anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Cullen your pregnancy is flying In hope your enjoying every minute of it do u no if the baby's a boy of girl ? Or are u keeping it a surprise ?
Maria in Ireland's there's only one type of metformin and I'm only on 500mg twice daily but I'm thinking I might increase it to three times daily but I'm going to the gym 3-4 times weekly and sticking to 1200 calories daily with an exception on Saturdays :) I've lost 18 pounds so far it's just a little harder now !!!
Anupur glad your thyroid results where ok in the end and hope your keeping well x
Mommy mel little Jenna li is so beautiful hope you both are well
Mommymel - I'm not on anything... don't plan to be. I never used any kind of bc after W1 either. I take that back.. we used condoms from the time he was 3 weeks to 4 weeks. :haha: I also meant to mention that you'll probably be numb for a long time. I'm definitely getting a little more feeling near my incision, but I've talked to lots of people and they've stayed numb for years (6, 12....). :nope:

Anupur - I'm trying to upload a pic for you, but I'm having the hardest time lately getting any of my photos to upload. They're all "too large". :growlmad: I'll keep working on it for you. :)
Hi everyone :)

Mommymel, aawww Jenna Li is absolutely gorgeous!

Bride, that's brilliant hun well done you :) No, we opted not to find out, I'm still convinced that bean is a boy but that's only because every other baby born in both our families within the last 20 years has been a boy!! we'll get the shock of our lives if its a girl lol.

Can I ask a really out of context question please, have any of your girls had a bikini wax in pregnancy? Were thinking of going for a little spa break to Dublin soon and I really need a tidy up :blush: Have had one a couple of times before but just wondered if it was different in pregnancy, I have read youre not supposed to use hair removal cream in pregnancy?
Anupur - I'm so glad your thyroid levels seem to be ok. It was probably just a mistake by the lab the first time. But I'm sure you were sooo worried :wacko: do you need to take any more blood tests for your thyroid just to make sure the levels are low? Or is the doctor happy now?
So in India you can't find out whether you are havin a boy or a girl, can you? Do you think your family or your husband would be disappointed if your little baby is a girl?? I really hope not. Girls are wonderful!

I didn't feel Sophia move every day until I was about 25 weeks!!!! I felt the first movement at 17 weeks but there were still day (more than 2 or 3 in a row) when I didn't feel her at all. I had a machine at home which I used to listen to her heart beat and that kept me reassured. But from around 25 weeks I felt her move every day, several times a

MommyMel - Jenna Li is beautiful :cloud9: Her features are like of a doll! Where are you from? I can't quite work it out based on the photos... Obviously I know you live in SA now but where are you from originally?

Bride - are you on regular Metformin or Extended Release one? I was always on the ER version and never had any problem with side effects. I was on 1500gr a day (3 pills) and it was fine! I think I had slight diarrhoea at the very beginning of taking it but it didn't last long and didn't really bother me. It did take almost a year though for me to start losing weight. And I heard that's very common for Metforming to take some time before starting to work.
Regular metformin is horrible!!! I heard it gives you. Instant vomiting and diarrhoea!!!

Thank you..... I am from Cape Town, South Africa.... On the coast.
Jenna weighed 2,76kg and now weighs 4,2kg....... That's a lot of weight in 6weeks.... Lol
Hi All,

Sorry for the silence, I was on holiday and tend to avoid all things technical while on holiday! The second part was great but the first part I was unwell – apparently I had a lot of fluid in my ears which was exacerbated by the flight over and not a whole lot they could do about it.

Sounds like you are all doing well which I am happy to hear.
Anupur – glad to hear the thyroid is ok.
Cullen – wow, it seems to be going so fast!!

AFM – I am good just struggling a bit with exhaustion and pressure in the abdomen. I get so tired so very easily and by the end of every day, there is so much uncomfortable pressure in my lower abdomen. I am pretty big already (I swear I will get some bump pics up too – am so not tech savy) and the doctor explained that I will always be some weeks ahead….so for example I am now 18 weeks and he said I am measuring at 24 weeks and will feel more far along. He expressed a lot of concern about my work and gave me a bit of a talking to about that. Also, I tested as Rhesus B negative (blood group) – apparently this should be fine but is not ideal. I will have to have injections at 28 weeks for this.
On the upside, I felt one of the babies move for the first time this past Saturday! It felt like a very distinctive flutter – I keep waiting for more but that is it so far.

