anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Argh - I've been trying to post to this thread all day and for some reason it's not letting me! I can post to any other thread but this one is giving me fits. Hoping this goes through......!!!

Tella - :hug: Today's a sucky day. Tomorrow will be better. :hugs:

Mommymel - my fingers are crossed for you! I'm feeling good. Starting to get a little nauseous, but bring it on!

Scerena - :hugs: I'm so sorry you're having a bad day. TTC sucks. You've had some benefits from the OD, right? That's a step in the right direction. Now all we need to do is get you to ovulate! Try to keep your chin high and continue to give your body a chance.
Tella - I am so sorry it was a BFN. I was just heartbroken when my IUI didn't work. I know exactly how you are feeling, but stay positive. Thinking of you! :hug:
Tella > I am so sorry...we are here for you, chin up, its very hard, you will get your BFP sooner than later..... thinking of you my friend. :flower:

Scerena > i also wondered when i would really see the effects of my OD, but the results of the OD was enough for me,,,, its still early days, give yourself time. i too was very impatient, but as my fs said, on the outside we heal so much quicker than on the inside, physically and emotionally, i think i only started to realy notice and feel ovulation about 5 months after my OD.... so chin up girlfriend, we are here for you, rant and rave, we got your back. :winkwink:

Cridge > you a sweet pea.... beautifull :dance:!!!! i am so glad you starting to expierence some "real" pregnancy symptoms, it makes it all so more real,,,,,,, i never thought i would ever say this :dohh:, but i can't wait to start feeling nausea and sick, lol

AFM> i am 3dpiui, the cramps have subsided, but still gets the occasional cramp on the LHS, it seems that that side is more active (thats where i had 3 x 19 - 20mm follies)
could that be the side i ovulated from, or both? (RHS had 1 x 19mm and 1 x 22mm follie)
doctor did also mention to me that my linning was a little thin, so he gave me Progynova 2mg to help.

i was taking baby Asprin but stopped that as soon as he mention my linning being a little thin..... was that wise or not ?:shrug::shrug:
OK, my 2nd IUI was a bust another :bfn: for me. Im now considering IVF, as im paying everything out of pocket i need to decide if im gonna take another chance with IUI with injectables @ 15-20% success rate or am i gonna go for IVF wiht ICSI and have 70% success rate. To me the numbers side wiht IVF even though it is more expensive, my mom is helping with the costs of it so it helps alot. Luckily im the only child and she wants a grandchild.

So i pray my AF will come on Saturday, 3 days after the last progesterone tablet same as last month which will put my on CD3 on Monday, my FS has already said he will go to IVF without doing a 3rd round of IUI if it is my wish.

Do you girls have any input for me, please i need some objective input, I have to decide what I want to do by Thursday/Friday the latest.
Tella :hugs:

I always said if we had to pay privately I would attempt 2 IUIs and then move onto IVF. We did have one private IUI but that was before the OD. And then we managed to get the government funded IUI and we were entitled to 3 rounds. I was OK with that but given we had done one already I would be OK with just 2 attempts as again I felt it was a bit of a time waste :wacko:

The only thing about IVF - I always had reservations about it. Just the whole process...I found IUI quite emotionally draining and IVF of course is 100 times worse...So I knew I would need a few months to get used to the idea of IVF. Im not sure how emotionally ready you are - and if you are, I would go for it :thumbup:

Scerena - Im so sorry you are feeling down :cry: When do you go back to see your FS? Do you think they will give you Clomid or injectables to try?
Do you have any holidays planned or something else positive to look forward to?

Snflwrgrl - wow, almost half way there :thumbup: Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?
Thanks for the reply Maria, i have never had an issue wiht IVF and we knew that if the IUI's didnt work we would go for IVF definitely, so basically its just a month earlier than what the original plan was obviously first prize would have been to fall before IVF but tha has not happened.

Im a very strong person when it comes to seeing things through and once i have made up my mind that i want IVF i will commit 100%. The IUI wasnt that emotional for me, just the Beta days.

