anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi Anupur - I'm not sure about how your thyroid numbers would be good/bad for your baby. :shrug: I don't really remember anything about where thyroid numbers should be. Sorry I'm not of any help, but I didn't want to leave you hanging. I'm sure things are fine - there hasn't been anything go wrong to cause concern, has there? Try not to worry hun!! :hugs:
:hi: ladies sorry I don't pop by often... OD didn't work for me so it's onto IVF for us... Congrats to everyone who got their bfp and I hope that you're all having nice healthy pregnancies :hugs:

cridge, Maria and kyla I hope that your lil ones are doing good :)

:hi: to everyone else :)
:hi: everyone

Just grabbing 2 mins to say hello.

Anupur - I'm sorry I don't know anything about thyroid either, but hopefully by now your Doc will have put a plan in place to reassure you? Any news?

Scerena - Massive, massive hugs to you. I pop by your journal from time to time and sometimes I find it hard to keep up when things move fast on there and there's so many pages to catch up on - however I am absolutely rooting for you. You are inspirational and truly deserve that bfp, fingers crossed you don't have to wait much longer. :hugs:

How is everyone else?
:cry: Where is everyone?

Bride - Thinking of you in particular. Hope all is going well?

Maria and Cridge - My Dr is pushing me to have the Mirena coil, but the idea of that bit of plastic freaks me out. He says condoms aren't sufficient bc :saywhat: given you can be extra fertile after having a baby. Just wondering what you girls did? I would like to go natural to see if and when my periods restore and I also fancy doing opks as I'm curious the effect of the op on my body after pregnancy. Not planning ttc of course, just didn't fancy messing around my already messed up cycles and am curious if I will naturally ovulate.

Also, Im getting sudden and short ovary pains. It's like a silent clicking sensation, like a ball and socket joint grinding but it's not near any bones. Did anyone have this with pcos?
Kyla - I don't plan on using any bc, but I consider myself a rare case. If you're feeling uneasy about the coil, then I would stick with condoms for the time being. The way I see it, with our kind of history, condoms have a better success rate than with the ultra fertile. :haha:

I've definitely been having ovary pains. I've even started spotting the last few days, but it hasn't turned into anything more than sludgy spotting, so I'm thinking my pcos is raging again. Yay.
Kyla - we aren't using anything either. Pullout method :haha: my periods haven't come back and I have a feeling I'm no more fertile than I was before Sophia. If an "accident" happens I'd be more than happy with that.
I am now completely against any BC that is hormonal. Condoms are too fidgety hence there's nothing else left really :shrug:
Kyla- thanks for the reply Hun :hugs: and thanks for popping by my journal it means a lot :hugs: take care of yourself hunni :hugs:
Your profile pic is gorgeous by the way :hugs:
Hi girls, sorry im kinda MIA alot lately. Trying to not be obsessed with TTC and it is helping.

Kyla, you should post a updated pic of your little man, they change so quickly and it will be nice to see him now. A friend told me that she went for laser on her nipples and it helped alot and now its not painful any more just that moment when he latches on.

I have also said i will not go onto anything, i think i will do what Maria is doing. And after 6 months we will go back to NTNP, then if it happens it happens. Dont want any more hormones in my after No1.

Cridge > fx'd it is just the witch coming back and not PCOS!!!! I cant believe your little man is 5 months old already! Time is flying by!

Scerena > You gona get taht BFP very soon!!!!!

Bride > Hope you doing well!

Anupur > Hows your pregnancy going girl! Fx'd you got your thyriod under control and no problems at home! :hug:

AFM > CD17 and got a peak this morning with some EWCM which is rare for me :happydance: Seems like my cycles aren't to bad after Vitex and the last IUI. Next month i will be using that Booster pack, fx'd it works for me as well as it has for all the ladies with the testimonials.
Hi Tella! I'm so happy your body seems to be doing so well on its own these days! Now we just have to get that eggie to implant!!! I've got everything crossed for you this month!!

Kyla - I agree - we need an updated pic. :)
Hi ladies I've been poping on everyday things have been very quiet :)
Hope you all are well and bumps are all coming along nicely :)
Kyla that's for thinking of me hope your well and the little man aswell ;-)
I'm still trying to shift the pounds sometimes its soooooo hard but ill get there ! When I get my next period I'm gonna take the pill then and start iui the following month ! Trying to stay away from google because I'm doing myself no good by keep looking up iui
Good to see some updates from you ladies!

Bride - it is really tough to shift the pounds with PCOS. Are you on metformin? I swear that's the only thing that helped me lose weight. I only had to lose about a stone but even that was super hard. Metformin helps regulate your sugar levels. Plus low GI diet.

