anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hello, Scerena looks like your on track to ovulate.

Kyla keep going I so know how you feel.

:wave: to all the other ladies.

AFM I seen fs today and had day 14 scan as been on clomid and no response no follicles and lining 4mm, I feel fine about it tho as I'm going to be starting iui just got to wait again! for a planning visit and its all go from there,so hoping within next 4 weeks. I have my sisters wedding next week and I'm very excited and think i will have several glasses of:wine: xx
opps forgot to say my BMI Is now 28.5 so pleased I'm aiming to keep going to. xx
Nikkia- yay for drinkies at your sisters wedding! Sorry for clomid not working but yay for iui next cycle :) great on the bmi well done :)

Kyla- sorry for clomid not working, yay for femara :) hope your cycle ends soon or you get a :bfp: gl! I love the gym and zumba so good going :)

Maria- glad your pregnancy is going good hun :hugs: ltttc sucks right! I will try not to worry when I get my bfp but I am sure I will at least through first tri but i need to get pregnant first lol!
Have you chose your names yet???
Got my crosshairs this morning :dance: do my temps still look a little low or am I worrying over nothing???
scerena > Crosshairs, ??? are you getting cold? :dohh:
i have no idea what crosshairs are, please forgive me......
Crosshairs is fertility friend term :thumbup: Basically once you've ad 3 consecutive temperature rises, FF confirms your ovulation date and draws a vertical line through that day. It also calculates your average pre-ovulation BBT - known as cover line. FF also draws a horizontal like through the average BBT.

So the chart seems to have 2 lines that cross over :thumbup:

Screnea - YAY for ovulation!!! I believe the overall temperature is less important than the different between the first and the second phases. As long as there's at least a 0.4 degree difference, that's all that matters. So you are in the 2WW :happydance:

NIKKIA - wonderful news on the weight loss :happydance: You must be sooo proud of yourself! And I think it's a VERY good reason to celebrate with a few drinkies :wine:

I still reall worry about Snflwrgrl....Im praying everthing is OK with her and the baby. Can't wait for some good news :thumbup:
kyla > Sorry to hear about your long cycle. I must say I have never started any meds mid cycle. Always had af induced and then start! GL hope you O on your medicated cycle. :hugs:

Nikkia> Sorry about not responding to the meds, it is terrible but you will find your magical drug soon and get ur bfp!!!!

Congrats on the BMI coming down, it will make a big difference in your Oing and responding to meds.

Scerena > I think you O'd but maybe just BD tonight for safety sake! Looks like you have your bases covered! Hope you caught that eggy and get your bfp with me!!!!

Snflwrgrl > Im keeping you in my prayers and that you and baby is fine and being monitored closely!!!

AFM > No meds today :happydance: 15hrs to go till my Egg Retrieval! I cant wait to find out how many they get and how they doing by Friday!
Tella - YAY! I hope the procedure goes well and you come to from the anaesthetic quickly.
Can't wait to read your news :happydance:
Ladies, I looked back through my previous charts and for the first few days my temp is lowish it steadily climbs, so I am happy with that, time to relax and enjoy the tww :)

Maria- Thanks for the info I feel much more confident now :)

Mommymel- Sorry for not explaining what crosshairs were, I am glad Maria explained for you. How are you doing???

Tella- Thanks hun :hugs: would be great for us both to get our bfp's :) Yes we are bd'ing every other day as recommended from the fs, I think I ovulated on saturday/sunday as the nurse on friday told me I was ready to o :happydance: And friday was the one day I didn't do an ic opk and I thought it would have probably of been positive... so fx'd
So excited to hear about your egg retrival :dance: I will be stalking for updates :)
I feel really very sad today. All the time I pray from god to give me a little baby my own. I just want to ask him why he do this to me? When he give me a chance to be pregnant again? I didnt get any answar from him. I feel that i want to die.
Oh anupur - I'm sending you big :hugs:

I think all of us on here felt like this at some point. I remember not wanting to live :nope: I was ready to give up ANYTHING for a healthy baby. I wondered why I had all the other pleasures in life but not the most important thing?!

