anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Yh think I will leave todays temp how it is as its only 40mins and def gping to dicard todays yesterdays temp. Thanks :)

How are you doing this cycle? Xx
Mommymel - Yay for AF! :haha: I'm so happy you're moving forward and get to start very soon on the last leg to your bfp!!

Tella - How did your scan go?! Anxiously waiting for some news!! I hope it went really well!

scerena - I never adjust temps. I think as long as you have a few hours of sleep and take your temp right upon waking, you're fine. I slept in til like 11:00 in Vegas (noon my time!!) and my temp wasn't any higher than usual. BUT, I know that my temps aren't affected by the time....some women might be different. In general though, I would say don't adjust.

afm - beta was up to 61 this morning! So a jump from 3 to 61 in just 3 days. I think that's pretty good! I've read that doctors are looking for at least 40 by 14dpo and considering I'm only 12dpo, I'm happy with that number. I'll go back in on Wednesday for a retest and then hopefully we'll schedule an u/s. I'm anxious to see the bean on screen!
AWWW Cridge I am soooo excited for you!
Glad your beta has gone up :)
Will be good to see your lil bean on a scan :)
You have so many exciting times ahead and I hope that you stay in touch with us all :hugs:

Thanks for the info about the temps- I put sundays original temp in but discarded it and used todays original temp as was only 40mins early...
If tomorrows temp is high then looks like I had a very early ovulation (if I dont include the two days of spotting before cd1), also had quite a dark opk cd11 (couldnt do one cd10, so may have been positive as they have all been neg since, and I had quite a bit of ewcm)But we will see what tomorrow brings- My body is so confusing temp will probably drop lol! x
Thanks Scerena! I will definitely be hanging out around here!

So has your cf dried up? FX'd that you ovulated!! Woohoo!! So far, your chart looks good! Can't wait for tomorrow's temp, but you need to wait about 3 days to confirm. It sounds like you had all the right signs, so things are looking good!
Cridge > :wohoo: :happydance: Im so happy to see your numbers grow!!!! And they are fantastic on top of that. My scan went fantastic :D Fx'd you get a scan quickly so that you can see your GF Bean :D

Love the ticker!!!!!!!!!

Scerena > It will be wonderful if you had a early O and OD has worked that well so quickly for you. Now just the BFP!!!! Hope you guys BD'd enough :winkwink:

AFM > Had my follicle scan this morning. I have 2 eggs :wohoo: :happydance: one on each side but the right hand one is 26mm :shock: and the left hand one is a bit smaller but he didn’t measure it but if I had to guess I would say between 18mm-20mm so it will also mature and trigger even if it is a bit later :happydance: Have to do the trigger tonight at 8pm and 40hrs later the IUI on Thursday morning around 11am. Im gonna be PUPO after the IUI and cant wait to confirm the BFP on the 13th of March :thumbup:
That is super numbers Cridge...... i am so happy :wohoo:

Tella, thats great sizes you got there,,,, and two of them.... maybe twins on its way ? :haha:

Scerena, I hope you O'd early..... seems your OD worked quickly,,,, so your BFP is going to be even quicker ... :hugs:

AFM, AF is out with a vengence,,,,,, lots of clots and some cramps..... but i guess it was coming,,,,,, so i start me meds tomorrow: Clomid 100mg cd3 to CD7 :thumbup::thumbup:
Menopur CD 5 & CD7
My scan is scheduel for Wed 7 march..... i cant wait! :dance::dance:
Right now i wont be picky, but whats the actual chances of both sticking considering it is so hard to get one to stick :shrug:

Im just happy to have two eggy's and have double the chances.

Hope AF becomes better quickly and once you start meds you will see how quick time flies :hugs:
Cridge-What wonderful news! :thumbup: Aww i am so happy for ya!:happydance: Love the ticker!

Tella - That is really positive - 2 eggs! :thumbup:Woop woop! Well it's funny you say about the chances of both sticking - It happens trust me, I have found out I am having twins! :blush:Too early to tell, but seems like 2 eggs fertilised - now double trouble - sick x2:sick:, pains x2,
worries x2, risk x2 - so it does happen! Maybe you will have the same? You never know!

