anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Babydust - that's an impressive bump :thumbup: Were you pg before or are these stretch marks just from this pregnancy?

Reason I ask is that I tend to get stretch marks easily and was wondering whether Ill get them lovely things when I get pg :wacko:

Nothing new here. I hope Im 2DPO. I have the usual sore nipples, but the temp was still a bit low today. Usually mine goes up right away....Im praying I did ovulate when I thought I did and the temp will go up tomorrow [-o<
Oh wow! Your bump is gorgeous hun! I love it!

Seems where I am, theres no monitoring at all. I had to pay for my own follie tracking at £450 cos last time I was on clomid the pain was awful. Ive got mw appt on Monday so will metion this to her. I am getting soo impatient for my scan now. All the OD girls will have to meet up with our babies once theyre born x
Babydust - that's an impressive bump :thumbup: Were you pg before or are these stretch marks just from this pregnancy?

Reason I ask is that I tend to get stretch marks easily and was wondering whether Ill get them lovely things when I get pg :wacko:

Nothing new here. I hope Im 2DPO. I have the usual sore nipples, but the temp was still a bit low today. Usually mine goes up right away....Im praying I did ovulate when I thought I did and the temp will go up tomorrow [-o<

ty hun no was trying for 5 years never been pregnant before these stretch marks are all from this pregnancy lol im gonna look like a road map afterwards but all will be worth it :):thumbup: and these stretch marks are only 14 weeks into the pregnancy im sure im got alot more to come!! lol

ty kstan you'll soon have one :)

wow thats pretty rubbish that your having to pay for one, just tell em your really worried about ectopic

& yes meeting up would deffo be fab! :)
Hey ladies hope your all well.
babydust i am so jealous of your bump :thumbup:

Just a quick question I was wondering how long everyone's pre op appointment was? I got mine through today for the same day I have to take an exam. The pre op is at 10 they said to say it could last an hour then it will take 1hr 21 to get to where my exam is and my exam is at 1.30.

They have said that if I chage my appointment it could put back my op which i really dont want to do as I think since 6th November I have been waiting long enough. And changing the exam date is not possible!
Hey ladies hope your all well.
babydust i am so jealous of your bump :thumbup:

Just a quick question I was wondering how long everyone's pre op appointment was? I got mine through today for the same day I have to take an exam. The pre op is at 10 they said to say it could last an hour then it will take 1hr 21 to get to where my exam is and my exam is at 1.30.

They have said that if I chage my appointment it could put back my op which i really dont want to do as I think since 6th November I have been waiting long enough. And changing the exam date is not possible!

my pre-op took about 20 mins at the max they just checked for mrsa signed some notes and had my weight n height checked nothing important really lol asked a few questions told me a bit about the op gave me some leaflets about the anestetic and that was it really
Sounds like it could be completely do able then as long as I dont end up waiting x Thanks Babydust x
MrsChambers - mine did take an hour BUT purely because the nurse also had PCOS and we spent most of the time chatting about our experiences.

I had blood done, weight/hight/BP. Filled out some forms, was given all the info about laparoscopy and that's it. If I were you Id stick with the origina; pre-op date and if anything just mention to the nurses you have an exam to go to
Hey girly girls! I have been so bad about checking in.

Lots of exciting news from so many of you, either preggers or getting + OPKs! Yay!!

I am getting really frustrated. I thought I'd have a really strong ovulation this cycle, getting right off the BC for the 3 months since my OD. But here it is on CD21, and still no + OPK! My line may have been just the slightest bit darker today, but still a long ways from positive!

It makes me feel better that a few of you are just now expecting to ovulate on CD21!

I'm going to be so mad if the OD doesn't get me ovulating after all this time we've waited and about $3500 we've paid for it all!!!
BTW, hubby and I both really like the Pre-Seed we've been using!! ;)
Arrrggghh - how fab yr finding out! So am I so I can plan. I already think its a boy and bought loadsa boy clothes. Im haveing a scan at 7 and bit weeks. How comes u gotta have early scan if its clomid baby?

dont know hospital gave me one due to theres a bigger risk it been ectopic & apparently due to multiple births or something so they had to give me one to check how many i had :dohh:

aww i really want a boy but i think it will be a girl lol

ty ff how are you doing?

i took a picture of my latest bump pic and i have so many stretch marks i wanna cry lol ive tried everything on them :( i have so many more on the other side of the pic u cant see lol

Hey babydust, im ok thanks still suffering really bad from all day sickness and nausea! When did yours go? OMG I cant believe your latest bump pic its fab!! still not shoing at all :( Ps I reckon i'll be the same with the stretch marks I had a few when I was younger that have faded now but am def prone to them!! Have you tried bio oil, im gonna start using it soon!

