anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi everyone, i've not been around to post for a while, but i have been following you via my phone (which is pretty hard work to navigate!)

Scx - Welcome! I hope you have a speedy recovery and a BFP soon!

Cridge - Love the tickers! Hope everything is going ok with you? Are you suffering morning sickness at all?

Arza - Im not sure if i have congratulated you already, but heres another anyway! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wow twins! That is amazing!!

Rockabilly - Thats great news. A real good sign! :D

Mommy Mel - I hope the IUI works first time for you. Will have my FX!

Kyla..I have NEVER had a sex drive..Nothing at all. Zilch.

Tella, that avatar is so beautiful!! Its mesmorizing!!

Maria, i hope you and the Papaya are doing well!

Nothing much to report with me. Im feeling really down hearted at the moment. Still getting spotting, it goes from medium flow to virtually medium...Today, its hardly visable at all, but for the majority of the week, i have had little clots when i wipe. I know it sounds gross so apologies for that. This has been going on since 2 weeks pre-op now, and i feel in no better position than i was before the OD. I have heard nothing about a follow up appointment. I'm not even sure that i am supposed to be having one? I am going to mention it to my Dr when i see her next week, and see what she says about it. I'm feeling really down at the moment..don't know if its depression kicking in, or hormone related. I am also quite spotty and itchy. I wonder if this is hormone related? Anyway...rant over.
Janex > So sorry about the fact that you have not seen any improvement yet, but i do believe it will come in some or other method. Just keep strong and discuss it with your doc for sure :hugs:

Thanks for the compliments on my avatar girls, it means a lot :hugs:

To you girls wondering about the clomid, i know i did it but i should also have waited long before doing it. I never had a problem with it thinning my lining but i will never know if that was the problem after the opp as my AF was only 2days long. Even though my FS said not to worry about it, my Accu said it means i have a low blood count which i would assume means my lining would be thinner as well. I would say if you could control yourself :haha: wait for 4 months and then only try alternative methods of Ovulation stimulation.

AFM > 8DPO, still very normal, if you can call it normal :lol: Im had a acupuncture session earlier and it was as allways great, dont have anymre till my bfp next week :thumbup:
Tella - Thanks for that, I know I should wait and I am trying really, really hard not to be tempted as my impatience grows so it helps to hear from others that I am doing the right thing in not self-medicating.

Janex - Are you seeing your Dr about this or about something else? If it's something else, I'd be tempted to make it a double appointment to give you longer to discuss and if it were me, I'd also be phoning up the FS to demand answers too (probably blood tests to see hormone levels, maybe even a scan). It could be anything, probably just the hormones settling down but you deserve to have the worry (however minor) of it taken away. :hugs:

Edit: Just adding that I've been spotty too, it's very bad a the moment as AF is here. That's probably the hormones.
girls - I would totally wait as long as you can to try the clomid. I jumped right into femara 30+ days post-op, and I wish I hadn't. I was so worried that I'd lose any benefit to the OD and that even the femara wouldn't work as well if I had waited, but with each month of use, I could tell my body was not liking it. I think the first couple/few months after OD are the most stressful because you want something to happen right away. Give it time though - I think you'll be glad you did!
Tella- Cant wait to see your :bfp: next week :hugs: I have a good feeling :) 8dpo- that has gone really fast :) I agree I will wait 4 months before seeking meds, I have another appointment in May so I will wait until then and discuss with the fs

Janex- SOrry you are feeling down hun :hug: Have a speak with your doc and find out about your follow up appointment too hun whilst you are there. I too have had bad skin since the op, use sudocream (it says acne in the small print) I now use it and its great :)

Cridge- I agree and I will wait to take any meds, I need to let my body recover... So how are you feeling??? Any new symtoms??

Kyla- Lets try and be natural for a while our bodies could surprise us :)
So I decided to have a break from all things TTC (apart from having as much sex as possible:haha:) , got a bit too obsessive/stressed about it all following my surgery as feel very pressured to catch the eggy as the benefits of the surgery may wear off in 6 months.

Taking temp every morning makes it the first thing I think about each day and if your not seeing what you want too it's not a great start, negative OPKs day after day, rushing to toilet to see what consistency that cm is and the list goes on!:dohh:

So from today I am just going to relax and have sexy time whenever the mood takes me and hope for the best.

