anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

:wohoo: :happydance: it is great sizes, and soon you will be PUPU with me but then im gonna be PG and then you will turn PG soon after :winkwink:

GROW Follicles GROW
i love your profile pic Tella.......

where is MariaF and Cridge ?
Welcome, scx :flower: I was always told that benefits from OD don't last more than 9 months....BUT then having spoken to another consultant he said something totally new and interesting - he said that women respond well to OD then he doesn't see why the benefits can't last a lifetime :thumbup: Here's how he explained it: the main symptom of PCOS are ovarian cysts and our ovaries being covered by a thick capsule that prevents follicles from growing and releasing eggs. This capsule also releases testosterone and other male hormones. They break the capsule during the OD.
If you start ovulating regularly on your own after the OD this capsule keeps getting broken every month when a follicle ruptures and releases an egg - so in theory the capsule should never grow back! And this will also have a permanent positive impact on your male hormones.
This theory makes sense so the most important thing is for OD to start making you ovulate on your own and regularly!

Rocka - that's fantastic news :happydance: I remember getting my first ever NATURAL positive OPK 12 days after the OD (no Clomid or nothing) and I was over the moon! I was soooo proud of my body :haha: It did take us another 8 months to actually get a BFP but the fact that my body was working as it should was overwhelming! It's incredible how most women with regular cycles take it for granted and even dread af whereas for us PCOS ladies it's like a Godsend :thumbup:

MommyMel - great news on those follies. Have you stopped all drugs now? I would agree with your FS about the response being too good :blush: I think over here they don't do IUI if your body produces more than 3 follicles in a stimulated cycle. I hope your body only matures one or 2 follies and you can go ahead with the IUI!

Tella - WOW, I can't stop staring at your avatar!! You look stunning!! Seriously girl - you and DH will produce gorgeous babies :cloud9: You make a stunning couple! Love it! Love it! Love it!!!!:thumbup:
MariaF> it looks like we will have 3 mature follies, he said twice last year he had twins and once he also had triplets due to a lady having more than 3 mature follies. :winkwink: He said that on Friday he will know exactly how many follies are there. :happydance:

He seems very optimistic about the cycle, i just pray i will get lucky first time round..... and not need multiple iui cycles. :happydance:

how are you feeling MariaF , Has baby been activate lately? :baby:

Tella > you look beautiful in this pic, truly stunning ! :flower:

Cridge > where are you hiding, have you left us already? :blush:
Are you kidding Mommymel?! I might leave the rest of BnB, but not you guys! I've had to take a step back from bnb lately though because the freak-outs were creeping in on me. I'm so excited about your scan!! It's very possible that just one or two of those follies will mature fully, but hey - triplets would be great, right? hehe. :haha:

Tella - LOVE your pic!! I can't WAIT for your test on Monday!!! :thumbup: I wouldn't worry about feeling any symptoms at this point....but soon - very soon!!!

Maria - so is it a little safer to chat here?.... did someone get you in trouble for still posting in your journal? Boooo!

rockabilly - that's great news!! I'm so glad for you that af came on her own - definitely a step in the right direction!! Hopefully you'll even ovulate on your own this cycle! GL!
Awww thanks, I feel so flattered :hugs:

Its been a while since I've looked at our wedding photos and thought it might be nice to update my avatar :)

Cridge > ur apart of a OD success story so you guys are always welcome in here, as its in the success stories side of the forum :happydance:

U guys are my virtual family and don't wanna loose any of you guys due to stupid forum rules :hugs:
:hi: all
Sorry I havent been on in a few days I have been lurking but havent had time to post much... Hope every one is well?

Mommymel- great news on your follies :dance:

Kyla- Are you actually ovulating on your cycles?

rockabilly- :happydance: yay for getting af on your own definately a step in the right direction :)

sxc- I hope you recover quickly and become a OD graduate soon :)

Tella- I hope the next 6 days fly by for you, I hear so many people having no symptoms and then they have a surprise bfp so fx'd :) Your avatar is lovely :)

Kat- did you get your blood test results yet? Sorry I might not of read far back enough?

Maria- How have you been? Well I hope? Cant believe how quick your pregnancy is going! Does it feel quick to you??

Cridge- How have you been hun? Well I hope? Have you had any new symptoms yet??

AFM- nothing new here to report unfortunately im cd22, no ovulation yet, going by my chart my temps have stayed consistantly low like my body os trying to ovulate- would you agree???
I didnt o until cd32/cd34 last cycle (can't remember), was hoping to ovulate sooner this cycle, but what will be will be xxx
I called for my cd21 blood results today, they are useless!, got passed around 3 departments, the last ones saying the first ones should have told me, when they tried to put me back through they had gone home. :growlmad: .

Anyhow my sis is a community midwife and has access to the system she will find out for me tomorrow.

I don't think I ovulated yet either Scerena, I have had EWCM yesterday and today so maybe it's happening now, does my chart tell you anything?!? Temps are just low and quite consistent :shrug:

Sxc- welcome :kiss:

Mommymel- looking good for the follies :thumbup:
:hi: Kat,
My temps are low too...
Your chart looks consistant, hopefully if you are having ewcm then you are or will be ovulating very soon :) fx'd for you that you will see a nice temp rise :)

Good having your sis as a community midwife too :) at least when you have your :bfp: you will have your sis to rely on :)
Scerena - it is flying by for me :wacko: I am trying my best to enjoy every day!

Low stable temperatures are certainly good! I hope you will ovulate soon!

