anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Maria > Im 9DPO today but couldn’t get myself to test although it will be great to get a early BFP but im to much of a sissy :dohh: I just get AF type cramps mostly in the morning and maybe in the afternoon but not so much. It could be all in the mind but I think im peeing more often. I don’t know, was hoping to have the same success story as you BFP before IUI :shrug:

Cridge > I also didn’t want to SS but it is difficult not to especially if you need to stay optimistic about TTC. Still keeping fx'd that the dizziness is a good sign!

Scerena > I've had to use it quite a bit my last cycle as I couldn’t manage to sleep till my normal wake up time and ended up waking like an hour before I need to as I was scared im gonna miss taking my temp, that I also one of the reasons I stopped temping the last two cycles. Lets hope she's right!!!! I also think the first pic of Tuesday was your + and the rest is just your LH levels declining after O.

Kyla > I cant remember having a catheter unless they took it out in the theatre or while I was still sleeping. I don’t recall any feeling of bruising eihter. But then again you can hit me with a pan and I don’t bruise :shrugg:

AFM > Nothing new, wish it was a week later already that’s all!
Tella- i didn't bother adjusting it a i was having a dumb moment on ff :dohh: i usually use another adjuster but i just thought that i would leave it how it is and use the first temp... I hope youre right hun i hooe i have ovulated but we shall see :)
I wish it was next week already for you the tww is always a nightmare! Any symptoms today?x
Hi ladies,

I'm back from the Doctors where I asked him about my antibiotics and the bruised urethra thing. He felt my tummy where I have been getting the aches and I said it was still tender but better than it was. Then he tested my urine and said there is blood and protein in it, so he's given me some heavy duty antibiotics (co-amoxiclav) to try and clear up the infection. I have to go back next Friday if I am still having trouble and he'll send me for a scan to see what else might be causing it.

:hugs: to all
Cridge - yes, I love Downton!! Did you also watch the Christmas special? It's a 2 hour episode that aired in the UK on Xmas day. It was the best!!!
Sorry, I must have totall missed it - but have you confirmed ovulation this cycle then? For some reason I don't remember :shrug:

Tella - wow, you have willpower, girl :thumbup: I was sooo impatient I was wasting tests left, right and centre :dohh:

Scerena - I don't know what to say except keep taking your temps and fingers crossed FF confirms ovulation for you in the next few days :thumbup:

Kyla - I would actuall insist on a scan! Just because he touched your tummy doesn't mena he can what's going on inside! So even next weeks if I were ou Id say you are still in pain and would like a scan...
:happydance: you're a onion today :lol: its amazing times is flying!

Kyla, I agree with Maria, i would still ask for a scan just to make sure. You dont want more complications.

My symptoms are mostly the same:
Gassy :haha: mostly in the afternoon
Tender and sore boobs
Peeing a lot
headache last night and starting now
And started crying in 2 episodes i was watching, not even sure if it was emotional enough to warrant a tear :lol:
Cramps mostly in the morning
Loads of creamy CM
Tella - as we all unfortunatel know PMS can be a wicked witch and make us believe we are pg because of all the symptoms...BUT, yours do sounds reall promising :winkwink:

I wasn't the one for many obvious early symptoms. I didn't need the loo any more frequently till about 8 weeks. I onl felt nauseous from the day af was due and even that was more nerves I think :dohh:
But - I did have some sever cramps from around 7 DPO (way too early for af!) and my emotions ran wild! I cried at adverts and at messages inside greeting cards! And still do!
I went into the card shop the other day to get DH Valentine's card. I cried from readin such simple things as Meant for each other...or I am the luckies girl in the world to have you...and similar stuff :dohh:

So yeah, Id saying crying is good.

The reason I always tested early is not to build up my hopes...As in at least from 9-10DPO I already knew chances were slim because it was still BFN. And although of course I still hoped I had a late implanter or something I was also being realistic...
I think the witch is on her way, im having very bad cramps. And because i dont know exactly how many DPO i am, it might not be to early.

If not and no AF by Sunday i will definitely test as last cycle i Spotted 3 days before AF came.

Good side of this will be if it is AF then i can start with my meds for IUI early next week :D
Tella - that's the right approach!!! :thumbup:

That's exactl how I felt when I started spotting at 8DPO - I was gutted m LP was so short but then I also knew IUI would be starting sooner rather than later.
Are ou still temping? can we see your chart?
Thanks :hugs:
I'm not temping, haven't for the last 2 cycles :) been on the relaxed approach. Will take a spot temp tomorrow if AF hasn't started.
klya- I would demand a scan aswell as you have already done a round of antibiotics (or is it 2 already) Either way I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

MariaF- Thanks :) and :yay: you're an onion thanks tella for pointing that out I didnt realise the ticker had changed!

Tella- your symptoms sound great :) Hopefully the witch stays away but I agree with maria you have the right approach :hugs:
Hi girls,

So sorry i haven't replied to anyone, i'm feeling full up at the mo :cry:

How is everyone?

