Nipy - Welcome to the thread

The thread is always quiet at weekends, I'm sure you'll get some other opinions too.
Do you ovulate on your own or do you need meds? I'm a high BMI PCOSer and I was having very irregular periods. I sometimes go a year with nothing, but when we initially started to ttc I was on 3-4 periods a year, random cycle lengths. One of the things that OD has done for me, and a lot of other women on here is to restore periods into a more regular pattern.
I would suggest that you go for the OD, you'll hopefully see an improvement in your cycle lengths and your ovaries should respond better to medication. If you have it done with a lap and dye, you can check for any blockages and sometimes it just gives the tubes a bit of a clear out.
I had OD done on 29th December and although I didn't ovulate on my own afterwards, I did get regular periods and after starting metformin therapy and 5mg Letrozole/Femara I managed to get pregnant on my first month.
I don't know if you pay for IUI/IVF but perhaps the OD is worth a try first? Good luck, let us know what you decide to do - hopefully you'll become a regular poster
Scerena -

Oh hun, I'm so sorry. What a terrible blow. However, on the positive side, you DID ovulate, and everything looked great with lining etc. As has been said before, with those conditions, you will get pregnant eventually, the waiting and disappointment is that hardest part.

Onwards and upwards, you're so much closer to achieving your goal, fingers crossed for you for the new cycle