anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

MommyMel and Tella :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Stay as strong as you have been.

I feel for you both also. When I was feeling down about ltttc, my brother said to me that all we had to do is to keep trying, with all the medical interventions that are out there, the meds, IUI and IVF etc that are proven to work, it stands to reason that none of us will be able to defy medical science forever, at some point, as long as we don't give up, we will all be successful.

MommyMel and Tella :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Stay as strong as you have been.

I feel for you both also. When I was feeling down about ltttc, my brother said to me that all we had to do is to keep trying, with all the medical interventions that are out there, the meds, IUI and IVF etc that are proven to work, it stands to reason that none of us will be able to defy medical science forever, at some point, as long as we don't give up, we will all be successful.


Awwww thanks Kyla :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

That is so well said, i wont give up even if it means just continueing wiht natural and maybe a IVF once a year when i have saved up for it, then i will do that!!! Im 27 (almost 28) so i still have 13 years to try :thumbup:
Great attitude Tella. :thumbup: It WILL happen, not knowing when is the hard part but you've got everyone here for support. :hugs:
Tella - that's exactly how I felt! I thought I have till Im 40. Celine Dion went through something like 7-8 IVFs to get her twins - I will just have to work extra hard to earn the money to be able to afford it - but I WILL have a baby :thumbup:

Funny thing is...when it does happen I just had this really strange feeling that this is how it was always meant to be :wacko::shrug: Like the time WAS right and all the years of trying and heartache just HAD to be there for us to go's a really bizarre feeling...:wacko:
lots of :baby: :dust: :hugs: :hugs: :kiss: to both brave women tella and mommymel. I am really respect both of u. Dont give up ur hopes. I also told myself to see both of u that i can learn to be patient as like you. We can do it girls, we have to do it. I accept this as a challeng from life now. So we have to win this battle to leave our rest of life. Love you tella and mommymel.I will be here whenever Both of you need a good friend.​
maria clomid makes me nausea sometime. I felt vomitted to eat fish now also after starting clomid. Today i took last clomid tab.​
Snflwrgrl - I'm so glad things are still going so well, but I feel for you that you're still in the hospital!! You're a trooper!! You're going to LOVE having your little boy in your arms! :thumbup:

Tella & Mommymel - I'm so sorry you're hitting the year mark! :hugs: Mine is coming up as well and I can't believe it's been that long already! You both deserve to have your babies! It's such a tough road. I posted a quote in my journal that really helped me, if you're interested in reading it. I just really feel that through all the years that we longed for one, then two babies, we were blessed in so many other ways.... compensated for our loss. I truly believe that God works this way - He loves us and wants us to be happy, and I feel we can always find happiness in our situations. :hug:

Maria.... somehow I wouldn't be surprised if your girl turned out to be a boy!! It's more common than you think that "girls" turn out to be boys (believe me - I spent HOURS researching "wrong gender prediction" :haha:). You had such a strong feeling in the beginning it was a boy. Holy cow - what if it's a boy?!
Hi lovely ladies, I'm back from holiday. Had a lovely relaxing time, only thought about ttc about once a day, haven't been tracking anything as I'm cd47. Will start taking norethisterone (same as provera), on Saturday, then clomid 2 to 6. DH is away on two stag weekends this month hence i am having to wait to start a cycle.

Kyla - yay, massive congrats. So happy for you.

Scerena - hope you had a fab hol, love the pics.

Hi to everyone else, hope you are all good.
Cridgge - I'd be shcoked to start but then I was always totally indifferent! My DH on the other hand...:wacko: But from what we saw on the 4D scan gives me about 99.9% confidence that it is a girl!

Lpear - so good to have you back!

Anupur - congrats on taking the last Clomid! Do you have follicle tracking scans this cycle?
Cridge- That is lovelt that you are involvong your lil man in picking things out for the baby, have you a definate namefor the baby as of yet???

Snwflwr- so glad both you and baby are doing well :hugs:

Tella- yes I will definately let you know :) How are you finding the tww??? This has to be it :dust: :dust: :dust:
I didnt realise it was a year for you too :hugs: you do so well tella I think you are an amazing lady :hugs: Your are going to be pregnat very soon :hugs:

Anupur- Not sure when af will show hun its a waiting game :/ Aw thanks for the comliments that was really nice, and so glad to be missed, but yes I am recharged and ready to go :)
I hope everything goes well at your scan, have you had any side effects from the clomid???

Maria- I cannot believe that you are still working! Go you!!! I cant wait to see a pic of your lo (if you post one) its so not long until baby is here its so exciting are you prepared now???

