anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi Girls,

I have only managed to read through a few of your posts. Its amazing to hear that some of your have got your BFP after OD. I have my OD planned for 3 weeks time and i am very nervous and excited. I was deemed chlomid resistant as well after 4 cycles. I have PCOS and only one tube. Hopefully i too will get a BFP next year otherwise its onto IVF for me.

nice to meet you all and good luck to all you girls testing before christmas :-)
Morning everyone, thought I'd pop in to catch up x

Keisha, think the break will be good for you hun, sending you positive vibes and some extra sticky babydust for the New Year x

Kyla, lovely to hear youre doing well hun, really heartening to see BFPs x

Henry97, like Kyla says the scarring does heal up, this is my second lap, the first was investigative and was when I was diagnosed with the pcos, the 2nd in July was the od and removal of adhesions/endo etc and mine is already just a dark pink line, you couldnt see anything but a tiny scar from my first x

Lucasmum2b, good luck hun with the op, keep us posted and hope your stay here is short too (in the nicest possible way of course lol)

BridetoBe, any news hun???

Me, well its CD44 today, thought yesterday morning that there was a very slight colouration to my cm but nothing today, still having some cramping and my boobs still ache, not sleeping well at all, feel nackered but cant get solid nights sleep and have headaches that seem behind my eyes making me feel sick, never been over 50 days before either like BridetoBe so if nothing by start of week I will test, funny but I'm still not hopeful, I'm just worried that something else has gone wrong and the od has messed something up!
Hi and welcome Lucasmum2b :hi:
This is a lovely thread to belong to, I joined shortly after my op and the ladies here have been supportive. In my time here I've seen ladies get there BFPs and it's inspirational. I went onto get mine too and I pop back here regularly because I can't wait for more success stories.
I was very nervous before my op. There are thousands on posts on the thread so reading them all is a mega task, the general consensus is that almost everyone benefits in some ways from the OD. Some very lucky ones get their BFPs almost immediately, we've had a couple of ladies experience that recently, others take longer but we all see the benefits. Some of the graduates of this thread are looking forward to their babies' first Christmas :cloud9:
In my case, I tried Clomid before the op, had hit and miss ovulation but no BFP, then after the op I didn't ovulate on my own so I had the option of Clomid or Femara/Letrozole. I chose the latter because it was different and I'm so happy that it worked first time for me. The op definitely contributed towards that, as did I believe using Preseed.
Do you currently chart your temps? It's worth starting if you can. Sometimes I ovulated late and the progesterone tests for ovulation on CD21 were negative - including the month I got my BFP. I remember feeling so down and dejected, because it seemed a wasted month, but I ovulated late. I'd given up temping at that point, but if I'd continued I'd have spent two weeks less worried and feeling low.
Good luck for you op, sorry for the ramble :haha: Keep us posted with how you get on.

Cullen - Wow, your patience in not testing is amazing! I'd be all :test: :haha: just to get it out the way and know either way. Roll on Monday! :hugs:

Where is everyone? Anupur, LPEAR how are you? :flower:

Who will be getting a Christmas BFP? Sending you all lots of dust!
wow thanks Kyla and Cullen44 for the big warm welcome. its funny cos you often feel like your the only one going through this but we are not alone. i do temp when i am on a TTC cycle/month. As i'm resting at the moment due to last chlomid cycle not working but after op will definitely go back to temping. I did conceive plus as well, plus the cough medicine can;t remember what its called now.

Thinking of you Keisha a little break will do u the world of good start a fresh in janurary !
Welcome henry hope your feeling ok after the od
Hey cullen I will mail u over the weekend working all week havent had a minute ! No news but it's on it's way have cramps all day so I reckon I'll get them tomorrow hope I do so I can start a new month have an appointment with the consultant on the 7th of dec gonna ask about the injections next not sure if they will do them on it's on but Its worth a try cos I have to pay for everything in Ireland :-( ! I think u should test sore boobs are on of of the main signs !
Also girls have any of you heard about tamoxifen ? Or it's brand tamox I've done a little research and apparently it works similair to femara it's just if I get my af tomorrow Should I take another month of clomid which I no isn't working or should I try that I work in a pharmacy so I can get them ! What's yas think ?? Cx
Hi Bride

I have read about Tamoxifen v Femara, and while I absolutely am no expert, I'd be very wary of taking Tamoxifen. Both drugs are similar but work in different ways, which I'm sure you'll know.

I've read that if you are resistant to Clomid, then Tamoxifen isn't going to work because they both block estrogen receptors in the hypothamalus whereas Femara acts on the body as an aromatase inhibitor and works in a different way and has better results in women where Clomid has failed. Femara reduces the production of estrogen temporarily causing the brain to secrete FSH and LH which stimulate follicle development. From what I understand, the reason people try Tamoxifen is if they are ovulating on Clomid but their lining is too thin, Tamoxifen doesn't seem to have an adverse effect on the lining.

