anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Oh scerena good luck tomorrow hopefully them injections do the trick hun !
Anupur I'm so interested to see how you get on with the clomid you have me wanting to do it myself ;-) oh the temptation
Bride to Be - My cycles were also crazy lengths after the OD. I think my body must've been going crazy and not sure at all what it was supposed to be doing. I can't find where I kept my notes now, :dohh: but one of my cycles was 53 days. Fingers crossed this is going to be your bfp cycle :hugs:

Anupur - Ooh a bit of sneakiness! I love it! Looking forward to hearing your update :thumbup:

AFM - All ok so far. I've got my OD follow up appointment tomorrow which my FS....I am not sure whether I should go or not. :shrug: I didn't cancel it because it's still very early days for me, but I have not heard back from the letter my GP sent to him to ask about how long I am expected to be on Metformin for. So I'm planning to go and ask the question directly, but I can't help but think I'm being a nuisance going for this appointment when technically it's not what the appointment is for. Am I doing the right thing by going?
Hi girls :)

BridetoBe - thanks hun for the support x Hope the Clomid works for you and your BFP is soon x
Kyla - I know what you mean, had myself really psychd up to go after not wanting to in the beginning, so typical! Go to your app, ask all the questions you need to x
Scerena - thanks to you too, no appointment date as yet, told back on the waiting list, probably be months! Fingers crossed for the injections x
Miracle19 - yep I'm on Verity thread too, so not a coincidence, would be spooky :) Sorry you had cancellations too, I sort of had expected it when I heard about the strikes happening but had since got a letter changing the time to the afternoon so thought theyd have known at that stage, typical! Maybe too early for test to show? I too would have brown spotting before AF, could last for a few days before full AF shows, fingers crossed for you though x
LPear - thanks too, yeah trying to stay positive, it is the only way! Sorry AF showed but gl with the Clomid x
Charbaby - oooh 9 days, hope all goes well with it x
Aunpur - sorry cant help with the Clomid question, never been on it

Me, not too bad considering, CD35 today and have been feeling a bit pms'y the last few days, not sure about ov this cycle, did opk's between CD13-18 and didnt get really dark line but I dont like them and dont seem able to get a really dark line, even on cycles when I know I've ov'd with bloods done but I did one out of curiosity on CD24 and it was almost as dark as the line so if I did either ov just before or after then I expect AF by end of week or over weekend, just waiting on her showing!
So had my pre op today and found out I'm having a hystereoscopy aswel did nyone else also have this? X
Hi all i cannot explain how well this OD worked for us.. i had OD on 4/20/2012 and ever since then i have had "normal" AF 29 cycle. This month i actually O'd all by myself. NO meds NO doctors. I am not 3 dpo. I starting have creamy CM today... anyone else experience this?? i usually only get it 2-3 days before AF comes. I am hoping for a miracle! good luck to all u ladies!
Anupur - I believe the clomid is out of your system early enough that you don't need to worry about birth defects. It is something that they don't know enough about to say for sure, but I wouldn't worry about it. Femara on the other hand, while the research isn't out there as much, leaves your system so much faster than clomid, that they can pretty much say no defects for sure with that - because it's completely out of your system by the time the baby implants.

Kyla - I would still go to the appointment if it were me. :shrug:
Char- yes I had that one too :) its fine it's vaginally

Cullen- thank you :) hopefully you wait will not be long :)

Jenny- great story I hope you get your miracle soon :)

Kyla- yes I too would go to the appointment :)

Afm- I went to my scan today, my lining is thickening up :) and my follicle is only 10mm my leading one so have a scan fri but she think that one will grow quickly we shall see otherwise they are upping my dose, it's going good so far my lining was always thin on clomid :)
scerena - you didn't have the hysteroscopy and the regular belly incisions, did you? I had a hysteroscopy and loved it (well, you know... it had great recovery time). I thought I was the only one on here that had done this type of op for od.

Char - the hysteroscopy is great! We were dtd 5 days after my op and had no problems. Doc told me as long as I wasn't "leaking" any more, it was fine. I was even given the all clear to run a 5k race less than a week after the op... which I did and it was totally fine.
Heres hoping kyla ;-) I think you should go to your appointment tomorrow what harm could it do and this way u get to ask as many questions as u like :) good luck x
Oh scerena this cycle sounds promising good luck on Friday ��
Have you tested yet Cullen ?
That's brilliant Jenny how was your cycles before od ?
Cridge nearly have way you must be so excited ��
Heres hoping kyla ;-) I think you should go to your appointment tomorrow what harm could it do and this way u get to ask as many questions as u like :) good luck x
Oh scerena this cycle sounds promising good luck on Friday 😃
Have you tested yet Cullen ?
That's brilliant Jenny how was your cycles before od ?
Cridge nearly have way you must be so excited 😉

