anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Anupur- so glad you are on the road to recovery hun :hugs: :dust: not long till your appointment either gl with that :hugs:

Tella- not sure hun, I would maybe say you are doing another iui so you dont get the 'relax' speech :hugs: thats just my opinion though...
You are definately going to get your :bfp: I cannot wait for it to happen to you I really cant!
Tella I too think I will need ivf but if I do I am definately going to do egg sharing :) so excited for you! :dust:
Mommymel - good luck with the IUI!! My fingers are crossed for you!! Can't wait until you're in the 2ww!

Lpear - hopefully you catch that eggie!! GL!

Tella - Go twins!! :winkwink: I would probably just tell your friends that you're doing IUI again if you don't want to tell them about the IVF. That way they'll know you're still working hard for your goal and you need their support and prayers.

Maria - more :hugs: Will you be going to Moscow for the service? I think your grandma will be able to meet your little girl before she comes to you. She'll send her down with a big hug.
Hi girls, I'm a bit worried now, thought my bbt would've gone up today but it hasn't. My lh surge must've finished yesterday morning, it started the day before. Is it still possible I'll ovulate today?

So worried about the eggs not releasing and ending up with cysts.
Aww, Cridge - that's the sweetest thing to say :cry:

Anupur - I'm glad your recovery is going well. I'm sure your Mum is looking after you well! Will you be doing ovulation tests this month? Do you know if you ovulated on your own before the OD?

LPEAR - I always had positive opk's for 2 days and ovulated at the end of the second day of the positives. My bbt would then go up a day or 2 later so don't be too concerned :thumbup:
Scerena > Would you being donating your eggs then or using donor eggs? But I pray you don’t need that and you will get your Clomid bfp!!!

Cridge > I think im gonna do what you and Scerena suggest and just tell the people that knew about the IUI that im doing "another one" :)

:wohoo: Happy 10 Weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo:

Maria > Hope you doing ok! :hugs:

AFM > Had accupuncture this morning and we are going big next week. We are doing accupuncture every day from Monday till Saturday to stimulated the eggies :dance: Hope I get lots of eggies that is great quality!
Tella- I would donate my eggs :) my fs said he would be more than happy to accept me onto the egg sharing scheme, hopefully it will not come to it but is for sure a option of mine :)
Yay acupuncture all week :) you will have some nice eggies :dance: fx'd!!! Wont doing the acupuncture all week be expensive??? But will sure be worth it :)

:hi: ladies :)
Tella - best of luck, girl! Enjoy the acupuncture. I remember it used to relax me soooo much!

Scerena - I was considering egg donation. A colleague of mine who's also struggling LTTTC because of poor egg quality told me the queues for donor eggs are enormous! So I figured if my egg can help a couple bear a child of their own - why not do it?! It will still be there baby - just with my genetical history. But she'll still carry it, give bith to it and raise it.

I also heard that in the US some women actually SELL their eggs! As in - they don't want kids themselves (well, not at the time at least) but need some money. So they go through the stimulation process as for IVF, retrieve the eggs and get the money :wacko:
I know it's very similar to sperm donation....but somehow Im totally comfortable with donor sperm but not so sure about selling your eggs...It's a weird one for me...
Yes it will be more expensive but I have such a nice lady, she does special deals for me on the accu, but I would rather do lots and get good eggies and do less after O, like 2 a week as originally scheduled. If you participate in the egg sharing, do you get your IVF free?

I've heard about the "exchange" , eggs for IVF costs. But not sure how it works. There is a few places here by us that does that, where you can go through the process and retrieve eggs which a couple that liked your profile will buy.

Tella > this is going to be it. :thumbup:... IVF will def bring that bean along ..... i think thats a good idea, its not anyone's business, just let them believe what they already know, iui is all info they need.....
i am praying for you my friend....:flower:

Cridge > 10 weeks already,,,,, wow.... i hope all is going well with you...:baby:

MariaF> its true,,,, your nan met your daughter already, held her in her arms before you.... a special angel to protect her forever.... my thoughts are with you...:hugs:

AFM > iui went well, not very much cramping, but i started spotting more than usual after the iui, is that normal ? so now iam finnaly in the dreaded ttw again..... Doc was a bit concerned that my LH has on the high side when he did the bloods last week, what exactly does a higher LH mean for me ?:shrug:
:hi: maria & tella- I would only pay £350.00 and get my ivf free, I would not sell my eggs but i would like to be able to help someone to mother a child so I would do it for exchnge for ivf but not cash...
Here in the uk the child is allowed to find out or find you when they are 18 also which I like, but this will prob ly be a decision I would take up probably at the end of the year or end of summer...

