anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

I'm so pleased your not stressing too much about the Two Week Wait! That's got to make such a huge difference. Is that softcups as in fertility soft cups or is it just a conincidence that you work with somethign that has a similar name!

Yeah I've just decided to be super happy that I got an LH surge at least my body is trying to do the right thing. I'm not going to do anymore OPK's this month just carry on temping and see what happens. I'm still getting to learn how my body works post OD.

That is a link to my chart, one of the temps you can see I discarded that was because I was at MIL's and her house was freezing I woke up like an Ice. xx
I'm so pleased your not stressing too much about the Two Week Wait! That's got to make such a huge difference. Is that softcups as in fertility soft cups or is it just a conincidence that you work with somethign that has a similar name!

Yeah I've just decided to be super happy that I got an LH surge at least my body is trying to do the right thing. I'm not going to do anymore OPK's this month just carry on temping and see what happens. I'm still getting to learn how my body works post OD.

That is a link to my chart, one of the temps you can see I discarded that was because I was at MIL's and her house was freezing I woke up like an Ice. xx

We the importers and distributors of the Instead Softcup (menstrual cup) in South Africa. IT is brand new here so alot of old habits to break away from tampons and pads. I also use it sometimes to keep the spermies in place after BD as that is how alot of girls here use it the same thing you working with?

Im sorry to say but i doubt that you have O'd, keep up with the OPK's and BD every other day without makin it a chore :hugs: its hard i know :hugs:
Sunny Monkey - congrats on the twins!! I feel like when we've tried so long and hard to get pregnant people think that we should just love everything about being pregnant. Pregnancy is so hard and it's okay to feel like crap and own it. :haha: My dh used to tell me "you're the one that wanted this". :growlmad: Well, we don't get pregnant to BE pregnant. We get pregnant for the end result, so we can hate pregnancy if we want. And I'm not saying you hate it, I'm just going off for some reason. :haha: I hope you start feeling better soon!!

Jojo - :hugs: I don't think you've ovulated. :cry: Reading your posts and seeing your chart is bringing back all sorts of frustration feelings. It's so hard and it sucks. I like your attitude though - take it as a good sign that you got a positive and that your body is working in the right direction!!

Tella - :dust:!!!!!
:hi: ladies!

Congratulations Sunny Monkey!! :happydance: Brilliant news, you will start to feel better soon, I've known a few ladies who had twins and things really improve as the 2nd trimester begins. I totally agree with Cridge, any pregnancy niggles I felt terrible moaning about as I'd waited so long, but we're entitled to express how we feel. Ginger biscuits are ideal for sickness.

Tella: I've got absolutely everything crossed for you for this cycle and sending you lots and lots of extra special dust.

JoJo - Good luck, keep up a relaxed attitude, it'll happen. This time last year I was so down and fed up wondering if it'd happen for us. If only I had a time machine to go back and tell myself that it will all work out! The best thing I can do is to tell all you lovely ladies who are ttc, that it will work out. Not knowing when is frustrating, but it will work out :thumbup:

Bride - Fantastic news re AF, March is looming so quickly, I can't wait to hear great news for you this spring.

Thinking of you Keisha, Nikkia, Lpear, Anupur, Cullen and Henry. Sorry if I've missed anyone out (very tired!).

AFM: Well, I went in to be induced last Friday at 39 weeks (early because of signs of pre-clampsia). They put in the gel, and my waters broke about 3 hours later. I stayed on the triage suite until I could go over the Labour and Delivery to start the IV drip. Contractions started and they increased the drug strength, I got all the way up to 7cm dilated and here is the weird thing....with NO pain!!! I was feeling the contractions, but they didn't hurt me and I didn't have any pain relief. The midwives were amazed, and so was I, especially with it being an induction! I thought I was in for the dream labour I'd ordered! Anyway, I got stuck at 7cm, nothing was happening, my cervix was thick and posterior, so did a stretch and sweep and then the pain started. I was on the gas and air, for an hour but still only 7cm dilated. They said they'd let me go another 2 hours like that but Jude's heart rate was showing the very first signs of distress and they'd recommend an emergency c-section. :dohh: I didn't want a c-section as I am just about the most cowardly person when it comes to needles and operations. The theatre team were great, really reassuring and in less than 3 mins of the operation starting baby Jude was born. Absolutely magical, quite surreal :cloud9:
Recovery is slow going, I am a wimp and because it was an emergency cs I'm badly bruised, sore and scared to do anything much. At least I have the forced rest of 6 weeks recovery time! After the op they told me my cervix had "a banding round it, so I could never have gone beyond 7cm". Huh? :shrug: I had a normal delivery with my DS1, so not sure what happened this time. I'm going to have a meeting with the Labour Debrief team to explain as I was seriously groggy when they told me this.
So, here I am at home, recovering and absolutely in love with my beautiful baby after my LTTTC journey, OD and Femara/Metformin combo. I truly believe that everyone will get their BFPs and I wish everyone who is pregnant a wonderful 9 months and those who are ttc every success.
kyla congratulations on the birth of baby Jude Hun :happydance: I hope you have a speedy recovery also :hugs:

