anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Aw tella you made me laugh about your oh has 9 months left of the eyebrow bar :haha: it definately is going to happen very soon for you:)
I have until march 1st to ovulate- come on ovaries :)
I am so excited about you having your iui! And I am glad you like your acu :)
You have a very busy week so lady how exciting! X
Tella - I also had a chuckle about the 9 months left on the brow bar! :haha: I'm interested in trying accupuncture, I just want to wait a month or two to allow my hormones to settle post-op.

Maria - Thanks, yes my temps are looking much better and a lot less erratic, I've been amused at how reaching for the thermometer is the first thing I do.

Scerena - Yay for car shopping. I bought a new car in December, a friend of mine suggested that I should've bought a really impractical two seater sports car with cream carpets and seats - that way I can use Sod's Law to get pregnant :haha: I need an MPV though for my son and all the bits we lug around so couldn't do it, but I am wondering whether to give it a go when shopping for a new sofa and get a white or cream sofa!!
Just got back from the FS, he said I responded well on the 5mg of Femara so there is no need to up the dosage. So I asked him about having more than I follicle , but he said it doesn’t mean that im again only gonna have one follicle as your body reacts differently every cycle. But if there is more than 3/4 he will give us the option to cancel or go to IVF but he says that most only happens on injectables and he will not give that to me as I do fine on Femara.

I didn’t have any cysts so that I fantastic news and have already taken my first dosage :happydance: Now the accu must just produce me 2/3 eggies and we are set for our BFP :)
Kyla - yes, the thermometer thing is very addictive :haha: My DH always complained that the first thing I did was NOT kiss him but put a plastic thing up by bum :rofl:

Tella - that's great news!!!! I think the FS is right - hormone pills can be soo unpredictable. From no response to too much response. And for IUI I know they like to see 1-2 mature follies. So if a dose of hormones worked for you, I think FSs tend to stay safe and carry on with it.
Hi All, Hope your all ok.
Scerena sorry to hear about you nan.

Tella sorry your first iui didnt work, next one though.

We need some bfp soon.

AFM as showed on 16/02/12. So had od on 3/01/12 af showed 4/01/12 then on 26/01/12 then on the 16/02/12 so short cycles but regular, is this norm??
hi ladies,,,,,,

i still have no AF.......... i have no clue where i am in my cycle......
as soon as AF shows up i can then start my iui meds,,,,,, bring on AF !!!!!

How are all the beautiful ladies doing ?

Tella, yours is coming this cycle..... i can see it around the corner

MariaF..... you are growing so fast, i can just imagine how beautiful you look with your baby bump...... precious...

Nikkia ....... your cycle seems as wack as mine.... mine has gone awol... have no idea when :witch: will hop onto her broom and make an apprearence,,, (wish its actualy a BFP on its way instead....)

Scerena ..... how are you keeping up hun ..... loosing a close loved one aint easy, never easy,,,, my prayers are with you ...

Kayla..... crean sofa, big cusions with bold prints,,,, i love it !

where Cridge go ?
MommyMel - Cridge went to Vegas - literally :haha:

Have you taken a test yet?

Nikkia - are these proper bleeds? Are you doing OPKs? There's nothing wrong with a shorter cycle as long as you ovulate AND the LP is no shorter than 10-11 days.
Maria yes they are proper bleeds las 5-6 days. I've not done any monitoring last cycle. I will do opk's this cycle,but no temping. I just feel its not for me.
Hello my girls!! I have a lot of catching up to do!!! :)

Cridge > WOW so you also sound like a pill box if shaken a bit hard :haha:

AFM > Im starting Acupuncture today for fertility but the lady said I should have started about 3 months ago, so she now wants to see me 2/3 times a week till O and then 1/2 times for the TWW. Its is expensive but I just hope it is worth it!!!!!!!!!!!

Tella - oh yes! I'm a pill box for sure!! :haha: I take 8 or 9 pills a day (depending on the day), but I take powdered inositol (3 times a day) and gummy b-complex (2 gummies every other day). I wanted to avoid taking MORE pills, so I found other ways to get those in. The only pills I would kill to drop are my 5 metformin pills! Yuck!

I did acupuncture and cupping - it's so great! DH and I would joke about the 10 hickeys on my back for the week after cupping. :haha: It sounds like you're already seeing benefits! Acupuncture always helped my cycle in one way or another, although I never got a bfp from it. It's going to do wonders for you though!!

That was quite a dip on your chart on cd14! Do you think you have ovulated???

Hi Scerena! Yep! Huge dip! In fact, on CD15, it was even lower. So much so that I disregarded that temp because I couldn't believe it...and when I went to check the memory on my therm, all it said was "L" - for "low" :shrug: But, yes, I did end up ovulating on CD18.