Big hugs to everyone on here!
:hi: everyone.

Just updated my profile pic as requested :thumbup:

Thanks Cridge and Maria. I really think my body is not up for ovulating on it's own anymore, and I was surprised my Doc was so pushy about Mirena coil - I wonder if he's on commission?! We're going to ditch condoms when Jude is 9 months as I want to avoid another pregnancy while my body recovers from the c-section. Cridge - I'm also feeling I don't want Jude to be my second only child. I was in the park with DS1 and I saw how lonely he can be watching other siblings play together and I am not sure I want that for Jude if at all possible.

Tella - :hugs: That's really interesting about laser, I'll look into it thanks. I have my fingers crossed for this cycle for you :flower:

Bride - I think you've done so well losing the weight. It's so hard because I think 'hormonal weight' is so much harder to shift. You're doing so well, fingers crossed for the last few pounds. :thumbup:

Nikkia - Aw, 26 weeks. I loved that time, 2nd tri is lovely. How are you doing with preparing for baby? Bought anything exciting yet? :flower:

Anupur - I had regular movement after 20 weeks. Before then I think baby was too small to feel and had lots of room to float around. My baby was really good at moving away from the doppler too. How are you feeling?

Cullen - I had the whooping cough vaccine. I didn't have the flu one because of the vast number of different strains of virus, and I'm not a person who gets flu. My reasons for having the whooping cough were seeing parents of babies who had died after having WC coming onto television or newspapers pleading with other pregnant ladies to have the vaccine. I was grateful that they took time out in their grief to warn other mums to be and I felt if there was a chance I could protect my baby I would. My arm hurt a bit afterwards where the needle goes into the muscle so people advise having the jab in the opposite arm to the one you use most! But it was fine, no ill effects and I'd have it again. :thumbup:
I also had a bikini (and leg) wax in pregnancy. It was ok, but was more uncomfortable than usual and I ended up with bad bruising which was annoying and looked awful. You're not supposed to used creams because of the chemicals could burn your skin as it's so sensitive with the extra blood in your body makes is closer to the surface. I was thinking of getting a "vaj j visor" so I could use the cream but in the end I was too scared to risk the chemicals. :haha:

MommyMel - My tummy is still numb, and around my bum too! It's getting better each week though, it's so strange to have no feeling there. Jenna-Li is so beautiful, you must be so proud. :cloud9: I was told that after giving birth you're at peak fertility (why does that happen!?!) but I don't want to mess with my hormones at all.
It's amazing how quickly these babies gain weight, Jude is outgrowing some of his 0-3 month clothes now. He was 3.2kg when he was born and he's now 5.9kg. :wacko:

Sunny - Hi, nice to have you back! Aw, you will be so exhausted. Rest up when you can, you have the best excuse to really cut back on things you do and put your feet up. Some people have a problem with slowing down, feeling that they have 'doing nothing' but they are doing something - growing a baby! Feeling that movement is so special :cloud9:
Kyla - Jude is darling!!

Yes, my doctor strongly advised me not to get pregnant again in the first year after my section, to which I just laughed. She didn't think it was very funny, but I really don't think I'm much of a risk of catching the pregnant wave again. But I know exactly how you feel watching your LO alone at the park. It's heartbreaking! I'd rather not go through that again with W2, but at least both boys will be around until W2 is 7ish, so that makes me happy.
Was just scrolling back through and Mommymel – your girls are both beautiful!!!
Hi ladies, from last two days i feel some itchy pain at my lap surgery wound at belly bottom. Its like stretchy pain. dont feel all the time but after lunch or dinner. When i massag olive oil to this point it disappear for sometime. Did anyone feel this at their lap surgery wound?
Anupur - I'm not having any itchiness or anything around my lap scars but I think if you are - then it is probably quite normal - I would assume just stretching of the scar tissue. I would carry on with using the oil! Hope otherwise you are doing great!
Anupur as long as its not red or hot,which is early signs of infection,I don't think you need to worry. You just need to relax and enjoy baby in you tummy. x

Hope your all ok, so glad the weather is warming up we live 10mins from the beach and have been walking along the beach its been lovely. I do think I'm staring to waddle slightly my butt and hips have got rather large!