:hi: everyone else, I rarely pop in anymore, sorry :blush:

Congrats to all the pregnant ladies :)
:hi: scerena, thanks. I think of you often and pop by your journal when I can. Nice to see you on here. :hugs:
I know you do bless you kyla I have been thinking of you also and wondering how you got on with your labour.
I really hope your recovery is quick, I bet Jude is gorgeous :)
Thanks Tella, Cridge Kayla!

Kayla I'm sorry your birth didn't go exactly as you had planned, but at least lil Jude got here safely in the end. Enjoy all your time with your lovely baby you deserve it :thumbup: Hope that you are soon feeling much better! Just remember a C-Section is major surgery so take as much time as you need to recover and make the most of having an excuse to have people wait on you hand and foot!

I know what you mean about a time machine, I always say to DH I just wish I could no when! Even if it was 5 years away at least I would know it was going to happen and I could just enjoy my life till then.

AFM - Really sorry ladies, I know I only posted this on here yesterday but toady its saying that I ovulated on Sunday :dohh: I'm so confused
Aw Kyla, hun its lovely to hear from you and hope you take it easy! Things sometimes dont go as planned do they but at least baby Jude is here safe and sound and just think, you get extra pampered now lol, sending over huge sprinkles of love and hugs your way xx

Jojo, hun try and relax and not stress yourself too much about the whole have I ov'd, have I not scenario, I always got myself super worked up about it all and I think thats what was holding me back some from getting that bfp. After the od I had a stern talk with myself, especially after I had my follow up appointment and the Dr made it clear to me that it was very early days after the op and I needed to give myself some time as I had had a lot of "work" done and was still recovering. A month after that app I got my bfp and funny enough that month I didnt think about when or if I had ov'd, we just bd'd every other day or more or less if we felt like it and here I am! Sending you loads of :dust: it will happen hun xx

Sunny, yeeaahh on the twins, thats brilliant news, take care of yourself hun, you will feel better, it does get easier!

Tella, I have absolutely everything crossed for you hun, really praying this is your month hun xxx

Bride, lovely to hear from you hun, glad the AF arrived without any problems xx

Nikkia, you ok hun? You and I are bump buddies, just wondering how youre doing now x

Anupur, hope youre feeling better hun, we do pick things up quicker with being pregnant but its nothing to be worried about I'm sure x

Everyone else ok?

AFM, about the 18 week mark now, had my 2nd midwife app yesterday, all went well, blood pressure is good, all bloods perfect and baby's heartbeat is very strong, have our 20 week scan 2 weeks today so really looking forward to getting that done to make sure the little bean is healthy.
Hi everyone, so much news happening here, sorry I have not been on much! Strict bed rest for me.
I have been experiencing soft contractions for more than a week, not dilating as yet, thank goodness, but my cervix is getting soft now.
I have my gyae appointment on Friday and cannot wait to hear what she has planned.i will be having both my fs and gyae with me on my delivery day (husband and wife) they both so amazing and compassionate,,,,,

So now that I am at home, everything seems to bother me,,,,, I want to fix and get everything ready, but hubby has been keepiNg such a close eye on me, I can't even shower without him sitting in the bathroom,,,,,,, shoooooo

My bags are packed and I am ready to bring this precious life into the world....... I am due 14 March, bu,t my docs are convinced she will be here by end of Feb, she weighs 2.4kgs so far and has already dropped quite low, she is still trying to ballet in my tummy causing me a lot of discomfort, especially at night, I just can't seem to find rest.....but all the more I cannot wait to hold her......

