anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

how much is it private
i dunno if my fs will go for it cos i ovd first cycle and second on comid and he wants me tot try 150 and then injectables so i dunno wot to do
imjust so worried incase it damages my tubes etc but then i dnt want to think wot if xxx
Maria, I feel so bad for you! I really hope it's just a temporary issue and all is resolved soon! Most importantly for your marriage, and of course for your chances at conception! There were times that I knew it was so important to BD on a certain day and hubby was so exhausted or sick (or even me, at times!) and it is SO tough to deal with!

Well, I went to the dr. yesterday! I only have two more weeks of BC, then it's on to trying again! We're cutting straight to it - I'll be on Fermera (like Clomid, but works better for women with PCOS), then an ultrasound to see how the follicles are doing on day 12, an injection that day to make me ovulate, then IUI the next day!

I'm a little sad we're going straight to IUI because I kinda wanted to take care of business at home, but he said this method will give us a 40% chance this cycle, and a 70% chance that it will work within 3 cycles!

I am SO hoping for a Christmas miracle!! :)
Maria - sorry about how yr feeling but want to reassure you that I think its something we all go thru. I had same happen to me last cycle. After the drilling, I paid £450 for follie tracking and trigger shot. I had 24 hour window to BD as thats wen egg would release, and my hubby couldnt do it cos of the presure. I was telling the other girls on here that it really made me think about our mariage and did he really want kids. We had blazing row and I threw every object I could find at him and packed his bags. I was furious Id been thru all that for nothing! But this mth we've talked it thru and he's now realised just how much he let me down and hopefullt we wont have that issue again.
I was feeling just like u and nearly everyone on here reasurred me that it has happened to them too at some point. What Im trying to say (sorry I waffle) is that dont lose faith in yr marriage. Im sure he does want a baba with u - men just dont get the 24 hour window thing! xxxxx
Thanks so much ladies :flower:

It does seem like most of us go through same emotions which is really encouraging. There's nothing worse feeling like sh*t thinking you are totally alone in the world.

We did make up in the evening - and I ovulated that morning so we'll see.

Im going on holidays tomorrow and feel like Im coming down with a cold :nope: Ive got a pharmacy on my desk today so Im hoping it will get better.

Still lots of creamy cm - I hope it's not an infection or anything :wacko:
I'm def gunna ask my fs about od
I'm just really woried there gonna find anythin else more serious in there x
Keepsmiling. I had that same thought. I said to dh what if they open me up and just stich me straight back up again saying there's nothing we can do here!! Yr worries are totally normal babes. I'd say it's worth a shot xx
I'm worrie there gunna find endo too and I dunno wot I'd do of they did
but I supose thy wu try ad treat it xx
if they find endo and its only mild they told me they can try take that away
they say if you have endo you can have any of the following

painful periods ( but doesnt always mean endo as alot of women have this )
pain during sex
heavy&irregular periods
& sometimes hurts when you pee while your on your periods

alot of woman who have OD are fine and just have PCOS, & the procedure is simple,
i was also scared they would find something more serious i went down at 12 and came back up at 2, i was home by 4 and never had any pain what so ever when i came roiund i even asked if i had had it done,

they didnt find anything else except the cysts i already knew i had because of PCOS

& i swear without OD & Clomid i would never have got my BFP

i had ovarian drilling 18th august
started clomid on 15th october
BFP 8th january
Well the wu I'm lookin at is is that if I do have it it's better to get it treated now
I have pain duein sex nearnov bit tht cud be cos of the pcos too xx
yeah if youve got that then its better to get it all sorted but you may have it done n find that you dont have any endo at all its worth it i was trying for nearly 5 years and i'd have never done it without because i never ovulated till i had OD & Clomid
I ovd on the first 2 rounds of clonid by not the third
I'm def gunna ask about od an hope he agreed xx
They found endo in me wen they performed op but FS said he just burnt it away and nothing to worry about so in a way it was good job I had op as I would never have known I had endo xxx
Ohhh I new new that katie
but yeah good job u had it done
how long was ur wait
I relly want it done bfore summer x
Hi everyone, Im new to the site but i have just spent all evening reading your thread!! all 24 pages of them!! You have all given me so much hope!! Congratualtions to the BFP's!!!! So lovely to hear these sucesses and good luck!!, little bit of my background on me, im 25 diagnosed with PCOS when i was 20.

