hi ladies......
Just came back from my FS appointment....
> I still have an irratic cycle, not regulated enough as yet.
> I still have some traces of PCOS, he said that once you have it, it never goes away 100%, we just have to manage it better...
> He did an internal scan, linning looks good.
> He said my LH seems to be on the high side permanently, that's why my OPK is always in a positive, so using it is not going to be a big help to me.
> he drew bloods today for an accurate count of my hormones, ect ........ with the amount of blood drawn i thought i was donating blood ....
> he wants to start IUI this cycle, not to waste anymore time.

> he gave me the pill (Oralcon), i gotta take the little white tablet for two weeks only, this will assist to bring on my AF,
> Then on day 3 - 7 of my cycle to start taking Clomid and Menopur, Therafter a scan, once scan is done to check the response he will advise when i will have to do the Ovidrel shot, once done the shot is done and scan is complete he will scheduel a timed IUI procedure..
we sat down with the FS and discussed diffrent options and where to start first..... i felt the consultation was informative and pro-active.
so i have just popped my first pill now,,,,, the white Oralcon pill....
here is to the

IUI cycle....