anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Thanks so much for all your advice and support ladies. I think I was a lil all over the place when I posted about the positive didn't know what to think.

MariaF - I tested tuesday afternoon and got a negative, I didn't manage to test in the evening because I had to go out. I got the positive with a cb digi at 2pm yesterday (I use those at work becuase they are quicker) then I did another cb and a cheapy one at 5.30pm both of which were completely negative. (which in itself is unusual for me as I used to always get a slight positive line on the cheapie OPK's but havent this cycle so I'm hoping that means my LH levels have gone down)

I've got a test on me today so I will do it later and let you know how it goes. I'm assuming that I maybe caught the tail end of the surge or it was really short. My temps dipped yesterday from average of around 36.11 to 35.77 and today 35.88 but no significant rise yet so we will wait and see!

Tella - Have you had your scan yet?? Hopeing that you see some nice big fat eggs today :haha:

Mommymel - Hope you ok hun!

Sorry to anyone that I've missed out :)
Tella - Thanks so much hun for your understanding :) I've chilled out a little bit now but I'm still super super happy! I texted my mum as well!

Thanks for the advice hun, I will defo be following it! Will just have to seduce hubby for next three days then show him the photo after!

I honestly don't care if I get preggo or not this cycle I'm just glad that something has happened!

If you trigger tomorrow and I Ov we can be 2ww buddies :) xx

We for sure gonna be 2ww buddies! :kiss:

Hi ladies
I was admitted into hospital this morning after spotting.
Doc hooked me up to a fetal monitor and checked for contractions,,,,, very mild ones although I can't feel it. She is lso laying very low already.
They are giving me steriod injections to mature babys lungs, just in case I go into labour.
Since the injection baby has been extremly active..... So I might be here till friday.
Doc also booked me off work as of now............

This is not what I had planned, but I guess baby has her own time... Lol

How is everyone doing?
Love to all of u ladies..........

Thinking about you and your little girl!!! :hugs:

Mommymel, thinking of you hun, I'm sure all will be ok, keep us posted x

Jojo, oh hun thats brilliant news, really pleased for you, yep you will be ok if you bd within next day or so, I'm sure you will find loads of ways to seduce the OH :winkwink: Also swimmers can survive for up to 5 days so you could still be ok too x

Tella, fc for tomorrow hun, will be thinking of you x

Thanks a million! How you keeping up? Enjoying the pregnancy?

Mommymel - hope everything goes well for you Hun! Let us know!

Cullen - thanks Hun

Weird thing is ive got home now and done a cheap opk and another clear blue and they're both negative! Could it have been a fluke or maybe a really short lh surge? I had a slight temp dip today and I've heard that can happen on the day you ovulate! Argh it's all so confusing and hubs is not in till 9.30 now grr!

Sorry to moan girls I was so excited now I'm so confused!! X

Very possible for a short shurge as i have one and i also O very soon after it.

Thanks so much for all your advice and support ladies. I think I was a lil all over the place when I posted about the positive didn't know what to think.

MariaF - I tested tuesday afternoon and got a negative, I didn't manage to test in the evening because I had to go out. I got the positive with a cb digi at 2pm yesterday (I use those at work becuase they are quicker) then I did another cb and a cheapy one at 5.30pm both of which were completely negative. (which in itself is unusual for me as I used to always get a slight positive line on the cheapie OPK's but havent this cycle so I'm hoping that means my LH levels have gone down)

I've got a test on me today so I will do it later and let you know how it goes. I'm assuming that I maybe caught the tail end of the surge or it was really short. My temps dipped yesterday from average of around 36.11 to 35.77 and today 35.88 but no significant rise yet so we will wait and see!

Tella - Have you had your scan yet?? Hopeing that you see some nice big fat eggs today :haha:

Mommymel - Hope you ok hun!

Sorry to anyone that I've missed out :)

I would suggest to test at the same time of day after holding wee for 3hrs, i know it is really hard to hold it when you have too :haha: But that is still fine, dont stress so much about getting a second +, the first means you surging and your eggy is getting ready or have released, so just make sure to BD tonight and tomorrow night again, you should be covered and we pray for a bfp in the next 2 weeks!!!!

AFM > All went well with the FS and it correlates with my CBFM which gave me a high today.

I have 2 huge follies on my left ovary both like 20mm +, none that we could see on the right but he didnt look very hard just said that i stimmed perfectly and that my lining is also nice and think.

