anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Katy - I'm roughly 9dpo and had a little dip today :nope: no symptoms and a Bfn this morning. Oh well, bring on Apr 7th and the next FS appnt

Mrs Chambers we are going Good Friday for 2 weeks! So just 4 weeks away! :happydance:
Morning all

Well the drilling might not of given me a bfp but at least its allowed me to ov and get a longer lp this month! That can only be a good thing right? Clomid didnt even alter my lp so im just hoping that my body is behaving now and getting into some sort of sync at long last! xx
Hi Ladies...Hope you are all well...Thought I would update myself on here.........Had the OD surgery on the 16th March....Been off work since....Back to work on Monday...done a few Ov tests but nothing surprisingly +tive...but then again its prob bcz its early.....I called my gp as my gynae has taken me off the gynae list...saying there is nothing wrong with you from a gynae's point of gp has not had any results back advised to wait till next week. in the meantime, have not BD as still a little sore....but has anyone experienced this.....I feel bloated at best of times and just very achy all over....from my toes to my head....i left the house yesterday after 10 days and actually went shopping with DH and just felt dizzy everytime i walked for more than a few minutes....i am now suffering from a lower back pain and i am narrowing it down to the fact that i have been sitting or laying for tooooo long...which i dont normally do which i guess has resulted in ''lazy bones''....I stopped bleeding on Thursday exactly 8 days after the surgery but nothing...........not sure what to make of this all and what to do....!!! any suggestions please???
Tori - did the witch get you then? No BFP for me either. Temp dipped and another bfn. Also I started getting typical af cramps. So expecting her on Wed/Thur. If she doesn't show earler than that it means ill also have. 13/14 LP - not bad!

Ren - my gynae said recovery can take up to 2 weeks. I was lucky and was running around after 5 days but I'm sure the sick note is for 2 weeks for a reason! I'd say wait till its 15 days since the op or so and if you are still feeling bad go to see your GP.

I'm surprised they've taken you off the list - what about IUI or even IVF in the future?
Hi Maria...hope your well........

Problem is I didnt get a sick note because of the structure of my company...i couldnt afford to live off ssp hence took part holidays and some sick days out of my 10 day sick allowance....funny how each company works...but i go back to work tomorrow and if i feel worse il come back for IUI never heard of it...and for IVF they wont do it for me until the age of 36 becuase of the area i live for now....i just go along with everything being gp will get back to me once my report comes back. in the meantime, im just resting no more bleeding and no BD for now...but still doing the OV incase i was on a cycle rather than just bleeding for the surgery.gona remove the dressings today and thats it...get back to normal and hope for the best...i know everyone is saying i shouldnt be feeling alone and should speak to mr dr...but honestly no one wants to know anymore...hence im just doing everything my self now........
this is really TMI but i was rather wanted to BD this morning when i got up which i havent felt in a long time .... but DH wasnt il try tonight....maybe its a sign....who knows!!!!!!!! we start thinking alsorts dont we!!! the mind is prob tricking me once again...LOL........

No the witch hasnt got me yet but pretty sure its on its way, even though I dont know exactly what day my first cd was I know I ov'd on the 15th so already made 12 days now and dont think ive ever done that! xx
Ren - wanting BD is definitely a good sign. PCOS ladies often have low sex drive because of the hormonal imbalances. So I think it means yours may be getting back to normal :thumbup: I certainly want more BD now than I did before!
The NHS have done nothing for us. We were told NO to any treatment on the NHS (regardless of age) so we are going private for everything. Im thinking of making another appointment with my GP to nag them to put my name on the list for IVF. Although Im sure the amswer will be No as Im either too young or they don't have funding :growlmad: Still, it doesn't hurt to ask.

Tori - why do you think you are out then? Id take a test!!!

I did yesterday hun, got a "nuh nuh nuhna no!" xx
:cry: I know how you feel. I know I should just be pleased to have a natural cycle after OD but of course I can't help but feeling bummed it didn't happen, you know?

I know exactly how you feel!! Getting totally and utterly fed up with it all at the moment! To make matters worse I bought a sainsburys pt, well you get 2 lines with those dont u so for 1 split minute I thought we had finally done it, I didnt even cry when I realised I was reading the test wrong, more angry!! Cant even kick the cat as dont have one!! lol (joke to anyone that may not get the english sense of humour by the way!!)
Hey ladies, I had my pre op today and all was fine although i couldnt wait any longer for my blood tests as had to get to exam which I failed! So going tomorrow morning to get them done.

