anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Nikkia - like scerena said, CD13 is a great day for a scan. Fx'd something's going on!! I hope you can prove them wrong and things work out before you have to go to IUI, but good news is they're looking forward and willing to do what it takes for you.

Scerena - how's your cf? Are you seeing much? Mine has pretty much turned to ewcm, but it's not very abundant, like it was last cycle. So that worries me a little. Hopefully we'll get our +'s very soon!! Glad you're feeling back to normal.

I'm debating if I want to go in for another scan this cycle. I figure I'll know if I ovulate or not, and I'm planning on starting NPC on cd30 if I haven't ovulated, so I'm just going back and forth wondering if it's worth it. I'm not feeling stressed to know if I'm responding like I was the last 2 cycles. I'm pretty sure I'm gearing up to ovulate and I'm not sure I care much this cycle. I guess I've already written this cycle off so I figure what's the point..?? Maybe luck will pull through and I'll actually get a bfp. HA! That'll be the day.
Cridge- yay you should definately be seeing a positive soon! Im seeing bits but not sure i dont usually track it much but i tend to notice it... But i opk and temp :) be great if i could get a positive tomorrow on my bday! Lets get these :bfp: this month! Fx'd for you that it happens on the month that you have written off :) x
Cridge - do you have any Pressed you can use to help with ewcm? How are the OPKs looking?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Scerena!! :cake: I hope you do something fabulous today! Fx'd for a + opt as your present, right?! Still no + opt for me, but I don't ever plan on seeing positives on those suckers. Last cycle I ovulated without a +, so I'm not too worried.

Maria - I do have some preseed, but I'm too blah to be bothered with it this cycle. I'm definitely seeing more cf, but sometimes I'm not sure if it's me or leftovers from dh :blush: Last cycle I had 4 days of ewcm, and today is day 3, so my fingers are crossed that I'll ovulate in the next couple of days.

Either way, dh is financially on board with doing gonal-f for 3 cycles. I figured that we can probably do all three cycles for about $3000-$4000. "We" are still trying to decide if we can take the ride emotionally though. I told dh that he has 2-3 weeks to make up his mind because whether I ovulate or not, I'll be starting a new cycle near the 1st of February (which is our 15th anniversary! I'm feeling old.) :jo:
Thank you cridge :) its 9.30pm here so the day is nearly over i had a lovely day with oh we went for food and done loads of clothes shopping!
No +opk though... Just done one... Hopefully we both het one soon!
15th anniversary!- omg congrats that os amasing! Xx
Happy Birthday Scerena! Have a fantastic birthday just being couples this year because next year you are going to be with a baby :).
Thank you shareena and thank you for your positive look on the situation :) i hope we are all mummy's next year :) x
scerena - thanks, it was great! I didn’t even had to ask him. He suggested it as the next step. :wohoo:
Hope you get a nice dark OPK soon followed by a nice dark HPT :D

:flow: :flow: :flow: Happy birthday for you yesterday :flow: :flow: :flow:, sorry I missed it!!!!!!!!!

Cridge - We are certainly gonna be cycle buddies :happydance: Im not doing injections though, but IUI for certain :) So sorry about all the announcements, they are difficult to take with a smile on your face.

Fx'd for a O soon! and you never know that BFP might still be a possibility! I hope you and DH can find the emotional strength to do the Gonal F cycles, I have a good feeling that you will have success with it again. WOW 15years is amazing!

MommyMel - Cant wait for you to start temping either, its gonna be great to see what happening. Im also gonna temp in the IUI cycle.

Shareena - Good luck with the bloods today!!!

Nikkia - Good luck with the 10lb, hope you manage to loose it quickly and that you can go onto the IUI asap for a BFP. A tip on water drinking, if you add lemon juice to it, it helps drain all the excess water out of your cells and also detox your body. GL :hugs:

Maria - That is a great valentines gift :kiss:

AFM - I went to the FS yesterday for a cracker of a appointment, did my annual check up, 6months post opp appointment and TTC appointment all in one :happydance: So the good news are that there are no sign of the endometriosis or chocolate cyst I had :wohoo: He also confirmed that I have already O'd so im taking AF to be here in the next 12-14 days at the longest, so 25-27 January. Will not test till the 28th.