It has come as such a shocker - I just cannot tell u! I have been super sick - nauseous all the time, I really want to enjoy my pregnancy, but it is wearing me down.

Mommymel - I hate to say it, but good news about the AF - you can look forward to the new cycle. i really hope this is your cycle - goodluck with Clomid - It may have done the trick for me! So have faith!

To all the other ladies - hope you are all well Scerena, Kyla, Janex, Princess, Kat, sorry if I missed anyone - sending you all loads of babydust! :dust:
Ladies :)
I feel sooooo stupid thinking I ovulated early :blush: I have a dilemma- I was so sure I ovulated on cd11 as my temp shot up- But today the temp has dropped right back down (I know you need 3 consecutive high temps to confirm o) So I know I havent ovulated despite having all the signs of o... Do you think my body geared up to o but didnt???? Opinions please ladies sooooo confused grrr...

Cridge- Glad you will be hanging around as you made me feel very welcome when I joined this thread :hugs: Yes all my syptoms was there weird eh...

Tella- Yay on the follicle scan :) What big follicles you have :dance: you now have double the chance :) So happy for you! Looking forward to seeing your bfp also :)

mommymel- I wish my OD worked quickly I jumped ahead of myself (embarrassed) Looking forward to the results of your scan hopefully some nice big follicles waiting for you :) have you tried clomid before or the menopur?

arza786- OMG TWINS :happydance: so so happy for you hun! How lovely you are truely blessed :) have a double h&h rest of your pregnancy and get plenty of rest :) Did you get your :bfp: after taking clomid?
WOW congrats on the Twins :oneofeach: !!!!!!!!! I know it is double of everything you mentioned but it is also double the joy, love and awesomeness :D

Im not hoping for twins but if that is what the Lord has planned for me i will embrace it and then im done and dont have to go through all of this again. My 2 kids will be done and dusted in one shot :D

Fx'd your MS gets better soon and that you will be able to start enjoying your pregnancy.
Just cross checking on your previuos coverline, it is still possible that you have O'd already..Have you tried inputting a mock temp for tomorrow to see if it gives your crosshairs? If not i would and then you know if you should continue worring about O or not. And then if tomorrow morning is high you know it is done if not then it is still game on for you.

Also consider that there is also something like a fall back rise, so just stay open minded :hugs:

Hope you caught that eggy!!!!!!!!!
wow..... Twins...... what a surprise,,,,,, double the joy....
where is Cridge, has she gone to Vegas again ? lol
Arza - WOW! Double Congrats!! :happydance:

Tella - excellent news on the follicles....I just really hope doing the IUI 40 hours after the trigger won't be too late. I know this is how IUI works - but I swear when I had mine I ovulated 24 hours after the trigger so having the IUI 40 hours later was just way too late :shrug: But everyone's different so I hope this IS IT for you :thumbup:

MommyMel - YAY for starting Menopur! I have a feeling all you need is a little boost and you'll get your BFP! I got on really well with Menopur - much better than Clomid.

Scerena - were you doing OPKs?

Cridge - once again - fab numbers:happydance:
MariaF- where do i inject myself, tummy, behind, arm ???? i have no idea where to stick that needle in .... :shrug:

is there any "best" time to do the meds and injectable ?
Maria > We did it 40hrs past trigger last time as well and i started feeling O cramps the morning of IUI, so now i have decided to rather do my Trigger 2hrs later so it will be 38hrs past trigger. I have read in alot of places that it is better to O after IUI than before so that the :spermy: are waiting for the egg and not the other way around. How long after the cramps do you think does the egg release from the follicle? Mine started at about 8am the morning and my IUI was at 11:30.

MommyMel > I took mine in the late afternoon so that the side effects wouldnt hit me so hard. The injectable's i have no clue about. Didnt your doctor explain how at all :wacko:? How must you know, i would call and ask.
Wow!! :cloud9: There are wonderful things happening on this thread!!

Congrats Arza!! My best friend had twins last year and I babysit them regularly, it's so much fun! If I take them out in the pushchair all the old ladies stop me for a chat :haha: Hard work but super rewarding.

