anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Ok, so i did my Menopur injectable yesterday afternoon , i did not feel a thing at all :thumbup:...... did the ice numbing thingy as Tella said, and gosh it works.....
I did however feel the burn a few minutes later, then hot and a little nausea, layed down for a few minutes and was all good therafter,,,,, :haha:

So here i go, ready for my BFP coming soon... :happydance: :happydance:

how is everyone doing ?
MommyMel - FX'd this is your cycle! Sending you lots of :dust:

AFM - I finally got crosshairs on FF!! :happydance::happydance: I could've Ov'd around CD25 - I am on CD34 today. I can't exactly remember when we dtd :dohh: as I was having my low sex drive, but pretty sure it was every other day, maybe with a two day gap in between. :shrug: I'm still very new to temping, but looking at my chart it looks like I might've Ov'd 14 days after I finished my antibiotics, so maybe they did delay everything. My nipples have been sore for over a week now, still very sore so fx'd this is a good sign.
Yay Kyla!! FX'd for you!

Mommymel - I'm so glad the injection went well! One down!
Just a quicke hello :wave:

Hope everyone is staying positive and catching those eggy's or brewing some :D

I'm fine just a bit crampy but good otherwise!
Kyla - really glad FF confirmed you ovulated!

MommyMel - when's your follicle scan?

Tella- when do you think you'll test this cycle?
Kyla, Tella, mommymel- good luck to all you ladies sending lots of Babydust your way!!!:kiss:

Scerena my thermometer is the baby mad one says it all really doesnt it! :haha:

I have cd21 progesterone bloods tomorrow, I'm not sure what they will show as I'm certain i didnt ovulate around cd 14, if I have ovulated i think it may have been yesterday or today, Although I haven't had any positive OPKs :shrug:have had watery cm today/yesterday and a achey feeling in left ovary area.

I suppose the good thing is they are also testing me on cd28 and cd35 this time. Will be interesting to see if my temps go up. Xx
Kat > GL for your bloods today! But I think it is great that they will test it every 7 days for the next 3 weeks as it will actually give answers instead of speculations.

MOmmyMel > Only 2 more days till your scan!!!! Hope the second injection went as well as the first :hugs:

Maria > Im not gonna test early :wacko: im so content at the moment that im happy to just wait till my beta next Tuesday.

AFM > 4DPO, so i still have 8days to go before my Beta. Loving the fact that the acupuncture makes you so content and relaxed about it all. The only thing is, it feels like me IUI was weeks ago already lol and it has only been 4 days :dohh: Atleast its gonna be a busy week so that should help!

:dust: to all you girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tella > i am praying for you, cramping still.... good signs !! :thumbup:

MariaF > My follie scan is on Wednesday 7 March at 7.30am, very early... :blush:

Cridge > how are you feeling lately, when are you due for your next Beta or scan ? :happydance:

AFM> Did my last Menopur last night, again, no sting nothing, that ice block really does wonders i tell you...:thumbup:
So now my Clomid and Menopur is done, scan on Wednesday, then i will get told when to trigger shot, then iui.....
Hubby and I are so so excited, we just cant wait to see 2 lines for a change,,,,

Thursday was my :wedding: anniversary, so hubby had a huge boquet of flowers delivered to my office, then on Sunday morning i was in church, my Priest called us up for a special blessing, :awww: it was so beautifull, then he made my hubby propse to me again, on one knee,,,, it was so sweet, and i then cried again,,,,lol :dohh:

i really feel so blessed to have such a wonderful husband, all we need now is a baby to call our own, and we will.

have a blessed and wonderfull day everyone.....
Aww that is so cute that DH proposed again, i would also have been in tears again!

I cant wait for your results on Wednesday! You gonna have atleast 2 nice sized follicles!
Awww, MommyMel - you are so lucky! He's such a romantic! If I want flowers I have to remind DH :dohh: We used to fight about it all the time but now I am used to it! I know he adores me but is just absent minded and a typical man - he doesn't see it as a big deal if he forgets to get flowers or buys a really crappy bunch :haha:

Good luck for your scan :thumbup:

Kyla - yes, if you only ovulated yesterday then progesterone would still be very low. But it will go up in the next few days.
Hi girls!

Kat - I rarely got + opt's, so you can definitely still ovulate without getting one. I'm glad to see they're doing more than 1 blood test to make sure! FX'd for you!

Tella - I know what you mean having 4 days feel like weeks! :dohh: I'm so anxious for your beta!!

Mommymel - SO happy the injections went so well! I'm excited to see how many fat follies you have on Wednesday!! Your DH sounds like mine - a hopeless romantic. :cloud9: Happy anniversary!!