He suggested that the next step will be IUI with the use of Femara as the ovulation inducing meds and a HCG trigger shot. Then IUI 40hours after the shot! The cost was half of what I thought it was gonna be @ R 2000- 2500 ($250 - $320).
At first DH was like no, we have to wait another 6 months to which I started crying as men don’t understand the stress of each cycle. But this were whilst we were waiting for the doc. Once the doc came back he explained that the OD is at its most effective for 6 months following the opp and there after it decreases, so that made DH rethink about the six months. After discussing it we decided that we are gonna book the IUI for my next cycle which should be around the 25-27 January.

:dust: to all the other girls thats waiting to O and to the ones in the TWW!!!!!!!!! :hugs:
Oh Tella - this all sounds fab!!! You sound sooo positive :thumbup: Its so great when things finally start rolling! I still remember how excited I was when our IUI/IVF was finally confirmed!

See, I read conflicting reports on the effects of OD. Yes, most places say that benefits start to decline after 6-9 months. Yet a couple of studies found women still having. Regular ovulation years after the OD! The reason for that is once the body starts working properly and the hormones get balanced there is no reason for the thick capsule to grow back over the ovaries... But of course you never know who to trust.
And your DH is just like my DH and my Mum :dohh: they both always thought I was rushing things... Aha, 2 years of TTC didn't feel that rushed to me!!!

I'm very pleased for you girl!

Scerena - happy Birthday :flower:

Cridge - still waiting for that positive OPK with you :winkwink:
Tella Glad your appointment went well and that if you don't get bfp this cycle you have a great plan of action.

Scerena Happy belated birthday,glad you had a great day. Any + on opk's yet?

Cridge glad dh is on board with things.

Maria your 16 weeks blimy! Have you started buying any bits yet??

AFM I'm on a strict diet, and trying to stay positive that the od will work before april and loosing 10lb will make me feel great and less to loose when i do have a bfp. I started using opk's yesterday bit early but thought it was best to start early.? My scan is all booked for 16th so will wait and see i feel bit scared incase it shown no signs. I wish i didnt have to make the 110 mile round trip each time,but ha ho! xx
Thanks for the birthday wishes girls :)
Tella- so glad there is no sign of the endo or anything :yay: hopefully you get a :bfp: and dont need to do any meds, but its great you have a plan an can move forward i look forward to seeing you post your :bfp:

Nikkia- no +opk yet- glad you are using your opks :) what cd are you? The 101mile trip will be worth it for good news so fx'd that your scan will show ovulation :) how are you feeling in general?
Hi girls!

Tella - we're cycle buddies!! I should be starting af on Jan. 28th. :) Your plan sounds great and I'm so glad that everything is moving forward for you.

I, too, have heard conflicting info regarding OD. My doc said that it's most effective in the first 18 months. I would think that the first 6 months makes most sense though. I think Maria is right in that if it kicks your body into gear then those effects can last for years. But, if you're more like me and it doesn't quite kick anything into gear, then I think it's safe to say that after 6-12 months, there's not much hope of that.

I'm still waiting on my most recent blood work results to come back. The fact that they haven't posted them yet worries me that they're not good. I had them retest my testosterone to make sure it has stayed down. If it has, I would definitely say OD has been a success for me....even if it hasn't gotten me ovulating properly.

***Update** I just checked and my labs have been posted... all but my testosterone, which means it's abnormal (they'll only post normal tests until the doc gets a chance to chat with me). Ugh. Well, hopefully it's not too out of range. So lame. Good news is that my estrogen was normal, so I don't have to worry about my doc trying to push Lupron on me - I was worried I'd have to fight her on that one. Blah.

Well girls, I ovulated yesterday!! I had my suspicions by about noon as I had ewcm in the morning and by noon it looked like it was starting to dry up. By 3 or 4:00 I was completely dry and I was cramping (which I had last cycle after ovulating). By evening I figured I had either ovulated or something had gone wrong and there was no hope of it happening, but this morning my temp confirmed that I did!

Bad news is that even knowing I had just ovulated, I couldn't bring myself to dtd. I'm just too blah about it this cycle. Good news is that we dtd less than 24 hours before I ovulated, so I guess there's still hope. I'm seriously hoping my blahness continues through the 2ww because I turn obsessed and I don't want to do that this time!