Mommymel- sorry I cannot help with the lh? Gl this tww :dust: i look forward to seeing your bfp :)
Just wanted to share this with you ladies, it is proof that we should never give up!
mommymel - when was your LH high? Before the trigger or after? If it was before you ovulated, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I don't really think you need to worry even if it was after. PCOS girls tend to have higher LH and it doesn't cause a problem beyond not ovulating (minor, right? :haha:). Point is, if you triggered and ovulated, I don't think it'll be a problem, but don't quote me on that.
:hi: Ladies :) How is everyone?

I took my last clomid pill today, so now waiting until tues for my scan... Grow follies GROW!!!

I started up the gym today- I have 5 weeks to get in shape before my holiday, and hoping the exercise will do my body good whilst ttc as I have been lazy lately :haha:
:hi: ladies

Maria :hugs: so sorry to hear about your Grandma, take care of yourself.

Scerena - Yay for starting at the gym! GL with your pre-hol exercise and :happydance: for last clomid, FX'd that was the last Clomid you'll ever need.

MommyMel - sorry can't help with IUI or LH questions but just wanted to wish you gl for the 2ww.

Tella - Grow follies!! Tella's Twins has a good sound to it I think :winkwink:

Cridge - Wow 10 weeks! Hooray :hugs:

AFM - :happydance: I had a letter from my FS today, he copied me in on a letter to my GP. He says that based on my CD21 tests I haven't ovulated since the op, and I'm now on CD38.... so he's reviewed my notes and he says that I will benefit from starting 500mg Metformin twice a day, increasing to 850mg to aid my weight loss.
Then he says (and this is where I'd like your advice please ladies!) that I have the option to either go back onto 100mg Clomid for 3-4 months or Fermara 5mg for 3-6 months. I've never been on Fermara before, just 100mg Clomid and I did ovulate but not always, maybe twice out of 6 cycles so I don't know what to go for :shrug: Any thoughts?

He then went onto say that if I take these drugs and I lose some weight, then he can't see why I can't conceive :happydance: I was beginning to feel really low and depressed and this letter has given me some hope.
Kyla - I have a theory that women respond well to either clomid or femara, but not necessarily both. So if you didn't respond well to clomid, I would give femara a try. Personally, I responded decently to clomid, ovulated every time, just not great quality every time; I didn't respond well to femara.

I spoke to my acupuncturist about my theory and she said I was spot on (a yin vs. yang thing). Since I'm mostly yin, but partially yang, I respond better to clomid than femara. So a quick way to judge is this: yin is water: cool, even tempered, relaxed, not overly social or active, laid back type. yang is fire: hot, dramatic, very social, very active, passionate type. If you're somewhere in between (I have qualities of both, like I'm sure most do, but I definitely lean more towards yin), then you'll respond "okay" to both drugs.

I don't know exactly how accurate this all is, but in the few people I've spoken to, it seems to be a pretty good indicator.

:wave: everyone. Today at 3pm I have appointment with my fs. Let see what he planned for me. In those days my mom look after me very carefully.
Maria - in india i didnt find any ovuletion kit. My doc suggested me about follicular study. In follicular study doc found that my follies were not growing after taking of letrozol. Then he recommand me to my fs. Fs adviced me to take injection and do follicular study. For those injection my follies were grown and iui done. I got my bfp. After miscarriage my fs told me to take pills for 3months. So i came to know that i didnt ovulate my own.​
scerena - starting gym will progress ur health. Good decesion. :hug1:​
Cridge - 10 weeks hun! Yipee :yipee:
Tella - just want to encourage u. Grow follies grow :dust:
kyla - Clomid gives u some side effect. I think u should go with femera less side effect and body can release it quickly.​
Mommymel - Be happy and rest as much as u can. I am really excited to see ur bfp.:bfp:
lots of :dust: to all other gls.
mommymel - when was your LH high? Before the trigger or after? If it was before you ovulated, then you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I don't really think you need to worry even if it was after. PCOS girls tend to have higher LH and it doesn't cause a problem beyond not ovulating (minor, right? :haha:). Point is, if you triggered and ovulated, I don't think it'll be a problem, but don't quote me on that.

Hi Cridge, it was before i triggered, about a week before.
thanks you for the re-assurance.... i am due for bloods on Wednesday to check progesterone levels again..... :blush:
OMG, Tella - that article made me sob :cry:

I can't even begin to imagine WHAT that couple went through :nope: 12 years and 44 IVFs....Its mind boggling.
It just shows that infertility is one of the worst things in life to be going through...

I know of a couple who couldn't conceive for 10 years. No reasons give, they couldn't afford any private treatments so only had what NHS had to offer (IUI and IVF). Everything failed. Then BHAM - natural miracle! He's 3 months old now...
Nature can be so cruel, but these stories just show that everyone has reason to persevere!!!:thumbup:
Today i visit to my fs and he removed my stitch. He told me to try this cycle naturally. He told me my LH was 4 times higher than FSH so that i didnt ovulate. Actually LH should be lower than FSH. He told me that after OD LH will be low and my fsh will help me to concieve. Higher LH can cause of miscarriage also. Now lets see what happen with me :winkwink:

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