anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

SUnny MOnkey - can't wait to see your bump!! I'm glad you're feeling better!

Kyla - :hugs: I'm currently in the "breastfeeding is nearly fabulous, I can do this for a long time" phase. But it can seriously change overnight. I seem to go in a 3-4 day cycle where things are going well and then all of a sudden I'm in major pain again. :shrug: It makes me sad that breastfeeding has to be so hard for some people. I wonder what women did a thousand years ago when they didn't have lactation consultants or formula or any of that. I guess they just got a wet nurse. :shrug: I'm sorry you're having to deal with clogged ducts on top of the nerve pain! I think I would definitely stop if I was having to deal with that as well.
Kyla sorry your having a hard time of bf you need to do whats right for you all and if its making you low,you got to think is it really worth it? x

I've been feeling baby move loads now,it started just twitching low down now i'm getting kicked all over the place mostly below the belly button area. I did get a good kick above the belly button today which was funny. Some times my belly goes solid and i can feel baby turning or something,it feels very strange but i love it. xx
Thanks ladies :hugs: Maria - Yes, I've had several health visitors come round to offer support but not really seen anyone else as when I phoned the breastfeeding helpline they just want to blame thrush or mastitis. I'm waiting to hear back from a lactaction consultant. It's the strangest thing, it's so painful and at it's worst they hurt all the time, and then it goes away for a day or so and then comes back. So I think to myself that I'll continue for a few more days, and then the pain comes back and then I want to stop :dohh: My health visitor said next time it flares up I have to go get swabs from the doctor for bacteria, and get a sample of milk tested too, but I still think it's nerve pain so I'm winding down now and slowly introducing formula. As Nikkia says, it's not worth the pain and me feeling low.

Nikkia - Aw, I'm so happy that you're experiencing movement. I really miss that part of being pregnant, it's so lovely :cloud9: Does baby have any patterns? Jude was always active most when I went to bed and that pattern has followed now, he's very nocturnal!

Thinking of you all ladies :friends:
Morning ladies :)

Aw Nikkia, thats lovely hun, its very strange isnt it! I seem still to be feeling the fluttering movement very low down but it does happen further up too and OH can now feel it and saw it the other night too when I was lying on the sofa! No more major kicks like the one I had last week but theyre definitely getting stronger.

Kyla, aw hun I'm so sorry that youre still having trouble with the bf'ing, really hope you get some ease soon and I agree, do what you need to for both you and Jude, no point in you suffering, it wont be good for him either, sending you loads of hugs xx

Sunny, thats brilliant news about the tests hun, I didnt have the test done, they dont do them here in NI unless you are over 35 and I wont be until Saturday, could have paid for it but we discussed it and decided not to. Glad the nausea is easing too and yeah for the bump!

Hope everyone else is well?

Me, almost my 23rd week, tomorrow actually, I'm still not sleeping great, find it almost impossible to fall back to sleep when I awake in the night but apart from that I'm feeling ok. The bump is slowly growing and jnr is definitely more active at night! Been feeling a bit down the last couple of days but I think its just the tiredness, had a real grump with the OH yesterday, we were to go shopping so he could get me some bits for my Birthday, which is Saturday but he just seemed to be very disinterested (or it seemed that way to me anyway) and I took the hump so ended up getting nothing! I just seem to take every little comment so seriously atm, must be the hormones!
hi everyone, have done my down syndrom test today. Here sonologist didnt allow to see baby on the screen. I just manage to here heart beat. But i am happy that all is ok. Result will be get after 10days. Hope all my thread ladies are well.
kyla- did u face leg cramp problem in ur pregnancy? Its mostly appear at night bedtime. Cant sleep properly for that reason. I try hot bag but didnt work. Have u feel breast pain now? Did u consult with ur lactation doc?​
cullen and nikkia -congrates for feeling those amazing movement. I am also waiting crazyly to feel those move. do u feel leg pain at night? Did u find any solution? U both completed half way of ur pregnancy how u feel now? Is ur belly looks like a football?​
lepear - did u manage to see ur lo again by scan? U r close to complete first trimester. Did ur doc prescribe down syndrome test?​
maria- how r u? Can ur daughter stand by her leg now? Is she do naughty things?​
cridge -how r u and ur lo? Can he communicate with his unmeaningful voice with u?​
sunny -ur test result is good. I had done mine at 15week i.e. Yesterday. Now waiting to hear good result. How r u feel now?​
Kyla - sorry to hear things aren't getting better. I just had 3 or 4 days of almost bliss and silly me, I thought it would last, but nope - it's just part of the on/off cycle I've been dealing with. Back to pain. Booo. It really does sound like nerve pain to me - it's exactly what I've been going through. I actually have MUCH less nerve pain now though - it's mostly nipple pain cause my monkey is ...well, a monkey at the breast.

