anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

:hi: ladies :)

Kyla- Aw thanks hun I hope so too! And so glad I joined the gym I needed to get fit- I am a healthy bmi, just want to do it for the fitness side of it really and for holiday!
Glad you had good news hun that is great :) If you done clomid and not always ovulated then personally I would try femara as heard it is more gentle and works better on some ladies than clomid, but the same as clomid can work better than femara- Either way after the surgery hopefully you ovaries should be more sensitive to fertility drugs, so happy that you now have a plan :dance:

Cridge- 10 weeks! Your bubba is growing quick :) hope you are both well?

anupur- Good luck with this natural cycle hun :happydance:

Mommymel- Hows things going? Good luck with your bloods wednesday :hugs: :dust:

Tella- How are you doing? I just read that article :cry: you have given me loads of hope again thanks :hugs:

Maria- eeeeeek 11 weeks to go HOW EXCITING :dance: I hope you are feeling a little better hun :hugs: I am here if you need to talk :hugs:

I am just waiting out tuesday feels so so long away! Anything or any suggestions on how I can get these follies growing???
hi ladies. forg iv e m e for not sending personal shout outs. i may not be online to post f or a while. iwas admitted to the hospital for b ed rest. went to ob appt on tues and i was 1cm dialated. no con tractions un til yesterday, but they were so mild i couldnt feel them. i will be here until i deliver. :cry::cry::cry: but as long as bab y is healthy i will stay as lon g as i hav e to. tuesday is a big milestone....24weeks. lookin g forward to tuesday, iwill get steroid shots to help babys lungs. gonna b e a long road, but i am ready for it.

good luck to all of you!!!!!!
Scerena - hope those follies grow grow grow grow!! Good luck at the gym.

Kyla - Have you been tested for insulin resistance before? Sorry if you've already said that! I'm afraid I can't help on the Clomid vs Femera decision. I have only taken Clomid before OD and it didn't make me ovulate.

Anupur - do you have to pay for your follicle study? Can you not buy any ovulation tests online? You can get them on They are invaluable to me as I have to pay £90 per follicle tracking scan so the OPKs are a lot cheaper! I hope your LH has gone down lots.

Cridge - loving your prune!

Maria - loving your squash!

Tella - wow, that article is amazing! What a journey that couple went through.

snflwrgrl - so sorry to hear that. You will be looked after very well and monitored carefully I'm sure. Make sure you get lots of magazines and books etc to keep you busy.

MommymMel - good luck with the bloods on Wednesday. It looks like we are cycle buddies, I am going for progesterone on either Tuesday or Wednesday, I can't quite decide when/if I ovulated!

AFM - CD19 today. My bbt has gone up a bit, but not much, although FF thinks I have ovulated. So I booked a follicle tracking scan which I had this morning. I was hoping they would be able to confirm ovulation. The person that did the scan didn't really have much knowledge but she said on the left ovary there is some free fluid so I have "probably ovulated". There were no dominant follicles, which again, I hope means I have ovulated as the LH surge would have caused the dominant one to rupture. Can you I ask you girls a couple of questions?
Do you know if non dominant follicles can release after the LH surge?

Does the mid luteal progesterone test have to be a fasting test? What would happen if I had it 6 days after ovulation instead of 7, could I get a negative result even if I have ovulated?

Hope everyone is ok.
snwflwrgrl- I am so sorry hun :hugs: :hugs: I am glad the hospital are giving your baby the steroids to help with his/hers lungs :lungs: I really hope tuesday comes around for you really quickly :hugs: :hugs: I will be thinking of you, your bubba and your oh will be in my thoughts and prayers :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Try and rest hun, we are here if you need to talk :hugs: :hugs:
LPEAR- Thanks hun :hugs: we just posted at the same time :haha: so missed your post when I was replying lol! Sorry I cannot help you with your questions as I do not have a clue, I am sure someone on the thread can help you though :) I hope you did ovulate :)
Snflwrgrl - so sorry to hear you'll be in hospital until you deliver, you're in the best place and they'll be looking after you well :hugs:

