anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Tella - not long till the scan :happydance: And fab news that you don't have many side effects - let's hope it stays that way!

Snflwrgrl - you are a PLUM already - how time flies!!!! Hope you are doing well.

MommyMel - great to hear from you :thumbup: And how exciting that all the ovulation accessories have arrived :winkwink: Where are you in your cycle?

Cridge - when is your appointment?
Hi girls!

I'm having a bit of a down day and a half. Not sure why - I just can't get my attitude adjusted. :dohh: I'm just really tired today. Physically and emotionally, I think. I had very mild cramps this morning - which is totally unusual, so I'm almost thinking it was all in my head as I usually don't start cramping til the day af finds me. I just feel like I've been hit by a truck today and just want to go get back in bed! I've gained a few pounds in the last couple of weeks (and a couple more than that since New Years) - every day it's up a bit. I know I'm retaining water because I've been bloated the last few days but I'm not sure what it is that's causing it. Argh!! It took me over a year to lose the weight that I've just put back on in the last month. I'm hoping the 5 extra pounds I'm now carrying is water, but I know my body well enough to know it's not. Between the bloating, cramping and scale going up again this morning it just started me out in a really sour state of mind. I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that as soon as af comes and goes my body will go back to normal, but I'm losing hope of that. Sorry - I just had to complain for a minute. :)

Maria - my appointment is on Tuesday unless af finds me early - which is doubtful. But Tuesday is when I suspect I'll be CD3. I realized that it takes a day for my meds to get here, so I won't start shooting up until Wednesday at the earliest. And then I'll be getting scans every other day until I ovulate. :thumbup:

Tella - I can't wait for your scan! I hope femara treats you right!
Cridge > :hugs: :hug::hugs: :hug:
Hope you feel better today than yesterday! FX'd you can shed those unwanted pounds quickly and easily, they always seem easier to pick up than to loose :lol: I also have a few but im not to phased at the moment, will get rid of them after my H&H 9 months :thumbup: hehe

So far the femara has been fine, just had that one headache and a few hot flushes nothing to bad. I've also been having crampy/pain sensation in my ovary vicinity so i think the follicles are growing well :)
O cridge big hug, our bodys can play such tricks on us. If the 5lb isn't water retention you can shift that. Do you exercise reg at a class or anything? I taken up jogging again and swimming and its good for the body and mind, it helps you relax and take your mind of things:hugs: tuesday isnearly here. How long did it take you to get preg with your son??

Devon is a fairly small area in the south west of the uk. Check this out. When are you thinking of coming to the uk? What area does your family friend live?

AFM:witch: has arrive on cd22. I was so hoping i would be one of the women who caught straight away:cry: I have felt bit tearfull this week and so jelous saw a old friend who had a 4 week old i was jelous of how cute the baby was i was even jelous of the lovely changing bag she had, so silly but coudn't help it.

How are all you? xx
Nikkia - sorry the witch got you :growlmad: There were girls on here who caught almost right away - but only 2 I believe. It took most of us at least 4-8 months after the OD. And I guess that's understandable because I think it takes 6 months for an average healthy couple of conceive. So once you start ovulating regularly, if everything else is OK, it may still take up to a year!
It took us 8 months and I think we were actually VERY lucky because DH's morphology was low (6% at one point) so I appreciate it could have taken much longer....

Sending you lots of :dust: for this cycle. Are you going to be tracking it at all with OPKs or temping?

Tella - good to hear that you've not had many nasty side effects - hope it stays that way :thumbup:

Cridge - sounds like PMS to me :cry: I used to get really bloated and heavy a few days before. It's the water and gas retention and usually got better by CD5 or so...Saying that when I did get pg that bloated look stayed with me from Day 1 so I had to cover up pretty much from the beginning.
Well, here's to your new beginning with Gonal-F :thumbup:

I wonder how the other girls are doing like Fee and Arza :shrug:
It's my first day back at work today, booo! The girl that was covering for me clearly couldn't copy and everything is in a mess.

I am trying very hard not to get stressed as I know that being stressed really won't help me to conceive however it's easier said than done!