Anupur - you're so sweet. Yes, my little ninja loves to jabber at us. He actually vocalizes much less than my first did, so sometimes I worry because he's so quiet and reflective. But that will be a nice break for me when he's older. Sometimes I find myself ignoring my oldest because he yaps yaps yaps (and yes, he gets that from me - haha!!)
Cullen - Yay for 23 weeks :happydance: Not long until the magic 24th week. I started getting really hormonal around then, I nearly fell out with some friends when I perceived something they said wrongly. It's a tough time of biting your tongue! :hugs:

Anupur - Good luck for the test hun. I did get leg cramps, more so with first pregnancy. My tips for coping are:
Eat bananas for the potassium.
Stretch your calf muscles throughout the day and before bed, and rotate your ankles when you're sitting as a little exercise.
Hope things improve.

Anupur/Cridge - I'm in a pain free patch which has been brilliant. I even went out in the cold today and didn't get any pain so I am enjoying it while it lasts. :thumbup:
Anupur - I hope the test results are all good! I felt movement at exactly 17 weeks so it may not be too long for you. Have you got a baby bump yet?

I got some horrible leg cramps and also couldn't sleep :nope: but I can't remember what I did to help actually! I hope other girls on here have some advice.
thanks kyla. I will try those things.​
maria did u feel strong movement on 17week or it was just pok pok pok. I mean how u recognised it? Where did u feel it? Did u feel anything before 17week?​
I am not sure I felt anything before 17 weeks. I wasn't looking for movement if that makes sense. Usually early on baby movements feel like gas - so perhaps I also felt "bubbles" before 17 weeks but never considered that it may not be gas but rather baby!
On the day I turned 17 weeks pregnant I actually felt a kick! It was very faint of course but it wasn't a flutter or a bubble - it was a kick!
Hi ladies sorry I haven't posted in awhile I've been silently keeping up to date with everything :)
Hope all you pregnant ladies are keeping well Cullen I feel like your pregnancy is flying in did u find out what your having ?
Mommy mel congratulations Your little princess is so beautiful hope mammy and baby are well xxx
Kyla texts for the mail sorry I've been so busy picking my wedding pictures took forever :)
Jude is so beautiful hope your feeling ok and breast feeding is getting easier :)
Well met with the new fs start of march my husbands sperm is perfect and my egg reserve is very high so we gonna do iui my bmi wasn't quiet at 30 but I've lost 18 pounds in 7 weeks just 7 more to go ! The doctor said as soon as we are ready to start iui just ring at the start of my period and it will be the next cycle but my problem is fs said I need to get a pre period scan but my cycles aren't regular enough to know when that is so I think I'm gonna take the pill the month before we start iui that way I no for sure where I am . On day one of my period hoping to lose the seven pounds and book by my next period and make my appointment then if that makes sense :)
Hope your all ok xxx
maria yesterday i think i felt kick 3times in whole day. Is it ok to feel it 2 or 3 times in a day?​
bride lost 18pound in 7weeks great hun. Really tough job to do this. U definately can lose those 7pound. It will really help ur fertility.taking pill before iui cycle is great decision. good luck buddy.​
Hi everyone :flower:

Anupur, that's brilliant hun, so pleased for you. I think I was about 19 weeks before I can honestly say I felt movement, loads say its like bubbles at the start but I would describe it more like a nerve twitch, if that makes sense! I get loads of movement now every day, more active mornings and night and seems to be before I eat too, must be a hungry wee monkey lol.

Bride, aw lovely to hear from you hun, been thinking about you x That's absolutely brilliant about the weight loss and the IUI, you so deserve this, I will be keeping everything crossed for you, keep us posted how you get on x

Kyla, hope youre feeling better now hun x

Everyone else ok?

I'm 24 weeks tomorrow! Have my second scan on Thursday so lets hope the little one behaves enough to get the measurements done, will go down armed with chocolate and a can of coke just in case lol.