Well i still haven't seen af and i'm on cd 37 but the strangest thing happened. I've been getting bad ovary pains since tues and alot of cm (which i've never had) so this mornin i took a cheapie opk and the lines were quiet dark so i thought i'd test with a cb digi opk and i'm over the moon because i got a ----> :)

Paula - Congrats on the + opt!!! It's such a mood boost to see one of those things!! Plus the cf! Yay!! Good luck to you in this 2ww!

Not much news here. I am on CD19 and there is no sign of a +OPK only a faint line around CD12-15, although for the past few days I've had a dull ache on the right hand side. :shrug: My temps have levelled out now - my chart is looking much more stable and I'm wondering if all the antibiotics I was on messed up any chance of Ov or perhaps have delayed it. :dohh: I'm having a CD21 progesterone test on Monday so hoping to find out what's going on so I can report back to my FS.

Kyla - your chart looks great!! I have a feeling your progesterone test is going to be low because it doesn't look to me like you ovulated yet. BUt don't let that get you down - you may still ovulate this cycle. It bugs me that some docs do a routine 21 day progesterone test having no idea if or when ovulation occurred. Keep us posted though!

I hope you don't mind me asking you experienced temping ladies a question, how will I know from the temps when I am about to ovulate so that I can get some BDing in before ovulation itself?

Kat - you can't really tell from temps alone when you're about to ovulate. Sometimes you'll get a dip in temps, but that's a really bad way of determining that ovulation is around the corner. The best way is to keep an eye on your cf and use opk's (which don't always work either). If you track your body signs, after a few months, you'll get to know your body well enough to tell if you're about to ovulate.

AFM as showed on 16/02/12. So had od on 3/01/12 af showed 4/01/12 then on 26/01/12 then on the 16/02/12 so short cycles but regular, is this norm??

Nikkia - Those do seem like short cycles. I've had times before where I'll have 19 day cycles for months in a row, but I never ovulated on those either. I'm pretty sure one time it was response to meds I was taking. The other time (which were actually 16 day cycles) I have no idea what was going on as I wasn't on any meds at all.. :shrug:

where Cridge go ?

Love you Mommymel!! Yes, I was in Vegas. Having lots of :sex: :haha: I'm so anxious for you to start charting and tracking and all that fun stuff. Sorry to hear you've had strep throat!! Yuck! I hope you're feeling much better now and can get back to ttc!

afm - I ovulated! I'm 5 dpo and will go in for a bHCG test on Friday. If you want to know the nitty gritty details, visit my journal (which I'll update soon).

Love you ladies!! :kiss:
Kyla- yes you should have got a two seater car that would have been sod's law :haha: We havent purchased the car yet- prob get it tomorrow, we only got this new car back in september but boys and their toys eh :haha:

Tella- glad femara works well for you and your body is responding well :hugs: I am glad you have no cysts also :)

Nikkia- Damn them cycles are short but more regular so thats a good thing I suppose right?

Mommymel- :hi: hun, thank you for your concern :hugs: Im doing ok everyone is so supportive here, my nans funeral is this coming friday.
Sorry af has still not shown her ugly face yet! I bet you are so eager to get onto your next cycle :hugs:

Cridge- I am glad that you ovulated :thumbup: Please update here too hun as I am so rubbish at following journals :hugs:

AFM- CD6 I think today and have my fs appointment tomorrow... I am prepared for the "Try naturally for a while..." speech..... But oh well I am prepared for it so what will be will be I suppose fx'd xx
Jane - how long has it been since the OD for you? If this is still the first cycle - it may still be blood from the procedure.
Do you have a follow up appointment with the FS?

Maria, its 3 weeks today since the OD. Today my tummy has swelled up so much (it feels like a brick!) and AF seems to have come with a vengeance! Maybe i should count today as my CD1? Thank you for your help, as always!

Just having a catch up on what i've missed..
janex - if af has been pretty spotty before today, then yes, I would count today as cd1. 3 weeks - that's pretty good girl! FX'd for next cycle!!
Scerena - best of luck for your appointment!

Jane - it does sound like today is CD1. I hope you are not too uncomfortable and af isn't too heavy for you!

Cridge - when do you plan on starting the POAS journey? :dohh::haha:
Thanks maria I will update when I have been I still have 5 hours to go...

Jane- I agree with the other ladies I would cout today as cd1
Oh Maria - you're such a bad influence! :haha: I'm hoping to avoid poas! I go in for a beta test on Friday and don't really see much point in testing before then. :shrug: I'll only be 9dpo on Friday. And I guess I don't see any point in testing after that either, so as of now, I have no plans to poas. Although, with influences like you, I can see myself caving at some point. :winkwink:

I had a big dip in temp today (not below coverline, however). Not sure if I should be freaking out about that. It's not my typical pattern, but after all the freaking out I've done the last week, I just don't want to think about it. :(
Cridge :thumbup: for Not testing :) i hope that you beta is good news hunni :)

I am going to copy and paste how my fs appointment went from my journal to save re-writing it all out-

The fs went like this-
*As soon as I walked in there he told me to try naturally for at least 6months, then the options are IUI at £1000 a time or £5000 a time for ivf...

