy around :)

Cridge > Cant wait for the confirmation that DH has bought into the plan of action. I will still have to do that if my FS agrees to IUI next cycle.

MommyMel > Missed you guys too :hugs: So sorry the stupid witch showed up but at least you has a great relaxing festive season and can start the new year refreshed! Fxd you catch the eggy this cycle so no need for AI.

AFM > CD23, have no clue if i have O'd or not. Following stats the latest i have O'd unmedicated has been CD25 so i will only start counting my 2WW after that. But i will see what the FS says tomorrow, if i havent o'd yet then he will see the follie and if i have he wont. Then i will start counting from tomorrow :D Im not gonna go onto Clomid, will tell him that i used Clomid for two cycles and nothing so i either want to do Folitism or IUI, will see what he says.

Cant wait for our next BFP!!!! :dust:
Hello everyone :)

Nikkia - I hope you feel better soon

Tella- Good luck with your appt with your fs

Mommyme - atleast you got your Af so good chance you ovulated. Good luck on the new cycle.

Cridge- don't worry, your dh will agree to your plan atlast :)

Afm: I saw my fs today and we have decided to do another IUI using 2.5 letrozole and gonal-f then bhcg. I can't wait to get started. I am like stuck in midcycle right now so just really looking forward to the next. Maybe me and Cridge will be doing gonal-f together :D.
Tella - good luck with the FS today :thumbup:

Shareena and Cridge - that would be really nice if you both did the Gonal-F cycle together! I always found it so encouraging if someone was doing exactly the same thing as me :thumbup:

MommyMel - sorry about af...Will you not temp or use OPKs till Feb either?
Tella- thankyou yes i have been having some rest- i cannot wait to start ttc again :) i hope your fs appointment goes ok and you can go ahead with the IUI or Follitism

Mommymel- i wish my fs was like yours to be able to send a sms or email would be so convenient! Sorry af got you :hugs:

MariaF- wow youre nearly 16 weeks how is it going? Do you have a bump???

Shareena- hopefully you get a :bfp: this cycle and wont need to do the IUI but good luck for this cycle and the next! Would be great if you and cridge can do the gonal-f together, its always nice to share your experience with someone :)

i am going to start temping and using opk, ect, all from Feb...... i bought my kit already.... but i will def need your help with that Maria and Cridge.... i am so clueless.... lol

Scerena, yes, he is a good man,,,,, the best !!!
Scerena - yes, I feel quite large for my term actually :blush: The bump seems to have come through in the last 2-3 weeks. But no real weight gain which is good I suppose for now!!
Maria - I hope you're able to figure out how to post new bump pics!! How fun!

Tella - hopefully you and Shareena and I can be cycle buddies with our injections!

Shareena - did you have an u/s today? Any chance you'll be ovulating this cycle? I know that feeling of being stuck mid cycle!! Are you supposed to start provera or something to bring on af?

mommymel - I can't wait to help you through deciphering your temps! :) Have a good month off - February will be great!

Nikkia - I hope it's not a uti! I bet it's just hormones after the surgery. I hope you get feeling better very soon!

scerena - you started opk's right? GL!

afm - Ugh. I'm having one of those moments where you feel like you can't breathe and you just want to be pregnant NOW. DH just called and said that sister #3 just found out she's pregnant.... while using birth control. So that makes FOUR sisters-in-law that have announced pregnancies since December. FOUR! In one month! I usually don't have a hard time with pregnancy announcements, but I'm having a really hard time with this. Every in-law that is "pregnant eligible" is pregnant right now. Why not me?!

I have a friend that has PCOS but she has 4 kids aged from 10 - 17 and she just found out she's pregnant too. Surprise! :dohh:

Anyway - I feel like I'm having a little bit of a panic attack right now and I needed to vent to my girls. I should probably go clean or something. :haha:
MariaF- yes that is good :) i bet youre lobing seeing your bump coming through! Inlnow i cant wait for that day! Have you got your 20 week scan date through yet?

Cridge- yes started them today- cd10 im a poas addict lol! I know the feeling about family members being pregnant as much as i get happy for them i also get a massive jealousy streak it will be us soon so clean and scream and think positive it will be ok :hugs:
Scerena - its on Feb 13th. Yes, there's nothing that would give me more pleasure than to see each and every one of you with a baby bump :cloud9:

Cridge - am about to go onto the proper laptop and upload a pic into my journal.

About 6 weeks before my BFP I learnt about at least 6 pregnancies. Some were from people who were also TTC for a while but they decided not to tell till about 6 months gone... After the last announcement I actually went totally crazy and said some not very nice things to that girl! They've been TTC for about 2 years and she just once again recommended Preseed. Yet I said I couldn't face talking to her because her announcement was one too much :nope:

And do you know what's worse?! She lost the baby. Every time I think of her (nearly daily) I feel totally disgusted with myself :nope: Of course I apologised a million times and she said she never got offended - she understood how I felt... But still deep down I feel terrible.
So just before the light at the end of the tunnel I felt my worst I think...
Hello ladies,

Cridge- I know how you are feeling but I guess it's normal to feel like that when we are lttc and everybody seems to get preg .........grrrrrr...but we will get ours soon ...

AFM: I got an ultrasound and b/w done but prog was low so they are not sure if i just ovulated yesterday so they want me to do a progesterone test on Friday. well, i am just a bit confused but nothing i can do expect wait and see
Thanks girls. I usually don't bother to care about other pregnancies, but I think because these 4 are all siblings (or in-laws) pregnant at the same time it's a bit painful. I distracted myself for a bit today and I'm sure I'll get over myself in the next couple of days, but it's just been a hard few weeks for various ttc reasons. I've done a lot of crying - and I haven't done that since before I got pregnant with my ds. It's so nice to have you ladies to lean on.

I think I'm going to start my opk testing today. I'm starting to see some good cf so I'm hoping that something might happen in the next 4-5 days. Fx'd, but I'm not betting on it just yet. I'm glad I took that extra femara!
:hugs: cridge Its so hard to keep saying yay congratulations when its the 4th friend, I know how you feel.

I have seen fs today and I'm having a cd13 scan on monday to see whats going on, Is this normal scan date?? they also said that as i was ok on 50mg and 100mg clomid it was the 150mg that sent me:wacko:they might try that next cycle, but they really want me to have iui soon as we been trying so long so i got to go back in 3 mths and need to loose 10lb as BMI just over what it should be. So if i don't get my bfp by april and if i've lost the weight its onto iui asap. For some reason I feel a little lowjust about that why I don't know just feels bit like they think it wont work. Think I'm just fed up today, will see what 16th brings. The hormones are making me feel:wacko:lol
MariaF- will you find out the sex of the your baby??? Its not long now :)

Shareena- I hope that you have ovultaed by friday- keep bd'ing just incase :)

Cridge- I started opks yesterday hopefully we will both see some positives very soon :)

Nikkia-You saw the fs so soon you're so lucky- they sent mine through for may but i complained and got one for feb 21st now, yes cd13 is normal for a scan date I use to go in on the date for one of my scans when I was taking clomid. Honestly dont feel like that hun stay positive as you're all cleaned out now and ready to go- I hope you dont need to do IUI hopefully you catch an eggy :hugs: Are you healing up ok? I feel back to normal pratically now :yay: at last!

AFM- nothing much new, feel pratically back to normal thank god! Its my birthday tomorrow- another year without a baby nd that mummy card... Hopefully next year will be a better year x

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