anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

:flower: all, hope you had a lovely xmas and looking forward to the New Year x

Welcome Buttons, hope you enjoy your stay here, agree with everyone else that this is a wonderful place to be, certainly helps me through all the wobbles, its really hard to find somewhere people understand what youre going through, I hope your BFP isnt too far away hun :hugs:

Mommymel, thats not nice hun, especially knowing what you have been through I think she should be a bit more supportive, I know its very difficult when someone close to you is pregnant while youre still trying but I could never react that way, I dont think its very fair on her at all. Try not to get yourself worked up about it, you did try to help and were honest with her about your ttc, loads wouldnt have been! :hugs:

Bride, oh hun I hope you get sorted at the Drs, try not to worry I'd say its just the hormones after the op xxx

Henry, oooh I know how you feel, I still think that too and I've seen the bean on a scan twice, still think its in my head some days lol. How you feeling generally? Still nauseous? Are you actually being sick yet?

Kyla, did you get any baby stuff in the sales? Not long to go now hun :happydance:

I'm still very sick, had a 3 day gap when I didnt vomit but its back with a vengeance, Boxing Day evening was really bad, could barely lift my head, next day not so bad, no vomiting and last night back again! Really drains me, its not just a matter of being sick once and thats it, no I have to empty total contents of my stomach and still try to be sick after that even when theres nothing left :growlmad: Looking forward to midwife app on 7th, should hopefully get my scan date soon after.

Hope everyone else is well xx
Hey everyone
Hope everyone had a fab Christmas.
Welcome Buttons- I am new too- just on my first cycle after OD and very hopeful for some positive results. I too am on Femara- and no issues with same.

Mommymel, I am so sorry to hear about your relative- this is so distressing for you, but I would just concentrate on you, and your special time- you have waited a long time for this wonderful time, and do not let anyone spoil it! These are her issues, and even if she feels negative towards you, you cannot change this so just give her space and concentrate on friends and family who are happy to share your joy!

Sorry to hear you are so sick Cullen- take care x

Bride to be - hope your FS sorts out this issue for you- must be very worrying for you at this point.

Hey to everyone else!

AFM I am delighted I have had a much earlier Peak this cycle than usual, went straight from low Day 11 to high Day 12 to peak Today Day 13 ....which never happens for me.......took my trigger today and plenty of BD so fingerscrossed!!
Also am 2 weeks on Myo-Inositol, and feeling very good. Have also been walking 30mins every day for past 10 days or so ......feeling very positive that 2013 will bring good news for us
MommyMel - :hugs: That's really quite upsetting that she's kept away, especially as you've been so supportive. I guess there is no helping some people. I have been in positions while LTTTC a friend has announced a pregnancy and I will admit to having conflicting emotions about it. I've felt nothing but joy for them, but also I have felt jealous, then guilty for feeling jealous and then onto feeling really sorry for myself.
A very close friend of mine announced she was expecting after her 12 weeks scan, she knew I was ltttc and I knew she was ttc. I was so upset because I felt we'd shared our journey a bit together, and that when she found out at 4 weeks she didn't tell me, first I heard was on a text message sent out to everyone. :sulk: I really cried about that, even though I was happy for her. I also considered not speaking to her for a while because I was so hurt inside for myself and our situation, but I realised I was being silly.
I have also felt at times like I shouldn't still be on this thread since my BFP, as I can totally understand how the ladies still waiting must be feeling because I have felt the same. I do think though that the hope and inspiration ladies like Cridge, MariaF and Snwflrgrl gave me really helped and I want to be around on the thread to offer hope and support to everyone :friends:
I agree with Cullen and Joy, try not to let it upset you. You've done everything you can to help and she's obviously not ready to take on board what you've suggested.
It's weird when baby kicking hurts, I've had some proper grumbles about the aches and pains now, I feel like all my private bits are swollen! Someone on the 3rd tri board said to put a sanitary pad in the freezer and use it as a cool pack....oh wow the relief!! :haha:
Happy New Year to you!! :kiss:

Joy - Sending you lots of dust hun

Cullen - :hugs: Sorry you're experiencing sickness so much.
I did get some sale bargains thanks, mostly from Next :happydance: I love their baby and kids clothes, so worth the money over supermarket versions because they last so well. I've been quite disappointed though with sales in general, a lot of the stuff that seems to be key nursery and baby items aren't in the sales. :dohh: My Next order arrived today, I got a good range of baby clothes, some in different sizes and I enjoyed folding them up.....just need to work myself up for washing them all before I put them away! :laundry:
hey girls im new to this been ttc for almost four years now i have pcos i am 19 years old and i no use will all think aww ur just a kid but i have been ttc as i have been saying with no luck fs has set me a appt for overian drilling i get it on thursday so if any one knows if any one has concieved with it please let me know baby dust to all mwha xxxx
Cullen - ur sickness sounds terrible, I should be counting myself lucky I've just been feeling really sick. For the first time this morning though I was retching over the toilet. Was in the shower and felt a bit faint then just felt terrible, still feeling pretty green! All going to be worth it though! That's me 7wks today so only one week to go to our first scan :happydance: how far are you now?