I had long cycles... never o'd. Would only get my at when my on meds. I mean I would go like 6 months without at. I had cervical cancer in 02. I did have a miscarriage at 16 weeks April 27, 2008. My son was my miracle. He is the reason I went to my gyn and started finding out what was going on with my body. Finally diagnosed with pcos and finally march of this year I was diagnosed with a mutated gene that cause miscarriages. So long journey but well worth it. And now with my husband I have more strength to keep reaching for my dream of being a mother.
Thanks for the replies feel a bit better about it now, 5 days to go x
Cridge- yes I had a hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and OD :) they wanted to check everything... How's your pregnancy going??? I am hoping to be joining you soon :)
I had to do my injection in the car yesterday that was an experience :haha: would be lovely to get my :bfp: quickly like you on them :)

Bride- thanks hun, here's to hope :dust: how are you doing??

Jenny- you have been through a lot :hugs: I hope everything looks up for you from now and you get your :bfp:
Char- yes I had that one too :) its fine it's vaginally

Cullen- thank you :) hopefully you wait will not be long :)

Jenny- great story I hope you get your miracle soon :)

Kyla- yes I too would go to the appointment :)

Afm- I went to my scan today, my lining is thickening up :) and my follicle is only 10mm my leading one so have a scan fri but she think that one will grow quickly we shall see otherwise they are upping my dose, it's going good so far my lining was always thin on clomid :)

:happydance: Im so happy to hear your lining is doing good and your follie is growing nicely!!!

Fx for a bfp in a few weeks time.

and talking about experiences injecting here is mine:

AFM > Day 4 of stims, i had the worse experience last night, My dad invited us for dinner at a little bistro but it was a early dinner @ 5:30 and i inject at 6, so i had to go to the bathroom and do it there which was fine as it was spacious and clean but there was only 1 bathroom. But it takes a while to mix everything and get it drawn up. So half way through someone bashes on the door and after saying im busy they keep on bashing so this is making me even more nervous. Eventually after i have managed to inject and all i just flush to make it sound more normal and i have to go out. So it turns out to be this little girl that wanted to pee badly that was bashing on the door. Shame i felt so bad but oh well it was done.

Sorry for not being on here often, im just very busy and trying to stay up to date is very difficult at the moment.

GL to all the girls in the TWW and enjoy the BD for the ones waiting to O :hugs:
Tella- I MISS YOU not being on here much :cry:
:haha: for you injectable experience I know I shouldnt laugh but it is kind of funny! The poor little girl though bless her :hugs:
The places we have to inject ey!!- you try to do it so quickly so you don't look like you are a druggie and then it seems to take forever :blush:

I hope I get a bfp in a few weeks I just don't feel too positive that this is what we are going to need, I think it might come down to Ivf... But fx'd!
Oh Scerena - I'm sorry you had to go through both procedures! My doc checked everything and did the OD all vaginally (checked uterus through cervix and created an incision beneath my cervix to check everything else and do OD). It was a breeze and I didn't have to deal with external incisions healing... or scarring. My doc is on the cutting edge though, so I know it's a rather new procedure. I've never heard of it done outside her office (yet), and there is very little online about it - in fact, when I had it done, the only info online was from the company that produces the equipment. :wacko:

I so hope the injects give you your bfp!! I just knew it was what my body needed, but unfortunately, it doesn't always work the first time for everyone. I hope you're one that it will!!!

My pregnancy is going really well. I'm finally having several days in a row where I feel pretty good - no more constant nausea. I'm getting a little more energy too. Feeling baby (our little ninja) every day inside and out. :thumbup:

Cridge- Wow you was sooo lucky! I wish my surgeon done that for me! I had 3 incisions, so it wasnt too bad really, the scars are healing very nicely actually- you cant see my belly button one any more and the other two are far less noticable now :)
You was very lucky- I was going to say I havent heard of it being done that way- but that is such a better way to do it! How long did it take for you to recover???

Aw thank you your story gives me the hope that it will happen for me, so fx'd! You was lucky both time with injects wasnt you :) How was your oh's sa? (sorry I forgot)
Also, what dose was you doing and was it every day???
With mine still being every other day at the moment it feels really long winded!

So glad the nausea is starting to go and your energy is coming back :) That must be soooo nice :) Have you started your baby shopping yet???
Sounds like you have a very healthy and active baby (ninja) inside of you :) So cant wait for you to have your lil man :hugs:
Recovery was awesome compared to what it sounds like most of you go through. We were dtd 5 days after the op and I ran a 5k race 6 days after the op. I did have some discomfort for a few days, but it wasn't bad at all. The worst day was the day of the op when I was all drugged up - came home and slept for 6 hours straight (I was awake during the op - just drugged). I do consider myself lucky to have found my doctor!!

