anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Bride - it sounds like you are doing everything you need to be doing to get yourself ready for IUI in March. You can do it!!

I don't think they normally do it here in England either (not sure on that though) but due to the holiday period, they couldn't monitor me as closely as usual I guess. They told me about 17 times that there was a risk of multiples but we decided to go ahead with the IUI. The nurses all looked a bit unhappy when they told me i had 5 follicles.
CONGRATS to all the ladies with BFPs, so HAPPY for you all, have a wonderful and happy pregnancy!!!!

KYLA, thanks for asking!

I have been Oing on my own for the last 2-3months, but we are unable to TTC because my hubby had to take is meds for his autoimmune hepatitis, he had postpone his treatment for over 1 year because the med causes birth defects. This medication also stays in his system for 6 months after the last tablet. We decided that he needed to start his meds so he can be healthy for the both of us. The TTC break was worth it, our sex life is so much better not TTC with the stress that comes with it.

We had got some of his swimmers frozen before he started his meds, so hopeful, i will be doing my 3rd iui in February. SO wish me lots and lots of baby dust.
Oh Keisha - how hard to have to take that long of a break, but hopefully the frozen swimmers will be all you need and hopefully your dh can get back to great health! GL!!

Sunny - the "nice" thing about having OHSS is that you get lots of scans! :thumbup: At least I did, so I'm hoping the same for you. :haha:
Sunny :dance: Fantastic :bfp: news! Officially wishing you a H&H 9 months. Glad the clinic saw you and is giving you extra attention, hope you feel better soon. Try not to worry too much about multiples, even with 5 follicles (I think here they'd abandon a cycle for that many) the chances of high order multiples are low. Sometimes multiples can be picked up on the Clear Blue Digital Test with Conception Indicator because it picks up higher levels pregnancy hormone so may put you further along than you are, but then not everyone expecting multiples has higher levels. So happy for you.

Keisha - Good luck with the next cycle. Hope your hubby gets well quickly, it's totally the right thing to get him well and strong. Sending you lots and lots of baby dust, I'll be cheering you on

Bride - Cheering you on with your weight loss too. Do you know how much you need to lose to get your under the 30 BMI?

Cridge - Aw W2 is 2 months old already, time really flies! How are you feeling?

AFM - Feeling fine but achey with this SPD. I've got a growth scan next week to check the size and position of baby. Still waiting for the pregnancy "glow" though...starting to think it's a myth or only celebs get it :haha:
Thanks sunny hope your feeling a lil better :)
Kyla I need to shift a stone but I've dot it before its the weekends I find the hardest but me will get there
Keisha good luck in feb
Keisha – I would say that is fantastic that you are Oing on your own (something I never ever did)! I am sending tons of :dust: your way!

Cridge – thanks, I was a bit happy to hear I would get scanned more regularly! That is an upside.

Kyla – Thanks! As for the pregnancy glow – what a bummer to hear that is probably a myth. I was looking forward to that! Hope you are well!

Bride – my friend is a nutritionist/ healthy eating guru and she agrees that weekends are most difficult. When I was trying to do a fertility diet to get the pcos under control, I too had a difficult time keeping to a healthy eating plan at the wknds so she suggested that I keep a food journal which seems to help rein things in at the weekends! I know it is easier said than done but you can do it!! :thumbup:

Does anyone know if pcos symptoms clear up in pregnancy? I still have some acne and would love to her that was going to start clearing up….?
Congrats sunny on your bfp! :happydance:

Bit of a tmi question - since getting my bfp I've had quite a lot of discharge, but the last few days its been yellow :wacko: I've read that that's normal if no other symptoms but still a bit worried just incase it's a uti! anyone any ideas?
Bride - Good luck with the weight loss. Weekends are definitely harder to cope with, I always have a problem with trying to find decent snacks that are suitable to munch on. You can do it!!

Sunny - It's hard to tell with PCOS symptoms, because the pregnancy hormones do crazy things to our bodies. I had bad acne, the "hormonal acne" that you get on the jawline up until about 20 weeks, then it's improved until I don't have any spots now. I also noticed that since the OP and definitely during pregnancy excess hair growth has really slowed down. My leg hair is patchy and really slow glowing, but this could also be due to pregnancy hormones. I had my legs waxed weeks before Christmas and I need to get them done before labour but I don't think it's long enough to be waxed yet - which is good in one way!! Fingers crossed your acne goes soon.

