anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

mommymel congratulations mummy :hugs: Jenna-Li is beautiful and so are you :hugs: I'm so glad you had an amazing gynae and you are both well and your baby girl come into the world safely, she is absolutely adorable :hugs:
MommyMel - huge congratulations!! That's wonderful news. She is just perfect! I'm so sorry that labour was so scary and full of drama. Do you know I haven't yet met anyone who had straightforward labour and after-birth! I had to have foreceps, Sophia wasn't breathing and it was all so scary :nope:
I'm glad she's doing so well now. You take it easy! Emergency c-section is a serious op! Take care of yourself as much as possible and enjoy every second with your beautiful daughter!

Sunny - I felt a kick at exactly 17 weeks. And it wasn't a flutter or wind that everyone talks about! Nope, I was very clearly kicked :haha: so 16-17 weeks is possible to start feeling movement. BUT please don't worry if you don't! It's your first baby and if you have an anterior placenta it will cushion any movement and its normal not to feel anything till after 20 weeks!

Cullen - how are you doing?
Welcome Nikkz! As you'll see from MommyMel's post today we have some Ovarian Drilling babies here and ladies who are currently pregnant thanks to the op. Do you chart your cycles at all? Do you know if you ovulated on the meds at all?

MommyMel - :cloud9: Congratulations!! Welcome to the world Jenna-Li! She is just gorgeous! Her hair is lovely, you must be so happy and proud. :hugs: I'm now 5 weeks post emergency c-section, every day since Jude was born I've felt a bit better. Take it easy :flower:

Sunny - I felt baby move while I was on holiday, it's really special because I will always remember where I was when it happened. Exciting times. I was about 14 weeks, but as a second time Mum I recognised the signs.
I'm having boob trouble again :dohh: I don't know how much longer I can carry on breastfeeding, I'm sure it's the nerve pain that Cridge said. My right boob in particular is very sore and the tissue has hurt all day, sometimes with stabbing pain. I've had a blocked duct now too :cry: so I'm feeling pretty fed up with it all. I'm seeing the Health Visitor tomorrow for some help and support.
hi kyla, i dont chart my cycle just go by cm and day 21 bloods, getting my blood results back tomorrow had to wait a whole 9 days because consultant was on leave, i dont think ive ovulated this month due to lack of all symptoms, im now on day 29 an got pains in ovarys really quite painful?? not had that so late in cycle, in my 14 cycles of clomid ive ovulated more than not but dont no how many exacty, so frustrating i just want to start with od now but have to wait to go back to cinic in may, seems so long away!!
congratulations mommymel your new addiction is gorgeous x
nikkz- welcome to this lovely threade. Keep us posted.​
mommymel - you r looking so beautiful with you beautiful daughter. But it was a scary story of your delivery. But i am happy that all went well at the end. Just want to kiss and hug to your girl.​
Awwww Mommymel, Jenna-Li is absolutely stunning, huge congratulations hun, sending you over some of the biggest hugs for her, scary as it was I'm sure for you both I'm so pleased she has arrived safely, take care of yourself x

Nikkz, welcome to the thread hun, I hope your stay here will be short!

Kyla, aw hun I'm so sorry youre still having trouble breastfeeding, hopefully you get something sorted soon x

Hows everyone else doing?

I'm fine after my little scare last week, havent had any more brown discharge since so it must have just been the sex! Is it normal for that to happen every time? Had one really bad night where I was pacing the floors at 1 in the morning with really bad cramps, indigestion ones, couldnt get to the loo at all and rolled around in bed in agony, eventually ended up being sick and it was the first thing that helped and managed to get to the loo in the morning, which was a relief too (sorry about the tmi!). Have felt grand since though, another 3 weeks yet till we go back for our second scan.

Still feeling the little flutters, or I describe them more as nerve twitches? They feel quite low down too? I'm taking it this is movement!
Mommymel congratulations on your new arrival, I'm glad all is well now.
Cullen how come you have second scan?

I have a scan on wed as my last scan baby lying funny so we couln't get all the measurements. But my sister paid for a private scan for our birthday last week and we got to see loads baby swollowing,rubing eyes and she did all measurements and were all perfect. I'm feeling lots of movements now and its amazing,i'm def getting a bump and not looking just fat.
Hope everyone else is doing ok? xx
Nikkia, same as you hun, they couldnt get all the measurements done last time as the bean wouldnt turn to get full spine done! Fabulous news on the second scan hun and all the movement, what does it feel like to you and where do you feel it most?
hi ladies, wow what a hectic week last week! it was crazy, we had MBA students her from the states regarding Softcup and ave been doing presentations and site visits for the better part of last week. This week im taking a bit of me time to organise the house, we had cupboards put in so now all the final boxes can be unpacked.

