anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?


I spoke to my consultant today about still having the lap and dye and explained even though i understand why i shouldnt have the OD done now because oh SA i politly asked if i could still have the lap and dye - he said i should do the clomid first to get me ovulating as this will be better for me later on down the line. Anyone heard this before???
Kaz, my first FS said that od was kinda last resort. This is why when I had my first lap he didn't do anything. He wanted to try me on Clomid first.
But he didn't mention anything about it being better in the long run... :shrug:

Because od involves lots of risks (just like any other op) they usually like to start you off on the tablets.
Is OH having another SA done?

It's strange because at my first fs appt they had said I would have lap dye and od but the od would only happen if the sa was ok which it wasn't. But that I would still have the lap, I received the op date for 19th April and everything! Then went bk last week saw a different fs for redults and he's telling me to wait and start clomid as it will be better for me to have started ovulating and have more bloods! I just thought wouldn't it be a waste of clomid if there's something else wrong with my insides! I understand not having the drilling till the sperms a bit better.

Oh has another sa next month hoping it will have improved!
It does make sense. Because the effects of the OD are temporary they probably don't want to put you through it if you still won't be able to fall because of the SA issues.

Have you tried Clomid or any other stimulants before?

what CD are you?
Yeh suppose i would be in cd42 but taken provera to induce AF. Not had anymthing else before as they said they would go straight to od. But I agree with not having the od but I thought I should have still had the lap any dye that was also booked in for. Oh well .
Wow, Keisha! Good luck tomorrow! I hope you get your BFP!

Maria, I'm glad you're doing well. I totally agree - why in the world do any doctors say you'll be back to normal after 48 hours?! I went back to work after 6 days, and it was still hard for me to bend over, and I was still so bloated! Do NOT try to go clothes shopping for at least another week!

I've gotten - OPKs the last 6 days. I'm CD13 now and starting to get a little nervous! I thought my body would pick up on the 28 day cycle from the BC, so shouldn't I have already gotten a + by now? If I do ovulate but really late, does that mean the quality of the egg is not so good?

Better get that + on my OPK tomorrow!!
Katy, I don't know what to say... I'm also hoping to ovulate pretty soon after OD. I'm sure you're as anxious!
Thinking how much we've done, how far we've come the lest our bodies can do is ovulate on time... But I'm sure it's not going to be plain sailing...
I heard it doesn't matter what CD you ovulate, you can get pg and carry to term. I know several girls who ovulated anywhere from cd 33 to cd 100 and went to get pg!
It's hard not to get disheartened... I really wish you lots of patience! And that positive opk tomorrow!!! :thumbup:
Thanks, Maria! I've always worried that if I don't ovulate at some normal time, then my eggs must be bad. Hopefully my body is just deciding it liked that old 35 day cycle I had, but this time it will decide to be regular. I'd like to actually ovulate after a month of pain, 3 months of BC and about $2500 in hospital bills!

It's funny - I thought I was actually fairly regular before, compared to so many women! Now here I am, just hoping for one normal cycle!
Hey ladies, just been having a quick look through all the stories on here it gives me some hope!

I am due to have ovarian drilling on 1st April been on the waiting list since 6th November. I am trying hard to lose weight and in the last month have lost 21lbs (although the scales this morning said 25lbs) but i will gan a couple throughout the day. I still have another few weeks to lose some more before the op.

We have been trying since April 08 and 3 months of clomid didnt work for me. So here I am.

itis nice to see so many positive stories on here. hope I can join you xxx
Hi ladies, i tested this morning & got a BFN. So i'm waiting for AF, to start a new cycle. My doc did tell me to visit him in May if no BFP, hoping i will not need to. Hope you all are doing well.
Hope everyones well, sorry to hear you got a bfn Keisha :( heres to next month!! x

Well this morning I had some cm so im hoping that my pos opk is not far away although it doesnt seem any different to before the od so am starting the guaifenesin today and see if that makes any difference as have never had ewcm (that ive noticed anyway) xxx
Hey mrs chambers. Well done on ur weight loss. That's brilliant. Good luck for the od. I'm one of the many lucky people that's gone on to get bfp after od and so am a firm believer that it works. Xx
hey mrs chambers! goodluck for od :)

im another that was really lucky to get a :bfp: after having OD

had OD on August 2010

BFP on 8th January 2011
Hi ladies, how are we all this weekend?

I'm fully recovered now and will prob go back to the office on monday. I've no idea where I am in the cycle. I think I'm gonna start from the day of OD so I'm CD8. I don't have any opk's. I'm thinking of getting 10 cheap ones and doing them from CD10 or so...I'm trying not to get my hopes too high about ovulating. I hope I do, but if not there's always Provera and then Clomid.

Can I just do a little poll and ask how amny of you ladies started ovulating on your own after OD?
Hi ladies, i tested this morning & got a BFN. So i'm waiting for AF, to start a new cycle. My doc did tell me to visit him in May if no BFP, hoping i will not need to. Hope you all are doing well.

Keisha, this is really odd because your chart still looks great and no temperature drop that you'd expect before af :shrug: are you on progesterone supplements?

Like you said I also hope it happens for you before may!
Hi girls

Well!! Have been doing opks and there getting darker!! Did one this morning and just done another and its darker!! Not quite there yet so hoping like mad that I get my pos tomorrow!! Keep your fingers crossed for me girls!! Completely at a loss as to when I should be dtd now lol, think ive got a bit xxx
OMG tori - how exciting :happydance: How many days is it since the OD??

Have you ever had positive OPKs in the past?

I will be starting mine today (Im day 10 after the OP) and am hoping like mad Ill get a positive in the next couple of weeks :happydance:

How's yoour OH's sperm? If he's absolutely healthy, Id BD every night for the next 3-4 days. Or at the very least every other day starting tonight! Everyone says that in an ideal situation spermies need to be in the tubes and waiting for the egg to pop and that journey takes them at least 7 hours!!! So no use BD'ing after ovulation really...

Best of Luck :flower:

Thanks, yes ive got pos opks before so trying not to get to excited as obviously they may just not work or its not a defo pos Im seeing (trying not to but am!! lol)

Its 3 weeks today since od, think my af was 2 weeks ago so it is looking hopeful that its time.

Does anyone know how I post a pic on here? xxx
Feeling crappy this morning, very uncomfortable, painful thighs and tummy, I thought that might of stopped at possible ov time after the drilling as it was the clomid that caused all this pain previously, do you think thats a good thing then? Going to my gp in hour to request bloods next week as too impatient and just want to know if I did ov this month or not, did a opk and thats going lighter again now so can only assume that today must be ov day.....?? xxx

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