Last night I felt some pain in my right side which I think is ovulation pain however having only ovulated a few times it's hard to tell! today would be cd 16 which is the day that I did ovulate when the clomid did work. I really hope it is, need to get BDing just incase. Not done it yet since operation as been super careful with wounds. X

This is such an active thread I struggle to keep up to date on everyone's progress so I just want to say my thoughts are with you all, stay strong and lots of Babydust!!! :hugs:
Kat - sorry work's a mess. But just to let you know we conceived when I was majorly stressed! I just came back from visiting my gravely ill Granny, I was working 12 hour days as I work in Financial control and it was quarter end, plus on top of everything I wasn't getting a positive OPK till CD24 - so I lost all hope.
Also, in the run up to our BFP I had about a dozen announcements from friends of their pregnancies - so I was at a really low place back then....

This is just to give you hope that being stressed isn't necessarily a bad thing!

I actually heard a theory (and it's scientific rather than an old wives tale) that a woman is more likely to get pregnant if her immune system is weakened around conception/implantation time :wacko: Basically at first our bodies see the tiny embryo as an intruder and try to fight it off :wacko: Hence with a weaker immune system there's less of a chance for that! This is also the reason why so many ladies get a cold/sniffles as one of the early pg symptoms :thumbup: Stress of course weakens your immune system so it's not all bad news!
Best of luck and I hope you are ovulating now :happydance:
Maria - you're a sweet potato!! :) I agree that it's pms, but I've never had pms before, so it's really making me mad. And I've never gained 3 pounds right before af, so I'm just really frustrated with that and worried that it's not going to come off.

Off topic - do you have any idea when they're going to start airing the 3rd season of Downton? :winkwink:

NIkkia - I'm glad af found you - at least you know something is going right and hopefully this next cycle you'll ovulate in good time!! GL!

My friend's mom lives in Devon, but I'm not sure exactly where. We were going to make a trip in June, but we figured out the cost and it was way more than we expected, plus with paying through the nose for our upcoming gonal-f cycles, it just isn't doable this year. :(

I like to run, or at least walk but I have to admit that I've been super lazy since it started snowing and getting really cold. I've been a bit of a hermit the last couple months - for some reason I really can't handle the cold this year. My testosterone is up again, so I'm worried that is making me gain weight. :cry: I hope not, but it's got me in a really foul mood either way.

Tella - our appointments are on the same day! Yours is much more exciting than mine though! :)

Kat - hopefully you're gearing up to ovulate!! How is your cf? Are you seeing more? Hopefully ewcm!

Have a great day ladies!!
Well, they started showing trailers for Downton - but not specifically for it, rather what that channel will have on offer in 2012, iykwim?! So not in the very near future, I don't think. Rumour has it it's not till the autumn :nope:

Yeah, my weight fluctuated from week to week without me changing my diet at all and I always blamed the hormones....but when are you due af? if you were 11DPO on tuesday shouldn't you be 15DPO today? How long is your LP?
Cridge i know what you mean when its cold you just want to stay home all cosy and warm. No snow in devon yet this winter. And its been vey mild so no excuse for me.

Downton is comming in the autum i think. I love it. There is a series on bbc1 called call the midwife about a 1950's district midwifes in london, have you seen it?

I had blood test done on cd 21 as didnt realise af would show next day for progesterone levels and it was 1! what should it be? I did this of my own back and not throught the fs.
Thanks Mariaf, good to know about the stress thing that makes me feel a bit better!

I have no idea about my cm, not really something I have monitored, maybe I should start but it just feels like something else to worry about. :wacko:

Also, it snowed in Sheffield today!
Downton in autumn?! :wacko: that's unfortunate. :haha: I haven't heard about the other show, but I'll have to look into it - I'm a total sucker for English period/costume dramas! I secretly wish I was English. :haha: I can't tell you how many times I've watched Pride & Prejudice. I love me some Jane Austen!

Nikkia - a day before af, a level of 1 is normal... but inconclusive whether you ovulated or not. Dang. I might be wrong though - maybe it does mean you ovulated. I know I've had a level of 2 just a couple days before af (on an ovulatory cycle), but I'm not positive what your level would be if you had NOT ovulated. Sorry - not much help, am I?

Maria - yes, I'm 15dpo. My typical LP is 16 days, so af should be here on Sunday.