Kyla- that's good you managed to get some stuff in the sales, I did a wee nosey but didn't think there was much going on really which was a bit disappointing

Happy new year to everyone hope it brings lots of healthy babies and lots of bfps!! :flower:
Marym - Welcome. Ovarian drilling has approximate success rates of 80% for ovulation and 50% for pregnancy. You're lucky that they're doing it with your age, round here you have to be 23. Good luck.

Henry - Happy 7 weeks! :happydance: Is that a blueberry? I can't remember now! So excited for your scan. Yes, the sales have been pretty naff for baby things unless you want an elf or santa baby grow :haha:. Apparently in Spring a lot of manufacturers change their 'seasons' so you can get good deals on last seasons colours of car seats/pushchairs etc. One thing to remember though is that car seats have expiry dates of approx 5 years (I got caught out on this :dohh:) and if you're planning on having another baby..knowing how long PCOS takes us... you might not want last seasons to save a few quid because you're so much closer to the expiry date.

Happy New Year to everyone, may your dreams come true in 2013 :flower: Anyone doing anything exciting for New Year?
hi everyone and welcome to new ladies. Happy new year to every bnb ladies. Maria, kyla, mommymel, tella, cridge, nikkia, scerena pls help me i am confused now. See attachment pls. I think positv test. My last menstruation date 4.12.12. This cycle i took clomid 50mg then took hmg injection day6 & day8 . Then my iui cancelled for not growing proper size of follicle on day14. Size was 15. So we try naturally and took progesteron 200mgx2, folice acid, glyciphage 850 x2 & one baby aspirin 75. I study that baby aspirin can help implantation so i took it with out doctor advise. I ask my doctor but he refuse to give it. But i took the same in my last pregnancy. So i took it. Today in the morning i call him and told positv test and told that i took baby aspirin . Should i continue? But he angry with me and cut the phone call. Now i really feel bad. I try to call him but he didnt pick up the phone. Taking baby aspirin will harm my pregnancy? Pls give me suggetion.


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Anupur - great to hear from you, I was worried! Congratulations, that looks like a BFP to me!! :happydance: I'm sorry I don't know very much about your other questions, I hope other ladies will as I'm not clued up on triggers or follicle sizes.
Re the baby aspirin, I understand it can help blood flow to the uterus while ttc but I think it should be stopped when you get your bfp unless there are medical reasons to continue. :shrug: hopefully others will know for sure.
Sorry your Dr has reacted this way, surely they have a duty of care to advise what is best for you, even if you have done your own thing, he should now give you sound medical advice. Also ltttc ladies do try things from time to time the Dr's don't agree with, he should understand that. Keep us posted :hugs:
Happy New Year all.

Welcome to the newbies.

Anupur, it's been a while. Do not worry about the aspirin, 75 is a small dose, in fact that is classed as baby aspirin. You should probably stop now but I don't think it will cause any harm. Looks like a bfp to me! Carry on with the progesterone if you can.

Really hope this is your bfp and forever baby.

Afm, should be starting ivf in a few days, waiting for af to arrive. Ovulated naturally again this month on cd21.

Hope everyone is well and congrats on the bfps. I have been reading posts but been manically busy of late!
MommyMel - I don't think you are being too dramatic. I feel sad for you, i don't think that it is fair that your cousins wife has reacted this way, but remember you have no control, and try not to let it get you down. Focus on you, and surround yourself with positive people who celebrate your pregnancy. Sounds like she has pushed away a good friend. Her loss! :winkwink:

Cullen - thank you. I hope yous start to feel better soon. X

Joy - Great to know! I'm interested to see how you go. Fingers crossed for you!

Kyla - I love having you around! Reading this thread and watching your journey I get so excited for you and it does give me hope.

Marym - I have read most of the 449 pages of this thread (not all at once). The information is great and the ladies on here are super supportive. Good luck!

Henry - woohoo! All the best with your first scan. :happydance:

Anupur - hi! Looks like a BFP to me too! It does seem like a strange reaction from all your doctor. I wish you all the best.

Lpear - best of luck with your IVF treatment!!