LPEAR - I wasn't tested for Insulin Resistance, although I am convinced that I have it as when I am on the South Beach Diet phase 1, I lose weight well as it cuts out sugars.
With regard to the progesterone test - I presume you mean the 'CD21' test, which is 7 days after you ovulate? If so, I've had a lot of experience of these as I had them every month last year. It's not a fasting test. Progesterone is released once an egg has been released and the levels continue to rise meaning approx 7 days post ovulation they will know by your levels if ovulation is likely to have happened or not. It's unlikely to get a negative test if you've ovulated and 6 days instead of 7 won't make much difference to the levels but they might be slightly lower, I've had them done at 6 days and 8 days due to weekends. Good luck :thumbup:

AFM - I saw my GP and we discussed Clomid v Femara. (Thanks Cridge, the yin yang made a lot of sense to me, I'm in the middle). I have decided to go with Femara since Clomid was hit and miss and because when I did ovulate on Clomid, my OPKs were still faint so I'm favouring something new. I feel like I've been given a boost, so I'm joining a gym and focusing on weight loss. Just have to wait for the :witch: to show up now so I can start my Femara. Metformin starts tomorrow, been told to watch out for the squits :haha::haha:
Thanks very much Kyla, that's a great help.

Regarding the metformin, whatever you do don't start on the highest dose, you'll be running to the toilet!! I've been on it for over two months and still not at the highest dose, i have to increase by half a tablet at a time over the course of a few weeks, or i get such a poorly tummy, and it comes on very suddenly.
Snflwrgl so sorry your having a tought time hope baby hangs in there as long as possible.
Kyla i could not tollerate metformin at all even when like lpear i tryed half a tablet at a time. I was fine on 50mg but the min i increased it that was it tummy cramp and the squits. So i thought sod this i can't cope with that.

AFM I taken 4 out 5 clomid 50 mg and see the fs for scan,weight and iui chat on the 23rd. xx
Scerena and Nikkia - good luck for your scans, ladies :thumbup: Clomid has resulted in many miracle babies so here's hoping that each of you will get your BFP next month :thumbup: How's your DH's swimmers?

LPEAR - hows the BBT today? Usually free fluid is a good sign but instead of a dominant follicle a good sonographer should have been able to the corpus luteum which is the left over of the follie. But it siunds like your sonographer wasnt all that great :growlmad:

Kyla - is Femara a pill or an injection? Wishing you lots of luck with it :thumbup: What dose Met are you starting on? I really hope the nasty side effects dont last too long for you :hugs:

Snflwrgrl - OMG, i am soooo worried abou you and your baby boy. I cant wait to get an update. I seriously hope they can stop the labour for at least another 2-3 weeks. Yes, the hospital bed rest will suck but the LO will have so much more chances of healthy future :wacko: I have everything crossed for you and praying very hard all ends well!
I also still cant believe your Dr dragged things and didnt put in a stitch right away when they first discovered the short cervix :growlmad:
Maria, I don't think she knew very much. When I said I thought I'd ovulated she was really confused as to why I was in for a scan after ovulation! BBT has been nice and high the past 3 days! I'm finally accepting that I ovulated on cd17! I guess that means I'm officially in the 2ww for the second time ever! I'm considering stopping bbt in a few days until the next cycle, I literally analyse every little thing and end up on google for hours a day. Hope you and bump are doing well.
Hi Maria, I'm starting on 500mg twice a day of Metformin increasing to 850mg twice a day if I go ok with the side effects. I took my first one this morning, so waiting now to see how I get on. Femara is a pill, like Clomid I need to take it days 2-6. FX'd this works :hug:
Maria dh swimmers 2 years ago were good but he hasn't had to be tested since. I'm on cd 6 took last clomid today and already had one hot flush and some cramping:nope:
LPEAR - i was exactly the same :dohh: And still am. I Google everything and then drive myself! But i do really appreciate the knowledge i gained through the internet.

