anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Tella- you are being a bad influence on me getting me to test :haha: I might test on v day but I am trying to hold off- we will make it a deal that you will test v day and I might test??? Your positive attitude is such a good sign hun :) and that is true what you are saying about testing on 12dpo.

AFM- I have been having stomach pains/ cramps for a good few days now- I feel as if af is on her way (early I know) or it is my body adjusting- I am hoping I do not have a painful heavy af! X

:angelnot: LOL, i need a testing :friend: buddy :) You will be 13DPO so u are one day ahead of me already. But that sounds like a great deal :hugs:

I dont want to be damper but if it is AF, it just means you O'd earlier than what you thought and that OD has helped to start regulating things. OR even better it could be Implantation cramps :thumbup:
I didnt have a problem adding my ticker from the ticker factory but i cant work out TFF. :dohh:

All you have to do is log into your account, and look for a drop down link near the top called, "Sharing."
Then you select the one under, "Charting Home Page" named, "Get Code."
Next, you copy the text in the box under bbCode Code.
Then you paste that text in your signature, and then you should have a link to your chart. :)
Janex - what Jessica said. :winkwink: There's also a button just below your chart that says "share". That will take you directly to the link you need (bbcode).

Maria - for linking your journal, you need to copy the address your journal is at, go to your signature and type whatever you want people to click on ("my journal" for example). Highlight that, then at the top of the text box there's a button that allows you to link. When you click on the link button while the text is highlighted, you'll be able to paste your journal address there.

I don't know if that makes any sense at all. I've had issues playing around with my siggy too - it seems like some people are able to have these long siggy's, but I can't seem to add more than what I've got. (Tella - you're one of them... what's the trick?) :)
Cridge - what do you mean by the address of my journal? Like the https:// bit at the top when I open the front page of m journal? Sorry I am just being super blond on this :dohh:
Yep! You might want to go back to the first page of your journal, but then once you're there, copy the https:// address, and that's what you'll paste into your siggy. Sorry - I'm not very good at describing would be easier if I could show you! :wacko:
Hi ladies,

I had my post-op follow up appointment this afternoon and I am really fed up. Firstly, the consultant who I had an appointment to see wasn't there, and instead I had this woman who had no clue about anything. :growlmad:

She asked me if I'd had a period, which I have, and when it was and for how long. Then she asked me what my last consultant said would happen at this meeting (I think she was fishing for info, as if she'd had to step in last minute and was totally bewildered why I was even there) -so I said that I was expecting to be given a plan, and be authorised more Clomid or moved onto injectables. She then said usually I would be asked to wait 2-3 months for the hormones to settle down and a pattern to establish with my cycle but she knows they don't prescribe injectables there, I'd have to be referred on to a fertility clinic(!).

THEN she tells me that I don't meet the criteria for injectables anyway (because of my 6 year old - despite being told I did) and I argued with her that I know they won't fund IUI or IVF but they are supposed to fund injectables to be used instead of Clomid or maybe an alternative Clomid. I think she was getting confused between IUI and injectable hormones for ttc. She didn't know, had no idea, wasn't authorised to prescribe anything and basically was wasting my time!! :gun: :growlmad: :dohh:I was so angry!

Usual stuff about losing weight blah, blah (I am trying!) and she's referred me to a dietician then she wanted me to go back in 2-3 months, so I made a fuss and got it back for the next clinic after 17th February which will be my Day21 Progesterone blood test. Fingers crossed next time I will get to see the proper guy! :dohh: Really feeling down now, does anyone know what the stats are for pregnancy rates after OD without meds?
Tella- The pains have gone :happydance: hopefully it is not af :phew: I dont mind even if my cycle just regulates :)
I might test with you soon just so you do not feel lonley but I will see no promises :thumbup:

Kyla- Sorry to hear about your appointment :hugs: some docs/fs's can be so unhelpful! I am not seeing my usual fs either... Not loking forward to that... I have heard mixed reviews- some people were put on meds straight away and others had to wait... How frustrating... Hopefully on the 17th you will have some sort of plan, My app is 4 days after yours so hopefully we will both have good news :hugs:
Kyla really sorry to hear about your rubbish follow up appointment, I really hope it's your usual next time. X

Tella/Scerena I'm so excited about you both testing! Lots of Babydust to u both although I'm sure u won't be needing it. X
Cridge > I just edit my signature, make sure it stays in 7lines, so the less enters you have the more you can fit. And if it moans at me, I delete something :) But with that said, im a web designer so I understand the lingo :lol:

Kyla > :hugs: It is crazy when they stuff you around like that, hope you can get some answers. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you conceive 6year old? Because if it was by means of meds then surely they should try the same again. Don’t get to discouraged, I know it is difficult, but most of the ladies on here fell pregnant without any meds. GL with next appointment!!!

It is very sad that they left us but there was 2/3 girls that fell pregnant a month of two after the OD without meds, if you read back you will find them.

Scerena > :thumbup:

Kat > Thanks!!! :dust: right back at you!!