But then I reconsidered. Think about it: God is generous to you and to all of us! You are young, healthy and beautiful. You have a loving husband and loving parents. You have food every day and a roof over your head. You also have access to good medical care.
Millions of people on this planet dot have a fraction of the good things we have. Once I realised this I stopped blaming God and Nature because that would be really ungreatful and make me look really greedyb

A baby will comme, believe me! And probably more than one :winkwink: In the meantime please try to enjoy all the really good things you are blessed to have in life.
I really hope you feel better soon. I'm thinking of you :hugs:
went for my Beta bloods this morning, waiting to hear if its BFP or iui#3...... :shrug:
Anupur- I am so so sorry you are feeling down :hugs: :hugs: I ahree with everything maria said, we all feel your pain honestly, we are hear if you need to talk :hugs:

Mommymel- yay so excited when will you get your results back??

Tella- hope things go good :hugs: thinking of you :hugs:

Afm- 3dpo again today ff put my o date to cd16 still happy as its nice and early for me :)
Thanks maria and scerena both of u. You both are really supporting me. My hubby assured me that oneday i will hold a little one in my arm. Today is my cycle day 4. I will start follical tracking from cd10. I dont want to see repeatation of my last follicular study which i did June 2011. That time I took my letroze tab and do follicular test, but my follies didnt grow after 12mm. When my sonographer told me that I cry and cry. :sad2:
mommymel - best of luck. :thumbup:
OMG, MommyMel - how did I miss your test date?! :dohh: Have you taken a HPT?
Everything is crossed for you, sweety!

Anupur - of course you will hold your little one!!! And I hope that it will be very, very soon! Your husband sounds like such a good man :thumbup:
Hi girls, update from my phone.

All went well! We retrieved 12 eggs from my 14 follies. Will only hear from the clinic on Friday @ 11am about the progress of my beans! I will pray for them every night, to grow and become stronger every day! Also transfer will be confirmed on Friday! But so far I think its gonna be Sunday!
Mommymel- any news yet??

Tella- OMG!!! So many eggs :) so excited for you this has to be your cycle!! Cannot wait until sunday for you and friday to see how your eggs are doing! I hope the sperm are fertilising them as we speak!!! Exciting! :happydance:
Scerena - your chart looks fab! Good luck with the horrid 2ww! :winkwink:

Mommymel - you're a sneaky one! Can't wait to hear your results!!!!!

Anupur - I'm a very religious person and really struggled for years to know why we had to deal with infertility. I decided that God created science to work as science does. Even in it's imperfection, it's perfect. Our purpose on this earth is to have trials and to get through them a stronger, better person. I truly believe in the law of compensation: when you're denied a blessing, you are given other blessings to compensate. God loves you and wants you to be a mother, but He may have a better plan in place for you right now. I know it doesn't seem better to you now, but when the trial is over, you'll realize why you had to go through this.

A friend once told me something that really struck home. She said that if you were missing an arm, you could pray and pray all you want for that arm to grow back, but it's a pretty sure thing it won't ever grow back. It's not that God doesn't hear or answer you - but I believe he allows science to work as He designed it. He wants you to be happy and I believe that even through all the sorrow you feel now, you can find some happiness.

I'm sorry for going on and on.... and I could keep going. I just hope you're able to feel peace right now and feel that your life is definitely worth living. DH and I took years to do it, but we found joy in our situation and grew to be thankful that we never had the family we always planned on. I know that sounds like it's easy for me to say because I've had a little guy, but we dealt with not having any (and trying) for 4 years, so I do know what it's like. :hug:
Scerena - chart looks good, fingers crossed for that BFP! Have fun in the 2ww. I definitely prefer the 2ww to waiting to ovulate!!

Anupur - so sorry that you are feeling very down at the moment. I was feeling very low at the weekend, I am feeling a bit better now. It is horrible, but you have to remember, you have had this wonderful procedure (OD), it is very successful and you must remember that your body is healing and needs some time to get back into a cycle. You WILL have a baby, don't forget that. We are cycle twins as I am CD4 today too! Fingers crossed that we both ovulate. When you have your follicle scans you will know a bit more about what is happening with you, lets hope those follies grow grow grow this time!

Also, forgot to say before, I am still taking Metformin. I didn't think that the OD helped with the insulin resistance. I will find out a bit more when I see my FS at the end of May.

Mommymel - bring on that BFP!

Tella - eek, SO exciting, it all sounds so positive.

I can feel several BFPs coming for this thread very soon!

AFM - CD4 today, nothing really to report. Was feeling so down in the dumps at the weekend. I think it might have been PMT, I'm not used to it! I really hope I ovulate again this month.

Hope everyone else is well.
MommyMel - where are you??????

Tella - that's wonderful news :happydance: I am keeping everything crossed for good news on friday :thumbup:

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