Hi girls
BridetoBe - thanks hun for the support x Hope the Clomid works for you and your BFP is soon x
Kyla - I know what you mean, had myself really psychd up to go after not wanting to in the beginning, so typical! Go to your app, ask all the questions you need to x
Scerena - thanks to you too, no appointment date as yet, told back on the waiting list, probably be months! Fingers crossed for the injections x
Miracle19 - yep I'm on Verity thread too, so not a coincidence, would be spooky

Sorry you had cancellations too, I sort of had expected it when I heard about the strikes happening but had since got a letter changing the time to the afternoon so thought theyd have known at that stage, typical! Maybe too early for test to show? I too would have brown spotting before AF, could last for a few days before full AF shows, fingers crossed for you though x
LPear - thanks too, yeah trying to stay positive, it is the only way! Sorry AF showed but gl with the Clomid x
Charbaby - oooh 9 days, hope all goes well with it x
Aunpur - sorry cant help with the Clomid question, never been on it
Me, not too bad considering, CD35 today and have been feeling a bit pms'y the last few days, not sure about ov this cycle, did opk's between CD13-18 and didnt get really dark line but I dont like them and dont seem able to get a really dark line, even on cycles when I know I've ov'd with bloods done but I did one out of curiosity on CD24 and it was almost as dark as the line so if I did either ov just before or after then I expect AF by end of week or over weekend, just waiting on her showing!