Hi everyone :wave:,
I apologize for not being here from longtime.
Kyla -> did u do any scan after positive pregnancy? Thanks for remembering me.

love u. take proper rest hun.
cullen -> New cycle = new dreams and hope.

do u take any meds in this cycle?
Scerena -> think upper dose of injection help those follies to grow properly. lots of positive vibes for tomorrow follicular scan. grow folli grow.
Lepear -> cd14 scan idea is great. i think it helps u to understand ur body that how it react after taking clomid.
Tella -> how r u? how was going ur ivf cycle? lots of baby

to u. Praying for u have nice eggies.
Maria -> I am also thinking abt u my sweet friend. did u got ur baby in ur arms?
AFM-> i took hcg shot last Tuesday and i feel very horrible pain in my left ovary and manage to BD that night. next day i went for scan and came to know that the egg ruptured fully. so today i am 6 DPO and i feel dizzy from yesterday. i have back ache and light headache also. dont know what happening.

praying for positive result.