Henry - Sounds like normal leukorrhoea discharge to me. Pregnancy is SO glamorous :haha: It's normal and down to pregnancy related estrogen (ps it gets worse the further along you go, invest in loads of pantyliners!) It shouldn't smell at all or have a greenish tinge, just keep an eye on it and if you're concerned, double check with your midwife. UTIs and thrush are common too, but this sounds normal to me.
Keisha - sending you lots of :dust: You deserve this SO SO much!!!!

Henry - lots if discharge is very common! Just make sure it's not green and doesn't have an unpleasant smell. I was VERY "wet" throughout pregnancy. Seriously there were times when I thought I weed myself when I didn't :dohh: there was just tons of discharge!

Wait till your show starts coming out - then you'll know what a lot of discharge looks like :haha:

Kyla - how are you feeling?

Monkey - I hope you are not in too much discomfort!
Maria - I'm feeling good thanks :flower: I've been suffering with SPD in this pregnancy, but I'm coping with it. Baby was measuring off the centile chart but at my last appointment the growth curve has come back onto the chart, but I'm having a scan on Tuesday to check size and position - I had polyhydramious and a footling breech position at 38/39 weeks with DS, he turned just in time for me to avoid a section, but my FS wants to be cautious in case this happens again.
It only seems like 5 minutes since Sophia was born, the time goes so fast. I expect she's at a really fun stage now?
Bride - How are you doing? Just wondering if your AF has stopped at all now? :flower:
Kyla - sorry to say, but I'm pretty sure the pregnancy "glow" is all the grease coming off your face. :haha: At least, that's how I "glowed". :dohh:

Sunny - My pcos symptoms improved during pregnancy. My acne improved greatly and is actually still improved. :thumbup: Unfortunately, I think my cycle is totally whacked out again now though.

Henry - I had a TON of yellow discharge in the first month or so with #1. It eventually went away, or at least wasn't so present. One of the joys. :)
Cridge - :rofl: I also "glow" with hormone induced short temper from time to time!
Hi Girls :hugs: missed you guys so much but i must say the break from everything has helped alot!

Keisha and Tella - Just wondering how you're both getting on? :flower:

Im doing great thanks :hugs: busy getting back into the swing of things after the holidays and preparing for next cycle, but with far far less stress than i would have previously. WOW i cant believe you are so close to the end, soon we will be seeing another OD graduate baby :happydance:

CONGRATS to all the ladies with BFPs, so HAPPY for you all, have a wonderful and happy pregnancy!!!!

KYLA, thanks for asking!

I have been Oing on my own for the last 2-3months, but we are unable to TTC because my hubby had to take is meds for his autoimmune hepatitis, he had postpone his treatment for over 1 year because the med causes birth defects. This medication also stays in his system for 6 months after the last tablet. We decided that he needed to start his meds so he can be healthy for the both of us. The TTC break was worth it, our sex life is so much better not TTC with the stress that comes with it.

We had got some of his swimmers frozen before he started his meds, so hopeful, i will be doing my 3rd iui in February. SO wish me lots and lots of baby dust.

Hello :flower: How strange that we both decide to come on after being gone for a while and that after Kyla's msg :thumbup:

Great to hear you are doing another IUI and that you atleast dont have to wait for all the meds to be out of your hubby's body!!! How many frozen samples do you have?

The great news is we will be doing IUI together in FEB :happydance::happydance::happydance: Im Oing today so likey to be around mid Feb for my IUI itself.

HUGE CONGRATS TO ALL THE BFP'S IT IS PHENOMENAL TO COME BACK AND GET SUCH GREAT POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: Definitely an inspiration for all of us.

Anu > WOW chick, im so stoked for you!!!! I bet your SIL is really jealous now, show you that most other people only think about themselves. ENJOY it and look after yourself and LO!!!!

Cridge > 2 months already????? i cant belief how time flies when you having fun :winkwink:

Maria > And you creeping closer to a year :dohh:

MommyMel > How you keeping up? Saw on FB that tummy is coming along nicely :happydance:

Scerena > Praying that the IVF will bring along a very well deserved BFP for you :hugs:

AFM > Just a quick update, we have been taking it very quiet the last 2-3 months and had an awesome december holiday along with a 40day cycle, start AF on the 26 Dec but it was all good as my FS could only see me on the 10 for my hysteroscopy and being a late O'er (who would have thought it would ever be beneficial) they where willing to do it on CD 17 instead of before CD12. The procedure was a bit painfull but luckily very short lived.

Everything was 100% perfect! Nothing wrong inside my uterus, so now we just hope the clean out will make it super sticky and that the IUI will work next cycle. We are however changing it up a bit, orginally my FS said IVF with Intralipids and steriods (predinisone) but i have asked for IUI with those things. I cant do another IVF now, it will kill me. So we onto IUI #4 fx!!!!!!