We have both had the week of this week and have started the nursery. I have only one week of full time work then I'm dropping to a 4 day week I can't wait. I will finish at 35 weeks as I'm constantly on the go at work, and will def be ready.

Thanks for suggetion cridge, sunny and nikkia. My mom also tell me that it is stretching this stitch line for that reason feel pain. Here in india temparature is 42¡ãC.
Nikkia- u r so close to ur endline. Did u start counting days? Did u arrange babyshower progrram?
Cridge, maria, kyla, mommymel- think u all r well with ur little one and busy also.
Sunny- my doc told me that i am 1week ahead of my counting week. Means if i am counting myself 19week then pregnancy is 20week. Did u do another ultrasono?
Tella -how r u?
Is anyone know about lepear? Think she is ok with continueing healthy pregnancy.
Hi ladies, from last two days i feel some itchy pain at my lap surgery wound at belly bottom. Its like stretchy pain. dont feel all the time but after lunch or dinner. When i massag olive oil to this point it disappear for sometime. Did anyone feel this at their lap surgery wound?

Thanks for suggetion cridge, sunny and nikkia. My mom also tell me that it is stretching this stitch line for that reason feel pain. Here in india temparature is 42¡ãC.
Nikkia- u r so close to ur endline. Did u start counting days? Did u arrange babyshower progrram?
Cridge, maria, kyla, mommymel- think u all r well with ur little one and busy also.
Sunny- my doc told me that i am 1week ahead of my counting week. Means if i am counting myself 19week then pregnancy is 20week. Did u do another ultrasono?
Tella -how r u?
Is anyone know about lepear? Think she is ok with continueing healthy pregnancy.

I dont know about itchyness during pregnancy but i get it from time to time as well and my opp is almost 3years ago, so it must be something with the scar tissue.

Im just busy and not really concentrating on TTC at the moment. Businesses is very busy and its our 4yrs anniversary next week Wednesday so hoping to do something special.

And my BFF is going through a very bad time and im trying to keep her motivated and sane. She had a faint BFP on Tuesday only to be a BFN on the beta test. Then on Tuesday night, she had immense pain and was admitted on Wednesday morning for Kidney stones however a CT scan showed her kidneys to be perfect but she has 2 cysts on her ovaries again. So she went back to the FS (which we share) and he basically told her that due to her previous Lap and extensive work he had to do to remove the Endo and Chocolate cysts he cant operate again without completely destroying her ovaries, and most probably she will have to go for a Hysterectomy :cry: She lost a LO on 15 weeks 7 years ago and since haven't had any success, she just want one baby before she has to go for the Hysterectomy. So we exploring all options including Surrogacy. She is 26yrs, it is so SAD i just want to cry all the time for her. She is now on meds for 10 days and we praying that it will shrink the two chocolate cysts that is causing all the pain and that she will atleast be able to try 1 IVF herself and if BFN then another just to freeze her eggs for surrogacy.

So its very emotional on my side, just praying for a light at the end of the tunnel.
Oh Tella - give your friend a :hugs:. That is heartbreaking! How devastating! Even with my body never working, I always knew there was a chance to get pregnant and that kept me going. I can't imagine what life would be like if I didn't have ovaries or a uterus and I knew there was no chance. Poor girl! I hope she's able to feel some peace and hopefully her body will behave and the cysts will heal. Any idea what the faint positive was all about? Does she feel like she miscarried as well? :cry:
Anupur - Yes, I had a few stretchy pains where my op scars were. Pretty sure it's normal too :hugs:

Tella - :hugs: Oh no, how awful for your friend, you must be very distressed for her. I really hope that her cysts shrink too and that there is still lots of hope for her to realise her dream.
Oh Tella - give your friend a :hugs:. That is heartbreaking! How devastating! Even with my body never working, I always knew there was a chance to get pregnant and that kept me going. I can't imagine what life would be like if I didn't have ovaries or a uterus and I knew there was no chance. Poor girl! I hope she's able to feel some peace and hopefully her body will behave and the cysts will heal. Any idea what the faint positive was all about? Does she feel like she miscarried as well? :cry:

Thats the worst part, when you atleast have some remote chance it is alot easier than having to deal with the it is completely impossible if she has to go trough with it. We are just praying for the meds to work now. She say the pain is better just still very bloated. But i think it will be linked to her cycle, easier during pre O, and a few days before O it will start getting sore as the estrogen rises and the lining thickens.

