Just updated my profile pic as requested
Thanks Cridge and Maria. I really think my body is not up for ovulating on it's own anymore, and I was surprised my Doc was so pushy about Mirena coil - I wonder if he's on commission?! We're going to ditch condoms when Jude is 9 months as I want to avoid another pregnancy while my body recovers from the c-section. Cridge - I'm also feeling I don't want Jude to be my second only child. I was in the park with DS1 and I saw how lonely he can be watching other siblings play together and I am not sure I want that for Jude if at all possible.
Tella -
That's really interesting about laser, I'll look into it thanks. I have my fingers crossed for this cycle for you
Bride - I think you've done so well losing the weight. It's so hard because I think 'hormonal weight' is so much harder to shift. You're doing so well, fingers crossed for the last few pounds.
Nikkia - Aw, 26 weeks. I loved that time, 2nd tri is lovely. How are you doing with preparing for baby? Bought anything exciting yet?
Anupur - I had regular movement after 20 weeks. Before then I think baby was too small to feel and had lots of room to float around. My baby was really good at moving away from the doppler too. How are you feeling?
Cullen - I had the whooping cough vaccine. I didn't have the flu one because of the vast number of different strains of virus, and I'm not a person who gets flu. My reasons for having the whooping cough were seeing parents of babies who had died after having WC coming onto television or newspapers pleading with other pregnant ladies to have the vaccine. I was grateful that they took time out in their grief to warn other mums to be and I felt if there was a chance I could protect my baby I would. My arm hurt a bit afterwards where the needle goes into the muscle so people advise having the jab in the opposite arm to the one you use most! But it was fine, no ill effects and I'd have it again.
I also had a bikini (and leg) wax in pregnancy. It was ok, but was more uncomfortable than usual and I ended up with bad bruising which was annoying and looked awful. You're not supposed to used creams because of the chemicals could burn your skin as it's so sensitive with the extra blood in your body makes is closer to the surface. I was thinking of getting a "vaj j visor" so I could use the cream but in the end I was too scared to risk the chemicals.
MommyMel - My tummy is still numb, and around my bum too! It's getting better each week though, it's so strange to have no feeling there. Jenna-Li is so beautiful, you must be so proud.
I was told that after giving birth you're at peak fertility (why does that happen!?!) but I don't want to mess with my hormones at all.
It's amazing how quickly these babies gain weight, Jude is outgrowing some of his 0-3 month clothes now. He was 3.2kg when he was born and he's now 5.9kg.
Sunny - Hi, nice to have you back! Aw, you will be so exhausted. Rest up when you can, you have the best excuse to really cut back on things you do and put your feet up. Some people have a problem with slowing down, feeling that they have 'doing nothing' but they are doing something - growing a baby! Feeling that movement is so special