How is everyone doing? Tella, Scerena and Anupur, I have been thinking about you ladies a lot.

Maria and Cridge, how is your little ones doing, getting bigger by the day hey........

I am sending out all my love to everyone, especially for those LTTTC, keep the faith,,,,,, and to all the new BFP, a huge congrats and happy and healthy 9 months ahead,,,,, this journey is so worthwhile......

Baby dust to all,,,,,,
Oh Kyla - I've not yet met a mother who had a normal straightforward delivery...must be the sign of times or something?! I'm so glad he is fine now. You just make sure to rest as long as doctor ordered. 6 weeks will fly by and by the time the weather is nice you'll be ready to get out and about.

Oh Cullen your pregnancy is flyin by! Are you going to find out the gender?

Tella - oh honey I have everything crossed for you!!
Hello, Mommy mell glad you hanging in there,keep us posted.

Kyla so glad your home and doing well,shame you had to have a section but glad jude was ok.

Cullen I'm doing well thanks have my 20 week scan on the 28th I can't wait to see if all is ok. Re yoiu going to find out the sex? We are def not going to.
All other ladies hope your ok. xx
jojo - yay! What a difference a few days make! I would say you ovulated on Monday!!! Woohoo!!! :happydance:

Mommymel - :hugs: Your dh sounds fab!! What a sweet guy to be taking such good care of you! I hope these weeks go by quickly for you - I can't imagine being on bed rest. :sleep:
Hi girls, i need some advice im currently on first natural cycle since OD, and i ovulated for the first time on my own :) so im currently 15 dpo so far and all BFN, early yesterday evening there was pink discharge on my tp (TMI sorry :) anyone experience this and went on to get a bfp, could it be late implantation?

Hi girls, i need some advice im currently on first natural cycle since OD, and i ovulated for the first time on my own :) so im currently 15 dpo so far and all BFN, early yesterday evening there was pink discharge on my tp (TMI sorry :) anyone experience this and went on to get a bfp, could it be late implantation?


ignore me :witch:the stupid witch just got me :-(:witch:
Thanks Tella, Cridge Kayla!

Kayla I'm sorry your birth didn't go exactly as you had planned, but at least lil Jude got here safely in the end. Enjoy all your time with your lovely baby you deserve it :thumbup: Hope that you are soon feeling much better! Just remember a C-Section is major surgery so take as much time as you need to recover and make the most of having an excuse to have people wait on you hand and foot!

I know what you mean about a time machine, I always say to DH I just wish I could no when! Even if it was 5 years away at least I would know it was going to happen and I could just enjoy my life till then.

AFM - Really sorry ladies, I know I only posted this on here yesterday but toady its saying that I ovulated on Sunday :dohh: I'm so confused

It seems like you either had a fall back rise or like Cridge says it was Monday. GL with the TWW, fx'd you get a awesome surprise in 2 weeks :thumbup:

Aw Kyla, hun its lovely to hear from you and hope you take it easy! Things sometimes dont go as planned do they but at least baby Jude is here safe and sound and just think, you get extra pampered now lol, sending over huge sprinkles of love and hugs your way xx

Jojo, hun try and relax and not stress yourself too much about the whole have I ov'd, have I not scenario, I always got myself super worked up about it all and I think thats what was holding me back some from getting that bfp. After the od I had a stern talk with myself, especially after I had my follow up appointment and the Dr made it clear to me that it was very early days after the op and I needed to give myself some time as I had had a lot of "work" done and was still recovering. A month after that app I got my bfp and funny enough that month I didnt think about when or if I had ov'd, we just bd'd every other day or more or less if we felt like it and here I am! Sending you loads of :dust: it will happen hun xx

Sunny, yeeaahh on the twins, thats brilliant news, take care of yourself hun, you will feel better, it does get easier!

Tella, I have absolutely everything crossed for you hun, really praying this is your month hun xxx

Bride, lovely to hear from you hun, glad the AF arrived without any problems xx

Nikkia, you ok hun? You and I are bump buddies, just wondering how youre doing now x

Anupur, hope youre feeling better hun, we do pick things up quicker with being pregnant but its nothing to be worried about I'm sure x

Everyone else ok?

AFM, about the 18 week mark now, had my 2nd midwife app yesterday, all went well, blood pressure is good, all bloods perfect and baby's heartbeat is very strong, have our 20 week scan 2 weeks today so really looking forward to getting that done to make sure the little bean is healthy.