Tella - your body is doing amazing things all by itself! It's brilliant that you seem to be ovulating on your own by CD17!!!!
What's a Booster pack?
Hello. Bride I have pcos and did iui I had to loose 3 stone or more to get the treatment I know how tuff it is.

Hope everyone else is ok?

I'm 26 weeks now and getting bigger,baby moving all the time I feel so blessed.

Nikita time is flying in for you it's so exciting ! I'd to lose just over two stone and I'm stuck at 18 pounds not much left to go but it's so hard how did u lose the weight and was your bmi over 30 ?
Hey Maria hope u and Sophia are well , yes I'm on metformin but I'm really not the best at taking them
sorry ladies couldnt appear here for a week. Really feel bad to see my thyroid report on 2nd april. It was high thyroid and i couldnt understand how i will manage it. Tsh 19.94 is really high where normal range is 0 to 6. That day evening i meet a thyroid specialist. He gave me 150power thyronorm med for daily empty stomac. He told me to do tsh test that day. I have done it. Next day when i got the report i was surprised. Tsh was 3.9. How is this possible i didnt understood. 1.4.13 it was 19.94 and next day it was 3.9. My doc was also surprised. I have done those test from different diagonastic. So my doc told me to stop taking med and do test again after 1week from Roy & Trivedi diagonastic. It is one of the best diagonastic in west part of india. Yesterday they took my blood. Today i got report. Tsh 2.9. I feel very happy to see the report after feel bad over the last week . I thought it will harm my baby if i have high thyroid.​
tella - thanks for remembering me. U ovulate ur own thats brillient news. Try to catch the eggy.​
scerena - love u lot. Good to see u here. Stay positv hun. U deserve a bfp. This miracle will happen very soon.​
kyla - i will not start those bc pills again after giving birth of my lo. I will try for next miracle.​
maria cridge - i have a question for both of u. When did u feel baby movement regularly?​
Morning ladies :flower:

Anupur, glad to see the thyroid tests are better hun, sorry I don't know much about whats normal or what would have caused it to be high but glad its better :) I have felt regular movement for about 4-5 weeks now so I'd say maybe around 21 weeks? I did feel movement before then but it was slight and not all the time.

Bride, aw lovely to hear from you hun, I think about you often :hugs: You will get there with the weight loss, its always easier this time of year than coming into winter when you just want to comfort eat! Keep us posted, we want to know when that BFP arrives, which it will!!!!

Nikkia, how you keeping hun, lovely to hear from you too xx

Tella, that's fantastic hun that youre ov on your own, fc for your BFP!

Scerena, thinking of you too hun xx

Kyla, Maria & Cridge, you all doing well ladies?

I'm just over the 26 weeks mark now, bump is growing and making loads of trouble lol. Been suffering with heartburn and breathlessness quite a bit last few days, really hope bean decides to move soon! Took a little lightheaded turn this morning before leaving for work but think I've just stressed and worn myself out a bit this week, OH is suffering from man-flu so have been running around after him, working full time and think its just done me out!

Had my midwife check up Tuesday, that's the third appointment I've had and have only seen my "regular" midwife once! Next one is 4 weeks time, have to call to see when the ante-natal classes next start and also have to make decision about the whooping cough vaccine, did you ladies all have it?
Hi ladies.....

Shooo,,,,, I haven't been on here for ages,,, Jenna-Li keeping me so busy.
How is everyone? Been thinking so much of all of you.
Jenna-Li is 6 weeks old today and due for her second round of vacanations which I will take her for on Monday.
Today I had my check-up, doc is happy with everything but says my wound is still a little tender on the inside but healing nicely. I have noticed that my tummy (above hairline) is still numb but she says it will take time for those nerves to repair fully.
I spoke to her regarding contraceptives from here on, we have decided to try for another baby once Jenna-Li is 1 years old, the gap between my first born(daughter) and Jenna-Li is 16 years....... I would like Jenna-Li to have a sister or brother in her age group. Doc recommended I do not take any form of contraception other than using condoms,,,, I was surprised !
I thought she would recommened the pill or something...... Anyway, I trust her.

Tella, Scerena, Anupur, Cridge, Maria, Nikki and all the others, how are u doing?
Anupur, take good care of yourself hun,,,,u doing good thus far!

I forgot how busy a baby can keep one, and I am working from home in my own time, so that's cool.
Hubby is very hands on, if he could he would breast feed as well.... Lol
I have lost quite a bit of weight ( I am breastfeeding full time),,, I weigh 59kg now, smaller than before I was pregnant,,,,, so nothing fits me again.... Hee hee

I will pop in again very soon.......