Mommymel- So sorry it has been a year :hugs: IT WILL HAPPEN for you hun :hugs: whats your plan of action from now??? You are very strong and I respect you for that :) the positive attitude you have will make it happen for you :)

LPEAR- Thank you, so glad that you had a lovely time too on holiday the rest os so good right :) We are in a similar position I too didnt track this cycle I am only cd30 though, debating wether to take provera or not? I might just wait it out for a while though I think...

:dust: :dust: :dust: to everyone
Maria - oh good! I trust a 4D scan. Wouldn't that be crazy though?!

Scerena - no definite name yet. Probably won't have one until the hospital. Not that I feel we need to see him before naming him, it's just hard for us to decide until we have to.
Yes true you will prob know a name straight away when you see his little face, aw I am so happy for you cridge :hugs:
maria - although my doc said to not waste money to do follicle tracking. But i will do it for to be sure that i can ovulate. It will start on cd10 i.e. 11.06.12. I was surprised that u are continueing your work. Great hun. But now you should take care yourself very much.​
scerena - i have only side effect from clomid is nausea. I cant eat fish after taking clomid. Did you think you O'd this cycle? If so then wait for 10days then take provera.​
leaper - love to see you here again. Why dont you take somemeds to induce af?​
cridge - you are now complete half way of pregnancy. How r you feeling?​
tella- 6dpo hun :dance: :dance:
MommyMel and Tella :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Stay as strong as you have been.

I feel for you both also. When I was feeling down about ltttc, my brother said to me that all we had to do is to keep trying, with all the medical interventions that are out there, the meds, IUI and IVF etc that are proven to work, it stands to reason that none of us will be able to defy medical science forever, at some point, as long as we don't give up, we will all be successful.


Thank you babes :hugs: its just taking soooooo long..... :dohh:
lots of :baby: :dust: :hugs: :hugs: :kiss: to both brave women tella and mommymel. I am really respect both of u. Dont give up ur hopes. I also told myself to see both of u that i can learn to be patient as like you. We can do it girls, we have to do it. I accept this as a challeng from life now. So we have to win this battle to leave our rest of life. Love you tella and mommymel.I will be here whenever Both of you need a good friend.​
maria clomid makes me nausea sometime. I felt vomitted to eat fish now also after starting clomid. Today i took last clomid tab.​

Thank you for our kind words,,,,, it is a challenge that i will over come .... i just hope it is soon,,,, :winkwink:
lots of :baby: :dust: :hugs: :hugs: :kiss: to both brave women tella and mommymel. I am really respect both of u. Dont give up ur hopes. I also told myself to see both of u that i can learn to be patient as like you. We can do it girls, we have to do it. I accept this as a challeng from life now. So we have to win this battle to leave our rest of life. Love you tella and mommymel.I will be here whenever Both of you need a good friend.​
maria clomid makes me nausea sometime. I felt vomitted to eat fish now also after starting clomid. Today i took last clomid tab.​

Cridge- That is lovelt that you are involvong your lil man in picking things out for the baby, have you a definate namefor the baby as of yet???

Snwflwr- so glad both you and baby are doing well :hugs:

Tella- yes I will definately let you know :) How are you finding the tww??? This has to be it :dust: :dust: :dust:
I didnt realise it was a year for you too :hugs: you do so well tella I think you are an amazing lady :hugs: Your are going to be pregnat very soon :hugs:

Anupur- Not sure when af will show hun its a waiting game :/ Aw thanks for the comliments that was really nice, and so glad to be missed, but yes I am recharged and ready to go :)
I hope everything goes well at your scan, have you had any side effects from the clomid???

Maria- I cannot believe that you are still working! Go you!!! I cant wait to see a pic of your lo (if you post one) its so not long until baby is here its so exciting are you prepared now???

Mommymel- So sorry it has been a year :hugs: IT WILL HAPPEN for you hun :hugs: whats your plan of action from now??? You are very strong and I respect you for that :) the positive attitude you have will make it happen for you :)

LPEAR- Thank you, so glad that you had a lovely time too on holiday the rest os so good right :) We are in a similar position I too didnt track this cycle I am only cd30 though, debating wether to take provera or not? I might just wait it out for a while though I think...

:dust: :dust: :dust: to everyone

Scerena > Thank you so much, i wonder if i am just too impatient, but in my heart i know it will happen. i just wish i knew when it would come true...... does anyone have a magic ball ? :haha:

I am looking forward to having my bump, cant wait to look preggies ..... :thumbup:
crikey I haven't been on for a few days and had loads of posts to catch up on.

Sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes out there cos I have decided that is how i need to be.:thumbup:

So I am on day 22 since operation...don't know if I ovulated for definite or not but ovulation sticks did get darker and darker and now they are really light. Just gonna have to wait and see if I get a positive test in a week or so or an AF - as much as I want to see a BFP I think that would be wishful thinking (although! in the first month that is amazing) if AF arrives in 6 days at least it would mean a regular cycle. Leading up to OD i had 4 AF's which is brilliant for me. They were getting closer togethe 44, 38, 36, 34...weirdly ordered. So hoping that is positive sign as well.

Anyway sorry no personals this time. xxx
Anupur - i will be inducing a cycle but i need to wait till Saturday before starting the progesterone tablets as dh is away in June so i need to time it correctly so i ovulate (hopefully) when he is back home.
Anupur - I agree about doing the follicle tracking. There's nothing worse than taking drugs (like Clomid) and not knowing for sure that they work for you :thumbup: Only 3 days till the first scan - GROW follicles, GROW :thumbup:

Miracle - I know someone off another forum who JUST got her BFP after using ovulation sticks about 2 weeks ago. Her test line never got quite as dark as the control line so we all thought she wasn't ovulating :wacko: But today's BFP obviously proves us all wrong! So if your test line on the OPK was relatively dark it may be a good sign that you did ovulate.
Have you considered tracking your BBT?
Anupur- I doubt it I might just wait it out a while longer... Nausea aw bless you hun :hugs: hopefully you have a nice big egg or two ready soon :)

Mommymel- you are definitely not impatient after a year of OD, I am impatient and mine was january my 6 months are up in July :cry:
It will happen an I wish I had a magic crystal ball to tell you when :( you will have your bump and be so happy soon it has to happen!
Are you on any meds at the moment???

Miracle- hoping for your bfp in a few days :) I hope that you ovulated! The fact your af's regulated before OD hopefully is a good sign :)
Tella - that's exactly how I felt! I thought I have till Im 40. Celine Dion went through something like 7-8 IVFs to get her twins - I will just have to work extra hard to earn the money to be able to afford it - but I WILL have a baby :thumbup:

Funny thing is...when it does happen I just had this really strange feeling that this is how it was always meant to be :wacko::shrug: Like the time WAS right and all the years of trying and heartache just HAD to be there for us to go's a really bizarre feeling...:wacko:

WOW 7/8 that is a lot!!! But it proves it can be done. Im also very relaxed about this cycle coming, a complete calmness where the last one i was very excited and nervous.

lots of :baby: :dust: :hugs: :hugs: :kiss: to both brave women tella and mommymel. I am really respect both of u. Dont give up ur hopes. I also told myself to see both of u that i can learn to be patient as like you. We can do it girls, we have to do it. I accept this as a challeng from life now. So we have to win this battle to leave our rest of life. Love you tella and mommymel.I will be here whenever Both of you need a good friend.​
maria clomid makes me nausea sometime. I felt vomitted to eat fish now also after starting clomid. Today i took last clomid tab.​

Thanks :hugs::hugs:

Tella & Mommymel - I'm so sorry you're hitting the year mark! :hugs: Mine is coming up as well and I can't believe it's been that long already! You both deserve to have your babies! It's such a tough road. I posted a quote in my journal that really helped me, if you're interested in reading it. I just really feel that through all the years that we longed for one, then two babies, we were blessed in so many other ways.... compensated for our loss. I truly believe that God works this way - He loves us and wants us to be happy, and I feel we can always find happiness in our situations. :hug:

Thanks :hugs::hugs: Im still greatful for OD as i still O on my own, which in never use to in before OD, so it has still benefited me. P.S I love the quote!

Tella- yes I will definately let you know :) How are you finding the tww??? This has to be it :dust: :dust: :dust:
I didnt realise it was a year for you too :hugs: you do so well tella I think you are an amazing lady :hugs: Your are going to be pregnat very soon :hugs:

Cant wait to hear, fx'd you did!!!!! The support and care from all you amazing girls makes this much easier and doable than it would have been alone. :kiss:

crikey I haven't been on for a few days and had loads of posts to catch up on.

Sending lots of positive thoughts and vibes out there cos I have decided that is how i need to be.:thumbup:

So I am on day 22 since operation...don't know if I ovulated for definite or not but ovulation sticks did get darker and darker and now they are really light. Just gonna have to wait and see if I get a positive test in a week or so or an AF - as much as I want to see a BFP I think that would be wishful thinking (although! in the first month that is amazing) if AF arrives in 6 days at least it would mean a regular cycle. Leading up to OD i had 4 AF's which is brilliant for me. They were getting closer togethe 44, 38, 36, 34...weirdly ordered. So hoping that is positive sign as well.

Anyway sorry no personals this time. xxx

I also sometimes lead up to a poss but then it fades, think we just have short LH surges and misses it easily. Hope you BD'd enought to catch that eggy!

AFM > 6dpo :coffee: patiently waiting for the days to pass.

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