I have been reading through some posts on here and came across someone who tried Soy Isoflavones (She got pregnant that cycle) Just wondering if any of you ladies have tried them, if not are you takin any sort of fertility vitamins? I'm taking soo many it's a pain in the backside :laugh2:

I also had a reading from a lady called panrosa who reckons i'll have a :bfp: in Mar '12 and it will be a little girl :lol:. Gave me some hope but it's all for fun tho :)
Cridge - yes, I love Downton!! Did you also watch the Christmas special? It's a 2 hour episode that aired in the UK on Xmas day. It was the best!!!
Sorry, I must have totall missed it - but have you confirmed ovulation this cycle then? For some reason I don't remember :shrug:

I did see the Christmas special - I had to search online for it but I pretty much watched all of season 2 plus the special in one day! haha!

Yes, I did ovulate. :thumbup: I'm 8dpo. yay!

I went back through my notes from last cycle and it totally brought me back down to earth after the dizziness. Which is precisely why I made notes... so I would remember that any symptom I feel is most likely in my head. It helped and now I'm back to reality thinking it's not going to happen this month. I'll test next Wednesday just for kicks as my parents will be in town when af finds me, and I'd rather not find out about a bfp while they're in town...I'd like to know either way before that.
The :witch: has landed :cry: so I will be going in on Monday for my CD3 day scan and to get my meds prescription for Femara, then hopefully by the 5th of Feb we will be doing the IUI :happydance:
Oh Tella - Booo! :nope: I'm so sorry the :witch: found you! I guess better now than after you had waited and tested right? It just means you get to do IUI even sooner! Something to look forward to. :hugs: Will you start temping again tomorrow?

paula - I haven't tried soy but I've heard it acts like clomid..???
Tella - is it proper af do you think? Like proper heavy? If it is - I guess it's a new beginning!!! YAY for IUI!

Cridge - I'd test at 10 and 11 DPO so sunday and monday. At least when the parents are over you'd hopefully found out either way!

Paula - I was always keen to see a psychic! But never got around to it. Two girls I know saw different psychics and both were right about baby predictions!!!
Cridge- Yeah it's considered 'natures clomid'. Not sure weather to try it or not :shrug:, probably wait to see how this cycle goes 1st

Tella- Sorry about the :witch: But i hope all goes well with you with your IUI in Feb FX'd :)

MariaF- Wow 2 different girls, that's given me a little bit of hope then lol :D
Tella - oh no! I'm sorry the :witch: got to you, but you can move forward with your IUI next cycle and it's something to look forward to.

Paulapuddle - I tried Soy but it didn't work for me. I also tried several months of Vitex (Agnus Castus) which I'd read about and is also supposed to be a natural Clomid but that didn't work either :shrug: I think perhaps you should leave off anything for a cycle or two to see what happens naturally with the OD.
How interesting about the psychic! I really hope she's right!

Cridge - I love Downton too! I only started watching the 2nd series but really got into it.

Thanks ladies, yes having thought about it some more I think I will insist on a scan next week. I had 2 lots of antibiotics, which equates to two week course and this is now the third lot, but stronger. I'm going out tomorrow to stock up again on bio-yoghurt as I am petrified of getting thrush if I ovulate.
Cridge, I don't know if I'm even gonna bother to temp, I'm being monitored and given a HCG trigger shot and then 40hours after the IUI is done. So I will know for sure that I have ovulated :happydance:
Why do u think I should chart? Just wondering if I'm missing an obvious reason :lol:

Maria, its not heavy flow buts its light and bright red :(

Paula, I did soy for 2 cycles. The first I O'd CD24 which was no improvement and the second CD19 which has been my O day for my 2 last unmedicated cycles as well. So it doesn't seem lke it worked for me and obviously no suceess either...boooo

It gives terrible hot flushes and headaches but I would also give 2 months gap. I also had a prediction done but mine was wrong :shrugg: Gail said late Jan 2012 boy conception :sad:

Kyla, GL hope the meds sort it ouut now!

AFM, CD1 and the countdown begins
2days to meds
12days to HCG shot
27days to BFP
AFM, CD1 and the countdown begins
2days to meds
12days to HCG shot
27days to BFP

Tella - I like your style! :thumbup: I'm totally with you - not tracking if you're being monitored is a-ok! I might temp right around your trigger though just so you know exactly when the big day is! I'm just a charting freak and feel lost without all my stats :wacko: so I chart even when I'm monitored.

I'm excited for you to move on to something new and get that bfp!!

So... I'm honestly not getting my hopes up because I really don't feel like we caught this month, but yesterday I had the sticky nasty cf that I had when I was pregnant before. The kind that sticks to your undies. Gross, I know, but I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see it. If I see an increase in that over the next couple of days, I'm really going to start freaking out. And if I do see it and I'm NOT pregnant, then I'm going to freak out even more. :haha: I'm loving this 2ww though - not stressing at all! :thumbup:

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