*I told him I am not happy and want to be seen sooner that 6months, so he changed my appointment to 3rd May...

*I asked if I can have the injectables or clomid like the old fa said and he said NO, I said about clomid giving me a stronger ovulation, he said no we only give it to people who arent ovulating... He was having none of it talking about med school blah blah blah...

*told me I am wasting my time taking my temperature and will not give me any monitoring at the moment to see if I am ovulating and to just use ovulation sticks...

To be honest the whole appointment he was talking about my oh's sa (he has an appointment in march for that) instead of worrying about me... Basically we have to try naturally as the ovarian drilling is apparently 100times better than clomid, but he may consider it after a few months...
He told us to de-stress and bd everyother day and he is arranging counselling for me I finally asked as all this time ttc is finally taking its toll on me :cry:

He sounds confident about us conceiving naturally but I am not confident at all to be honest...
Oh Scerena - sorry about the rubbish appointment! I agree about waiting 3 months but then its customary to try Clomid or injectables...

Are you going private? What about the NHS? Private round of IUI cost us £800 all in so I think you can find cheaper clinics!
How long are your cycles? Do you get positive opk's each cycle?

Cridge - I could never wait longer than 7DPO :dohh: But if you test early make sure its with a good test! Someone else on here tested with a Predictor test at 10 and 11DPO and both were stark white. Then at 12DPO FRER already had a strong line - it probably would have picked up a day earlier or so!
Oh Scerena - I don't like your FS. Is there any chance you can see someone else? The good thing is that he's willing to see you sooner than 6 months, but I can't stand doctors that just like to tell people what to do instead of working WITH them. And the whole bit about not charting...?? That's crazy talk. You are empowered when you know what your body is doing. OPK's won't tell you much alone.

I also don't believe the bit that OD is 100x better than clomid. If that were true, I would have ovulated on my own after OD as I always ovulated on clomid. It's different for everyone.

De-stressing is good, but "relaxing" won't get you pregnant. I tried that... for YEARS. Of course, if you're ovulating, you'll have a better chance that "relaxing" will work, but how are you going to know if you're ovulating for sure if you're not temping or being monitored?!

The good news is that so far OD seems to have done good things for you. Hopefully you will get pregnant on your own, but I just hate to hear of doctors that aren't willing to help.


Sorry for the rant. I've just dealt with too many loser doctors over the years, and yours is one I would have fired today.
Maria! You're killing me. :haha: I have 2 i/c's and 2 FRER's. I don't mind wasting the i/c's, but I fear they won't be + before my beta. And why waste the FRER's if I get a beta? I can't imagine they would be + before 9dpo.

Besides, my temp is freaking me out. I'm worried my progesterone is too low. I have this theory about boob/nipple pain after ovulation that I've worked out based on my experience alone. My theory is that lower progesterone = lower temps = nipple soreness. My nipples are typically sore for a few days after ovulation (when my temps haven't risen completely yet), and then the soreness goes away, but then comes back a few days before temps start to fall slightly. My nipples are still KILLING me. I attribute some of that to the injections, but they've never hurt this bad - especially at 6dpo. So with the low temp today and the super sore nipples, it worries me. I also had a massive glob of cf today...which would make sense with the low temp. So I'm freaking out until tomorrow.

I did, however, make my blood appointment for Friday - nice and early in the am. :thumbup:
Maria- I wont get funded on the nhs because of my age for iui or ivf :cru: he said £1000 a go for iui I just want to scream :cry: why will be will be but I am going to look into egg sharing for later this year I think and pray for a miracle bfp in the meantime...

Cridge- yes I demanded he see me before all ive done is wait wait and wait... I told him I dont believe od is better than clomid etc he was having none of it and told me to google it ad he dint have the info sheet available I said I have and I am bot guaranteed to ovulate grrr he made me so mad! I never ovulated previous to od except on a clomid round and he isnt monitoring me wtf?!
I will never relax its been too many year to relax I can destress if they work with me which theyre not... Exactly I cannot relax if they wont monitor me- I will carry on charting this cycle I think...

He really annoyed me My eyes had tears in them and I asked for counselling as I dont know how much I can take...

Im hoping for a miracle bfp but wont be holding my breath... Defiantly looking more into egg sharing.
Just hope the OD carries on making me ovulate so I am at least in with a chance... Sorry for the long post I just feel lost atm with no plan

And your symptoms sound great by the way :thumbup: x

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