Also, no more baby and bump for now, will miss you ladies but plan to come on in a few months time and see how everyone is and congratulate all of your bfps! Will miss you all. :hugs:
Sometimes ttc can be stressful hun even my fs said just bd everyother forget everything else or it can make sex feel like a chore...
If it is what you need to do then good luck hun, I hope you get your miracle bfp during your break, hopefully we will be congratulating you when you come back :hugs:

Good luck hun you will be missed :hugs: :dust: :dust: :dust: xx
Kat - I took several breaks off here and that certainly helps! I hope when you come back you'll have some good news for us :hugs:
Kat - I totally get how you're feeling! Taking a break can be good. We'll miss you and we'll keep our fingers crossed for good things for you while you're away! GL!
Hi ladies,
I just had my IUI this morning, been cramping quite a bit,
So I hope all is well and working like I am praying it should.

How is everyone doing?
Mommymel- Yay for having the IUI done :happydance: I am praying for you that this is your month hun :hugs:

I have been looking into egg sharing tonight so going to phone arounrd a few clinics and get prices etc, it not a definate route that I am going to take right now, although I might I am considering doing it sooner rather than later... The thing that appeals mostly to me is that I can help another lady in our situation/or worse aswell as try to make my dream come true... So I am certainly thinking about it x
:wave: Hope your all ok?

Mommymel fxd for you.

Cridge have you had a scan?

afm af arrived cd21 so since od on the 3rd jan i had af day after that then one at cd22 then cd23 now cd21? phoned he clinic and they are going to book me in for a scan this week to see if i'm ovulating or not. I personally don't think i'am as no signs. But just seems so odd my cycles are so short??I see them in april anyway to the the iui setup. xx
mommymel - congrats on the iui!! The Successful iui!! :winkwink: I'm so excited you're in the 2ww - can't wait for that bfp!!

Nikkia - I did have a scan on Friday. Totally freaked my dh out because I thought I should have seen more. I also have a majorly overstimulated ovary, so that's causing some pain and gut issues (and my jeans aren't fitting). Got bloods (lots and lots) drawn and everything looks great. We have 1 little guy in there and I get another scan this coming Friday!!

I would say your short cycles are a good thing - shows your body is trying to do something. I just hope you can start ovulating as well!! I'm glad they're going to be checking up on that.
hi ladies

Tella> when are you testing, i am so excited to hear about your bfp.... its coming up today. :thumbup:

Cridge > how are you feeling lately ?

MariaF> wow, your baby is growing so fast.....

AFM> just cramping on the LHS and a pulling sensation on my RHS. i am still bloated, feels like my uterus is full and its actually umcomfortable at times. i am schedued for a Beta on the 25th March..... i am praying very very hard. :hugs::hugs: to all you ladies...
I did a HPT this morning and it was a BFN :cry: Im very emotional, because of the serene state of mind i have been in since the IUI, thought this one will be different. Anyhow, i went for my Beta and should have the results in about 1hr 30min i just praying that my HCG has not been high enough for a hpt...please Lord help me through this.

If still negative im gonna ask for an earlier appointment than CD3, so that i can discuss the posibilities of IVF wiht the FS first.
Oh Tella Im so sorry it's a BFN :cry: I still have everything crossed for the blood results!!! It's horrible seeing BFNs after BFNs when everything SHOULD be perfect! You are ovulating, your lining is good, your tubes are clear, DH's swimmers are excellent...I remember it used to drive me mad that even when everything was perfect it STILL wouldn't happen :cry:

MommyMel - cramping is quite normal both after the IUI procedure and after the stimulation. Your ovaries responded very well so its most likely the corpus luteum that's giving you the cramps :thumbup:

Nikkia- Im really glad you are getting monitored! I always found it so useful to actually know what's happening inside my body.
Tella > lets wait till the Beta come back, i am here for you..... :hugs:
Thanks Girls :hugs: you guys mean the world to me, and no words can ever say how much!
Tella- so sorry hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: how did the beta go??

Mommymel- My fingers are crossed for you hun, hopefully this is it for you, hopefully your little bean is all snuggled in :)

I hope all you other ladies are doing well???

AFM- I have had enough :cry: still havent ovulated! I really thought this op would be my answer and help me get pregnant, seems not... I know its early days and I need to give my body a chance but to be honest its not very reassuring at the moment, my body is thick and cannot even ovulate on its own :cry: Just had enough lately, I have people who know my situation guessing when I will be pregnant :( x

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