anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

hi to all the new girls, sending loads of luck to you that OD works perfectly for you :thumbup:

i had a small bleed after the op but presumed it was from the OD, i ovd 14 days later so dr reckoned it was af.

looks like i might be back in the game as just got a pos opk :happydance:

here we go again!! :dohh:
Aww thats great bumski :) hopefully god news then soon :) good luck babe xx

how's everyone feeling ?? Ive got tonsilitus cant have anything because of been pregnant which sux
thanks tori and babydust, as if you got tonsilitus, that sucks hun, good excuse eat lots of ice cream though :winkwink: well, only if you like it that is, lol. hows the bump coming on? x
Aww thats great bumski :) hopefully god news then soon :) good luck babe xx

how's everyone feeling ?? Ive got tonsilitus cant have anything because of been pregnant which sux

Im doing ok thanks, just getting stroppier by the minute as each day goes on, I dont make a very good patient lol x
Oops posted that msg again =/ bump is far too big for 11 weeks for my liking lol i baught maternity clothes cuz cant get in my jeans, lol ive got 11 bright red stretch marks.. Ive tried bio oil n other stuff midwife told me too. 2 weeks 4 days till my next scan. But its all exciting :) xx

Im doing ok thanks, just getting stroppier by the minute as each day goes on, I dont make a very good patient lol x

ttc isn't a very good thing for patience lol i was ttc for 5 years before i even fell pregnant but glad your doing good
aww, every stretch mark will be well worth it babe. cant believe your in maternity clothes already, you sure there aint another one hiding in there LMAO. bet you cant wait for your next scan, baby will have changed loads by then.

hope you feel better soon tori, i hated the gas after the op, it took ages for it to go. keep your oh running round after you :winkwink:

Oh dont worry he is! lol, The pain is loads better than I imagined and can even cope with looking like im 5 months pregnant but not being able to lift,bend stretch etc is really starting to grate on my nerves now! The lower stitches are fine, dont even know their there but the belly button, omg! Dont realise how much you must use all those areas and muscles until someone cuts you there! lol x
i know what you mean about looking 5 months pregnant, the bloat lasted about 4 weeks with me :blush:
good that you got him looking after you, my DH was like that, wish he still was :winkwink:
well iv just done another opk and its def positive so it looks like my ov is exactly the same time as last cycle, dont think the clomid made a difference, lets just hope its made my eggs stronger.
tmi but my cervix has started to close up which normally happens after ov, well, last cycle i got my first pos opk on ov day and my really strong one at 1dpo, so im wondering if this is happening again, we have been dtd every other day all the way through and iv even been using preseed for the last week so we should be covered, will dtd tonight and tommorow and if ov is confirmed with temp rise i can finally have a break from just plain old sex :happydance: sshhhhhh :blush:

are you going to start dtd as soon as your upto it tori?
Well for me its been 8 days now and i feel back to normal the pain in the belly button was the worse for me aswel lol still getting a little tingle but nothing to complain about.

My bleeding has been a nightmare though I am still bleeding rather heavily its the 8th day now aswel, but i havnt got any pain so I will have to wait and see how it goes :thumbup:

Im glad you are starting to feel better, and hello to everyone else hope youre all alrite :hugs:

Baby dust to all


Yeah il start dtd soon as im feeling better and no more bleeding, im hoping to hurry up and stop just so I can wait for af as thats due in few days anyway and fs that did my op said to go back to the clinic to have a natural cycle observed, (scan etc) so im hoping that its all ok as I cannot take clomid again as gave me severe problems.xx

A Baby please

Thanks hun, 8 days! poor you! Could it be that post op bleeding went into af or are you sure its not yet? xx
hi baby, i hope the bleeding stops soon for you, i think we are all different with the op, it does sound like you have got af too, glad your scars are feeling ok :thumbup:

do you get af regular anyway tori?
mine were terrible, usually every 4 months or so, this cycle is the first one on clomid since the op and its the most messed up one with my temps, i managed to ov 4 times since OD without meds,

did your drs tell you how long OD will last for, im getting worried now because a lot have been told 6 months, mine said 12 but i feel im getting a lot of pcos symptoms back again :cry:
Good luck to everyone recovering from the op :flower:

Bumski - Ive read an article, just recently, about the long terms effects of the OD. I have also heard that they are shortlived and unless you get pregnant within 6-12 months it'll be too late.
This article followed over 100 women who had OD done and turns out even after 10 years they still had all the benefits - like regular af and normal hormone levels :shrug: So I don't know what to believe now....

I really hope you caught that eggy this cycle :thumbup: Not long to wait now to find out!!!

No hun he didnt say how long it would work for, Im not quite sure why I had it done to be honest, as far as im aware I dont have pcos.... the only thing I can think of is when I was on clomid I am adamant that I was suffering with ohss but they didnt say those words and at my con before my lap he didnt seem to agree with the A&E doctor that it might be endo and Id had a cyst...

Anyway after the lap he just said he could see the effect of clomiphine on my ovaries and they were slightly enlarged, so im assuming that I was right and thats why I had slight od

Im waiting for my letter as it may explain it more, maybe they dont want to admit that I should of stopped the clomid a lot sooner than I did... and yes the last 6 months at least I have been pretty regular, clomid didnt change my cycles so I can only guess that I do ov but maybe there just not that good eggs??

When was it that you had your od? xxx
thanks maria thats interesting to know, im just worried because i have no other signs of ov, iv just done another opk and its completely neg, usually they stay pos for atleast 2 days so im wondering if its the pcos that is making them pos :shrug:

i hope the OD does last longer than 6 months otherwise thats it :shrug:

hey tori, strange how they did OD, it can only help though i suppose, perhaps your lining on your ovaries was too thick and your egg wasnt breaking through. lets hope whatever the reason for doing it it works.
Bumski - my dr told me it lasts 12 months.

Good luck everyone !
thanks girls, im constantly needing reassurance :blush:
i must do DHs head in when im on about oving bless him.

well i feel pretty confident i am now 1dpo, cervix is fully closed, that only happens after ov and i had really strong pains on my right side last night, along with my pos opk on thurs its looking good :happydance:

are you girls gonna be using opks to see when ov happens?
sorry tori, iv just realised you asked when i had OD done, it was 9th july last year, i got a pos hpt on the 4th august, followed by a hundred more as i couldnt believe my eyes, but it wasnt meant to be :cry:

i then ovd another 3 times by myself and this one on clomid as i kicked up a stink at the drs to get another go :blush:

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