anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Lpear - I felt very hungry in the beginning of my pregnancy. I would go to bed starving and would have to get up and eat something. I'm trying to remember how early it started.... I'm pretty sure before I found out. DH thought I was crazy and couldn't believe the noises coming from my grumbling tummy. :haha: I was also VERY, VERY thirsty!! That remained up until just about a week ago. However, I also had bfn cycles where I was very thirsty as well. :shrug: FX'd for you!!

Scerena - I didn't get a + opt on my bfp cycle, or the few cycles that I ovulated before. I don't know if I just had a really short surge or what, but I've had +'s in the past and for some reason they disappeared my last few cycles.
Girls pls help :help: i am confused :? . Last night i do :sex: with hubby and then i slept. In this morning when i went to the bathroom i saw som clear water discharge which get out and out from my vagina. Is that mean i ovulate today? Or is it my dh spermy? I also feel some pain in my lower back. If i ovulate today i have to bd with my hubby again? Today is my cd15.
Lepear - u and me are walking in the same path. U r just before me. So i am excited to know about ur result. It will encourage my hope. Really u should go for a holiday , it will refresh ur mind.​
Scerena - best of luck for the scan.​
Cridge & Maria - I think u both are well and doing well with ur little love.​
Tella - last evening i thought abt u and i also thought about my past few months what happened to me. Tears came from my eyes. My hubby understood and he told me to forget everything and just think about future plan.​
anupur - it's so hard to know (at least it is for me) the difference between morning after spermies or ewcm. If you weren't having ewcm before you dtd, I would say it's just dh's goock :)haha:) coming back out. :shrug:
Cridge - i think its not sperm because its very stretchy and if i hold it between my two fingers its strech in centimetrs. I feel my vagina wet and slipy when i go to bathroom.
Anupur - it's a very good sign :thumbup: I wouldn't say it guarantees this is ovulation, and like Cridge I also found it hard to tell apart my discharge from hubby's.
But if it's clear and sooo stretchy - Id say this may be the start of ovulation :happydance:

Usually I got this stretchy mucus for about 2-3 days. Not all the time - but perhaps twice a day. See what it's like this evening.
Also, different women get this mucus at different stages before ovulation. Some women only get mucus on the day of ovulation itself.
I on the other hand got it up to 5 days BEFORE ovulation.

If I were you I would just make love every other day for the next 5 days. This should really maximise your chances!

Oh I really hope you are ovulating :happydance:
:hi: ladies- I will reply to posts later as so busy just giving a quick update...*
Well, I had my cd14 scan today :) I had a nice 18mm follicle that she said will be ready to go within the next couple of days, downside was my lining- 3.4mm :( she said don't be disheartened as those embryos can be agressive and snuggles in as she scanned a pregnant lady whos lining was 2mm the other day so she said keep trying every other day as it can happen...
She has a meeting at lunch and is going to put my case forward at lunch time and then phone me, next cycle will either be-
Injectables or...
clomid with estrogen...
As clomid isnt doing my lining any good...
Anyhow I should o over the next few days she said dont loose hope as it can happen like th lady she scanned the other day so I am still happy and happy my follies are growing to a nice size in cd14 my body is working :)*
Excited to know my plan next cycle I will update you all later when I have spoke to the nurse :)
Fertility people phoned if not pregnant this cycle I can do injectables next cycle :) but prob have to wait till after hols as they will need to be doing scans etc still :happydance: she also said if I get pregnant this cycle to phone up and let her know... Finally happy with my plan (just my hols are in the way of starting next cycle :( going 21st may- 4th june) so have to prob have one natural cycle)
Cridge > Thanks, yes it will be great! We were gonna announce together but that wont be happening anymore. Hahaha the tummy noises sound funny, I can only imagine my DH if I have that. He is a real jokester so will joke about it all the time.

Lpear > I hope al these signs are great signs and bring along a bfp for you!

scerena > I know I will be :thumbup: just cant wait for the scan anymore! That eggy is nice size and your LH surge should start soon! Is there no chance she can give you clomid or femara to take whilst you going away to prevent a very long cycle?

anupur > normally you start getting watery cm before you get EWCM (except me, I just get watery) but seeing it is after BD it could be difficult to say. But if it continues like you describe it I would definitely BD tonight and tomorrow night again! GL with catching that eggy! Even the every other day like Maria says will be good.

I must say, im super emotional today. Cant look at DH without crying. Read something just a little on the sensitive side and I have tears running. I suppose it is just the meds and all the things happening, but your hubby is absolutely right we must not look back, we have no control about what happened and cant change that but we can change the future, and we are gonna get those bfp's :hugs:

AFM > :wohoo: just 2 more days till my scan!!! im super excited to hear when the retrieval is and how many eggies I have! My kidneys are killing me at the moment, so im trying hard to drink 2l of water a day.
:hi: tella, no as they like to do scans they wont let me take anything without monitoring which I guess i good... But I am excited to do injections, just hope I manage to get pregnant this cycle that would b lovely (wishful thinking)
How come your kidneys are hurting hun?? Hope they stop soon...
I cant wait to hear about your scan I bet you have loads of lovely BIG eggs :dance: so excited for you!
I asked the accu lady and she said it could be from the meds and hormones.

