Hi Ladies, Sorry i have been MIA, but i was going through a really bad time with all my cancelled IUIs!!!
Congrats to Nikkia & Bluckycharmed (wow twin) on your new pregnancies!!!
Cridge where are you? have you had your baby yet??? hope you had a easy delivery
Scerena, Tella all the best on this cycle, Tella i know this as been a long and difficult journey for you, KMFX for you both!!!
Kyla, Mommymel can't believe that you guys have already passed 20 weeks, its going by so fast!!!
Maria, your baby girl is adorable!
AFM, i am 2dpiui, i am very hopeful that i will get my BFP this cycle, we had 4 mature eggs this cycle so i am really hoping that atlease 1 of the eggs will be my baby. At this point i would love to have TWIN. Let see if i will be the next OD graduate with TWIN.