:dance: Cridge! Brilliant numbers, so happy for you. :thumbup: You're an inspiration to me that we should never lose hope :hugs:

Tella :happydance: Two eggs is super! FX'd for you too.

Mommymel - Glad your AF has arrived so you can start a new cycle. Looking forward to hearing good news from your scan.

Scerena - sorry I don't know enough about temping yet. Have you seen any +OPKs? What CD are you on?

AFM - CD30, still no AF and another (expected) BFN. Something is going on with my hormones though, as I have sore nipples :blush: although I have had this before and not seen the :witch: for weeks. :shrug:
Scerena - please do not take stress about when you ovulated - honestly it doesn't help you in any way, as there is no way you can know for sure, without scan etc. My advice, keep BDing every othr day till Day 28, sometimes temps can be hindered by so many things - Honestly - My FS did tell me that temping stresses the patients out more and at that time, I didnt believe him as I wanted more control, but the month I just left it all, and just concentrated on BDing every other day. It really helped. You should do OPK's from Day 11 -21 depending on how long your cycles are. Use conceive plus or pre-seed as well.

I took Clomid 100mg for 3 months and the month I conceived was my last round before I saw my FS, what I noticed in my case was that Clomid made my periods lighter, so on the last try instead of taking it from Day 3-7, I took it from Day 5-9. That may have been one of the other reasons it helped? Not sure though!

Thanks ladies - Its definately great to know its twins, and you have to embrace it as Tella says, but it aint easy....I feel rough all the time not only in the mornings. Not to mention all the woories about the future - Finances etc. So as much as I thought all my moaning would be over once I got PG, I think it has got even worse after.... LoL!!!! :dohh:
Dont get me wrong I am utterly and truly grateful with all your and my families prayers to be here finally, all I am saying is I'm not out of the soup yet.

Sorry - once again for laying all my probs here, but its just great to share it with you all, as nobody really knows that I am PG let alone with twins, so I just needed to vent! :)
I love the new ticker Arza :happydance:

I understand your dilema and that is what im scared of so i only prefer one.
Arza - TWINS!! Congrats!! I always wanted twins until my brother had them and now it freaks me out. But, it really is fun for everyone once they get a little older. Do you live close enough to family that you'll get lots of help? You're going to be great!!!

Did you get your bloods drawn once you found out you were pregnant? I can't find anywhere on the internet of anyone that had a doubling time of less than 24 hours (mine is 16.8 hours so far). And most of the 24 hour doublers were multiples. EEEK! (I did have 2 follies) BUT, I had really high numbers with my son, so I'm just thinking that's what I do.. :shrug: I'd be interested to see your numbers if you got them though!

Tella - great scan!! I can't believe you had such a fat follie on CD10! Woohoo!! Are you allowed to bd as much as you want before the IUI? I would, if you're allowed to! Or maybe even if they say don't. 40 hours seems like a long time.

As far as O cramps, I typically feel them just after ovulation (confirmed by u/s). Which actually makes sense because when you ovulate you release fluid which can travel down to your uterus and cause it to cramp a little.

Scerena - you could have just experienced a "fallback rise". I've only had one once, I think, and it does stress you a little. If your temp is up tomorrow, I think it's safe to say you'll be 3dpo! :thumbup:

Kyla - I typically get sore nipples just after I ovulate, so maybe you just ovulated!! FX'd! Your chart isn't ovulatory yet, but if you just started getting the sore nipples, hopefully tomorrow you'll have a temp rise!

Mommymel - I'm not familiar with that injectable - is it FSH? I typically inject in my belly (about an inch or two below belly button and an inch or two to either side). You can also inject in your upper thigh (I think it hurts a little more there, but it's not bad), or the upper arm (that seemed too tricky to me). There are videos online of exactly how to do it if you search. But I am surprised your doc didn't give you any instruction.

No new news for me - I have another blood test tomorrow morning.
Kyla - i am the same as Cridge. I got sore nipples from progesterone just after ovulation. Well, about 3 days after.

MommyMel - i took Menopur in my belly. Somewhere half way between the belly button and the hair line. I injected after work - its very important to inject at exactly the same time every day!

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