The only thing I am wary of is according to FF i am 7DPO today and on Friday will be 11DPO. which again i seem to have done all on my own. I told the pre op nurse this today and she gave me a test for pregnancy to do too. She said to do it straight away but surely FMU would be better than middle of morning???? And the amount of water I am drinking at moment wold have diluted and who can really tell 7DPO anyway?

My chart is different to last months - have a look if you wish and let me know what you think. Even 11DPO is a bit early to tell and i keep thinking as if I would catch now after 3 years. But something about my chart has me wonder x
yeah they rescheduled my surgery for april 6. at least now all my pre op tests are still good! i'll keep you all posted!:happydance:
Mrs Chmabers - sorry about your exam :hugs: Can you re-take it?

And best of luck with testing - you never know, this could be it :thumbup:

Tryingforever - that's so soon! Im glad you have your date - it'll be here before you know it.

AFM - Another BFN and a temp dip :nope: So expecting the witch tomorrow or Thur. I think I have my new diagnosis - it's called Luteneized Unruptured Follicle. When the folliw matures but doesn't pop. Will ask gyni about it next week.
Im also trying to make an appointment with the GP. I want to push them for more NHS treatment. So far Ive had NOTHING and I don't think its fair as we've been ttc for 19 months. I also want to ask for some hormone blood tests at the start of this next cycle - I want to check if the OD has reduced the levels of my male hormones.

Tbh I am really upset that I didn't catch after the OD. I was really hoping it would work. :nope:
I'm so sorry, Maria! It's so hard, isn't it? Our doctors tell us all of these wonderful things about OD, and they get our hopes up that one little surgery is going to immediately get us pregnant right away. I still have my hopes up that I'll get my BFP this month (it was a - yesterday at 11 DPO), but I know I'm going to be crushed if/when AF comes this weekend!

I'm curious about my hormone levels, too. I'm definitely going to ask about it when I go in next. Although I'm hoping there won't be a "next" visit!
Hey Maria don't be too hard on yourself. U only had the op this month. Of all of us that have become pregnant after od, it's taken at least 2 mths and been longer for Some.
Hi all...hope all you ladies are well...I thought I would update you with my story so far... Had OD 16th Mar....bleeding till Thursday 24th March....stitches still havent dissolved fully yet....Found a small internal gland/lump on my tummy...made an appt today and saw my gp as really worried...she said it could be just swelling or a little fat on the inside lining of the stomach...but monitoring it....have done OV kits and all negative so far...developed a cold and very dry seldom cough..again dr wreckons its a anaesthetic cough...!!! but i do feel feverish although temp is ok!....asked my gynae for my report to the gp they faxes it over. gp says all went ok...i asked for clomid/metaformin and gp says we are no longer allowed to prescribe this...u need to be re-referred to ur gynae!!! GOD what a roller coaster...we BD last night after nearly 5 months...yh 5 mths...i knw but it became such a chore but last night it was lovely.just hope one day it happens for us all ... we deserve it xx SENDING all you beautiful ladies lots of baby dust xxx
CD3 for me of the heaviest af in m life :wacko: Usually (on the Clomid) I didn't have to change my pad more than 4 times a day (on a heavy day). Yesterday I went through 6 pads and that's only because work was so busy that I hardly had time to run to the loo :wacko:

I wonder if that's what m natural period is like or if it's because it's the first one after the lap :shrug:

I have my follow up FS appointment next Thur. Ill be CD9. I am not using OPKs or temping this month. I have a business trip on April 18th and then we are off to Mexico on the 22nd so Ill just have to wait and see what happens.
Would be good to know how the other OD girls are doing :thumbup:
Hi MariaF

Funny ive just posted a thread about the same thing apart from mine seems to of gone the other way... really light! I do believe this is actually my 2nd af though as after the drilling my bleeding went straight into my af (which was due then anyway)

In my case im assuming that for me lighter af's mean I did ov on that cycle (which I know I did this month) as when on clomid (which I ov) they were lighter as well

Am I correct in thinking that this is your first af after drilling? If so then just to let you know that my first one after the od was heavy as well, I saw it as a good thing lol, (weirdo I know lol) as maybe its just your body getting rid for want of a better description

Hi ladies, I am 1 dpo today. I am really hoping that April is a good month for us & many BFPs!!! Have a wonderful day!
I went straight on the birth control, so I'm afraid I'm no help! This is my first cycle off of everything, so I'm curious to know what's my new "normal." Of course, I'm hoping I don't find out!!

AF is due today... of course, I'm getting good amounts of CM so I keep getting upset, then going to the bathroom to find out nothing is going on! Woo hoo! Testing tomorrow if I can wait that long - I'd like to wait so DH is home.

And of course, I like pretending like I'm preggers and don't want to face the dreaded single line!!

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