Also went for a second opinion at another clinic, and im happy to share that he said he would have done exactly what my FS has done with the exception of adding intralips and steriods on IVF no 2, he also requested HOMA index for insulin as i said my ovaries look like they might be PCOS side but wasnt sure. However the test came back 100% fine, so i have nothing to worry about. Im keeping to my FS as my mind has been eased by the other FS and no need to second guess my FS. The only strange thing the new FS said was that he doesnt think we have tried long enough on our own WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!

So thats me :haha: back in the swing of things!!!!
hi everyone and welcome to new ladies. Happy new year to every bnb ladies. Maria, kyla, mommymel, tella, cridge, nikkia, scerena pls help me i am confused now. See attachment pls. I think positv test. My last menstruation date 4.12.12. This cycle i took clomid 50mg then took hmg injection day6 & day8 . Then my iui cancelled for not growing proper size of follicle on day14. Size was 15. So we try naturally and took progesteron 200mgx2, folice acid, glyciphage 850 x2 & one baby aspirin 75. I study that baby aspirin can help implantation so i took it with out doctor advise. I ask my doctor but he refuse to give it. But i took the same in my last pregnancy. So i took it. Today in the morning i call him and told positv test and told that i took baby aspirin . Should i continue? But he angry with me and cut the phone call. Now i really feel bad. I try to call him but he didnt pick up the phone. Taking baby aspirin will harm my pregnancy? Pls give me suggetion.

Oh Anupur, iam so so happy for you ................ you really deserve this .....:happydance: :happydance:

you are always on my mind..... i hope hubby is taking good care of you.....
this is such great news!!!!!
:happydance: :kiss: :happydance:
Hi All! Hope everyone is well!

Quick question - my OHSS symptoms seem to be really improving - which is awesome! The fluid in my abodmen has really lessened although it is still a bit bloated and the cramps are still there but much less so - I can stand up straight and even sleep on my side now. BUT - I am really worried that seeing as I am only 4 weeks 5 days pregnant and the symptoms are subsiding this soon, that this could mean I am loosing/ have lost the pregnancy? I am telling myself that my body has just adjusted but really the ovaries should be producing a lot of HCG right now I think, which is what causes the ohss and therefore, I am thrilled that I feel better but am so anxious about what this could mean. Do any of you wise women have any thoughts on this?

Thanks! xoxoxoxoxo
Tella - :hugs: Yay! Great to hear from you, I've been thinking about you a lot lately wondering how you're getting on. Glad the break has helped, sending you lots and lots of dust for your next IUI cycle.

Sunny - I don't think you need to worry at all. I believe OHSS symtpoms can right themselves by your pregnancy stage and it's only very severe ones that continue for weeks. Hopefully the Nikkia and the other ladies will be able to confirm this.:hugs: The first trimester holds so many worries, I had brown spotting and all sorts, but really, just put it to the back of your mind and enjoy feeling better. :flower:
Thanks for the encouraging words Kyla! I really appreciate it. I am scheduled for another scan tomorrow morning so hopefully they will be able to tell me a bit more. It is difficult not to worry!

Thanks again and hope you are doing fantastic!! xoxo
Hello ladies,:flower: I posted on here a lil while ago and said I was due to have the op an got loads of great advice from you ladies :hugs: I have been silently stalking ever since and reading my way through the old posts and I can't express how much reading all your stories helped me.

I had my op yesterday so i am now officially an OD girl :happydance: I didn't get nervous at all and I think it's because I knew what to expect from all your stories.

So the op went really well, only thing I was slightly disappointed by was that I didn't get to see my fs after the op. one of the nurses showed be some pictures and read a report to me which said I had no endo no blockages etc which seemed fine. But then she gave me a note that I had to hand into my gp which said

'both tubes patent, left hydrosalpis normal pelvis now the hand writing isn't very good but the nearest word I can find to it that makes sense for the h word is Hydrosalpinx which is a blockage of water in the Fallopian tube.

This would make sense to me as my left side is sooo much more sore than my right as soon as I woke up I thought there must have been something there. Plus I have three incisions all on my left. I haven't got an appointment with fs for 8 weeks but im so confused. Why would the report the nurse showed me say no blockages if the report for my doc says I have a Hydrosalpinx??

Any advice ladies I'd really appreciate it!

Sorry for waffling and thanks in advance :hugs:
Woo hoo ladies first cycle post OD and we got our first BFP ever today HCG is 1087 excited will post more tomorrow CANNOT believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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