Can I ask if any of you mums can give a list of must haves for the new baby or a website where I can get a good list, were completely new to this and any help would be appreciated, I'm terrified that I'll forget something important, don't buy enough or too much of something!
Anupur - it's normal not to feel kicks at all the whole day until about 27 weeks. Most women will feel them daily from about 20 weeks but until later in pregnancy babies are still rather small and have lots of room in there so hide somewhere deep inside so you can't feel the kicks! Wait until you are 30-38 weeks though - that baby will wake you up at night and make you sit down when you are walking! Some kicks are so strong and painful it's hard to believe they are coming from your fragile unborn baby!

Cullen - I got the list off the Internet. But to be honest with the first baby there will be things that you just won't use! You can't know until the baby arrives though. For example baby bath and Moses basket were the biggest waste of money for us! Yet we had a swing and made really good use of it though others hardly use their swing and prefer a bouncy chair.
Bride - Glad to hear all is well with you, sounds like you're in a really great place to start your iui, I am thinking of you and sending you lots of extra special dust

Anupur - As Maria said, it's normal to feel sporadic movement, a lot of Mums don't feel anything until 18-20 weeks. I felt DS1 move at about 15 weeks and I felt Jude move at 14 weeks, but I knew what to look out for. It's a strange feeling, very wonderful and you miss it once baby is here - so enjoy every minute. :cloud9: How are you feeling?

Cullen - Happy belated "V-Day" :happydance: 24 weeks, wow. It's funny about lists of things you need to buy, Maria is absolutely spot on as you don't know what you will use until baby is here. Maria's biggest waste of money have been on my list and we couldn't be without them!!! I got a Tippitoes bath ( after I had a regular baby bath for DS1, and this has been fantastic. It takes all the stress out of bathing baby.
We also go a Shnuggle Moses Basket - which has been wonderful. Some people prefer co-sleeping cots that go on the side of your bed though so have a look and go with what you think you'll use. It's fine to baby straight into a big cot, but we haven't got the room in our bedroom and wanted Jude to be in our room for as long as possible, hence the larger that standard size Shnuggle.
I think newborn outfits are a waste of money, they are fiddly and whilst they look cute, they're outgrown so quickly. Jude was out of his newborn things at 4 weeks, and a lot are out sooner if they're born on the larger size. Also you get bought a lot (it amazes me how much people will buy you) so it's better to save your own money for essentials. I also recommend going with gender neutral clothing if you can, then if you have another baby in the future you can resuse things to keep the costs down!
I will PM you my list of essentials as it's quite long :winkwink:
Biggest waste of money for me was snowsuits. I got bought 2 in newborn size and because I had a c-section I didn't go outside enough (but you're not in the same season as me so probably won't need snowsuits!). :flower:
thanks cullen, maria and kyla. So soon i will feel lots of movement. My down syndrom report is here. Down syndrom result 1in 4100, edward syndrom 1in 58000 and nural tube defect 1:2.5 . So negetive screening. I think those are good number. I will go to see doctor next week.​
cullen - u are so close to hold ur baby in ur arm. Did u feel any problem like can not sleep or leg cramp or belly buttom stretch pain?​
kyla - did u get relief from breast pain? ur baby grow up so quickly hun. I hear that most of the newborn sleep daytime and wake in night time. Did u face it?​
Anupur - Great test results :thumbup: Good luck for your appointment. Thanks for asking about the breast pain, I have been pain free for over a week now :happydance: No idea why that should suddenly change, but I am happy and have continued to breastfeed. Yes, Jude sleeps in the day and likes to be awake at night. It was bad in the first few weeks but is slowly getting better. It depends now on how much sleep he gets in the day, yesterday he was awake a lot in the day and just had short sleeps so he had a good sleep at night from 1am through til nearly 7am :dance:
How are your leg cramps? Any better? :hugs:
kyla - i try hot bag therapy, hot and cold water, oil massage also. But when i did it the pain disappear and after those process pain come back again. Mostly it appear at night time. I think it will stay in whole my pregnancy. I will talk to my doc about it. Lets see what she suggest. I have also constipation problem. I think it is from progesteron tabs. Dont know how long will i take it. How u feel now after feeding jude? I think to be mom is a new life after marriage hun.
today i got my hyroid report. Tsh= 19.94 & t4 = 0.85 i am affraid to think about my baby. Buddies is it can harm my baby now? I will go to see a thyroid specialiest today. Really worry about it. Cant think what should i do now. Pls pls help

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