Im just terrified of it not working. I wont be able to do two rounds only have funds for one.
Cridge- Thank you so much :hugs: yes I will try and keep going, I just have enough sometimes just wish I was lucky and my body worked straight away :( Yes I ovulated cd32 last cycle, though I would ovulate earlier this cycle but I guess not... Oh has his appointment with the fs tomorrow so I will see if I can change back to his one as I find him better...
Cannot believe you are 6 weeks already seems to be going so quickly :)

Mommymel- Thank you :hugs: always so positive you are :) I am so impatient I knwo I need to stop it lol! 5 months after OD seems so long but I guess its true what your doc said :) Did you have longish cycles at first???
Hopefully you ovulated from both sides and have twins that would be exciting :)
I am not sure I only took baby aspirin for one cycle, maybe ask your doc??
Hopefully the stuff your doc gave you makes your lining nice and comfprtabel for your little bean to snuggle in to :)

Tella- Sorry it was a :bfn: Ivf numbers sound much more promising and its really great that your mum will help with the costs also :hugs: If you do go with the ivf I will be stalking you as I am also considering ivf for the end of the year...
Although I agree with Maria, Ivf will be alot more emotionally draining, do you feel prepared for ivf???
EDIT: just see your reply, if you are ready then I say go for it, praying your be lucky and have success on your first round hun :hugs:

Maria- May 3rd is my next appointment, this new fs seems pretty reserved about giving me any meds :cry: so I doubt it...
But oh has an appointment tomorrow with my old fs so I am going to see if I can change back to seeing him again and get his opinion (he was the fs who said after the op he would look into injectables and clomid or something) But now that new fs has wrote notes I guess he will prob agree with him grrrr
Yes we are looking to boook a holiday for may/june but have to wait until pay day and see what the travel agents have got, once that is booked things might seem a little more positive for me...
You pregnancy seems to be going sooo fast everytime I look at your ticker! Hope eveything is going good?

Ladies, still no ovulation, I have been getting these pains in my stomach, not sure if it is just a belly ache or something to be concerened about? I am so paranoid since my op... x
Hi ladies...having the same problem as Cridge it wont let me post on here! Bugger!!!!

Tella - I am truly sorry about your -ve, I was truly waiting in prayer for your good news this month...could I just suggest something - I know you are a strong gal, and I know that you are feeling bad now, and want to get on with the next course, but how about going a couple of months naturally or trying Clomid again? Maybe taking it really easy may help? Its just a suggestion, before you go for the IVF you should ensure you completely calm your mind...thats the only reason I say this. BTW - dont know if I have told you already but you look lovely in your Avatar pic!

AFM - I have some really bad news ladies, I lost one of my is the hardest thing to hear:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: they say atleast you have the other one but to see my baby lying lifeless in the scan does not make that fact any easier to bear....I really hope that you all say a prayer for me and my little bean that is now in heaven...:angel:
Arza> i am so so sorry hun, i cant imagine the pain you felt when you saw your scan,,,, i dont even want to think about it.....:nope: :cry:
but hey, you still have 1 bean, snuggling away..... focus and concentrate on that 1, he or she will need you to be healthy and relaxed. i wish you a very very healthy and happy pregnancy, :baby:
take care luv, look after yourself, i am thinking of you (all the way in South Africa). :hugs::hugs: :flower: :hugs: :hugs:
Scerena > sorry O I still playing games with you, its frustrating to say the least. Maybe look into Soy Isoflavones to help with O, I tried it but my O stayed the same but a lot of girls fall with it.

Arza > I'm sooooooooo sorry :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I knw nothing anybody says will make it easier and all I will say is that I will pray for you and bean to be safe and for angel bean in heaven!

I really appreciate the input, but I'm to much results orientated that going for natural will freak me out and consume even more of me than it already has. They said if I wanted to speak to the FS about IVF and not the nurse I will have to sit this round out and just the idea freaked me out. I'm 99% set on IVF this cycle, must just call the clinic and arrange the change in treatment.

I really wish AF will just come now! I hate this lingo!
Arza- I am so sorry hun :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I am thinking of you, I know nothing we can say to you will make your pain go away but I hope you know that we are all here for you hun :hugs: :hugs:

Tella- Yes I have thought about giving soy a go previously but then I didnt bother as was waiting for my op, but it is worth a go I suppose...
How frustrating that af hasnt come! You are just as impatient as me :haha: Its funny to see someone as impatient as me :) I know what you mean though, you just want results and carry on... I am so going to stalk your ivf journey :)
Oh Arza - this is devastating :cry: Losing a baby must be absolutely horrendous! I'm so sorry! I hope your angel baby will always be looking after you and the rest of your family :hugs: Is the other baby OK? Do they doctors think it will be unaffected by what happened?