Nikkia - hot flashes were the only symptom i had on Clomid....oh, and the horrendous mood swings a few days before ovulation :wacko: Stay strong through it, girl :hugs:

Kyla - are you on regular Metformin or Extended Release?
MariaF - I'm just on the regular Metformin. I've read about the extended release one, but I just got prescribed this one so I'll see how I get on. I've taken one this morning with my breakfast and another this evening with my meal, so hoping I won't suffer with side effects too badly.

LPEAR - I'm a Googler, and I find I mostly get good information but sometimes I can get myself worked up or lost/confused reading waaaay too much on threads and never getting the answer I was looking for originally. :haha:
:wave: gls. I am now cd 10 after doing OD. I have a question in my mind that after od can i ovulate naturally if my bmi is 24? :?: doing progesteron test on cd 21 can i come to know that i ovulate this cycle? Pls help me my friends. I cant buy ovulation kit. Becoz there is no supplier. I have just one option that is follicular study which i will do next cycle.
Anupur, you certainly can ovulate this cycle, I did! My bmi is only a bit lower. Just make sure you look out for any ovulation signs. And also, make sure you only go for the progesterone test on cd21 if you think you ovulated on cd14. I ovulatedon cd17 after od so need my test later than cd21. And yes, the test will confirm ovulation. I believe if the number is over 10 it confirms ovulation. I think it can be a bit lower and you have still ovulated.
hi lepear i wanted to ask some question also. Did u feel any mild pain in ur ovary when u ovulated? Can i done my progesteron test after cd 21? Can u tell me white discharge and bbt charting there, is another way to know i ovulate?
Anupur - do you have an account with Amazon? Do they deliver in India? Because you can buy ovulation tests through Amazon.
Other symptoms are pains in your ovaries - although in the first month after the OD pains are common anyway - your ovaries are still healing!

Then the discharge changes to something that looks like raw egg-white. You know that slimey, transparent liquid? :haha:
And of course taking your BBT - do you know how to do that already? The only thing with BBT is it will only tell you AFTER you have ovulated by which stage it's too late to conceive.

It's great news that you can have follicle tracking scans next cycle :thumbup: They are still THE most reliable way to tell you are ovulating.

My BMI was about 25 at the time of OD and I ovulated on my own exactly 12 days after the OD :thumbup: I then went on to ovulate almost every cycle but on different days. Sometimes it was CD13 and sometimes - CD25 :wacko:
Hi Anpur & LPEAR

With regard to CD21 progesterone levels I wanted to add the information about the tests that I have gleaned last year from having them done each month, plus my own research and that of my different consultants. There is loads of information out there on forums, and I've scanned through much of it, with an optimistic mind and sometimes clutching at straws :dohh: wanting to believe I have ovulated when I probably wasn't.

CD21 is the cycle day for testing progesterone based on the assumption that you ovulated on or around CD14. Like LPEAR says, if she ovulated on CD17, then her Progesterone Test should be done 7 days after that, not on CD21 of that particular cycle. :thumbup:

LPEAR - A level under 10 means that you *may* still have ovulated but it is highly unlikely as it is at the lower end of the scale.
Between 10 and 20 means that ovulation is possible, but most consultants want to see levels over 20 before they would be able to say it was "confirmed". (Of course if you ovulated later than CD14 and had the test on CD21 then levels still may be low).
On a "medicated cycle" where you use Clomid or Fermara or similar, they really want to see levels in excess 30.

I had a level of 21 one month and they wouldn't confirm that I ovulated, just that I might've done, so the test isn't the best way of telling. As Maria says, the Follicle tracking scan is the best way to tell if you're ovulating.

Hope this helps :hugs:
Kyla - another caveat is that these are UK numbers. In the US (and potentially other countries) they measure progesterone in different units and you need to divide the UK numbers roughly by 3.

So in the US I believe anything above 10 confirmed ovulation :thumbup:

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