anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

MariaF - no mention of any ultrasound, just the prescription for anitbiotics which seem to be working as the pain is intermittant and bearable. When I woke up from the op, the Dr said they'd punctured the blood vessel by accident but in my post-op haze I forgot about her also saying to look out for signs of infection.

Scerena - I've been pretty much housebound since the op. I'm a real lightweight when it comes to stitches, I nearly fainted when DH changed one of the dressings! I haven't been able to stand wearing anything on my waist with the infection and stitches, so haven't really been out apart from a drive in the car to take my son to his swimming class. I sat in the car while DH went in with him!
My belly button is now much better, it's dry for the first time post op and the stitches have dissolved - hooray! Hoping yours will do the same very soon - think you're 5 days behind me in post-op time?

Tella - Fingers crossed for you hun, we'll be anxiously waiting with you.

paulapuddle - I've also been ttc no2 for two years, with PCOS. My OD and lap was on 29th December, and I'm counting day of op as CD1 but so far no sign of +OPK.
Hi Kayla thanks for your reply, how long will you keep on testing with opk's? What cd did you begin testing and are you checking for any other ovulation signs, like temping etc...? Sorry for all the questions lol. I think i will count my op as cd1 so its less confusing. I'm gunna start testing on cd10 and see how it goes from there. Are you on any fertility meds? My doc mentioned putting me on clomid but i'm not sure when, got to wait for a follow up appointment. When i had the laparoscopy they also performed a dye test and everything was absolutely healthy so we're quite pleased :-)
Hi girls!

Welcome Paula! :hi:

Kyla - ouch!! I'm so glad you went to the dr. and got everything taken care of. I hope you feel 100% soon.

I didn't count OD as cd1. Nor did I not count it, I suppose. I just waited it out to see what would happen. By 30 or so days after the op, I still hadn't ovulated, so I brought on af by NPC. I already knew I'd be taking femara, so I wanted to get on with it and I figured 30 days was plenty of time for my body to do something.

Your clomid protocol is interesting, but I see no problem with it. I've read, and it makes sense, that you don't necessarily need to start clomid at the beginning of a fresh cycle. As long as you know you're not pregnant or ovulating soon, might as well not waste the time, right? GL with it. Hopefully you'll ovulate on your own without clomid!

Tella - when did ff say you ovulated before you overrid it? Sorry the 2ww is getting to you! :dohh:

afm - I'm gliding through the 2ww this time. Not too worried about it - thank goodness. DH and I have had an emotional weekend discussing ttc. I got it out of him that he definitely wants another child, and it's not so much the gonal-f protocol that's bothering him, but the spiritual side of things. It's hard to put faith into something when we spent years putting forth our faith with no return. It took him years to get to the point where he is and he's afraid it will take him years more if we try again. I was glad to find out that we are exactly on the same page. It just took me awhile to get it out of him. :dohh:

He's really wanting to take a cruise in the next month or two and I keep telling him that messes with our gonal-f cycles. SO, we might not do 3 cycles in a row, but it looks like we'll definitely get 3 in this year.

Hope you ladies all had a great weekend!
Welcome Paula puddle. I had OD done 03/01/12 and af arrived full swing the next day so i counted that as cd1. I been using opk's since day 10 i will use then untill i get a bfn or af shows.

Kyla poor you, glad your on the ment

Tella hope the 2ww goes quick for you.
Cridge glad you DH is on the same page. A cruise sounds amazing,go for it!

afm. Well had cd13 scan today, it show that my lining was good and thick think she said 8mm is that good? She said it looked like a mid cycle lining should? She could only see lots of small follicles(pcos) and possibly saw a collapsed looking follie which she said is what it looks like when you have already ovulated or are ovulating?? So its all a bit unsure really. What do you all make of this???I have to telephone then if af shows or not and bd every other night. xx
Paulapuddle - I think I am going to agree with Cridge's philosophy on post op CD counting. I have counted it as CD1, but I am really just waiting for either AF or a +OPK, bearing in mind I have a follow up with the FS 6 weeks post op. The consultant said that I should've had AF by then, I think the first cycle post op can be a bit wonky due to our system recovering and settling down, so while I will be disappointed if I don't ovulate this cycle, I will be more concerned if I don't ov next month.