Thanks :hugs: WOW 18weeks, i cant believe time is flying by so quickly! Your little bean is perfect, have you start feeling him move?

Hi everyone, so much news happening here, sorry I have not been on much! Strict bed rest for me.
I have been experiencing soft contractions for more than a week, not dilating as yet, thank goodness, but my cervix is getting soft now.
I have my gyae appointment on Friday and cannot wait to hear what she has planned.i will be having both my fs and gyae with me on my delivery day (husband and wife) they both so amazing and compassionate,,,,,

So now that I am at home, everything seems to bother me,,,,, I want to fix and get everything ready, but hubby has been keepiNg such a close eye on me, I can't even shower without him sitting in the bathroom,,,,,,, shoooooo

My bags are packed and I am ready to bring this precious life into the world....... I am due 14 March, bu,t my docs are convinced she will be here by end of Feb, she weighs 2.4kgs so far and has already dropped quite low, she is still trying to ballet in my tummy causing me a lot of discomfort, especially at night, I just can't seem to find rest.....but all the more I cannot wait to hold her......

How is everyone doing? Tella, Scerena and Anupur, I have been thinking about you ladies a lot.

Maria and Cridge, how is your little ones doing, getting bigger by the day hey........

I am sending out all my love to everyone, especially for those LTTTC, keep the faith,,,,,, and to all the new BFP, a huge congrats and happy and healthy 9 months ahead,,,,, this journey is so worthwhile......

Baby dust to all,,,,,,

Im so glad your doing ok, i had a slight heart attack when someone on your FB said where is the pictures of baba, i was like WHAT did i miss it and then reading the comments i realise she also had it wrong :haha:

Cant wait to see my first SA OD graduate baby :cloud9:

Oh Kyla - I've not yet met a mother who had a normal straightforward delivery...must be the sign of times or something?! I'm so glad he is fine now. You just make sure to rest as long as doctor ordered. 6 weeks will fly by and by the time the weather is nice you'll be ready to get out and about.

Oh Cullen your pregnancy is flyin by! Are you going to find out the gender?

Tella - oh honey I have everything crossed for you!!

Thanks girl, i really hope this intralipids and prednisone is making the difference and that my eggies is busy hatching/implanting as we speak!

Hello, Mommy mell glad you hanging in there,keep us posted.

Kyla so glad your home and doing well,shame you had to have a section but glad jude was ok.

Cullen I'm doing well thanks have my 20 week scan on the 28th I can't wait to see if all is ok. Re yoiu going to find out the sex? We are def not going to.
All other ladies hope your ok. xx

WOW another one half way! it is crazy. So happy to see and hear of al the health babies and pregnancies!

Hi girls, i need some advice im currently on first natural cycle since OD, and i ovulated for the first time on my own :) so im currently 15 dpo so far and all BFN, early yesterday evening there was pink discharge on my tp (TMI sorry :) anyone experience this and went on to get a bfp, could it be late implantation?


ignore me :witch:the stupid witch just got me :-(:witch:

Im so sorry, its horrible if you get your hopes up and she comes in later in the day :hugs::cry::hugs::cry::hugs::cry:

AFM > Had my second Intralipids infusion today, feeling lekker drowsy but we having a prawn seafood braai tonight, so need to wake up!
Tella - did you have a trigger shot before IUI? Do you plan to test early or wait till 14dpo?
Yes i triggered on Thursday night at 8pm so +- 37 hours bfore IUI.

No i have Beta on 12DPO, which is next Thursday and i will wait till then.
Hi girls, i need some advice im currently on first natural cycle since OD, and i ovulated for the first time on my own :) so im currently 15 dpo so far and all BFN, early yesterday evening there was pink discharge on my tp (TMI sorry :) anyone experience this and went on to get a bfp, could it be late implantation?


ignore me :witch:the stupid witch just got me :-(:witch:

Sorry to hear the witch came, however great progress with ovulation and it's a promising start to these early days. Best wishes for your new cycle :dust:

Tella- Good luck Hun. I'm sorry I don't know much about the drug side of things, but I do have every hope your bfp isn't far away. :dust:

MommyMel - thinking of you. I had spotting in both pregnancies, it can be something pcosers just get. Can't wait to hear good news about your precious miracle's safe arrival.

Hugs to everyone :friends:

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