Do you colour your hair? Im due to get my highlights done in may, I didnt get them done last time cos wasnt sure if it was ok, MW says its fine but im still a bit doubtful as its bleach, what do you reckon? x
Hi There........Just so you are aware of how the time off works, I can explain this...I have had the legal advise on this and can tell you what I was told..Basically I was told the same by my employers that is it something that I chose to have done or was it necessary to have it done. As per what my DR SAID,I quoted the following.
'' I must have this done as I have PCOS. If I do not have this OD surgery done, I may never fall pregnant and therefore as a woman, I feel you may be depriving me of becoming a mother. Its not cosmetic, but to also reduce any further implications of cysts potentially bursting resulting in more time off''.
They agreed and I did too compromise .. In the end, I took 5 days off sick out of our sickness allowance of 10 days a year and took 3 days off holidays. Therefore, no pay loss, no unpaid time, I still have 5 days for the rest of 2011 incase I am sick and still have 17 days holidays....BINGO!!!

On that note...can anyone help me...I had the OD on Wed 16th Mar....I am bleeding when I wipe but not on my towel...I know TMI...But I am scared...Am I suppose to start trying with my partner as I am still in pain in the stomach and bladder when I pee....and when DO I know when to check for the bleeding now a period or just where they have tampered with my insides...PLEASE PLEASE can someone suggest or help me.......

Hey ladies,

Wow its fantastic to see so many people with BFP after the ovarian drilling gives me some hope. I am just praying that PCOS is all we have to deal with and there is nothing else wrong when they do the lap and dye.

Has anyone else had to be signed off work by the consultant? When I told my boss as the op is on the Friday he said I can have Saturday and Sunday to recover ( I work in an office Mon- Frid 9-5) and then if I need more time it will have to come out of my holiday entitlement. I only get 20 days holiday and I have to save 3 of those for Xmas and I am going to Mexico which need 11 days in June and Cornwall in September which is 6 days - erm job done then holiday wise. I was so annoyed as I was prepared to take it unpaid but to be told after an op I need to use holiday to be off work I am fuming. They have said their reasoning is because I am choosing to have the operation! xx

Torilou sorry I dont know much about ovulating - did you ovulate on clomid when you got the pain before? Have you done temps as i keep doing them and that is how I realised I ovulated all on my own last month so was expecting my period when it came which never happens!!! x
From speaking to the girls on here, everyones bleed after OD is different. For me, I just had brown spotting when I wiped for about 2 weeks and then got AF about 1 mth after the op. Once the brown stuff stopped, I just used OPK everyday until it went positive (which was about 3 weeks after op I think.) Ovulation was like clockwork after the op. Good luck for yr BFP. xx
Arrrggghh - how fab yr finding out! So am I so I can plan. I already think its a boy and bought loadsa boy clothes. Im haveing a scan at 7 and bit weeks. How comes u gotta have early scan if its clomid baby?

dont know hospital gave me one due to theres a bigger risk it been ectopic & apparently due to multiple births or something so they had to give me one to check how many i had :dohh:

aww i really want a boy but i think it will be a girl lol

ty ff how are you doing?

i took a picture of my latest bump pic and i have so many stretch marks i wanna cry lol ive tried everything on them :( i have so many more on the other side of the pic u cant see lol

Hey babydust, im ok thanks still suffering really bad from all day sickness and nausea! When did yours go? OMG I cant believe your latest bump pic its fab!! still not shoing at all :( Ps I reckon i'll be the same with the stretch marks I had a few when I was younger that have faded now but am def prone to them!! Have you tried bio oil, im gonna start using it soon!

Do you colour your hair? Im due to get my highlights done in may, I didnt get them done last time cos wasnt sure if it was ok, MW says its fine but im still a bit doubtful as its bleach, what do you reckon? x

hi chick, ive still got bad sickness now at 14 weeks :dohh::cry:

bump seems to get bigger day by day lol and yes the damn stretch marks are a nightmare lol, ive tried bio oil, cocoa butter, ive just been and baught something called bumpy butter, its something that helps stretch marks while you rub it in your belly it also relaxes baby apparently lol :shrug:

my sister had hers done in second trimestar she had blonde highlights and was perfectly fine if midwife says all is fine im sure it will be they would advise you not too if it would be any harm to baby

glad your ok apart from nausea and sickness, sickness is a damn nightmare id like to tell you it gets better but for me it still hasnt lol,

ive got a damn water infection which ive had since monday i have 1 day of antibiotics left and it still hasnt shifted ive been drinking loads of water/cranberry juice/barley water haha and nothing is shifting it im so blessed lol..
Ren, I had fresh bright blood for about 5 days after od. We bd'ed for the first time about a week after and I must admit it was a bit uncomfy.

I started using opks 10 days after the op and it turned positive on day 12!!! I then had all the ovulation aches and pains but given I shud be 3dpo today I still didn't get a temp rise so I'm wondering if it was even proper ovulation or not...
Thanx Maria....I am sooo new to this that I do not understand all the basically, its ok to bleed for a few days after the op. I should start doing ovulation tests approximately 7-10 days after the op?? and then if its positive, to try and have intercourse...sorry TMI but i dont know what people refer it to...but would that not be uncomfortable and really painful as I am still in pain and can just about get up and down...
sorry for the all questions but I am sooo keen and eager to get this right...
Yes, its fine to bleed. Around a week is fine, as long as there's no clots and stuff.