Suffer very bad excessive hair growth and PCOS generally makes me feel really down! Drs couldnt do anything much for me until i was ready to start a family.

Been off all methods of contraception for 2 yrs, started to get my periods in aug 2010 had three natural so far. Not sure where to start with the ovulation kits as not sure if they would work on me without a regular cycle.

Went to see the consultant on friday and it has been reccomended that i have lap and dye with ovarian drilling, I have never had any clomid, not sure if i should have!!

Really hope I dont have to wait ages for the op as I really want to get the ball rolling and im soo worried about anything else that could be wrong!! I had to have day 21 bloods not sure what this was for!!

plus as im not sure where to start with it all and counting days and stuff its all so new to me!!

You advice would be appreciated!! xx
Hi everyone, Im new to the site but i have just spent all evening reading your thread!! all 24 pages of them!! You have all given me so much hope!! Congratualtions to the BFP's!!!! So lovely to hear these sucesses and good luck!!, little bit of my background on me, im 25 diagnosed with PCOS when i was 20.

Suffer very bad excessive hair growth and PCOS generally makes me feel really down! Drs couldnt do anything much for me until i was ready to start a family.

Been off all methods of contraception for 2 yrs, started to get my periods in aug 2010 had three natural so far. Not sure where to start with the ovulation kits as not sure if they would work on me without a regular cycle.

Went to see the consultant on friday and it has been reccomended that i have lap and dye with ovarian drilling, I have never had any clomid, not sure if i should have!!

Really hope I dont have to wait ages for the op as I really want to get the ball rolling and im soo worried about anything else that could be wrong!! I had to have day 21 bloods not sure what this was for!!

plus as im not sure where to start with it all and counting days and stuff its all so new to me!!

You advice would be appreciated!! xx

hi & welcome, :hugs:

you should still be able to use ovulation tests even though your periods are irregular, & that hopefully that can detect if you are ovulating,

21 day bloods are to test for progesterone to test if you are ovulating or not i had quite a few of these over the years which all showed i wasnt ovulating till i had Ovarian Drilling

i also wasnt giving Clomid till i had Ovarian Drilling as they told me there would be no point in giving it me if my tubes were blocked anyways,
& Clomid works better with the Ovarian Drilling combination :thumbup:

i tried to conceive for nearly 5 years in august 2010 i had Ovarian Drilling & in October i started clomid January 2011 i got my bfp i swear i wouldnt have got it without Ovarian Drilling & Clomid

Ovarian Drilling also sorted my cycle out and i was havin 28day cycle where before it would be maybe 32,

Ovarian Drilling also sorted Hair growth out too i never had it bad really but now i dont notice it anymore growing bad & doctors told me it would stop it growing as fast,

i wish you the very best of luck and i hope your not waiting too long for the operation hun,
Thank you for your reply! That really helps!! With the ovualtion tests when should i start using them if i dont have the cycle?

I am now so hopeful that this will be the start of a new beginning for me, Im nervous but excited!!

This is such a great site for people who just want to chat with people who know how your feeling!

Good luck with the preganncy hun!!! :thumbup:
hi kazza, welcome, yeah like babydust said you can use opks with irregular cycles, mine are all over the place so they really help to pinpoint ov, you can get them really cheap on ebay so stock up and try and test twice a day.

GL with the OD, all though im not pregnant yet we did concieve first cycle so im still hoping, i never ov before od, i think its great.

tell your fs keepsmiling you dont want to take any more clomid until after OD is done, i had 5 rounds before OD with no ov and now im only allowed 1 more because you can only have 6 alltogether.

not long now katy, it sounds like there is no getting away for that egg this cycle :thumbup: fx it works really well, you have waited so patiently after your op.

well cd13 and neg opk, i did 100mg of clomid this cycle too so was hoping ov would come at a more normal time :nope: hopefully not too much longer, i seem to get really frustrated when i get past cd20, come on ov show your face :thumbup:
My fs let's us have up To 12
well iv already got 112 pills cos of a cock up at the chemist yay xx

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