anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Blucky im on my phone from what I can see your opk is looking good :) I got a positive opk on Friday I'll post the like below-

Your temp will confirm ovulation once you have 3 high temps above your coverline so it won't really show much until after o :hugs:
those look good scerena! I dont really have a coverline yet since I have only been charting for like 4 days... wahh I am just going to keep the dh busy just in case and see what happens... if i make it into my next cycle I think I will have a better idea based on my chart
blucky - your opt's look great! How exciting to get that close to a positive so soon after OD! GL!!
Thanks cridge...

Question for you ladies: I have been having a considerable amount of lower abdomen pain... Like really low... Last night when me and my dh were bd it was very painful like he was hitting something (sorry for tmi) and I've kinda felt that once or twice in the past but NEVER this painful... Even during the day it is sore... Any idea what it could be? Or what it means?
And I know my chart only has a few days but can you guys look at it and tell me of it means anything yet?
blucky - it could be he's hitting your cervix..?? I don't know why it would be hurting during the day though unless it was bruised. :shrug: You can't tell a whole lot from your chart at this point. Your temps are on the uprise, but they're still low for maybe being post-o temps. If I had to make a guess, I would say you haven't ovulated yet. However, if your cervix *is* low, that's an indication that you're either not ready to ovulate or you have already. Right around ovulation your cervix is really high, soft and open. If dh is hitting it and it hurts that bad, it sounds like it's hard and low.
So I have been doing some research since I am a research-a-holic... my opt from yesterday and today have gotten considerably lighter... So is it possible that I ovulated near my almost positive opt and just didnt test at the right time? I am wondering because I have seen where ppl have Od 10ish days after surgery... and maybe the bd hurt so bad bc my cervix went back to low and firm? I have never had a + opt before while might explain why its never hurt that bad before?

I have so many questions and my stinkin re doesnt want to see me for a few months!:growlmad: We are going to make an appt with another doc in the area so that we can get a second opinion. I dont want to stress for no reason... but if I did possibly O then I would be in my 2ww right now and I just wish I knew where I stand :hissy:
Blucky- yes I would get a second opinion so you can ask all your questions :) sex is uncomfortable when I ovulate it's like I can feel my ovaries... Only notice since my ops as never use to ovulate before... But also what Cridge said could be a possibility :hugs:

Hopefully you are in your tww :happydance:
blucky - yes, definitely you could have ovulated around your almost + opt. Sometimes it's hard to catch the peak of the surge. In fact, I have had many cycles where I know I ovulated but never got a +. Let's watch what your temps do over the next few days and we should know for sure. :thumbup:
Thanks scerena and cridge. Now that I have had the OD... I cant believe how obsessed I am with my cycle. I never really had any way of monitoring before because I was completely annovulatory (sp?), and my DH and I wanted to wait until after the wedding (July 13 2012) to really start focusing on trying. We were ntnp but now we are big time TTC. I am going to keep my fx that my temps stay up and it looks like an O, but I guess I should test every other day with opts just in case?
Hi everyone, just popping in to say hi and see how you all are, sorry I havent been about much, have been really busy at work and been setting up a little shop for my jewellery that I make :)

So, not been too bad after the od, its CD33 today, no signs of AF other than really sore boobs and a bit of cramping, no spotting etc, had quite a bit of ewcm this month around CD20, which is fab for me as I dont normally have so hopefully the od is settling things a bit, felt more like a "normal" cycle for me, or at least what I imagine one would be! I expect AF to appear by the end of the week based on my ewcm so time will tell. Got my referral app through for 18 Sept so we'll see what happens then.

Hope everyone is keeping well, I'll go back loads of pages and catch up now x
Cullen... Good luck this month and hopefully the witch stays away!

My temp dropped this am... I dunno if that means anything...
Hello everyone, I missed you all!

Sorry I have been MIA, been on leave for a little while, work was just getting too much considering my lack of energy, lol

Welcome to all the new ladies, this forum is so helpful, the ladies here helped me through very difficult times, until and through my pregnancy.

I had my OD on the 7th June 2011, and I only fell pregnant a year later, even after 2 unsuccessful IUI and so many clomid cycles, it happened after I took DHEA for about 1 month. All my fs said is that I had to have a little more patience, it will happen on its own, (try telling someone that who longs for a baby, after 5years of trying, lol) I didn't want to hear that at the time.

It's nice to hear all is well Cridge and Scerena, where are the other ladies,,,,,,,

Cridge please invite me on Facebook, Scerena come on, join Facebook, it's amazing how small this world is.

I will upload a pic from my blackberry as I cannot seem to load from the IPad for some strange reason.

