anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

:hugs: Scerena! Counseling is probably a good thing - hopefully it can help you know how to process and deal with all the stress. I do feel like your fs is just causing you more stress though. :dohh: So frustrating!!
Scerena :hugs: - I feel like Scrappy Doo: "Let me at him, let me at him"!! WTF! Your FS sounds are rubbish as mine, totally robotic and cold. What an ignorant man! I am so angry on your behalf.

IUI round here is cheaper too at £850, an egg sharing IVF cycle is £950 and IVF is £2820.

Is there any chance whatsoever that you could speak to your GP for help and if you can't find a different GP that can? You should be monitored now somehow, the cheapest way for them to do it is with the CD21 serum progesterone blood tests to give them a picture of whether the OD has been successful in getting you to ovulate. Maybe your GP can refer you to a different FS at a different hospital - we're supposed to have choice on the NHS which hospital we go to.

I really hope you get a BFP soon so you can never ever see that horrible FS ever again.
Scerena > i am so sorry your FS is so heartless. :nope::nope:..... has he no clue what a tough roller-coaster this is, has he any idea what a woman (or man) endures through endless years of ttc ????? i too would of fired him if i could.... ARGH !!!!! :growlmad::growlmad: give him to me..... just once !!! :winkwink:

I feel for you, i too had a fs like that, she was the most expensive and the most usless..... not worth the money i was paying, so after 3 fs later, i eventually found a fs i love to bits,,,,, hang on, its hard,,,, we are here for you.....

Test Cridge Test, :test::test: Test Cridge Test, :test:Test Cridge Test, Test Cridge Test........ POAS,,,,,
I am being terrible,,, i know.... we need another:bfp: here....... come on Cridge, you can do it for us !!!!

Tella.... where are you gone to.....

AFM> nothing much happening,,,, got, no cramps, no pains, no nothing....... :iron::dishes:but believe me, i am still :sex: every other day..... just incase....

here is some :hug::hug: and :dust::dust::dust: to all you beautiful ladies....

have a terrific day..... mwah :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Hey now Mommymel! I'm only 7dpo tomorrow!! I just can't bring myself to test that early. My first goal is to get my temp back up where it should be! Every morning since Wednesday I have a little heart attack before I temp. That can't be good. :haha: I thought I was finally in the clear until this morning's temp - so now I'm all freaked out about tomorrow morning again. :dohh:

I've been wondering about Tella too. Yoohoo - Tella! Hope you're doing well!!
Hello ladies :wave:

Scerena, u should have kicked him in the shin and told him to listen now. :hugs: don't listen to him about temping, I think some FS's don't like it because we can tell if we o without their help! Keep it up and try SMEP once you have a patern. Fx'd for a quick bfp!!!

Mommymel, wish u can get a bfp or af so that u can start with iui!

Cridge, I'm with you girl, I won't test either the beta is very early and also just stay possitive after it as it can still take a few days to produce hcg!

Afm, I'm back on the meds for cd3-7 5mg Femara. Accu and vitamins with omega 3 and folic acid. Have my cd 1w scan next tuesday so can't wait to see my 2/3 follicles :thumbup:

I would say realistically girls the earliest one can get a BFP in 9DPO (which did happen to me). Simply because of the maths - the embryo can't implant until 6DPO and then it does take 1-2 days for enough HCG to build up in the urine for a HPT. A blood test on the other hand may reveal things as early as 7/8DPO!
I still POAS like a mad woman from about 6DPO :haha:

MommyMel - what CD are you on roughly?
i am on CD...45.... yip 45 already and no sign of :witch: i am at a lost for words..... :shrug: :wacko:
Cridge- i couldnt of said it any better- he causes me more stress I hate this new af, after my next appointment with him I might see another fs i think... I am excited to see your tests :)

Kyla- I wish I could let you at him hun- he laughed when I was telling him things I have read and about taking my temperature he said 'just share the love' like wtf? Dont you think we are doing that??? He hasnt a clue!
Prices are much cheaper where you are wow!
I asked for bloods he said no point as it has to be done at a precise time and my cycles are needing to calm down as if taken at the wrong time the results will be wrong- is that right? Thanks kyla I really hope I get a bfp otherwise I am Not seeing him after May... How are you anyway???

Mommymel- I wish I could give him to you to deal with :hugs: he kept telling me 'dont worry you are young' wtf I could have killed him! Age has nothing to do with it when i have been ttc for years and laughed when I was talking about thing I had read and taking my temp...
I am glad you are still bd'ing hun as our bodies can be strange sometimes!