:shrug: Hard to know what to suggest. Have you tried a combination of Clomid with Metformin at all? Would Femara be an option for you? I took mine CD2-6. Can't remember the dose right now without checking :dohh: Does 5mg sound about right? Most people start at 2.5mg?

Edit: Doh! Yes, it was 5mg as I put it in my signature!
hello everyone,i am new here,i have spent the whole day searching for a forum where i can talk.i am married,have a son and have been trying to case is quite annoying and the history is so long but i will make it short as i do not want to bore you.i have always bled.once i am not on norethisterone i will bleed continously,not so heavy that i cant go out but horrible enough not to have sex!i have been like this since i was 16.i tot clomid will help restore my imbalance but it never did.after i had my son in 2009 i had to go on birth control to at least take me off my continous i am trying again,i was told i have fibroid,pcos and will be going for surgery last week in feb,i will be placed on gnrh agonist to shrink my 8cm fibroid and the doc said she may perform a drill on the ovaries if necessary,anyone ever been in this situation before?dunno what to think:growlmad:
:hi: Welcome to the thread Babyanddust :flower:

I'm trying to understand a little bit more about your situation.
Do you take norethisterone because they're relating the period problems to low progesterone or do they think the period issues are due to the fibroid?
Also, it's encouraging that you already have a son, did you need help to conceive then?
What is your surgery for hun? Is it a lap and dye test and/or something to do with removing the fibroid?
Hi everyone, hope you all had lovely weekend.

Babyanddust, welcome to the forum hun, everyone is really helpful here and we hope to make your stay short :) I have had the od done but will wait to see a little more of your history before giving any advice x

BridetoBe, well any news hun?

Kyla and everyone else ok?

Me, well I finally tested last night, it was a BFP :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Cant quite believe it, I'm very nervous and anxious, dont quite know what to say or do, what do I do now? Every little twinge I feel scared that something is going to go wrong, weve just been waiting on this for so long its so hard to believe, I will be doing tests probably every other day to make sure!
:wohoo: CONGRATULATIONS Cullen!! :wohoo:

:dance: I am so happy for you, this has really made my day!! Fantastic news, wishing you a H&H 9 months!!

How many weeks are you? These early weeks are the same as the 2WW, nothing much to be done. Expect to feel really tired and twingey as your uterus grows. Google 'round ligament pain' too so you know what those twinges are when you feel them and don't worry. Are you taking a good multivitamin? Might be an idea to switch to something like Pregnacare.
Does your Fertility Specialist need to know? Sometimes they run blood tests etc, mine didn't, I just had to book in with the Midwife at 8 weeks along (seems to be a typical time) and they arrange for a 12 weeks scan.

So happy :cloud9:

AFM - Doing ok thanks, experiencing the 3rd trimester blues but this has really cheered me up. :happydance:
Cullen so happy for you yay new the sore boobs was a good thing ! Was that just a natural cycle ?
Still haven't got af I had cramps friday and Saturday and was almost certain I was getting them but nothing yet ! I can't brIng myself to test as I no its gonna be neg :-(
Kyla that's what I've been on clomid and glucophage , the glucophage because I'm over weight ! Still havent got them have an appointment with the consultant Friday week so I'll just wait and see what he has to say dreading it tho as I no its onto iui or ivf ! I'm hoping I can do injectables but we will see xx
Bride - :hugs: You know, I really think you should test. I've felt the same way as you, not wanting to test and see the disappointment, but sometimes I think it helps mentally to go 'right, yes I knew it, now onto a new cycle'... if that makes sense? Of course I have my fingers crossed for a surprise!
Will you ask your FS about Femara if you have a waiting time between starting IUI? Just to see what he says and see if you can get your body ovulating. I'm also overweight, my BMI at my booking in appointment was an embarrassing 37 :blush: but it was that despite me being on a good diet and going swimming 5 times a week, 3 times to the gym and 1 zumba class. I think fat cells stick like glue to me (thanks PCOS)... although since I have been pregnant and on a strict diet for gallstones my BMI is down with weight loss to a better 33. Good luck hun :friends:
Thanks girls, still a bit on :cloud9: myself yet, not quite sinking in! Really still quite anxious and yes Kyla think I know all about those cramps, back also really sore, its the nausea thats the worst for me atm, although seriously if it means a H&H 9 months bring it on! I booked an app with GP, cant get to see him until next Wed, my fertility app was to be on 12th but I'm not going to cancel until nearer the time, taking each day as it comes I think x

According to google calculator thingy they estimate I'm 5 weeks, I had my last AF on 10/10 and had that one day of spotting on CD29 which I guess I now know was implantation. I feel really clueless, its funny you spend so much time waiting for this time to come that when it does you just dont have a clue what to do lol.