Any idea how MariaF is doing?
Anyone hear from Anupur yet, she is very quiet.
:hugs: to all you beautiful ladies.
hi ladies,
tella - hope u ovulate and get ur bfp soon. Its hard time for all of lttc ladies. Do u do any blood test in this cycle like progesterone from which u can come to know that u O'ed?​
scerena - doc prescribed me materna hmg 75iu injection. Tommorow i will take it in the evening. Hope it will not hurt too much.​
miracle - dont think u r selfish. U deserve to be pregnant 2nd time. U will get ur bfp soon. Encourage urself that u have to do it.​
hope cridge, mommymel, kyla are doing great with their little one. I am cd5 now. My sister in law went to his in lawhouse for one week. So now we can concentrate in our treatment. I and hubby decided that in this cycle if i will not be pregnant then we stop treatment and try naturally and will plan for a holiday. We will start our treatment next year january .​

Hun, where are you, are you ok?
Mommymel :hi: so great to hear from you :) I'm doing good I'm on a never ending long natural cycle :(
I was on Facebook but then I come off it, really don't want to join again, wish I could see your pics :(
What does the DHEA do?

Cullen- hope you af stays away :grr: Good luck with your jewellery shop Hun :)

Blucky- hard for me to tell at the moment, especially after you don't have a coverline or anything yet...

Yes where are all you lovely ladies????
Mommymel :hi: so great to hear from you :) I'm doing good I'm on a never ending long natural cycle :(
I was on Facebook but then I come off it, really don't want to join again, wish I could see your pics :(
What does the DHEA do?

Cullen- hope you af stays away :grr: Good luck with your jewellery shop Hun :)

Blucky- hard for me to tell at the moment, especially after you don't have a coverline or anything yet...

Yes where are all you lovely ladies????

I recall having a cycle of over 45days at the beginning of the year, but then again I always had an irregular cycle, :dohh:
I researched pregnancy over 35 yrs of age and found loads of info, I figured if from the age of 35 your ovarian reserve starts to decline then how can I kick start them; DHEA came up numerous times as a drug used to assist in ageing ovaries, I spoke to my fs who specializes in that, all he said was; it can't cause harm but i must take it as he prescribes so I took 2 per day only, I don't think I used it for a full month then got aBFP.
It made me feel more energetic and I could feel very strong ovulation pains, I ant prove it but I think the DHEA made the difference.( oh and I partied from June till mid July and drank more than I shouldof, I really enjoyed my break, lol)

Have u perhaps heard from Anupur05 yet? I am a little concerned about her, her SIL was giving her a very hard time the last we heard, I pray everything is ok and she is just taking a break for now.

I will post a pic of peanut now,,,,,,

Take care Hun !
Ooh hope Anupur is ok x

Scerena, thanks for the well wishes hun, the shop is online at both Folksy and Etsy if anyone fancies a look, links below :)

Still no signs AF yet, still bit of cramping but no spotting, I darent get hopeful though, its only first cycle after the od.

Mommymel, cant wait to see pic x

Bluckycharmed, hi and thank you, hope you get your bfp soon x
Hi All,

Hello all the way from Singapore, Asia. I gather so much valuable reads from what you guys have posted. Much appreciated to have stumbled upon this site.

I have been TTC since we have gotten married 3 years ago. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2001 and AF has not been regular. sometimes going MIA for 9 months and recently, I have to be induced before AF could come.

I did my OD end of July 2012 (it was painful initially) and I had a few spotting a few days later but that's it. Am trying it naturally for now but I think I might need to induce AF and be put on clomide again.

The pressure of hoping that your body is going to be "back to normal" after OD is so pressurizing. :(

I'll be meeting my gynae mid September for the medications. Hopefully it works.

welcome to the thread, i hope you will soon become a OD graduate and that you dont have to wait long!!!

My FS also said 6 months after OD is the fair time to give your body to start getting back into a patern. And after 3 months i started noticing that i O on CD19 on a unmedicated cycle. So give your body some time, it will be worth it in the end.

Had my follow up with the RE today... he was not much help. Turns out the "follicle" i thought I had was a fibroid, and he also said to call him in a few months for further treatment. My heart sank. A few months?? Ugh this cant be happening.

Sorry to hear it was a fibroid!!! :hugs: But atleast they saw it and removed it. I was also told to wait 6 months after OD before he would consider giving me meds. But i started Oing regulary on CD19 so no need for meds but then we started IUI after the 6 months.

Hi girls

Welcome Ola and Blucky, great to have you in the thread.

Blucky, I felt so down after the od, I ovulated on my own 17 days after but then didn't on the second cycle. I was devastated. I then did 50mg of clomid and I didn't ov, but I have ov'd on 100mg this time. I really do think it takes our bodies a few months to get going again after the od.

Scerena - went to Southampton hospital on Thursday. Was in the outpatients department. Is the clinic in a separate place?

Afm - cd6 today so unfortunately bfn. Am doing clomid days 4-8 as that worked last month. The doctors want me to do another 6 months of clomid now I've ov'd on it, then onto injectables if I'm not pregnant, I really hope clomid is my wonder drug. It doesn't seem to thin my lining or dry me up so it seems positive.

