anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

So do you count the bleed frm the op as af or do you have to wait?

I get a pack of 30 strip ovulation tests theyre called "one step" they have green handles and cost £5.50 here is the link-

So are you feeling ok then?x
Ladies - I am so pleased your OD ops went well :thumbup: I hope the shoulder pain doesn't get you but if it does - remember it only lasts a few days.
I counted the day of OD as CD1 and got my positive OPK exactly 12 days after the op :thumbup: And that's when we BD'ed for the first time.

Cridge - I think it's great news about Gonal-F!!! So when will you know if you definitely have to pay? Is it $3,000 per cycle?

I wonder how Tella is doing...!
Im cd4 hopefully wont o until over a week as i couldnt possibly bd yet lol! Im starting to feel like im bruising up :cry: i change my dressing on friday im scared to grt in the shower but i will in a bit...
Lets hope good things happen now- maria you got your bfp the cycle of your op right?x
Nikkia & Scerena - I'm so glad things are going well post-op! Scerena - I'm sure bruising a bit is normal and it won't last too long.

Mommymel - if you go to they have a tutorial that will tell you all about temping. You can chart your temps there as well... and then if you want to share them with us it will be easy. :)

Maria - My plan was to wait until I got close to starting af so I can talk to my dr. about it and have her staff call my insurance to see if any of the injects will be covered. I don't think they will be and even if they are, we have a high deductible, so we'll probably have to pay $2500 out of pocket either way. I'm not sure how they get the meds to me... if they send it to my pharmacy, there's a chance I'll get them free. For some odd reason I've been getting ALL my meds at no cost through our pharmacy plan. We're not sure why that's been happening, but we're not throwing a stink over it. :haha: I would have her staff call my insurance now, but she doesn't usually do gonal-f, so I know they'd need to chat with my dr. first to verify what the plan is.... but I'm sure my dr. is waiting on my blood work to come back to make any decisions. Plus she's going out of town. So I just need to be patient on it, which I can do, but DH wasn't thrilled last night at the thought of shoveling out a bunch of cash and he wants to know the cost before even considering injects.

My thought is that it's worth a try and that try is worth a few thousand $$ (we can cancel our trip to England if needs be). But he's so used to disappointment, that it's not even worth a try to him unless it's low cost. He's under a ton of stress right now as he has a huge project due on Friday, so I'm just holding out until Saturday to really talk it out with him. But, if it's going to be even a couple thousand, I'm worried DH won't agree to doing it.

I've been thinking about Tella and Arza too. I hope they're doing well and that good things are happening while they're taking a break!
Hello Ladies,

Scerena and Nikkia - hope you will recover very fast. I bd on cd12 after op but it all depends on how you feel.l

Cridge- I know gonal is what helped you conceive your first baby so praying that this will do the trick again :) .

Mommyme - Good luck !! Hopefully you will get your BFP soon. YOu are not until you get AF.

Afm; I am on cd14 but I don't know if i am going to ovulate or not because I am not taking letrozole. I will just take this cycle easy since I am not monitoring either.

Good luck ladies!!
Hi, The gas pain is coming and going in my shoulder and under my ribs. I'm not bleeding anymore so don't know when to start using the opk's?? They told me to take my dressings off on sunday, but my belly button one looks mucky so think i will change that myself.

I've ordered my opk's today.
Oh no poir you have you been keeping up with the meds? I got more today off the doc to just keep myself dosed up...

I am quite sore and it hurts :( but bareable... I have to take mine off friday then put freah ones on for four days hmmm weve been told different... I have a mucky belly unsure wether to change that dressing before friday?

Im glad we have had it done though :)
I start my opks from about cd9/10 cause i love poas!

Shareena and cridge- thank you :hugs: xx
scerena and nikkia - I am so glad your ops went well! The gas pain in the shoulder lasted a few days for me, but the overall gas pains lasted a couple weeks - TMI alert - I had a hard time going to the bathroom- Metamucil was my friend! :haha: I got my +opk 12 days after my op. I had 5 clomid cycles after the op and then stopped going to the FS and on the second med free cycle I got my BFP.

I hope your BFPs come sooner than mine did! Good Luck ladies and lots of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
thanks Cridge, i will log on there today... i hope i get it right this time...

