Scerena > Don’t give up hope yet, you are still far above your coverline! I know his swimmers are great but I wish they would just stop and ask for directions

Common really of 30 million not 1 could get there on time

typical men
OK at the risk of sounding like a TTC newbie, what is egg sharing?
DH doesn’t want to do IVF so soon, so we will do another IUI first and if still unsuccessful then we will go to IVF I think. I'm very relaxed about everything today. Happy to just try again and again till we are successful. Its funny that it is so expensive there by u guys and in the states, I mean really there is no difference in the actual drugs.
Kat > Thanks

The positive me will be back after the weekend once I have seen my FS again. But im just very chilled at the moment!
Snflwrgrl > Thanks

it’s a bummer because I also had like a very calm feeling that it was gonna be it but guess I was wrong
Cridge : Thanks

I neet to go catch up on your stuff. Will do just now
AFM > Last progesterone suppository was yesterday morning, so I just hope my AF arrives soon, I might even have to go to the doc on Sunday if AF stays inline with normal LP
I just want my AF to come now so that I can see the doc again and start meds, possibly gonna ask him about injectables instead of Femara so that we can get atleast 2 follicles to grow and mature instead of just one.