Congratulations snflwrgr on the arrival of tanner.
Miracle how did you concieve first time with your daughter?
Snflwrgrl - Awwww! I'm melting! What a gorgeous baby and such a lovely name.
Keisha - Sorry IUI got cancelled, enjoy your month off
Miracle - Thanks Ginger biscuits are the best! It's just a matter of time before you get your BFP. If I remember rightly, you don't have a high BMI right? Have you tried any insulin lowering eating plans? Like low carb etc? A lot of PCOS ladies respond well to these kinds of diets, even if they are not overweight and there are ladies on here who advocate giving them a go.
MommyMel - it's amazing isn't it! Waiting so long and finally it happens. I can't wait for the other ladies to join us.
Scerena - Thanks hun, hope your relaxed cycle helps recharge you
Snflwfrl - he is beautiful and so tiny! Well done Mummy!
Keisha - sorry about the cyst but I'm loving your attitude! Indeed enjoy your time with DH and have a drink on me
Miracle - where are you going on holidays? Sounds like somewhere in the US/Caribbean?
Scerena - we are fine, thank you. I'm finding very little time for the internet now
I can't believe how quickly your pregnancies are going, Kyla, Cridge and MommyMel!!!
Hi everyone x Miracle, hun you so deserve a BFP and I so hope that you get one very soon, I'm sending you over some special baby dust xxx We have sort of discussed the same thing as you and your OH, OD is my last route too, I dont want to go down the line of IVF, just praying this works x Kyla, Cridge & MommyMel, aw it makes me smile everytime I read pregnant! x Hope everyone else is doing well?? Me, I'm CD11 today, I'm healing well, still a bit sore on the left side where one of the wounds is, its still a bit bruised but other than that I'm ok, my stitches though havent dissolved yet and the wound at my belly button the wee scab came off a bit and I can see stiches behind it, should I worry? How long did it take your stiches to go? Can I also ask how long it was before you BD after op? I feel mostly ok and of course am keen to get going in this cycle too but I'm a bit nervous too!
Mommymel- love seeing you pregnant Miracle- I hope you get your natural Cullen- glad to hear you are healing a bit, I wouldn't worry about stitches yet I had to almost wipe mins away whilst cleaning the sites... As for bd, do it when you are comfortable to... I bd in my fertile window that same cycle as I had my OD done the beginning of my cycle, my advice is whenever you are comfortable to Cridge- just over 13 weeks to go exciting!
hi ladies,
how is everyone doing?
not much to report, other than just nauseas and tired all over again,,,,,,, i love being
to all......
Snflwfrl - he is beautiful and so tiny! Well done Mummy!
Keisha - sorry about the cyst but I'm loving your attitude! Indeed enjoy your time with DH and have a drink on me
Miracle - where are you going on holidays? Sounds like somewhere in the US/Caribbean?
Scerena - we are fine, thank you. I'm finding very little time for the internet now
I can't believe how quickly your pregnancies are going, Kyla, Cridge and MommyMel!!!
Well hubby and I spoke yesterday r.e. next steps.
We have done 10 months of clomid and now had the OD op and no idea if things have changed. We discussed what we would do if this doewns't work as I stil haven;t heard from consultant...since op.
Well we have decided that the OD was the last thing I think. Of course i am a woman so I may change my mind. We had already decided we would't go for IVF as we cant really afford it and not entitled to it anyway. And my area have said i would have to pay for injections as well...we don' wsnt to put any more clomid into my body as it sent me crazy...
so just coming to realisation that perhaps now it is up to fate and God as to whether we are blessed with another miracle...gonna focus on losing weight, destressing and maybe having a few more reflexology/accupuncture sessions.
We shall see..
Hope everyone else is okay
Snflkgirl - gorgeous piccie of your new baby boy Tanner. Congrats. xxx
Hope everyone else is doing well??
Me, I'm CD11 today, I'm healing well, still a bit sore on the left side where one of the wounds is, its still a bit bruised but other than that I'm ok, my stitches though havent dissolved yet and the wound at my belly button the wee scab came off a bit and I can see stiches behind it, should I worry? How long did it take your stiches to go?
Can I also ask how long it was before you BD after op? I feel mostly ok and of course am keen to get going in this cycle too but I'm a bit nervous too!
Miracle - I remember after my op, I had a feeling of hopelessness and as if it would never happen for us again. I think it's really unfair that you've not heard from your consultant, I do think it's reasonable now to make a fuss. The thing about OD is that even ladies who do not ovulate after naturally often DO respond to meds. You have the option of Letrozole as I also did to go at yet and you may even respond to Clomid now. I had 8 cycles of Clomid, hit and miss ovulation, and I didn't fancy trying more.
Taking a relaxed approach about it is a good idea. Can you make an appointment with your GP and explain you're getting stressed that you haven't heard (even if you're not so stressed). Can I suggest trying two weeks on the South Beach Diet? I gave it a go in the lead up to conceiving my first, and I think it helped as after years of dodgy cycles, I got pregnant right away. It's really very good at lowering insulin, and while it takes a bit of working at, I think if you've got time over the summer, it's a good chance to lose weight. They say you will lose weight in those 14 days, up to 14lbs. The holiday to look forward to (and maybe cancel!) is a great idea.
Cullen - Aw thanks I think we dtd about 2 weeks after the op, as Scerena says, it depends when you feel comfortable. All my stitches etc were out in about a month. I did get an infection in the belly button one so that took longer, wouldn't worry about seeing the stitches.
Maria - It's amazing how little time new Mums have. No-one can fully prepare you for it! Is Sophia smiling yet? I remember hearing DS first ever giggle, it melted my heart!
MommyMel - I'm so happy for you!! Past 9 weeks already.
Ladies - I really hope when I come back from my hols there are lots more BFPs on here. I'll be popping online to check and I'm sending lots of dust your way