Tella- :haha: when the fs nipped out the room my oh said 'if you just hit him I will sy he hit you first' :haha: We have planned to bd every other day to take stress off as it kind of kills it when I say 'come on we have to bd NOW' so every other day covers our chances right.
I hope you have a nice few big follicles :)

o scerena poor you, what a git. You are within your right to change and complain about the service you recived. Don't let it get you down, keep you spirits up. Do you have any holidays to look forward to this year? I always think little goals ahead and try to look forward to things even if its just somthing small. We have just been away for the week end with a group of friends and its so what I needed. x

does anyone else have any holidays planned this year?
No holidays planned yet as we just spent out on the new car, so we are going to save now again and probably book one or book one last minute, maybe a weekend away for us soon will be nice i think we will make some plans very soon...
How are you doing anyway?
Glad you had a nice break away with your oh and friends sounds nice :)
scerena - I agree with him a little bit about the bloods (I hate to agree with the man!), but I also think blood results at any time are a good thing - I'm a little obsessed with blood work and would take my own every day if I could. :haha: BUT, some of my blood work was all whacked out up to a couple months after OD.... they did calm down shortly thereafter and we were able to get better readings. I would say it wouldn't hurt at all at this point to get CD3 blood work done. Of course, you'd have to wait until CD3.

afm - I know that 9dpo is early for a blood test, but I agree with Maria - as long as implantation occurs before then, a blood test could show up a couple days before a poas test. My doctor's exact words were "let's see where we're at on Friday". So if it's negative, she might retest next week. And if it is positive, then I expect the numbers to be really low - like around 10. Anything above 5 is positive, so I'm shooting for a 6. :winkwink: It's just another reason why I love my doctor. I would rather have an early blood test at 9dpo than have to wait it out - even if the 9dpo is too early to catch a positive.

On another note, my temp went back up this morning! :thumbup: Yay!! Now I'm worried about tomorrow, but at least I can relax for a day. :)
Cridge - when will you get the results back? I can't wait till Friday. I am sooooo excited and nervous for you :wacko::thumbup:
Maria - I'm going to ask for them to do a rush so I should get the results back by mid afternoon. :thumbup: I'll post as soon as I know anything!
Cridge - So excited for your test, can't wait to hear some good news :thumbup:

Nikkia - We're having a holiday to Devon & Cornwall during the Easter holiday which we're really looking forward too. Then in summer we'll be in Canada for a month as DH is Canadian and we go back to see our family and friends. Hoping to be pregnant by then, not least because his family are always trying to feed me eggs - never wise when travelling :winkwink: - and I can say I'm avoiding egg due to being pregnant. :haha:

Tella - Good luck for Tuesday, great positive attitude.

Scerena - :hugs: CD21 serum progesterone blood tests are good IF it's likely that you've ovulated on or very close to CD14. If your cycles are of varying lengths then the blood tests would be a waste of time, but it's frustrating to not have any monitoring by anyone except your own temping and POAS. How are they supposed to know if the op has worked?! At least if you have some hope, you can relax. Stupid man. "share the love" - I'll share my boot right up his doo-dah!!! :grr:

I'm doing ok thanks, still haven't ovulated this cycle. I keep meaning to start my exercise and diet plan so tomorrow night I am going to my first ever Zumba class at DS school, and then the diet will begin on Friday. I've been waiting for the weather to warm up, I can't get motivated to exercise when it's cold :cold:
Kyla- i agree waste of time them doing bloods, I guess that the only way they know if it worked would be if I got my :bfp: :shrugg:
Zumba is great I bet you love it I feel myself loosing the pounds whilst I do it :haha:

Cridge- I hope your bloodwork shows something very good tomorrow please share with us as soon as you know :) yay for the temp staying up :)
I cant see the FS doing any form of bloodwork if he wont do the other bloodwork for me..

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Im just on here quickly :)

Hope everyone is doing good, im a bit busy today. Just got back from Acupuncture and it was awesome as always. Second last pills today then a busy weekend with my BIL and SIL and their 2y DD till Monday. So my time will fly till my Scan on tuesday :happydance:

Sounds like a plan Tella :thumbup:

Kyla - what CD are you on now? Are you doing OPKs or temping?
good luck with your scan Tella.

i just wish my AF shows up or better yet, i BFP on its way........ i feel so lost !
Thanks girls! In honor of all you poas addicts (Maria & Mommymel - you bad influences!), I took a test this morning - bfn. But I used an i/c so I wouldn't be too discouraged.

I had just woken from a dream where I somehow left a pee stick in the pee cup and I ran to retrieve it and although it was totally saturated :sick: it had 2 very clear lines. I ran to tell my dh cause he was headed out of town but I missed him. He really was headed out of town this morning and the dream was so fresh in my mind that I almost expected to see those 2 lines. :dohh:

But I'm not too discouraged. Still hoping for good news tomorrow.

Tella - can't wait for your scan on Monday! I hope it goes really well!! Come on fat follies!

Kyla - remind me... how long was your first cycle after OD? This is your 2nd, right?

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