So no + opt for me! I may have started taking them late, as I took my first one on Tuesday and I ovulated on Thursday morning, but I never expected to get a + anyway. Hate those things. ;)
Cridge- :yay: for ovulating and DTD 24hours before means you still have such a good chance, I havent ovulated yet... I wonder if the OD has even worked... Good for a majority of your tests coming back normal :) Thats great news! I hope the testosterone is ok....

AFM- Im fit and well again although I got my belly button incision looked at today and they gave me some antibiotics as she also though it COULD be the start of an infection so to be on the safe side I am taking them, I felt like a drama queen going but I am so glad I did! Apart from that I feel back to normal :yay:

Will the antibiotics ruin my chance this month then? x
I don't think you need to worry about the antibiotics messing anything up. Don't worry about not ovulating yet. You're on CD13, right? So you still have time. How's that cf looking? ;) Mine changes rather quickly from dry to sticky to ewcm - all in just a couple of days. Keep an eye out and hopefully you'll be ovulating soon!

I'm trying to convince myself that we didn't have a chance this month just so I don't obsess over the next couple of weeks. But... I know we had good timing and my cf was really good at the time. However, it was the only time we dtd while I had ewcm, so... :shrug:
Its looking ok, but ive had alot since the op but it did go for a few days but havent really tracked it for a few days lately but I do need to start keeping an eye on it.
I swear my opk is a bit darker so hopefully I will ovulate VERY soon!

Phew about the antibiotics not messing with things- well I hope they dont as I dont want to ruin this chance...

Yes I know what you mean, its good not getting your hopes up, I tend to try not to also, but your timing was very good I must say!
So did you not get a positive opk did you say???

Lets hope you get this :bfp:

Im scared to bd :haha: im cd13 and it has been 9 days since the op- Do you think I will be ok lol???
If you're feeling good, I think you're fine to bd! We only waited 5 days post op... and my incision was vaginally!

No - I didn't get a + this cycle, but I started testing on Tuesday afternoon, and I ovulated on Thursday morning, so I may have started testing too late. Either way, I don't seem to have very good luck with opk's. Last cycle I didn't get a positive before I ovulated either. I happened to test the morning after I ovulated because I didn't know I had for sure and I got a positive...:wacko: So I don't trust them much. I definitely go more by cf to predict ovulation and temps to confirm. I still do use opk's mostly because my doc wants me to.
Oh thats good then i feel fine now lol just the thought is a bit scary :haha:

Yeh opks dont work for everyone do they... But as long as you track other symptoms all is good and temping is the best as it confirms ovulation...

Ahhh just wish this ttc journey would hurry up and come to an end! X
Hello ladies,

I think OD is working for me so far. My doctor discussed the results from last cycle and she said hormones level look really good. I got my results for progesterone and u/s and they said it looks like i have ovulated on Monday and need to start progesterone suppositories. Well, I am just happy i ovulated this cycle on my own. I will have a bhcg on Jan.23.

Cridge, who knows this might end up being our lucky cycle before gonal cycle.
Hi ladies,

I'm new, I hope you don't mind me crashing in on the thread. Can I join you? I've got PCOS, and one son, age nearly 6 and my husband and I have been ttc for two years, last year I did 8 clomid cycles, 2 @ 50 and 6 @ 100 with varying results, finally I had a lap & dye and ovarian drilling on December 29th.

I am now just over 2 weeks post op, and I'm really worried that I am still in quite a bit of pain. My scars are healing ok, apart from an icky belly button incision that I had antibiotics for, but I can 'feel' my ovaries, I can't bend or twist my body at all without shooting pains. I can't describe the pain very well Is this normal? Most forums I have read seem to suggest that after two weeks everyone seems back to normal and now I am worrying myself silly that it's taking me much longer than it should.

Thanks for your help in advance.
Sharenna i am so happy to hear OD has worked for you and that you have ovulated that is exciting! Hopefully you will get a :bfp: VERY soon! Its so nice to hear that its worked for you!!! :yay:

Kyla- sorry to hear about your journey im the same i also took clomid with no success :( i had mine 5 days after you and i am fine apart from antibiotics for the belly button also. I know some people take a little longer than others to heal, is the pain not bareable with pain killers? I think if it is really hurtig or concerning you then i would personally see a doctor to be on the safe side :hugs: and welcome to the thread :)

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