AFM > Really not much to report except that im still very positive, still getting twitches and odd cramps. Also TMI, I have been quite constipated which I never have a problem with.
Oh Kyla - I am so sorry about the appointment. Sounds like you had one of useless doctors who knows nothing about you or about the process.
We had a few of those which cause me a lot of grief, stress and unnessary nerves :nope:
But I do agree that it is customary to wait at least 2-3 months after the op to see how your body reacts. My friend who had OD in september didn't go back till end of November for extra Clomid and then wasn't meant to start injectibles till Feb/March time.
BUT - I totally agree that you need to see your proper consultant and confirm what you are eligible for.

Tella and Scerena - what's your testing plan????
Maria > I did my last test this morning to make sure the HCG trigger is out and it is :D So now im debating on whether or not to do a HPT the morning of the 14th before i go for Bloods.

Pls let me know what you guys will do:
Test wiht FMU and do bloods
Do bloods and wait for results
sorry, Im no help - Id be testing on sunday and monday and tuesday :dohh::haha:
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Kyla :hugs: I'm so sorry about your appointment! I know exactly how it goes seeing doctors that don't know a thing. I've been to so many doctors, that I've lost count, and finally finding one that will help me has been such a blessing! I hope you're able to get back to see your regular doc and that things get figured out properly.

Being one of those that went straight to meds after OD, my opinion is that it would be best to wait it out a couple of months and see what your body does. I really do feel like going on the femara shortened my OD benefit time. :( But, what's done is done and I have to move forward.

There are quite a few women on this thread that got pregnant naturally after OD, so don't despair!

Tella - :shrug: Personally, I would probably wait for the blood results, but I see nothing wrong in testing beforehand! So excited for you!!
Hi Ladies, I've been following this thread for some time and felt like replying...
I have been TTC for 3 1/2 years (PCOS) and have had 12 clomid cycles (bfp then mc on 2nd cycle then nothing) and 3 cycles of Gonal F (cancelled due to poor response).
After the poor follicle growth on Gonal F in Nov '11 my doc decided I needed Ovarian Drilling/Helica atc and I had the op done last Tuesday so am waiting patiently to see if af arrives in a few weeks. The findings were good, only slight endo which was removed, patent tubes and 5 holes drilled in each ovary.
I have only ever been able to bring on af with progesterone so think i might pas out if she arrives on her own!!:wacko:
Anyhoo I just wanted to say thank you for giving me some hope, the success stories have really made me feel positive again about TTC and feel like we've finally got a good chance of conceiving after getting very down about the whole thing. I'm back at the fertility clinic in 6 weeks to start ovulation induction again so i'm gearing myself up for lots tracking scans and tearful injections (i'm such a wimp!) so wish me luck :thumbup:
Thanks again..x
I didnt have a problem adding my ticker from the ticker factory but i cant work out TFF. :dohh:

All you have to do is log into your account, and look for a drop down link near the top called, "Sharing."
Then you select the one under, "Charting Home Page" named, "Get Code."
Next, you copy the text in the box under bbCode Code.
Then you paste that text in your signature, and then you should have a link to your chart. :)

Thank you so much! Lets see if its worked now! :happydance:

Edit* Well it kind of worked, but now i hoped for! Thank you anyway! :)
Hey Rockabillygal!

Welcome aboard!! I hope you get BFP soon! Im fairly new to this too. I will be two week post-op on Monday. :)

By the way, ladies. I made a booboo today! I totally forgot to take my temp until after i got up and went to the toilet, so i guess todays temps counts for nothing! Grrrrrrrr!
Welcome Rocka :hi: I hope you recover quickly!

Jane - that's OK. Give yourself a couple of weeks to get into the routine of temping. Before you know it that's the first thing you'll think about when you open your eyes :haha:
Welcome rockabillygal! :hi: I hope you heal quickly and see great results from OD! That's interesting that you ovulated on clomid but didn't respond to gonal-f. I assume they kept upping the dose..? I'm on gonal-f currently and am not responding as well as I thought I would, but my doc is in it for the long haul and will keep upping until I respond. I'm interested in your experience with it.

jikimiki - :hi: are you stalking? :winkwink: join in the fun!

Janex - Maria's right. You'll get to the point where no matter what is going on around you, you won't move until you've got that temp! :haha: It's called OCD. haha!!

So are you trying to get a ff ticker as well as a link? If you go to "sharing" (top right), then "tickers", you'll be able to customize a slider or a button (like what I have) and when you're done customizing, it will give you the link to put in your siggy.
kyla - so sorry about your doctor's appointment. However, in my situation, I wish my doctor would have given me 2 -3 months of med free. I truly feel all I needed was the OD. I did 2 rounds of clomid before my OD and my ovaries weren't responding. Then, after OD, I would get 1 good follicle but the bean never stuck. I think clomid had a revers effect on me. The lining was usually Ok with the clomid, but not great. Then I would have my blood work done for progesterone and I was put on suppositories and then an unsuccessful IUI with DH excellent SA numbers. After ending my visits to my FS, I was pregnant on the second cycle after leaving. Could have possibly been pregnant on the first cycle after, but I wasn't "trying". So, hopefully you will find out that OD is all you need! Don't give up. I'll never know what would have happened if I waited the 2-3 months, but I still wish I would have waited before going back.

best of luck to you and lots of baby dust!!

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