And then on top of it all, im having a "normal cycle" for the first time ever!!!! I dont test with the CBFM from CD7 as i O later so only start around CD11, imagine my surprise when i got a HIGH :wacko: and the on CD 12 even a bigger surprise when i got a PEAK :wacko: :wohoo:, today is CD13 with another PEAK, my boobs are sore already which is really out of the norm for me as i dont get sore boobs if im not on Vitex or Progesterone. Last week Thursday i had brown spotting after BD which was like CD9 even more weird! So i thought i might as well just double check after Maria planted the seed and tested this morning but it was still :bfn: however the awesome thing is im Oing on CD13/14 for the first time unmedicated!!! We managed to BD on CD11 and 12, now i must just seduce hubby tonight and then we should be covered. And the most awesome part is that he doesn't suspect I'm Oing as it is so soon and he knows im not on meds.

MommyMel > Huge congrats on your little bundle! She is so adorable! Get better soon!

Anupur > Im glad everything is good with you and i cant believe you 13 weeks already, wow time is flying!

All you pregnant fearies, hope you all doing well and enjoying your bumps :hugs:

Kyla > Hows your little man doing? :hugs:

Nikkz > I do believe you will never regret doing the OD, fx for a speedy bfp like alot of girls have had on here!
Tella :wohoo: Fantastic news!! Fingers crossed you can catch this one, sending you lots of positive vibes and plenty of dust! You really deserve some good news :hugs:
Jude is doing really well thanks, finally worked out how to get a pic of him in my avatar! Can't believe it took me so long. He's still very nocturnal, but he's such a good baby and a joy to have around - even in the middle of the night.

Nikkia - Yay for the private scan, it's so precious to see the baby on the screen, I could've stay staring at the screen for hours. :hugs:

Cullen - Yes, you could get spotting after each dtd.:dohh: but at least you'll be expecting it. :hugs: to you!

Nikkz - I'm sure the OD op will benefit you. Maybe the clomid was thinning your lining (since you did ovulate) and you might respond better to letrozole after the op. Either way, it'll be a great benefit I'm sure. I got pregnant on my first letrozole cycle after my op, I didn't get any ewcm so I used Preseed (which I highly recommend as many people of the forums swear it helped with their bfp). There are lots of success stories here - there's a lot of posts to go to, but a lot of our regulars are currently pregnant following the op, it's an exciting time to belong to the thread.
thanks all :flower:
well i had my day 21 bloods result back today progesterone was low so no ov this month :dohh:i kind of new ive got use to the sore boobs after ov and they just werent there this month.
so now will either wait for a natural period or take provera, will prob go provera that way can have my last trial cycle and then can look forward to o d, i feel really excited about it and i havent even confirmed i want it to my consultant yet :haha: its all these lovely success stories that keep me goin, also i no with the op i can get tubes checked again.
thankyou all for your lovely success stories :kiss:
mommymel - congrats! She's gorgeous! Take it easy and enjoy your little girl!

Welcome Nikkz! :hi: I agree - I don't think you'll ever regret having the OD done!

Kyla - sorry about the pain! I go through cycles. I've been in pain since day 1, but some days it's worse and others it's better. DH tells Little Ninja to "respect the boob", but he just doesn't listen. :haha: I had a clogged duct with my first and it was no fun! Have you tried a different nursing position? I put my guy in the football hold and he sucked it out immediately - sweet relief! I hope things get better for you soon!
Nikkz - Keep us posted on how you get on booking the op. Fingers crossed you'll be another success story.