I'm just using OPKs, I will use one everyday as I bought a load for cheap :) I first saw my FS last February after ttc for 1 year. She wanted me to have L&D and OD straight away but I was too nervous of an operation and I felt, because I had got pregnant naturally before then all I needed was clomid to make me ovulate. She prescribed it for me, and I did 2 @ 50mg and then 6 cycles @ 100mg with varying results. As you are only supposed to have a max of 6 cycles of Clomid (I had 8 because 2 didn't work and therefore didn't count) then I think they'll class me as Clomid resistant and move me onto injectables and we'll give it until the end of summer and then we'll have to pay privately for IVF.

Cridge - I think a cruise would be a good tonic to relax from the pressure of ttc. The clomid protocol was interesting, it varies so much between FS but mine said if I have a 28 day count and not pregnant or no AF, then go for another cycle. I wasn't ever monitored as such, just had day 21 progesterone tests and no provera or anything. Most of the time on clomid I had an AF, but sometimes I didn't (usually when Day21 Progesterone was very low).

I am also on a mission to lose weight too, so I'll be dieting and taking a specialist conception multivitamin as that helped me conceive DS.

Nikkia - hugs to you. Think yours news is a good sign, it's a pity these things are so vague when we want definitive answers!! I've got my fingers crossed for you hun.
Nikkia - 8mm is good for lining - pretty much the minimum they want to see. If she said it looked like it was supposed to, it was probably trilaminar, where it has 3 layers. :thumbup:

The fact that she "possibly" saw a collapsed follicle worries me a bit, but it may be that you *just* ovulated. So get bd'ing immediately as the eggie won't last long after you ovulate. Did you ever get a + opt? What has your cf been doing lately? Have you seen ewcm? Are you temping?

It's too bad she couldn't be more definitive with that collapsed follie. If you're temping, high temps will confirm if you've ovulated. Beyond that... :shrug:

Hi ladies, I am back, I should be doing my first iui this month so i went in today to do my cd3 blood work & ultrasound at the fertility clinic. There was a large cyst on my left ovary so my iui have been cancelled until the cyst disappears! I was so looking forward to this cycle now i feel so disappointed!
Tella- very true I could only be cd13- Im holding hope lol! Good luck for this tww I really hope you get your miracle :bfp: you deserve it :hugs:

paulapuddle- I will keep testing for about another week- if in a few days I am still testing then I will need to order some more quick lol! I hope I just got my cd's wrong... I had a bit of creamy ewcm but thats it so even my ewcm isnt how it should be :blah: I just want to ovulate and or get a natural af... grrrr... How old is your lo?
Sorry just saw everyone elses posts for some reason the laptop didnt load them all..

cridge- Im glad you will get 3 gonal-f cycles this year and you and oh had a nice talk :) a cruise would be lovely for you both :)

Nikkia- your lining sounds fine for mid cycle! I hope you already ovulated! Have you had a positive opk yet?

keisha403- I'm sorry to hear that your iui cycle may have to be cancelled :hugs:

AFM- Just waiting for ovulation nothing new to update really had some creamy white cm and thats about it so far, Im starting to feel like I can feel my ovaries if you get what I mean :haha:
Funny my opk had very very faint line earlyer, even though dh said he couldn't see it i def did. Not much cf no EWCF. I have not having a difinitive answer. I've not temped this month as couldn't cope with all of it.

Keisha sorry to here you could'nt get your treayment. xx
My lines are very clearly there- just not properly dark like the control line... so hoping not too much longer. Wish I knew what was going on with my body too grrr so frustrating! Hopefully we will both get a positive opk very soon! x
Scerena, are you booked for a day 21 progesterone test at all? I've had very faint lines on OPKs during mid-cycle and sometimes they stayed faint even though my blood test confirmed ovulation so fx'd for you. Keep us updated!

Keisha - sorry to hear about the cyst, hope it goes soon and you can move forward.
Hi no, no testing or monitoring this cycle my FS appointment isnt until 21st feb :(
Ill post a few pics (as hard to get a proper pic on my iphone) of tonights opk I done around 20 mins ago one pic was taken at 10mins and the other at 20mins...
Theyre negative but definately the darkest yet this cycle so hoping to get a positive over the next few days... x


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And this is it completely dried about 30-40 mins after so fx'd I get a very positive opk soon and ovulate soon girls x


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fx'd for you Scerena! My opt's pretty much always look like that, but if they've been getting darker for you, then hopefully you'll get a nice dark + very soon!!