Just got myself geared with some Pregnacare vits today so that hopefully will do the trick, should I be taking anything else? I dont drink or smoke so no worries for me there!

Bridetobe, test hun, I felt the same way and it just got to the stage that I had to know one way or the other, figured at least I knew and if it happened to be BFP then I'd know and would need to get my ass in gear to get started eating healthily etc. Sending some positive vibes your way hun x
Hi ladies

Sorry I haven't touched base for a while, I have been keeping up to date with everything but been trying not to think too much of ttc!

Congratulations Cullen, that's amazing, hope you enjoy your pregnancy.

Sorry for not doing personals but so much has been happening I can't keep up.

Welcome to the newbies

Henry, my bmi is about 18.5. It used to be about 19.5 but I've been on metformin and a low gi diet for insulin resistance and lost a stone which I didn't need to lose! I've put a little bit back on now and just ovulated on my own. I don't think the weight thing affected it though as I have been heavier and not ovd!

Afm - well, after the clomid cycle buggered up I've been on my first natural cycle since the OD. Was testing for ovulation and nothing much was happening, had a scan of my uterus on cd18 and asked them to check ovaries to and nothing was happening as expected. Anyway, on cd27 went to the loo at work and had LOADS of EWCM, never seem anything like it. Did an opk when home and it was positive! Didn't tell DH but jumped on him when he got home! That's the first time I haven't told him!

So ovulated on cd28 and am now 11dpo which is great for me as my luteal phase has been terrible. I've been using progesterone cream. Had some spotting so think af is on the way. Am still pleased I ovulated on my own as that's only happened once before! Plus this month I've been the most relaxed and that seems to have made a difference.

I have my first ivf appointment on the 5th of December. It would've been great to get a natural bfp before we start.

Am actually in Egypt at the moment, it's so lovely and hot and nice to get away!

Hope everyone is good.

Wonder how anupur is.
Cullen - :cloud9: I'm still on a high! 5 weeks, woo hoo! Pregnacare should be all you need, they recommend Folic Acid and Vitamin D, both of which are in Pregnacare. You also need to watch out for anything which might cause food poisoning, so avoid pate, soft cheeses like brie, raw eggs, etc. It sounds like you're going to be great though with no smoking or drinking, nothing to miss! I wish I had a time machine sometimes, just to fast forward to the 12 week scan! :happydance: I bought those Clear Blue digitals because I wanted to see it move on from Pregnant 2-3 weeks post conception to Pregnant 3+. So happy for you.

LPEAR - :dance: wonderful news about ovulation! Really hope you've caught it and can report back with good news. It's these steps forward that really make a difference. :hugs:

:hi: Keisha - hope you are well hun.
Cullen congratulations. I feel the same as you so very nervous, I think your further along than 5 weeks my last af was 10/10 I took trigger on the 24/10 so Think I'm just over six?? Not to sure. I have just been taking pregnacare. And as kyla said just some other foods to avoid which is all online. If you see you fs still on the 12th they may give you an early scan. I have a scan on friday. I also had one last friday as i have ohss and we saw a sac and yolk sac. xxx
Congratulations cullen! fab news! :flower:
Had a wee giggle when i was reading your post - i read it as you had booked an appointment with your gp though an app, instead of booking an appointment! I was thinking to myself wow thats a good app! haha :dohh:
Thank you for sharing lpear - im hoping my bmi wont effect me.
Well my big news is that i got my first positive opk tonight since the od :happydance: im hoping its a proper one and not one of those lovely false ones that us pcos girls get sometimes!
Im being quite positive because i had done the test and left it while i made a cuppa. a few mins later i brushed against my nip and it was really tender! so i ran to the bathroom and there was a big smile on my opk so hopefully! The weird thing is that i was just telling my mum earlier on the phone that my lower right wound has been sore today(shes a nurse) for the first time so fingers crossed!
Hope all bumps are coming along nicely :hugs:
Congratulations Cullen! I think a few of us had a feeling you were :winkwink: I also think you are further along - over 6 weeks! Are you going to make an appointment with the doc to get the ball rolling?

Welcome to all the new ladies!
Cullen I'm going to test tomorrow and at least I no either way ! So happy you got your bfp :-)
Kyla I'm gonna ask about femara next Friday not sure if it's commonly used in Ireland have prepared myself for injectables so we will late and see my poor mam is so hoping im pregnant she keeps saying it could be a honeymoon baby ! Bless her :-)
My bmi was 35 last year I got it down to 29 but went on honeymoon and think its now 31 awwwww I took primulet while on honeymoon so I think that might have effected by cycles !!

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