Happy new year to everyone! X
LPEAR - :happydance: For natural ovulation, that's awesome! Good luck for the IVF, keep us updated as you go. Sending you lots of baby dust

Anupur - How are you feeling hun? Any word from your Doctor? :flower:
Buttons - You did well to red all 449, I'm only up to 50! But I'm loving all the advice and success stories.

Aiming to have read it all by the time I have my op in 12 days time xx
lepear - first of all many many baby dust to u and hope this new year will make ur wish come true. Best of luck for ivf cycle. Thanks for information about aspirin. Me and oh decided to go to new lady doctor. I will test tomorrow again.​
kyla - i call a new lady doctor and she told me to come on next monday with beta hcg blood or lab urin test report. I will also do home pg test tomorrow again. I cant really believe that i am pregnant. Now just hope that this time it will be my forever baby. I went today to own parent house to take proper rest. U r near to meet ur baby hun. Lots of love to u and ur little one.​
buttons - here in this thread u will get lots of suggestion, help and love from all ladies. I think i am lucky to find and join this thread. Keep us posted.​
how r u maria, tella, cridge? Mommymel if anyone feel jelous to see u pregnant then u should stay away from them. Dont feel bad. Just be happy that ur wish come true. I also want to stay away from my sister in law. Take care everyone.​
Hey girls hope yous all have a ver happy new year
Anupur looks like a bfp to me yay congrats you so deserve it x
Lpear good look with ivf I got my od done the same month as u we are moving onto iui was going to go in janurary but me and my husband decided to change it to march time I'm gonna focus on losing weight which will give us the best chance I think :)
Girls now have periods for 30 days went to an out of hours doc on Sunday as I fainted so we gave my cyklokapron for five days and said that should make them stop and I've nothing to worry About but go see my own gp so I went to her on Monday she said I could try the pill for a few months until I see the fs but Im really not happy doing that as I thought u never no what could happen from now until march
Anupur :hugs: I have everything crossed for you that this if your forever baby. Great idea re the new doctor, hopefully she will be more supportive. I hope you can avoid your SIL too. Thanks, yes not long left now before meeting the baby - eek! :wacko:

Bride - Hugs to you too hun :hugs: So sorry you fainted, but glad the emergency doc thought it was nothing to worry about. I was given something once to stop a super long period, but I can't remember what it was. I wouldn't want to take the BC either, although I have read on some forums that one month of it can kick start ovulation, I'm not sure that was with PCOSers and it's scary to be messing with your hormones. Fingers crossed the weight loss is enough to do the trick and you won't need IUI.
:hi: ladies :)

I'm so sorry I haven't been on in like FOREVER!!!

It's been a year since my OD tomorrow and no :bfp:

I am doing Ivf egg sharing in feb sometime hopefully :)

I hope all you ladies get your bfp real soon :)

cridge how are you and your lil boys?

mommymel not long now sweetie and your precious baby will be here :)

lpear great news about doing Ivf :) gl :dust:

kayla your pregnancy had gone soooo fast :) not long for you either :)

nikkia I hope all is well and your pregnancy is all going well?

anopur CONGRATS :wohoo:

And :hi: to everyone else :) sorry I haven't mentioned everyone I haven't had time to read back but gl :dust:
Yay Anupur!!! Congrats on your bfp! I'm so happy for you!

Mommymel - I totally agree that God helps those that help themselves. It's a shame that your cousin (or was it sil? sorry :wacko:) is feeling so negative towards you. I have a friend that I met at our adoption training years ago. She was so super bitter that I had one child and I couldn't even talk about him when we were together. She now has 2 adopted children (had her 2nd before I was pregnant with Ninja) and now she gets it. It's a shame she spent so many years having bitter feelings towards so many people, but it's her loss and no one else's. Don't let other's feelings towards you ruin your joy!

Henry - I totally get it. I was very confident my entire pregnancy, but that's probably because I never *really* believed that I was pregnant. I had the strangest experience during my c-section. I know it sounds unbelievable, but I honestly didn't know what they were going to pull out of me. I certainly couldn't believe it would be a living baby. But when I heard his cry I completely lost it and suddenly it was finally real to me. So hopefully it will feel real to you before you actually give birth, but hey, it might take that long. :haha:
[size=+1] NEW YEAR BFP [/size]
I tested it in this morning. Clear and deeper than last test. Pls god give me this baby in my holding arms. Will do bhcg test saturday. Kyla in first trimester riding very slowly upstairs or downstairs can harm my baby? My mom telling me not to do it and not to walk just lay or sit in the bed. I told her 30min walking on flat surface is ok. But u know mom is mom. Feeling very tired all the day. But i will enjoy it. I am happy but narvous also.​


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Yay Anupur! Of course you can walk! Unless you have some high risk reason not to, you can exercise low to moderate impact. But take it easy just in case. :) Congrats!

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