jojolabobo -
and welcome to the thread
It's just about a year since I started lurking here, and I joined properly after my op, so glad I did. Everyone has been really helpful and supportive and it's nice to be able to chat to others in the same position and share our experiences.
When I had my OD done, my consultant explained to me that PCOS ovaries are covering in a thick coating which makes it difficult for an egg to mature and burst through, the op breaks up that coating and the benefits of having the op done can last a lifetime in terms of restoring periods, lowering hormones imbalances etc.
Before my op I was given a leaflet about what to expect and what time to fast from. I went in to the ward and there were about 5 women in there, all in for different gynae operations. I was last on the list so I was waiting a long time. My DH wasn't allowed to stay with me while I waited which was annoying as I was nervous. They measured me for the stockings - yeah baby! I looked sooo fab!
The anaesthetist came round and chatted to me and when it was my turn I walked down to the theatre, the nurses and Doctors were fab. I was just thinking, "this anaesthetic isn't working on me" and then I woke up after the op, back on the ward! I went home the same day. There isn't anything specific they'll want you to do except the fasting part and only drinking water up to a certain time before the op, but they will let you know.
Afterwards, I would recommend temping to get an idea of your cycle. Get yourself some Pregnacare Conception. DH took their Wellman Conception too. I recommend OPKs (although I never had a true positive - even on my BFP cycle, I only ever got a faint + line around midcycle) to get an idea of your cycle and PreSeed.
I got pregnant 5 months after my op, I didn't ovulate on my own after it, but I did respond to the metformin + Femara/Letrozole first cycle. The benefits of OD as you'll know are that your ovaries will respond better to medication and sometimes FS opt for this as a first line of treatment in lean PCOSers. Good luck for your op, hopefully you will be a regular poster here and let us know how you get on. Henry is obviously our star, but remember post-op you will still need patience as it can take a few months for our hormones to settle down - this can be the hardest part!
Bride - Yes, def phone the Dr. I once had a period for a month, very heavy and I worried it was a miscarriage. It wasn't, but my Dr told me off for not going in sooner as I was anaemic due to blood loss. They may run some blood tests to see what your hormones are up to. So sorry you've having this, it's very debilitating, hopefully it will stop by Christmas.
Henry -
Hooray for having a good time without the alcohol! Glad everyone had a good time