Tella is still on holiday... she is in Mozambique, not much interent access at all that side.... but i trust she is doing good and enjoying herself.....

Hubby spoke to me last night, he suggested AI if i am not pregnant by March month...... i was thinking about options but didnt want to suggest it as i thought it would not go down too well..... but hey,,, i might just go that way if need be.

AF still has not shown up, but strangely my left boob is still sore .... :shrug: i really dont know whats happening .....
Snflwrgrl9- hey :) Ive been lucky with the gas pains i havent really had any, my stomach feels sore today like someone had stomped all over my belly :cry: but its bearable just uncomfortable mainly...
Clomid didnt work for me before the op they have told me to try naturally and discuss more at my post op appointment- but im glad you fell pregnant naturally hopefully my body does the same!
Have you had a scan yet?x
Snflwrgrl - look at that Olive :thumbup:

Scerena - I had 2 laps and my recovery and pains afterwards were totally different. The first one was a lot worse. My shoulders were really uncomfortable (to the point I couldn't sleep at night) for about 4-5 days. Yet the second time I had zero pain, nothing, nada! So you may be lucky :winkwink:

MommyMel - I think I asked this before...But when did you get your positive OPK? as in how many DPO are you? LP should never be longer than 16 days :shrug:

Cridge - I hope these meds will work out free for you as well! Wouldn't that be amazing?!

I am suprised at how much just the meds cost!!! I remember having a stimulated IUI cycle (privately) and we only paid about £200-300 for all the meds - that's about $500 US! I know I was on Menopur but surely Gonal can't be THAT much more?!
When do you get your bloods back and what was your blood checked for?

Ren - it's good to see you back! Were you trying to lose some weight after the OD? How is that going?
MariaF , i did no OPK's, at all.... so i actually have no idea where i am or where i am going to ...... taking a break from all the monitoring and meds.....

i am going to start all this again in Feb ...... i am gonna start temping and OPK ect full on in Feb,,,, so please wish me luck..... Cridge gave me some guidance to temp....
i would be lost without you ladies,,,,,,
MariaF- aw you had two?! Your brave but saying that i would do it again to have a baby- i have no shoulder pain i have been soooo lucky! But im sore which i knew i obviously would be so i cannot complain really...
Hows the pregnancy going??? X
Mommymel sometimes its good to take a short break from all the opk's temping etc and just relax.

Well I've been bit un lucky and like you mariaf i can't sleep as soon as i lie down the shoulder and rib pain kicks in. I have been very tired and light headed today, i had a sleep on the sofa which has made me feel bit better. I also changed my dressing as it was looking mucky, the wound looks great so far. I started bleeding again yesterday evening and i'm still bleeding today so i asume i'm having af??
Aw sorry to hear you are having the dreaded shoulder pain :(
Im not allowed to change my dressing until tomorrow... Glad your incisions are looking ok :)
I feel achey still my mum made me laugh earlier and that hurt lol! I have told oh not to make me laugh the past two days and hes done well!
I hope you can class that as af what did the nurse say? I wouldnt know as i was on my af when i had it done- im sure one of the ladies on here will know x
Nikkia - is it a full bleed? i would count it as af... probably even if it's just spotting. When you get your ovaries drilled, they release a bunch of hormones so you're probably resetting. Yay!

Mommymel - I'm excited for you to start charting. It will take away so many uncertainties!

Snflwrgrl - an olive!! yay!

Maria - seriously - meds are so expensive here, it's crazy! I emailed my docs office and they said the meds are about $1000 per week. Yippee! :wacko: DH and I pay 100% of the costs up to $2400, then our insurance will cover the rest of it. So the most we'll pay is $2400.... but it's looking like we'll be paying that much for sure. And if I read our coverage correctly, we'll pay $2400 the FIRST cycle, but then I'll have 2 cycles completely covered. She mentioned that I'll be getting ultrasounds every other day and bloodwork every 3rd day. It's taking me back to when we were trying for DS. I quit my job (also because we moved... but I didn't get a new job) so I could go to the dr. "full time". I'm grateful that I have the ability to spend so much time doing something like that since I don't currently work outside the home.

I'm feeling pumped to get a move on with my next cycle, but very, very apprehensive too that it won't work. I ended up taking 2 more days of femara yesterday and the day before, so I'm hoping to squeeze a follie out of this cycle, but I'm not counting on it.