Thats to bad, i pray you get it this cycle and dont need the rest!!!!!!!!!!

I promise i will post once im done!
Aw okay I hope you feel better soon hunni :hugs:

I hope I get it this cycle too... We can hope though babe right?! :)
Hope the injections dont hurt too much :shrugg: but come on bfp's!!!

Yes please post hun I am looking forward to your scan so much :dance:
Scerena - great news on the follicle! Didn;t they give you some sort of eastrogen supplement for the lining? Or are they reserving it for the next cycle?
Injectibles should be a lot less harsh on the lining of the womb so at least you know you have that option!!

Tella - Sunday will be sooo exciting :happydance:
:hi: maria no esteogen as they like you to take it from beginning of cycle at my clinic, she wasnt too worried about it she said it can still happen so still bd and stay hopeful... I guess if i did grt pregnant they want me straight in to put me on something as she said call us if you get pregnant... Fx'd but yes the injections will be much better on my lining so I am looking forward to that as I know my ovaries can produce follicles now on the lowest dose of clomid so I am very hopeful with injections!
Eeek 10 weeks to go how are you feeling? X
Tella - cant wait to hear about ur scan result. Fingers crossed for lots of good and healthy eggs. So be happy and keep ur sweet smile in ur face. Sunday is a important day for u. Lots of baby :dust: for u.​
Scerena - 18mm size is really nice. Why they dont give u estrogen injection in this cycle for good lining? I must pray that this cycle u will get ur bfp. Come on :bfp:
Maria - I found that stretchy things 3times from morning to afternoon. In the evening its gone and now my cervix is dry again. Dont know what happened but in afternoon i do :sex: again.​
Anupur- as I am due to ovulate anytime they do not see the point in it they like to do it earlier on at the clinic I am with, like she said a lady was pregnant with a 2mm lining which is less than mine so definately not loosing hope :) I am glad my ovaries are responding well so excited for my injectables instead of clomid :dance: still have hope for this cycle also :)
Maybe you have ovulated?? Gl :dust:
Scerena - great to hear about the nice size follie. If you don't get your BFP this month, it's great that you have a plan for next time with the injectables.

Anupur - that all sounds very encouraging, really hope it is ovulation. I know how happy I was when I found out I was ovulating from the OPKs.

Tella - sorry to hear you are emotional today. It certainly is tough going through all of this.

AFM - CD26. Got my progesterone results which confirmed ovulation, YAY! The number was 23 and that was from 6dpo. I understand from ladies here that it needs to be over 20 to confirm ovulation, wahoo!!

I was all happy when I found out for sure that I ovulated, I then went to the loo at work this afternoon and had some beige cm. When I got home it was really dark brown with a bit of red. So looks like AF is on her way, I don't mind as this is my first cycle since's TOO SOON! I'm only 9dpo so if AF arrives tomorrow my luteal phase is only 9 days long. The only other time I ovulated it was 10 days. So from ovulation day I have been taking 50mg B6 every day, plus the B6 in my prenatal. I know it might take a few days to arrive, but normally for me, I get the spotting and then AF arrives hours later, or the next day at the latest. I'm pretty gutted, it seems to just be one thing after the other. Feeling a bit down about it now.

In addition to that , we are now getting DH checked out as his motility was low due to high viscosity. I'm so annoyed with us for not getting it checked out sooner, but we were just worried about getting me ovulating. Plus his previous SA was normal viscosity so we assumed that it would go back to normal (it still might). He is doing another SA on Monday, and has been referred to a Urologist. I can deal with having PCOS, but both of us with problems would be a nightmare. I have ready that having viscous semen can make both IUI and IVF more difficult.

GRRRR!!!! Sorry for the rant girls! It feels good to get it out! It is nice that I can come here and rant about it and you all know how I feel!
Lepear -Dont give up hope. Did ur AF arrive today? I want to say that if its a spotting then its could be implantation spotting. Pls let me know what happend.
No AF yet, 10dpo. Fingers crossed it'll hold out for another few days.
Lepear I think its implantation bleeding. When placenta take place in ur uterus for implantation, some spotting may occure. After 8dpo of my iui I spotted also. Now just wait for 4 /5 days then do a pregnancy test. :test:
Hi ladies
I posted a few weeks ago and haven't been on since ! I just dont want to be on every minute of the day and thinking about ttc ! As everyone keeps telling me it will happen when u least expect it :) Will got what I think was my 1st period 20 days after ovary drilling but it was so light I don't no weather to class it as a period or not ! Seeing the consultant on Friday for the 1st time since my op so will see what he's to say then ! I'm thinking he's gonna send me away for 3 mths and get my bloods done on the 21st day of my cycle which is pretty crap because I won't no if Im ovulating because they don't give you the blood results over the phone ! Does anyone no what your temp should be when ovalation Is due?
Hope all is well with everyone and your all enjoying the weekend

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