Bride - Glad to hear all is well with you, sounds like you're in a really great place to start your iui, I am thinking of you and sending you lots of extra special dust
Anupur - As Maria said, it's normal to feel sporadic movement, a lot of Mums don't feel anything until 18-20 weeks. I felt DS1 move at about 15 weeks and I felt Jude move at 14 weeks, but I knew what to look out for. It's a strange feeling, very wonderful and you miss it once baby is here - so enjoy every minute.

How are you feeling?
Cullen - Happy belated "V-Day"

24 weeks, wow. It's funny about lists of things you need to buy, Maria is absolutely spot on as you don't know what you will use until baby is here. Maria's biggest waste of money have been on my list and we couldn't be without them!!! I got a Tippitoes bath ( after I had a regular baby bath for DS1, and this has been fantastic. It takes all the stress out of bathing baby.
We also go a Shnuggle Moses Basket - which has been wonderful. Some people prefer co-sleeping cots that go on the side of your bed though so have a look and go with what you think you'll use. It's fine to baby straight into a big cot, but we haven't got the room in our bedroom and wanted Jude to be in our room for as long as possible, hence the larger that standard size Shnuggle.
I think newborn outfits are a waste of money, they are fiddly and whilst they look cute, they're outgrown so quickly. Jude was out of his newborn things at 4 weeks, and a lot are out sooner if they're born on the larger size. Also you get bought a lot (it amazes me how much people will buy you) so it's better to save your own money for essentials. I also recommend going with gender neutral clothing if you can, then if you have another baby in the future you can resuse things to keep the costs down!
I will PM you my list of essentials as it's quite long

Biggest waste of money for me was snowsuits. I got bought 2 in newborn size and because I had a c-section I didn't go outside enough (but you're not in the same season as me so probably won't need snowsuits!).