Thinking of you honey :hugs:

Tella - although I'm sure it will work first time, if for some reason it doesn't you'll hopefully have frozen embryos. FET protocol costs just a fraction of the fresh IVF cycle! I researched that when we still didn't know if we'd get government funding.

Scerena - good luck with the FS tomorrow!
Arza I'm so sorry to hear you news, I have a friend who has had the same this week also.

Tella Gutted for you.

Hope you get to change your fs scerena

Cridge glad your doing well and i hope you get to see some positive things on friday.

Afm I spoke to the nurse today after a week of tring to get someone to call me back. We have agreed to not have scan and next cycle start clomid 50mg. Feel happy with that then if nothing iui april. I have got lots things to look forward to coming up so will try to focus on that and shifting the last few pounds. x
Maria- Its not my appointment but thanks, its my old fs my oh is seeing so going to see if I can get an appointment with him again... Thanks for the good luck though :)

Nikkia- That is great news I hope you make a clomid baby hun :dance: so nice to have a plan and now you finally have one :) gl

Arza - :hug: I'm so, so sorry!! I can't even imagine (trying not to!) I hope you're doing okay and are able to pull through this. It's horrible! :hugs: Thankfully your other bean seems to be doing well! Remind us how many weeks you are.

Tella - it sounds like you're ready for IVF. I say go for it! Make the decision and sleep on it. If you and dh still feel good about it tomorrow, then make the call! :hugs:

Mommymel - you're going to have quintuplets! :winkwink: Whoa momma - you had lots of mature follies in there girl! This is definitely going to be your bfp cycle!!

Scerena - I never tried soy, but it might be worth a go! Maybe it will help you to feel like you're doing something instead of just sitting around waiting.

Nikkia - good luck with the clomid! How close are you to a new cycle?
Hi girls, sorry about the rollercoaster im going through, but I have changed my mind again :haha: Im going to do a final IUI with injections but still schedule a appointment with my FS to discuss IVF sometime during this cycle, so that if this IUI is also a bust then I know what my game plan is for April/May IVF.

I feel a lot more at ease with this game plan and cant wait to get started on the 3rd time lucky IUI! What I also like about doing injectables before IVF is that the doctor has a good idea of your response to the injectables before embarking on the IVF cycle, which puts my mind at ease a lot aswell. I was worried about what if the meds don’t work on the first IVF? will it be cancelled or what. But atleast we will know my magic drug before my IVF :happydance:

Thanks girls for your input, the IVF route is definitely a more guaranteed route and will definitely be my next step!
Tella > maybe all you will need is a 3rd iui, then ,,,,bfp !!!
i can see you plan, and i understand, if you feel more comfy with a 3rd iui then that exactly what you will need for get your BFP, you know your body better than anyone.... i stand behind you 100% on this.....

Cridge > slowly now,,,,,, slowly, i wont mind having 2 but more than that will def be a problem...... i will be very happy with 1..... lol

AFM> today is 4dpiui, and still have some pains on lhs,,, :shrug:
i am schedueled for my progesterone blood test on Saturday, so hopefully those numbers are high... (how higher should it be :shrug: )

Thanks MommyMel :hugs: I love having you on call :hugs:

Im gonna be crazy this cycle and go buy 12 HPT's 6 normal and 6 of the sensitive ones. And im gonna test from 1DPO with normal ones till 6DPO and then start wiht the sensitive ones. I hope it will help with the anxiety at 12DPO and that i will be seeing a fade in BFP! IF not then it will help with the mental preperation of IVF and i can start making plans around my days of importance ;)
Tella- your plan sounds great and like you said at least you know what meds will work for you during your ivf and how much you will need so you will know a more accurate cost. Good luck with your third and lucky iui hun :)

Mommymel- I am not sure as I dont have them tests done but good luck and hopefully the pains are a good sign :)
Wahooo the fs has given me 50mg clomid to try on my next cycle, he said it should hopefully work better this time after the OD :dance: And I am being referred back to him so he can be my fs again :happydance: so happy! Now I dont have to see the other fs again! I like him for doing that as he wasn't meant to as it was oh's appointment...
Now just got to wait for af... might be a long wait as I haven't even ovulated yet, but I am happy I have something to try and will be scanned etc so at least I know if it is working :)

Hope everyone is well?? Quiet on here today...

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