Hope you ladies are having a great day!
I can't get myself of this thread today.

Yes Cridge it is a full bleed now, do you think this is af or just trauma? When the fs came to see me post op he just said what he done and said he would see me as an outpatient and to crack on with things sooner the better when i'm up to it.

He said that he might start me on femera if needed,as i had bad reaction to clomid when i went up to the 150mg dose,even though it started to work, so had to stop it. Not sure when my follow up will be but if i don't here in two weeks i will call them, but I'm not going to stress and chill.

Cridge i do feel for you hsving to pay so much, we are lucky here in the UK.
Cridge - are the scans and blood tests included in the $2,400? Well, at least then if it doesn't work the first time you'll get 2 more free! I always hoped you'd go back to Gonal-F as I have a good feeling about it :thumbup: When's your next scan this cycle?

Nikkia - yes, I'd count today as CD1. Cridge is right - OD does change your hormone composition completely! My first few cycle were a bit odd... First cycle was perfect (without any meds) which I found amazing as I didn't ovulate on my own before the OD!! But then I didn't ovulate yet still got a period :wacko: Again, never happened before! And then the following cycle I did ovulate but my luteal phase was only about 9 days... So it took my body a while to adjust to the changing hormones.
Hi sorry im in a bit of pain and worried ots probably nothing-
I have really bad back ache in my lower back (i have a hot water bottle on it as we speak)
My belly button incision hurts :( just feels like its constantly achey...
I feel like a baby im in pain... :cry: oh and TMI- but i havnt been to the toilet properly yet i cant- could this be contributing to my pain?

How long before you could stand up straight?

Sorry just hate this constant pains/aches i worry myself...
Scerena & Nikkia-Glad to hear the op went well for you both. I remember having all the same questions you both had. I personally dont recall the first time I felt up to bd'ing after my proceedure. If I remember correctly it was at least a week. My iphone ap says we waited 12 days after but I dont think it was THAT long. But maybe. Ha.:winkwink: As for the pain-the shoulder pain was the worst!! How I forgot about that until you guys mentioned it, I dont know. That was my biggest complaint. And I, being totally against pain meds (my first husband passed away because of them :cry:), refused to take anything. I remember walking hunched for a few days in fear that I would rip a stitch or just because that felt more normal than standing all the way up. I bled a little when I peed for a few days but nothing like a period. Something that was odd-on day cd13 (counting surgery as cd1), I started af. I didnt ovulate but instead started my period. I then ovulated on my own 18 days later. Then the next cycle (the second cycle after the op) went completely normal and thats the cycle I got pregnant. Anyway-the worst part is over ladies and you should both be feeling back to normal in a few days! :thumbup:
Cridge-Im happy to hear that you guys are going to do that med. The name escapes me right now but the one that got you pregnant last time. This is SO very hopeful. I know here in the states we seriously pay WAAAAY to much for healthcare but just think that there is only 8 months left of this...and hopefully, not that many months needed. :winkwink: Im so glad you have God in your life as I know personally just how healing that can be. As I mentioned above, I lost my first husband-my high school sweetheart-and without my faith, I would have been a lot worse off than I was. I've been through some stuff in my life (in and out of foster care as a kid, abuse, widowed at 25, etc) but God is a promising healer. I am SO grateful for everything He has pulled me out of and not only just merely survived it but rather came out above it with such a clearer picture of strength and who I was. God truely never lets go of you. He has been with you through-out this whole process and I love that you are letting Him lead the way. You got this girl!! :hugs:
Mommymel-I commend you for taking a break from temping and all the meds. So many people said that when the pressure is off and your more relaxed about things-that is when good things usually happen. :flower:

Maria-I didnt know you had to ops. How is your pregnancy going? I know I feel weird sometimes talking about it however just trust that it will happen to each and everyone of these ladies as well. Your past the critical period right? I hope your breathing easier lady!! I just recently bought a pregnancy journal but have yet to let myself write directly on its pages. I am writing on post it notes and sticking it to the pages until I know were in the safe zone. I try not to be so fearful but it sneaks in and makes me so so scared. Did you do things like this?

:hugs: & :dust: to you all!!

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