Hope everyone else is doing well. Be good to have some more bfps in the next few weeks. Xxx

Sorry about the stupid witch!!!!!!!!!!! i really hope Clomid is your magic drug and that you just need the right eggy to meet wiht the right spermy!!! Soon you will be having a BFP of your own.

scerena- my dh and I are talking about switching... I think we are going to wait til the first full visit from af.

On a lighter note, my opk is looking good right? it is the darkest I have ever had, although I know not quite positive...ive only been charting for 4 days so I dont think my temp is very helpful yet...

The fact that your FS doesnt even want to answer your questions now, makes me worried. I would also say go for a second opinion and get the answers you looking for. It is alot easier dealing with this journey when your informed than wondering.

THat OPK is great, hope you BD'd enough to make sure you have spermies waiting for that eggy.

Blucky im on my phone from what I can see your opk is looking good :) I got a positive opk on Friday I'll post the like below-

Your temp will confirm ovulation once you have 3 high temps above your coverline so it won't really show much until after o :hugs:

Those are awesome OPK's!!!!!!!!! I really hope you have o'd and that you might just catch that eggy this cycle and now need for any more medicated ones!!!!

Hi everyone, just popping in to say hi and see how you all are, sorry I havent been about much, have been really busy at work and been setting up a little shop for my jewellery that I make :)

So, not been too bad after the od, its CD33 today, no signs of AF other than really sore boobs and a bit of cramping, no spotting etc, had quite a bit of ewcm this month around CD20, which is fab for me as I dont normally have so hopefully the od is settling things a bit, felt more like a "normal" cycle for me, or at least what I imagine one would be! I expect AF to appear by the end of the week based on my ewcm so time will tell. Got my referral app through for 18 Sept so we'll see what happens then.

Hope everyone is keeping well, I'll go back loads of pages and catch up now x

Fx'd your AF stays away and your referall app turns into a Scan :winkwink:

Hello everyone, I missed you all!

Sorry I have been MIA, been on leave for a little while, work was just getting too much considering my lack of energy, lol

Welcome to all the new ladies, this forum is so helpful, the ladies here helped me through very difficult times, until and through my pregnancy.

I had my OD on the 7th June 2011, and I only fell pregnant a year later, even after 2 unsuccessful IUI and so many clomid cycles, it happened after I took DHEA for about 1 month. All my fs said is that I had to have a little more patience, it will happen on its own, (try telling someone that who longs for a baby, after 5years of trying, lol) I didn't want to hear that at the time.

It's nice to hear all is well Cridge and Scerena, where are the other ladies,,,,,,,

Cridge please invite me on Facebook, Scerena come on, join Facebook, it's amazing how small this world is.

I will upload a pic from my blackberry as I cannot seem to load from the IPad for some strange reason.

Any idea how MariaF is doing?
Anyone hear from Anupur yet, she is very quiet.
:hugs: to all you beautiful ladies.

Look at you 12+ weeks already, time is flying past!!!!!!!!!!! Still hoping DHEA will do its magic for me as well!!!

Ooh hope Anupur is ok x

Scerena, thanks for the well wishes hun, the shop is online at both Folksy and Etsy if anyone fancies a look, links below :)

Still no signs AF yet, still bit of cramping but no spotting, I darent get hopeful though, its only first cycle after the od.

Mommymel, cant wait to see pic x

Bluckycharmed, hi and thank you, hope you get your bfp soon x

WOW that is beautiful jewelry!!!!!! Wish you many customers in your shop and big success!!!

AFM > AF showed last Friday so im now CD6 :happydance: I will start temping tomorrow and i hope my temps are back to pre IVF temps. I also got my CBFM yesterday but could only set it today at 8am so technically the monitor is one day behind, thinking im CD5 but it is fine, i just want to see what is going on and when i get my high fertile days. I hear peaks are rare on the first cycle but that is fine atleast the high's will tell me when to BD EOD.

I wish i had more time to be on BnB but im very busy. We (me and a business partner) have secured the import rights and distribution rights for Softcups in SA and we are hard at work to get it launched at a Lifestyle, Healthy and Sexualty Show called Sexpo at the end of September. So we have lots of work but it will pay off at the end of the day.
Mommymel- Thanks :hugs: irregular cycles are the story pre-ovarian drilling for us girls :cry: I've had enough and starting provera tomorrow...
So the DHEA wouldn't be any good for me I'm only 25 :(

Wish that I was on Facebook would be easier to keep in contact :dohh:
Cant wait to see your scan photo :happydance:

:nope: haven't heard from anopur :shrug: I too hope she's okay :hugs:

Tella- thanks hun :hugs: wow you are busy I hope everything falls in place for you :) gl using your cbfm :)

Cullen- thanks I will have a look tonight :)

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