Kat - ewcm is an excellent sign! Are you doing opk's too?
Yep, testing with opks but all negative so far, I didn't get a positive last cycle though and I definitely ovulated. Let's hope it's happening! X
:flower: Welcome sxc.

Rockabilly - :happydance: So pleased for you! FX'd your BFP will happen this cycle too.

Tella - lovely profile pic! Stunning dress

Mommymel - Looking great for you :thumbup: Keep the updates coming.

Scerena - I don't think I have OV'd at all since the op. I had a very faint line of the OPK around CD10-14 last cycle but my temps didn't indicate anything. I didn't get anything on the first cycle either, this new cycle will be my third post op and I'm very glad that I am having AFs though as that gives me some hope. If I don't get any ov success this month and no BFP I'm going to take the 50mg dose of Clomid I kept from last year next cycle and just not tell the FS :winkwink:

Cridge - Echoing Tella's comments, OD success stories are so motivating to everyone else. We're sooooooooo pleased for you it's great to hear how you are doing. :cloud9: You remind me of my favourite Roald Dahl book quote:
"'You mustn't despair!' cried Mr Wonka. 'Nothing is impossible! You watch!'"

Scerena > Thanks :hugs: Sorry to confirm but you have definitely not O'd yet, just try and keep up with the every other day BD. Hope you O soon!!!

Kat > I don’t think you O'd yet but maybe it is the start as your temps is starting an upward trend. GL!!!

Kyla > Thanks :hugs: You sound like me, I also took Clomid behind my FS's back, it helped me O early but no BFP. But I had to tell him at my 6m post opp consultation as we were discussing the next step forward.

AFM > 7DPO still no symptoms really. Seems like my bean must be using all the progesterone from the supplements hence no side effects from it :winkwink:
my sister just gave birth this morning, a beautiful baby girl, 1 month premature, weight is 2,1kg, she so tinty, can fit into a shoe box.... her names is Saige....
but thank God she is healthy ,all toes and fingers accounted for.
looking at the baby just makes me long even more for my own baby....
Maria- yes enjoy :) and I am hoping that the low temps actually rise soon!

Kat- our temps look so similar! Constant and consistantly low... Lets hope they rise for us soon :)

Kyla- I would be the same and take it too, how did you respond to clomid before the op? Im tempted to take clomid too as I have some left over...

Tella- yes I know 100% that I havent ovulated yet, just wanted to confirm that low temps are a good thing right?- that my body is trying? 5 days until you test so exciting :dance:

Mommymel- congrats auntie :) and congrats to your sister :) I am glad baby saige (lovely name) is well :hugs: enjoy your baby niece as Im sure your little play friend will be along shortly for her :hugs:
Scerena our charts are very alike, really need to see the rise soon! Just been with my friend at Zumba and she told me she was 11 weeks preggers. Happy for her, but it always makes me feel a little sad for myself :cry: I know I shouldn't . :blush: it just happens for some so easy.

My sis just stopped by, my progesterone was 2.4 on day 21 so def no ovulation detected as yet, which isn't really surprising.

P.s I also have a clomid stash and was wondering about being a bit naughty, :winkwink: was a it worried about doing that though as doesn't clomid have the slightly negative effect of a thinner lining?
Clomid use to thin my lining :cry: but now after the op who knows :shrugg:
I am tempted to take it though but I know I shouldn't...

We definately need to see some temp rises dont we hun :hugs:

Sorry you haven't ovulated yet, hopefully you get the results that you need soon...

I get that jealous streak everytime I hear of a :bfp: especially when people didnt try, but try your hardest to put on a brave face :hugs: hopefully you will have a little play mate for her little one soon hun, she probably needs a friend right now, try and think positive- IT WILL BE YOUR TURN SOON :hugs:
Mommymel - Congrats on your sister on the arrival of baby Saige. Such a pretty name. FX'd she'll be getting a lovely cousin to grow up with soon.

Scerena (and Kat)
- When I was on Clomid, I sometimes ovulated, sometimes not. I went up from 50mg to 100mg but they never upped it from that. I never ov'd on the 50mg and it's a secret stash of 50mg that I've got. I am so impatient for a BFP now, I'm so tempted to take it but I really believe that I need to wait for at least another cycle to allow my hormones to settle down post-op. Everything I have read about ladies who've had OD but no presrcribed meds seems to point to holding off the meds for at least a few months so our bodies can stablise and we can get a true picture of what has happened. Frustrating though :dohh:
Kyla- Very frustrating isn't it, we want meds to try and get a bfp faster, but meds too soon wont help to show what our bodies are doing on its own... grrr so annoying right!
I have about one cycle of 50mg left- how many do you have lol?
I didnt o on 50mg either, 100mg I didnt apparently- but opks and temps proved otherwise... But 50mg could work for us after the op as our ovaries are meant to be more sensitive to meds apparently???
Clomis however did thin my lining, but that was on the scans early on when they said I wouldnt ovulate- Little did they know I ovulated a bit later in the cycle like I told the nurse- that can happen but she thought she knew it all- they make me so mad sometimes as I was right :haha:

So what do you think you will do? Take it or wait?xx
Scerena - I think I'm going to wait. I'm torn over what to do but I think deep down I know it's better to wait. I also have 1 cycle of 50mg left :blush:
They didn't ever check my lining, just CD21 bloods. Sometimes I'd get AF with it, and other times not :shrug:

At the moment, our rough plan for ttc this year is to see what happens naturally and then in May/June I'm going to make an appointment for private IVF. Not sure if my BMI has to be under 30 for that, it's 35 now so drastic kick ass diet and exercise regime is called for :dohh:

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