Intercourse = BD (baby dance). Lol!

I recovered pretty well and was running around by day 5 or so but official sick note was 2 weeks so I guess docs think recovery can take that long!

Definitely don't force your body to bd unless you feel 100% well and ready. I think most people don't get positive opk until 2 -3 weeks after the drilling so you have plenty of time
Ahhh Thank you sooo much for your thoughts and abbreviation help...I will get there eventually xxx LOL.........
hi chick, ive still got bad sickness now at 14 weeks :dohh::cry:

bump seems to get bigger day by day lol and yes the damn stretch marks are a nightmare lol, ive tried bio oil, cocoa butter, ive just been and baught something called bumpy butter, its something that helps stretch marks while you rub it in your belly it also relaxes baby apparently lol :shrug:

my sister had hers done in second trimestar she had blonde highlights and was perfectly fine if midwife says all is fine im sure it will be they would advise you not too if it would be any harm to baby

glad your ok apart from nausea and sickness, sickness is a damn nightmare id like to tell you it gets better but for me it still hasnt lol,

ive got a damn water infection which ive had since monday i have 1 day of antibiotics left and it still hasnt shifted ive been drinking loads of water/cranberry juice/barley water haha and nothing is shifting it im so blessed lol..

Oh no I was hoping your ms had gone by now! Hope it goes soon!! Do you still have it constantly? Mine is getting worse & was hoping it would go at 12 weeks, there is no let up!! Im really struggling to even drink anything now:wacko:

Thanks for telling me about our sister, think I will get it done, like you say if mw says its fine, they are the experts. I was a bit dubious cos of a few things i'd read on the internet but hey if I believed everything i read/ everything everyone told me I'd just live in a bubble...not possible!

Sorry to hear about the water infection too, hope the antibiotics kick in soon, its the last thing you need!

Soz its a personal question but have you dtd much since you found out you were pregnant? Sounds crazy but we havent purely because im scared of bleeding going to wait until 12 weeks, feels like its been forever!! xx
hi chick, ive still got bad sickness now at 14 weeks :dohh::cry:

bump seems to get bigger day by day lol and yes the damn stretch marks are a nightmare lol, ive tried bio oil, cocoa butter, ive just been and baught something called bumpy butter, its something that helps stretch marks while you rub it in your belly it also relaxes baby apparently lol :shrug:

my sister had hers done in second trimestar she had blonde highlights and was perfectly fine if midwife says all is fine im sure it will be they would advise you not too if it would be any harm to baby

glad your ok apart from nausea and sickness, sickness is a damn nightmare id like to tell you it gets better but for me it still hasnt lol,

ive got a damn water infection which ive had since monday i have 1 day of antibiotics left and it still hasnt shifted ive been drinking loads of water/cranberry juice/barley water haha and nothing is shifting it im so blessed lol..

Oh no I was hoping your ms had gone by now! Hope it goes soon!! Do you still have it constantly? Mine is getting worse & was hoping it would go at 12 weeks, there is no let up!! Im really struggling to even drink anything now:wacko:

Thanks for telling me about our sister, think I will get it done, like you say if mw says its fine, they are the experts. I was a bit dubious cos of a few things i'd read on the internet but hey if I believed everything i read/ everything everyone told me I'd just live in a bubble...not possible!

Sorry to hear about the water infection too, hope the antibiotics kick in soon, its the last thing you need!

Soz its a personal question but have you dtd much since you found out you were pregnant? Sounds crazy but we havent purely because im scared of bleeding going to wait until 12 weeks, feels like its been forever!! xx

yes sickness is constantly unfortunetly i really thought id of got rid of it at 12 weeks too lol as midwife told me it should pass by then here i am 14 weeks and still no sign of it going :dohh:

yeah i hope this water infection goes too its a bloody nightmare last day of antibiotics today and its still here dont know what to do to be honest its really bugging me,

yes i was so scared like you to about bleeding but i never, i did it at 13 weeks which was the 1st time since finding out and i really think sex is much much more better when pregnant :haha: but i havent been able to do it since because of damn water infection lol dont want to irritate it lol..
but i wasnt even sore afterwards and i hadnt done it since i found out at 4 weeks lol so i thought maybe id be a bit sore or maybe bleed and leading up to doing it doctors told me id be fine but ya know i was still so scared but once you get there you wonder why the hell you put it off for so long haha! :)
Hi, I have just read through this thead (it took a while!) and was hoping i could join you all. It is amazing to read so many success stories so I am hoping this is a lucky thread. This is my first post so i'm not sure of all the abbrevs but here is a little about me. I am 26, my OH is 31 and we have been TTC for nearly 2 years but NTNP for another year before this. I have PCOS and was diagnosed just 6 mths ago. I had OD just over 2 weeks ago. They also lasered some endometriosis which i didn't know i had. I started clomid today and will be taking 50mg days 2 to 6. Baby dust to you all x

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