I've been watching my weight very carefully for the last ... well... forever - but for the last 2 years it's steadily but slowly been going down. I can fluctuate, but never more than 2 pounds. I'm always in a 2 pound range that I watch carefully. I'm way out of that range right now - 5 pounds. I know I'm retaining water, but I don't think all 5 pounds is water. :cry: I'm really worried that it's because my testosterone is back up and it's making me gain weight unwillingly. :dohh:

My "pms" (not so much "p") symptoms usually hit me the day af finds me - and that's when I start getting bloated and crampy and all that good stuff. So I'm hoping that I'm not a total mess come Sunday. Yikes.

Kat - I know what you mean having to watch out for one more thing, but in my experience, ewcm is hard to miss, so hopefully you'll notice it without trying! When you see it, be sure to get busy!!
Hi cridge, sorry to hear your having worries about your weight, why does pcos have to throw that at us as well! :wacko: I know it's hard but 5 pounds doesn't sound like too much and as you say if will probably be mainly water.

Afm, I had a much darker OPK yesterday, not quite positive but I really hope it's getting there.

Question ladies - I have 30 50mg clomid tablets left from before. The doctor has just said for me to see what happens over 4 months then to go back. My thinking is if AF arrived should I maybe take 50mg to help things along? Hoping that I will get pregnant and not need an answer to this but just in case! :haha:
I think the only conclusive time to measure progesterone is from 7 to 9DPO. Other than that you just really can't tell what the results mean.

Cridge - can you may be ask for a repeat blood test? Do you have any other symptoms like greasy hair or spots or increased bodily hair? Those were always my first signs...

Kat - best of luck with the OPK!! Put a picture on here so we have a look :thumbup:
I also took Clomid (50mg a day for 5 days) for 2 cycles after the OD without my doctor knowing. They don't monitor you here on Clomid so I figured how will it be different from me taking it and the Dr knowing?!
Hi, I would put an image on however I don't know how to do it! :blush: I use an iPad and I'm not the best with technology! :haha:
Yes - I can tell my testosterone is high again. My face was fabulous and then all of a sudden it wasn't. My excess hair never got much better, but I can tell when it subtly gets worse - which it has. I've decided I'm going to do my 3 rounds of gonal-f then I'm going to go the herbal route to see if I can lower my testosterone that way as nothing else has seemed to work.

Kat - I'd give the clomid a go. Might as well, right? Hopefully you won't have to worry about that though!!
I have a question for those that have gotten pregnant using ovarian drilling... were any of you plus size? I am around 240lb and really trying to lose weight but it is rather difficult. If you see my signiture I have not responded to anything. I am going to arrange an appointment to talk to my re about od but I am not sure if it will help because I am so overweight. Any info would be very helpful. thank you.
:wave: no regrets, I only had my od done in Jan and in the uk i had to loose 44lb to get my treatment,I also need to loose another 10lb if i want iui in april. When i lost the weigh my cycles became more regular i felt better and you respond to medication so much better. I couldn't take metformin, are your taking this? I know how hard it is and when you want a baby now! it seems like forever away. I feel so much fitter now. Good luck with your weight loss journey and remember the end result. x
Hi No Regrets!

How long have you been on Metformin and what dose do you currently take? Metformin often takes a year to start seeing any results and you need to be on 1,500mg a day minimum really.
Have you tried low GI diet? Basically you don't have to follow the very strict version - but just cut out all sweets, bread, pastry, pasta, rice, potatoes and alcohol. You can eat plenty of fruit and veg and lean meat and wholegrains from time to time.

This has really helped me!

I do believe weight plays a crucial part in OD's success. About 80% of women within the normal weight range have success with OD. That number is much lower than for overweight ladies unfortunately :nope:
Given the effects of the OD don't usually last forever I'd say the more weight you can lose before the procedure, the better!

Cridge - any news?
no regrets :hi: I think OD will help you. I know how frustrating it is trying to lose weight (I assume you have pcos?). I'm on a very high dose of metformin (2500mg) and it's only helped me lose about 10 pounds over 2+ years (I now have about 20 more pounds to lose). Better than nothing though. I didn't see an increase in my losing after OD, but it did help my hormones for about 6 months. GL!

Maria - af found me first thing this morning as expected. One thing I can count on is af right on time when I actually do ovulate!

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