Maria - your DH sounds like ME! I'm glad that you realize he still loves you despite his lack of efforts. :haha: My dh is so romantic and I'm just not - sometimes it causes problems. But he understands me and knows that I love him anyway. AND when I DO do something romantic, he knows how much that means.

afm - feeling good! I get a little nauseous after I eat sometimes and I'm hungry ALL the time. I don't get that at all!! My stomach is constantly growling, even after a big meal. My symptoms come and go throughout the day though. I had my 3rd beta this morning. I think she poked the needle completely through my arm cause IT HURTS!! U/S scheduled for Friday at 11!!!
Mommymel - Good luck for your scan :thumbup:

After the excitement of getting crosshairs on FF, I put in my temperature yesterday and it removed them. :dohh: then in the afternoon I started spotting and now it looks like the :witch: has arrived making it a 36 day cycle (last months was CD33) although it is only very light, I did test and got a BFN. :cry: Not too upset as hopefully the op is restoring my periods, but a bit concerned it looks like the last cycle was anovulatory going on my temps and negative OPKs so not sure what to do. :shrug: Don't think FS will listen to me at this stage and I'll just have to wait for my next appointment date, whenever that will be.

Should I be worried about very light periods?
Kyla - I wouldn't be worried about very light periods. Hopefully this is the start of a new cycle and since you won't be on antibiotics, hopefully your body will know what to do and ovulate for real!!

Girls - I had a dream last night that we were all pregnant at the same time!! Maria's got less than 17 weeks left, so the time is near. :winkwink: Wouldn't that be great?!
Hey Ladies, im new here, ive been ttc for 3 years 6 months of clomid no ovulation at all... had ovarian drilling last week... does anyone know how long the benefits from it last? has anyone been successful afterwards? i start clomid again next cycle:flower:
welcome sxc! :hi: I feel like my od benefits lasted about 6 months, but I truly feel like they would have lasted longer had I not immediately gone on femara. You'll hear a range from doctors as far as how long the benefits are "supposed" to last. They have potential to last forever!

Have you ever tried femara? It tends to work better for girls that don't ovulate on clomid. However, many women respond better to clomid after OD, so hopefully things will go really well for you!
Cridge > Yay on the double ticker :winkwink: Atleast another few days has passed :) This thread is full of appointments, MommyMel todya, You on Friday, Maria on Sunday and Me on Tuesday :wohoo:

sxc > Welcome, its been about 9months since my OD and Lap, i manage to ovulate regularly now with meds on CD13/14 and without on CD19, so it does have its long term advantages, but it depends on your own profile of course. But most of the girls here did see a change at some point of another.

MommyMel > GL for the appointment today! We pray for some nice juicy follicles!!! Cant wait to hear what your FS protocol is.

Kyla > I asked my FS about my short period of 2 days flow and a day of spotting and he said it fine. GL, fx'd for AF and a brand new fresh cycle so that you can go catch that eggy!

AFM > 6DPO, So another 6 to go till Beta. Not much happening on this side, no cramping nothing. Hoping the lack of them is a good sign. The Accu lady says everything is flowing very well and she is very positive about this cycle.

The accu makes me very relaxed and content with what happens, so not stressing to much.

Hi everyone I posted on here a few weeks ago and have been keeping an eye on the thread, those of you who have got your BFP's really do give me hope!
My op was at te end of January and last week, 30 days after my op day, I had a period! WITHOUT MEDICATION! I can count on one hand the number of natural periods I've had since they disappeared at age 16 (im now 30)!
To say I was in shock is an understatement! I know it's not a BFP jut its A step in the right direction I hope. Xx
Hi everyone I posted on here a few weeks ago and have been keeping an eye on the thread, those of you who have got your BFP's really do give me hope!
My op was at te end of January and last week, 30 days after my op day, I had a period! WITHOUT MEDICATION! I can count on one hand the number of natural periods I've had since they disappeared at age 16 (im now 30)!
To say I was in shock is an understatement! I know it's not a BFP jut its A step in the right direction I hope. Xx

:wohoo: So happy that you got your AF naturally, it is a huge step in the right direction! GL and go get that BFP!!!!
hi ladies,

so i did the scan this morning,

3 15mm Follies and 2 smaller on lhs , 5 follies on rhs (1 of 14mm)
He wants me to wait till Friday to do another scan, it should be at least 18mm by then, then i will trigger and iui time will be schedueled.
FS said that i am responding very well, a little too well(if thats even possible) :shrug:

so i am ready for my BFP,

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