Yes, got pregnant first try with gonal-f, both tries. Dh's sa was normal last time (12 years I don't remember details), and he wasn't checked this time because "the problem was all me" according to him. I did put him on mega spermy vitamins a couple of months before our bfp because he's getting old and I didn't trust that his little guys were up to the job completely. :haha:

I started at 75iU for 6 days, I believe, then went up to 150iU for another 5-6 days. I could be off by a couple of days. I was slow to respond but then I ended up hyperstimulating... after I got my bfp. :shrug: Yes, I injected every day starting CD5 (only because my meds took longer to come in than they should have... I would have started CD3), and I ovulated on CD18 without a trigger shot. It's okay to take your time with the meds - give your body and your follies the time they need to mature properly!

My son picked out a few little things for Little :ninja: the day we confirmed he's a boy, but I haven't made any other purchases. I'm not opposed to shopping, I'm just not in a hurry this time around. I don't want baby things filling up my house before I have a proper place to put them. I'll start working on the nursery mid July and when it's all done, I'll at least have a crib. :haha: I'm super lucky and will be having 2 showers, so I'm not planning to have to buy much other than the big ticket items.
Cridge- Running a race 6 days after your op sounds like super woman :haha: go you! Did you feel anything if you was awake or far too drugged up for that???

First time :bfp: both times that is amasing! Gonal-f is definately your super med!!! What vitamins did you have your oh on???

My poor oh has to take-
Wellman conception
1000mg Vit C
Horny goat weed
and testosterone booster vitamin
There were more but now his sa is "normal" I let him off and the fs said just take the wellman but he still takes the ones I said.
Speaking of that he has an appointment with the fs tomorrow, not sure if he is going to want oh to do another sa as he hasnt done one in a while...

37.5iU every other day at the moment, its just I hear mainly of ladies taking similar doses to what you did, I thought mine sounded low and not as often, but it is very true that slow is better I guess as it saves me over stimulating :) I am just a worrier :blush: Hopefully things carry on improving :)

I bet your son is very exciting having a baby brother on the way :) Thats a good idea not cluttering up your place before you have too :)
Do you know what colour you are going to do your nursery yet??
How come you are having two showers? That means that you will have loads of stuff :haha:

Here in the UK people rarely have showers just the odd one, I really want to have one when I am pregnant :) a day about you and baby and loads of gifts- I DEFINATELY want one :haha:
Scerena - I had dh on Fertilaid and Count Boost (from same company...Fairhaven Health, I think). I really have no idea if it helped or not in getting my bfp, but I figure it couldn't hurt.

They gave me a small dose of the strongest narcotic there is, apparently, so as soon as it was in, the room started spinning and I had to close my eyes. My doc said that she likes to tease patients and ask silly questions but I tend to shut up when I'm drugged, so I was no fun. :haha: I didn't feel anything until she was removing some polyps and it felt like she was poking a stick through my uterus. I said "ouch". I can remember some parts of the op - I remember seeing the blue dye on the screen... or somewhere. I remember my nurse coming in and out of the room and I remember them talking, but I don't remember what they were saying. It wasn't bad at all. I even walked out of the office 15-20 minutes later. My doc and nurse said I was super woman. :winkwink: I don't feel like super woman having run a race though - I didn't have anything that I felt needed to heal, so it wasn't a big deal.

It does seem like you're doing a very low dose having it be every other day, but I bet your doc just wants to see how you respond and doesn't want to overdo it. Try to trust the process. If this cycle doesn't work (but it will, right?), then you'll know to up the dose next cycle.

I'm having 2 showers because the girls in my church are throwing me one and then my sister is throwing me one for my other friends. I've lived in this house for 9 years, but in the area for 29 years, so people know what a miracle this baby is and they're all very excited for us. :thumbup: I'm very lucky.

My nursery is going to be light gray (walls will be gray) with either baby blue or light turquoise accents. I have it all planned out and I'm very excited about it. I didn't really plan a nursery with my son - just painted the walls dark blue and called it good.... I was too scared of losing him to do much planning that time around, so this is much more fun. :thumbup:
Tella- I MISS YOU not being on here much :cry:
:haha: for you injectable experience I know I shouldnt laugh but it is kind of funny! The poor little girl though bless her :hugs:
The places we have to inject ey!!- you try to do it so quickly so you don't look like you are a druggie and then it seems to take forever :blush:

I hope I get a bfp in a few weeks I just don't feel too positive that this is what we are going to need, I think it might come down to Ivf... But fx'd!

I really hope you dont have to resort to IVF to get your BFP!!!!!

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