Welcome Kat

the more the better

Hope your journey to a bfp after OD is a short one.
Scerena, shame girl i hate OPK's they are so confusing. I used to buy the digital ones for confirmation, if the cheapy was + then i would do a digi with the same pee and see if it get a smiley. But the following day i could see my temp rise so i didnt worry about testing again. But the crazyness of OPK's is one of the reasons i took a break from all the monitoring as it drove my silly
GL hope you can get bloods done soon so that you can get answers.
Cridge, Im keeping fx'd that you can get a cycle of Gonal F in before your trip. Or even better yet a BFP now
Maria, thanks hope im joining you soon in being a OD graduate.
AFM, my FS appointment is at 11:00 so another hour to go. Then i will get my script and most probably a scan i dont know. I've worked out a rough calender on if i O on cd14 like i normally do with Clomid, then i should be 10DPO on Valentines day and im gonna start testing early i can just feel that coming. So praying for the best ever Valentines gift!!!
February is a very significant month for me and DH as we got together on the 18th 5 years ago, 25th we got engaged 4 years ago and a BFP in Feb will be an amazing gift!!!