Cridge - Thanks :flower: I'll give the football hold a go. My MW said the football hold is better for large boobed ladies like myself, and I was doing it, but he seemed fussy so I switched positions...maybe it will help. I'm just fed up of being sore. My right boob needs respecting for sure!! It's hurting all the time, throbbing at times and I'm having to take pain killers. I'm upset because it hurts when I pick up up to cuddle him as any pressure on my chest it painful. :dohh:

Bride - Have you had your appointment yet? Just wondering how you're getting on hun :hugs: Thinking of you.
Cridge - Thanks :flower: I'll give the football hold a go. My MW said the football hold is better for large boobed ladies like myself, and I was doing it, but he seemed fussy so I switched positions...maybe it will help. I'm just fed up of being sore. My right boob needs respecting for sure!! It's hurting all the time, throbbing at times and I'm having to take pain killers. I'm upset because it hurts when I pick up up to cuddle him as any pressure on my chest it painful. :dohh:

I totally get it! Last night was one of those nights that all during one feeding I went from "ok, I can do this for 2 more days" to "1.5 days" to "I'm done". As has happened over and over, once I hit my limit the very next time I nurse seems to be much better. Then I suddenly feel okay for a few days, then the pain starts to intensify for a few days. Vicious cycle! Little Ninja is just all over the place while nursing these days. After this morning's feed, we both took a sigh of relief and I thought "there's one more torture session done". I'm at a loss because I *really* want to make it to 6 months but I'm starting to wonder how good it is for the baby to have to go through all that. :cry: Anyway - long story short, I feel your pain for sure! :haha:
Hi All!

I have a question for those of you in the UK. I had my NT scan last Friday (8th March) and was given a print out with the measurements. In terms of the NT measurements, one measured 1.2 and the other 1.6. I was told that although usually it is a combined scan with blood work, they would not blood test me because it is not accurate with multiples. The sonographer told me the babies looked good but that I had to wait for the NT measurement results. I emailed with my consultant's secretary and she tried to find out the results and then told me I should have been told those results right away. Then she told me i have to speak to my midwife for the results. I cant get a hold of my midwife as of yet but will try her again this AM. Does anyone know what normal measurements are and also what the process is for all this? Were you told whether the NT measurements were normal right after your scan?
Sorry - a bit long winded I know. I'd welcome any input!

:dust::dust:to all!

To those breastfeeding - well done for persevering! I am in awe of you all!

To those preggers - hope you are all feeling well!

Sunny - results usually are posted on after the scan. Mine came 10 days later. They do the measurements + bloods (not in your case) + other factors like age and calculate your risk.
Your numbers are normal so it's probably a case of waiting for the letter.
Edit: Sorry I was on my phone so just did a quick reply. Normal numbers are under 3, so your results are good.

Cridge - Oh my goodness, we're going through the exact same thing! I've been identical in sitting there thinking I'll stop this soon as I can't cope to I want to stop this right now. I'm going to start the process of stopping breastfeeding now as I've had enough of the pain. I can't cuddle Jude without it hurting me, I'm not going out because my boobs hurt loads when they get cold and it's very cold outside, and I've had more blocked ducts on top of the nerve pain and I can feel a bit of depression looming. Just need to work out how to cut down and manage the blockages......:dohh:
Finally spoke to MW yesterday who confirmed the babies as low risk. They combined the scan with factors such as my age, weight, lifestyle, etc and results were 1 in 1,700 and 1 in 1,600 or 1,500 (cant remember now - they said they posted a letter to me yesterday). She told me this was low risk and good results. I know that some people get like 1 in 30,000 but I figure maybe my age (Ill be 35 in under 2 weeks) and fertility treatments may have something to do with it. I am happy with it anyways!
Sunny - Glad to hear you've had confirmation of low risk. I think my risk came back as 1 in 1,700 and that was probably because of my age too, as I was 35 during the pregnancy. I'm pretty sure they don't class fertility treatment as a risk though. My midwife said at the time, that my numbers were absolutely fine, so enjoy the remainder of the pregnancy. A friend of mine had a 1 in 350 result come back, because she was 43 during the pregnancy, but her baby wasn't affected.
Sunny - those figures seem very low which is great. Have you got a bump yet? How are you feeling in general? Don't forget no one can give you any guarantees - it's only a risk so 1 in 1,500 women with the same measurements will have a baby with the Down's syndrome. But it is a very low risk.

Kyla - I'm sorry it's still painful to feed. Are you getting enough help from the bf counsellors?
Thanks Kyla and Maria! I thought it was fine and wasn't too worried with those results - it's just when you hear women getting 1 in 30,000 and you think - hhmmmmm!

Maria - thanks I'm feeling a lot better! Amazing! I still get bouts of nausea but nothing like before. I also seem to slowly be getting more energy. I definitely have a bump!! I will get my hubby to take a pic this weekend and post it.

Thanks again and hope you are all great! xoxo

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