Keisha - nice to see you again! I'm sorry about the cyst! Argh! I hope it goes away soon and you can resume treatment!

Nikkia - I totally understand not being able to cope. I hope you get some answers soon and that your body responds quickly to the OD! Hopefully you've already ovulated! Keep an eye on that cf though - and keep bd'ing just in case!

Where did Mommymel go? You're being sneaky again girl. :winkwink:

:hi: shout-out to Maria, Tella, Arza and the other ladies that are hiding out recently. :)
Theyve been much lighter than that theyre def the darkest this month but not getting my hopes up i just thought i would share x
Cridge > I didn’t temp so it didn’t give me a O day, that is why I overrode it. Shame it must be hard for DH to still keep faith after all the disappointment but that is when it is the most important part to keep faith. But atleast you are still doing 3 rounds, but you will only need 1 to get that well deserved BFP :D WOW a cruise sounds fantastic, I've never been on one, said we will go on one this year or next.

Kyla > With me I found that I was Clomid resistant before the OD, never responded at all but after the op I O'd on both cycles that I had Clomid, I O'd on CD15 so the OD broke the resistance. But it still didn’t help in getting a bfp :cry: But now my doc is putting me on Femara for the IUI (same as what Cridge is using now) and only after that is it injectables for me.

Regarding the OPK's, you always have LH present in your system, so you will always get a faint line on the OPK irrelevant of the CD you are and if you have O'd or not. That is why your OPK must be darker than the control line to get a + unlike a HPT where a second line no matter how faint is a +. It is also possible to miss the surge of LH and not get a + OPK but you still O'd.

Nikkia > I wish the FS's and staff would understand that it is crucial for them to explain what they see properly as it just causes us a lot of stress if we don’t understand. 8mm is fine in accordance to what I have read so far. Fxd that you O'd and caught that eggy!!!

Welcome back Keisha :hugs:, so sorry to hear about the cyst, i can only imagine the disappointment you have however it means we are doing IUI in the same month :happydance: So here's to our BFP's in Feb!!!! GL girl, keep you head up soon you will need to tell us all about that miracle BFP!

Scerena > Fx'd for a + OPK soon and a BFP shortly after :)

AFM > Another day bites the dust, one day closer to the start of IUI cycle :wohoo:
Cridge > I didn’t temp so it didn’t give me a O day, that is why I overrode it. Shame it must be hard for DH to still keep faith after all the disappointment but that is when it is the most important part to keep faith. But atleast you are still doing 3 rounds, but you will only need 1 to get that well deserved BFP :D WOW a cruise sounds fantastic, I've never been on one, said we will go on one this year or next.

Kyla > With me I found that I was Clomid resistant before the OD, never responded at all but after the op I O'd on both cycles that I had Clomid, I O'd on CD15 so the OD broke the resistance. But it still didn’t help in getting a bfp :cry: But now my doc is putting me on Femara for the IUI (same as what Cridge is using now) and only after that is it injectables for me.

Regarding the OPK's, you always have LH present in your system, so you will always get a faint line on the OPK irrelevant of the CD you are and if you have O'd or not. That is why your OPK must be darker than the control line to get a + unlike a HPT where a second line no matter how faint is a +. It is also possible to miss the surge of LH and not get a + OPK but you still O'd.

Nikkia > I wish the FS's and staff would understand that it is crucial for them to explain what they see properly as it just causes us a lot of stress if we don’t understand. 8mm is fine in accordance to what I have read so far. Fxd that you O'd and caught that eggy!!!

Welcome back Keisha :hugs:, so sorry to hear about the cyst, i can only imagine the disappointment you have however it means we are doing IUI in the same month :happydance: So here's to our BFP's in Feb!!!! GL girl, keep you head up soon you will need to tell us all about that miracle BFP!

Scerena > Fx'd for a + OPK soon and a BFP shortly after :)

AFM > Another day bites the dust, one day closer to the start of IUI cycle :wohoo:
Thanks tella for the info on opks :) i know a line is negative i just wanted to share that its definately getting darker which usually happens a couple of days before i get a positive as i get a faint line throughout my cycle, hopefully i will see a dark positive soon, after 3 years and over a year doing opks i dread to think how much i wasted in them things :haha:

Why cd are you tella? Sorry i get lost in this thread as i belong to a couple others its hard to remember everything x

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