I trigger tonight at 8pm, then IUI on Saturday morning and afterward the Intralipids which takes anything from 30min-1hour and then i will repeat Intralipids every Saturday till test results.
Thanks Tella! YAY for being 2ww buddies :)


Glad your appointment went well and YAY for 2 big eggies!! Double prizes! Hopefully that gives you twice as much chance of your bfp this month! XX
Oh good news then Tella! Are you having just the one insemination or two?

Jojo - your surge may have been as long as 20 hours if it started around say 5pm on Tuesday and ended around 2-4 pm yesterday. Did you keep the stock you insert into the digital one? Can you see what the lines look like on it?
Fingers crossed your temp will start to rise tomorrow!
Maria > my FS only does one insemination, says that it hardly makes any difference to do btb inseminations. We just have instructions from the nurse to do "homework" tonight and then abstain till Saturday morning and then "homework" again on Saturday night.
Tella - Homework :haha: I like that! FX'd for you insemination tomorrow!

MariaF - I never thought to look at the actual test sticks from the digi ones but I will check them all from now on for differences.

afm - My temp rose this morning to the highest of what I would call my normal temps (it had dipped the day I got pos Opt). Hopefully it will keep on rising to confirm I O'ed. I had the most vivid baby dream last night, I even felt like I could 'feel' the labour pains I can still see babies face now (it was triplets in my dream lol) :baby::baby::baby: Hopefully its a sign of things to come :)

How are all your lovely ladies, hope that you've all got good weekend plans! XX
AWWW cridge I love your new dp! your lil boy looks aboslutely gorgeous!! Bet you just want to hug him the whole time :hugs:
i am really scared now. From yesterday i had sore throat. But today from mid morning i feel sharp pain in my left ear. There was few drop water exited from my ear. In the evening i went to a general physician who told me that i got ear infection. He gave me some safe medicine for one week but i hear that this symptom is due to pregnancy. It will not go properly in whole pregnancy. Is it true? Any advise or suggestion accepted happily.
Anupur :hugs: I'm so sorry your under the weather! Hope you feel better soon! Haven't got any advice I'm afraid but I'm sure someone on here will!

Really hope you feel better soon hun! XX
jojo - it sounds like you probably ovulated! yay! Let's hope those temps skyrocket!

And yes, I want to hug and squeeze my little man ALL day long (and all night too, although sleep is good). I just want to burst - I'm so blessed to have him in my life! I hope you get your sweet one very soon too!!!

Anupur - I have an ear infection now too! I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't think it's pregnancy related, although your immune system is lowered during pregnancy, so maybe that's what they meant? I hope you recover quickly! I've been walking around with a tunnel for an ear and I can't handle noise, so I know how you feel! The other night it sounded like a vacuum was going on in my room all night and I couldn't sleep at all - it was my son's humidifier and both our doors were closed. :dohh:
Jojo - how is that temperature today? Fingers crossed its high again!!

Anupur - I heard a lot of women get problems with their sinuses in pregnancy. Some get a blocked nose and can't breathe for the whole 9 months! I guess ears are all related to that so I guess it's nothing too much to worry about although I can imagine you must be uncomfortable.

Cridge - love your new avatar!!! He's a cutie!

Tella - how did the IUI go?
Hey Everyone! Soooo sorry for my silence for the past 3-4 weeks – I have felt so very awful and completely unable to focus.

First off – welcome to the newbies….you picked an awesome thread! :thumbup:

Kyla – CONGRATS!!!! I am sooo excited for you and hope very much that you and Jude (gorgeous name by the way) are both recovering and doing great! You have been such a wonderful support a wealth of knowledge and even mentor to so many on this thread and I am so very, very happy for you. You deserve it! :hugs:

AFM – well, my OHSS did not get out of control but definitely took awhile to calm down – so painful and awful. Just when that settled, horrendous nausea set in! Just wave after wave of nausea non-stop all day. :sick::sick: and more :sick: No vomiting but I wished for it in the hopes of getting some relief! It is still pretty bad but I am learning to manage it a bit better. I was a bit worried as all I could manage to eat for about 2 weeks was toast, crackers and crisps but now as soon as I feel like I can get something more healthy in, I shovel it in before the feeling passes! The other news is…….I am having twins! We are pretty excited about it. I had my 8 week scan on Fri and everything looked good so just hoping against hope that they stay with us. I was told the MS was worse cause there are two. Not sure if that’s true.

