anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

kazzab25 sorry to hear about OH SA, my DH had to do two. The first was excellent, the second was good but the volume was a little low, I guess he was probably not excited enough but he started taking zinc tablets & now his volume has improved

Im getting him some zinc tomorrow and he needs to cut the smoking and less hot baths!! Im glad your DH's has improved! Fingers crossed ours does too as i will really looking forward to the OD.

GL for you BFP!
kazza im really sorry about SA results :nope: did they give you any numbers?
just wondering because what some class as not so good, others will class as fine, i agree with keisha, get him on some vits asap, there is lods of stuff he can take, im no expert on it but i have dh on vit c zinc and folic acid, apperantly they help sperm too :shrug:

ask about having a hsg done, i had 5 rounds of clomid before they did mine and the fs at hosp was not impressed because it should be one of the first things they do, also it makes you more fertile for 3 months :thumbup:
Kaz - did they say how low the result was?

Reducing the amount DH smokes and the number of hot baths + vitamins will definitely help improve things.
My DH's morphology was low, at 8%. He never smoked or took hot baths/saunas but just 6 weeks after taking Wellman Conception vitamins and more fruit and veg the morphology went up to 17% :thumbup:

Keepsmiling - great news that you'll be referred! Fingers crossed the date wil come round quickly.

MINE'S TOMORROW :wacko: Im beginning to panic actually....Really worried at this stage. It doesn't help that everyone keeps wishing me luck - it's very sweet of them but every reminder makes my stomach churn :wacko:
Hiya what's hsg? Getting bits today theyvsaid he has 5 million and 1% are swimming :(
hsg is where they pass dye through your tubes to make sure there are no blockages, it also flushes them out for you

maria try not to worry hun, just think this is what you have needed for so long, your eggs will pop and you WILL get pg, try not to think of the op, just the outcome :thumbup:
can you take yourself for a bit of a pamper or anything to try and take your mind off it?
Hiya i phoned just now and asked if I could still have the lap and dye, sorry Maria I missed your message this morning, I'm buying wellman later today and had a massive moan about the smoking, told him no more hot baths.
Kaz - what did they say about the lap?

Bumski - nope, Im at work all day, then need to go and do the weekly shop, then iron some of the stuff for tomorrow to take with me and pack the bag. DH has manflu so much chance of help from him :haha:
Im trying very hard to think about that elusive BFP but all I can think about is the hospital, the bright lights and the catheter with the anaesthetic - and it scares me to death.....And Im normally totally cool about doctors and hospitals :nope:
Hi ladies, CONGRATS TO ALL THE BFPs. i am Keisha & i had Laparoscopy Ovarian Drilling Aug. 18, 2010. I realised that a couple of ladies had this surgery the same day like me. I am on my 5dpo of my 5th cycle since my surgery. I am very hope that i will get my BFP soon. The surgery for me wasn't bad & i returned to work a week later.

i had my OD that day too hun :)

are you taking clomid? :hugs:

gl hun :) & loads of baby dust :dust:
Maria - they are calling bk about lapiths not hear till next week
Hi Babydust1, is your tummy showing? I just can't wait to have a peggy tummy, i find it very cute. I am always staring at pregnant women wonder how big my tummy will get.

No i am not taking clomid. I actually took 11 cycles before my surgery so my RE give me Tamoxifen instead, because on my two cycles after the surgery i Oed on CD20 & then CD22. Tamoxifen is to block the effect of estrogen, the following two first cycles on Tamoxifen I Oed on day CD15 both times. So i was happy with that.
oohhhh keisha what is tamoxifen? and how do you take it etc? im intruiged,
im dying to find someting that could make me ov earlier, i havnt this cycle at all :nope: and on the cycles i have its between cd28-48!! :growlmad:
waaaayyyyyyyy too long!


babydust how you doing hun? post some update pics :winkwink: oh, whens your nex scan?
Ill try post some pics asap, my next scan is in 10 days eeek cant believe im 12 weeks already :)

yh i have a bump hun ill post pics asap
aahhhhhh 10 days!!!! wow i bet you cant wait until then. i bet baby has grown so much, you will see it wriggling round too :cloud9:
are you gonna find out what it is when you can?
hey, 2nd tri ay :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Bumski Tamoxifen is very similar to Clomid but instead of playing on your harmones in the brain, Tamoxifen works directly on your ovaries blocking estrogen. I take is from CD2-CD5. This is also the same meds that they use to treat woman with breast cancer & they were surprised that a lot of this women got pregnant some with twins. I would love to have twins, i need to be careful what a wish for lol!!! a friend of mine want a baby not sure want she did but she headed up with triplets.
lol, im at the point where i wouldnt mind twins, i could knock ttc on the head after one pregnancy then, i would love atleast two more.
ok so its the same stuff as femara then?
a very special friend on here sent me a round of that and i am gonna try it when af eventually arrives because clomid just doesnt work for me.
few questions for ya now :blush:
do drs prescribe it easily? (my drs an arse n hates giving me anything)
did you respond to clomid?
have you tried clomid since OD?
and what dose of tamoxifen are you on?

hope ya dont mind the questions, im a nosey cow n like to find out as much as poss to fire at dr, lol :blush:
I don't mind one bit. I am not sure if Tamoxifen is the same as Femara but i will do some research. OK Clomid, my first three cycles were 50mg, i only did a progesterone test for the last 50mg & i didn't O, but i think i did O on the first two because both cycles were about 33 days long. I had to get Provera the jump start the cycle i didn't Oed. After those 3 cycles on 50mg. My RE increase the dosage to 100mg Surprisingly i Oed on all 8 cycles on 100mg but no pregnancy. My RE was always telling me about OD, but I was just to scared to even consider it. But after all those 11 Clomid cycles & i knew that Clomid was not to be taken for a long time. I got a second opinion about OD & i decided to give it a try.
No i haven't used clomid since OD. I am not sure of the Tamoxifen dosage but i think it is 20mg. Not sure if Drs gives easily.
Hope i was helpful
aww thanks for all that keisha i really appreciate it, i find so much out from you girls that i wouldnt have a clue about, nice to get some understanding of what everyones been through and it def sounds like you have had your fair share hun.
i will 100% try it next cycle, looking forward to it :happydance:
i really hope your wait for your BFP is a short one.
i will try it next month and if i ov i will have to bite the bullet and face the dr again, not looking forward to that, lol :wacko:

thanks again :flower:
Hi ladies, well, I'm finally a full member of the OD club because I've had it done now :happydance:

I'm still at the hospital and am staying overnight. And I'm really glad. No one is stressing over me like they wud at home and I can do whatever I want :) Food's nice too!

The op went well. He cauterised 3 sources of endometriosis and made holes in my ovaries - 8 in one and 9 in the other!!! Also checked my tubes again.

I've been on the morphine and now am on paracetamol. Starting to feel the shoulder pain :( but hey ho, I knew what to expect. Overall am very happy with how it went.
All the nurses are lovely and the Dr is excellent. He's back tomorrow (Sunday!) to have a chat AND show me the pics of my ovaries and the holes :wacko: I'm really excited and want to see them!

Anywaysn enough about me - I hope you ladies are having a good weekend.

Keisha - I know someone who tried 4 or 5 Clomid cycles and fell on her 3 Tamoxifen...although her ovulation also wasn't till CD26 or something.

Bumski - any news??

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