Anupur - Yes, I had a few stretchy pains where my op scars were. Pretty sure it's normal too :hugs:

Tella - :hugs: Oh no, how awful for your friend, you must be very distressed for her. I really hope that her cysts shrink too and that there is still lots of hope for her to realise her dream.

We know but ultimately ones wants the whole package, but they are staying open minded bless her.
Tella - again, it's absolutely devastating about your friend :nope: :hugs:

Anupur - in the uk we have a routine scan around 20 weeks. They check baby's vital organs as well as the placenta and amniotic fluid. Do you not have another scanned booked? How is your bump? Is it big already?

Sophia is 9.5 months and a proper little girl now. She is currently getting her third tooth and is miserable :nope: I hope it will cut through soon! She waves Hello and claps her hands. If she wants something she is very determined and will do everything to get to it!
I would say the best time started around 8 months when she started interacting more :thumbup:
Hello all, sorry to butt in, hope its okay for me to join in? ::hugs:

I first found this thread back in October when I was on my 3rd round of chlomid. Our doc suggested i may need lap, dye, ovarian drilling etc if we had no luck and after a few more rounds of unsuccessful chlomid, I am now booked in on Friday for a bit of everything! Bit nervous, never had a General anaesthetic before but also hopeful they can find out and maybe even treat whatever is causing my infertility. Probably even more anxious if they find something untreatable :(

I just wondered if anyone had been in a position where the op could be cancelled if my period starts on the day? There is a strong likelihood and I just wondered whether anyone had been in the same boat? Thank you x
Tella - again, it's absolutely devastating about your friend :nope: :hugs:

Anupur - in the uk we have a routine scan around 20 weeks. They check baby's vital organs as well as the placenta and amniotic fluid. Do you not have another scanned booked? How is your bump? Is it big already?

Sophia is 9.5 months and a proper little girl now. She is currently getting her third tooth and is miserable :nope: I hope it will cut through soon! She waves Hello and claps her hands. If she wants something she is very determined and will do everything to get to it!
I would say the best time started around 8 months when she started interacting more :thumbup:

Ag she sounds so cute!!!! I love it when they more interacting, friends was with us yesterday with their 18month old and i love him to bits. He wont go to anyone but his mom when he wakes up but yesterday he just reached over and was so happy to just sit by me, would come to me the whole time to be picked up and then he is happy. So cute!

Hope that tooth cut soon, i can only imagine how difficult they are. Have you guys decided when you gonna start NTNP again?

Hello all, sorry to butt in, hope its okay for me to join in? ::hugs:

I first found this thread back in October when I was on my 3rd round of chlomid. Our doc suggested i may need lap, dye, ovarian drilling etc if we had no luck and after a few more rounds of unsuccessful chlomid, I am now booked in on Friday for a bit of everything! Bit nervous, never had a General anaesthetic before but also hopeful they can find out and maybe even treat whatever is causing my infertility. Probably even more anxious if they find something untreatable :(

I just wondered if anyone had been in a position where the op could be cancelled if my period starts on the day? There is a strong likelihood and I just wondered whether anyone had been in the same boat? Thank you x

Welcome :hi:, Im not sure about being on your period but i have heard of some ladies cant remember who that went in on her period and the op was still done. I was just told it must be done before CD12, so i think I went in on CD10 or something.

We hope you one of our many lucky ladies here and go on to get your bfp shortly after the op!!!

AFM > Just chilling, 3days to go of this TWW and then im starting with my Fertility booster :happydance:

Have also been taking Inofolic in the morning and at night, hope it balances my hormones again so that i O closer to CD14.

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