I am having a lot of difficulty making it through my work day. I have a stressful job but they are being very supportive….hope that can last. I literally put my head down on my desk the other day and just fell asleep for about 10 mins until someone found me like that – hilarious! I literally barely make it through the day with all the nausea, come home, fall into the shower or bath and then to bed! Don’t get me wrong, I am so very happy to be prego, I think I just didn’t realise it would be this difficult at first.

xoxo and :dust:
Sunny> So glad everything is good with you and the two beans!!!! Good luck with the MS, hopefully it will start easing off soon!

AFM> I triggered on Thursday night, and had IUI on Saturday morning around 9am. DH's count was great, 30mil p/ml, 100% motility and 3 progression! There after i did the Intralipds infusion which took about 40min. The only funny feeling i got was my arm went cold like i could feel the liquid going into my veins :wacko:

DH had stage fright on Saturday night so we didn't finish on Saturday but hey there was enough little spermies waiting for that eggies! Fx;d we have caught them and then they are dividing and traveling down the tubes to its home for the next 9 months.

Fertility nurse said we will only do Intralips again on positive beta, now im a bit worried as they normally do it every 7 days, do you think it will make a difference if we wait 12 days before repeating it or should i ask her if we can keep it on 7 days? I might sound paranoid but what the hec :haha:

She shared the funniest story with me whilst we waited to finish the intralipids. They had a lady that came for IVF and on the day of egg collection her husband didnt come with her :dohh: so the nurse asked her when is he coming and she said he is not. So the nurse asked but how we gonna get sperm for the fertilization and she answered that he came 2 years ago for a sperm test, like really how can you get to IVF and be so uneducated???? No wonder they not pregnant, wonder if they even had sex :haha:
Kyla congrats to u and your dh on your new lil bundle of joy love the name hope mammy and baby Jude or doing well xx
Sunny monkey congrats on twins double trouble so happy for u hope you start feeling a lol better soon hope I'm as lucky as u with iui x
Tella hope this is your month u so deserve it hope your taking it easy and the sperm gets to the eggs :)
Hope everyone else is doing ok !
Stopped the pill and got my af a proper normal one not like last time so I'm happy with that meeting the fs first week in march so hopefully my weight is down and we can start iui :) just taking it easy this month and hopefully we can move onto iui soon xx
Monkey - double congratulations!!! Twins must be so exciting!

Tella - I have no idea about intralips unfortunately so I'm no help. But on average implantation happens on day 6-9 after ovulation so i would also be a bit paranoid if the injection stops being active after 7 days because that's when the critical time is!!!! I would also ask the nurse and let her know how you feel and why you are concerned.

Bride - I'm glad your period arrived. Not long until your FS appointment!
Tella - I'm keeping everyting crossed for you hun! :hugs: Everthing is sounding really positive for you this cycle! :thumbup: Now its just the dreaded :coffee: waiting game for you! hope the 2ww goes quick for you this month!!

SunnyMonkey - Congrats on the twins :baby::baby: How exciting! I would love to have twins.

AFM - my temps are really confusing me at the moment! I'm not sure whats going on but I'm going to take the LH surge as a good thing because at least my body is trying to do the right thing. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do now, weather to keep OPTing or just carrying on doing temps and see if AF turns up within the next two weeks! ARGH! Why is trying to have a baby so hard! x
Tella - I'm keeping everyting crossed for you hun! :hugs: Everthing is sounding really positive for you this cycle! :thumbup: Now its just the dreaded :coffee: waiting game for you! hope the 2ww goes quick for you this month!!

SunnyMonkey - Congrats on the twins :baby::baby: How exciting! I would love to have twins.

AFM - my temps are really confusing me at the moment! I'm not sure whats going on but I'm going to take the LH surge as a good thing because at least my body is trying to do the right thing. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do now, weather to keep OPTing or just carrying on doing temps and see if AF turns up within the next two weeks! ARGH! Why is trying to have a baby so hard! x

Im sorry your temps are giving your grieve :hugs: Can you maybe share you chart so that we can see it?

I must say im super busy with the launch of Softcup in Souht Africa and it is all good fun with all the marketing and thinking out the box so time isnt really dragging for me. I know im testing next Thursday but thats it, i have to check how many DPO's i am before i can say ok so many days left.

Dont loose hope in the OD, it is still early days and your body is still recovering, and soon you will be getting your bfp and this will all be a distant memory!:hugs:

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