Love and babydust to all...........


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Anupur - I'm so glad your thyroid is okay! It sounds to me like the first number was just off - that the lab made a huge mistake there! I started feeling my first at 13 weeks, dh could feel him at 17 weeks. I started feeling little ninja around 14ish weeks, more pronounced by 16. It was probably close to 20 weeks that I could feel ninja all throughout the day.

Cullen - I love that - the man-flu! :haha: So true. Men deal with being sick so much worse than women do!! I didn't get the whooping cough vaccination, or the flu vaccination. My doc never mentioned either one, so I just laid low. I made sure Ninja got it when he was due though.

Mommymel - your little Jenna-Li is gorgeous! I didn't realize there is 16 years between your 2 beauties. Everyone told me that with 10+ years it would be so hard for me to have a baby and such a shock. But, nope! I absolutely love having a baby and it hasn't been a hard adjustment at all. There have been hard moments, mind you (like still being in pain from breastfeeding :growlmad:), but I absolutely love having a baby around. Are you the same or do you feel like it's been a hard transition?

As soon as I got pregnant with W2, I felt like my family was complete and I would never try for another one again, but I'm feeling like you, I don't want W2 to be my second only child. Plus I've been very baby hungry since he was just a couple months old. :saywhat: I really don't think I'll ever do fertility treatment again, but a part of me is hoping my body kicks into gear. I'm not counting on it as it never kicked into gear after #1, but I guess I can dream.
I can totaly relate, I just love being around my baby,,,,,, its amazing how much joy I have........ And I miss being preggies...miss my bump,,,,,,,,
Doc says my hormones are at its peak since being pregnant, and by taking contraceptives could throw my hormones out of sync again, so to not take any chances I should use condoms till than...

I saw ur pic of baby on facebook,,,,,, he is so cute, going to be a heartbreaker one day..... Lol

Are u on anything at the moment?
Anupur - I'm so glad your thyroid levels seem to be ok. It was probably just a mistake by the lab the first time. But I'm sure you were sooo worried :wacko: do you need to take any more blood tests for your thyroid just to make sure the levels are low? Or is the doctor happy now?
So in India you can't find out whether you are havin a boy or a girl, can you? Do you think your family or your husband would be disappointed if your little baby is a girl?? I really hope not. Girls are wonderful!

I didn't feel Sophia move every day until I was about 25 weeks!!!! I felt the first movement at 17 weeks but there were still day (more than 2 or 3 in a row) when I didn't feel her at all. I had a machine at home which I used to listen to her heart beat and that kept me reassured. But from around 25 weeks I felt her move every day, several times a day.

MommyMel - Jenna Li is beautiful :cloud9: Her features are like of a doll! Where are you from? I can't quite work it out based on the photos... Obviously I know you live in SA now but where are you from originally?

Bride - are you on regular Metformin or Extended Release one? I was always on the ER version and never had any problem with side effects. I was on 1500gr a day (3 pills) and it was fine! I think I had slight diarrhoea at the very beginning of taking it but it didn't last long and didn't really bother me. It did take almost a year though for me to start losing weight. And I heard that's very common for Metforming to take some time before starting to work.
Regular metformin is horrible!!! I heard it gives you. Instant vomiting and diarrhoea!!!
mommymel - ur little girl is so nice that i love to give her a tight hug. Is she a very good girl and listen to u? I think so to she her face. U will be to having her. Give her a kiss from me.​
cullen - dont know about vaccine. Lets see what my gyno say later part of my pregnancy. I know u love to see ur bump in a mirror hun. I do it lots of time in a day. I felt my baby one or two time in a day but 4/5days gap. did u try for natural birth or c section?​
cridge - my first time tyroid report is wrong. The lab done it wrongly. How do they do it i cant understand. So irresponsible. I feel worried if u cant feel baby move in a day. But i think i have to wait for regular move. Lets see when it will happen. Can u post ur little man's recent photo pls. Love to see.​
maria - here in india before birth babys sex determination is illegal. But my hubby and i dont want to know it. We want surprise. My hubby love to have a girl baby. But we actually dont bother about sex of our baby. We love our baby whether it will girl or boy. My hubby wil be happy if i give birth this baby today. Hee hee:haha:. He is absolutely crazy. My thyroid spcl say those report is ok but i should take thyronorm med to ensure it will not come back. He told me to do another test after 4week taking that meds. My gyno now told me to stop progesterone after taking one in a day for 1week. She also prescribe metformin 850 onece in a day. She will give me iron calcium meds in her next appointment.​

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