anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Lacroix - I'm glad the op is over! How strange though that they didn't find PCOS and didn't do the drilling?! How did they diagnose PCOS in the first place? So you know if your ovaries looked enlarged on the scans? Did they have like a ring of beads (all the multiple undeveloped follicles) around them? Did they test your hormones, especially LH and testosterone?

I'm sorry I've never heard about cervical stenosis. What does it say on the Internet? Do you have to wait 2 months for an appointment just to go through the out one of the surgery? As in when can you see a specialist to ask about what they found exactly?

Sorry about all the questions. But I've ha doctors like that and I hate it! They throw all this jargon at you and let you worry and live in Google and then tell you not to look on the Internet?!

Sunny - how lovely to have your parents with you again! Will they come for the birth? Do you have enough room in the house?! I can't wait to hear what you are having! Do you know if you had more than one follicle when you ha the IUI? Because if so the twins won't be identical and there's chance you have one of each!!!

Tella - I can feel your excitement over the Internet!!

Keisha - how are you? Are you preparing for IVF? How are you feeling and have you been having regular cycles since the op?

AFM - Sophia will be 10 mints next week! I can't believe that I've been part of this thread for over 2 years now! She is cutting 3 new teeth all at the same time and its hard work for all, especially her, my poor baby!
Bride - yuppers it is twins! happened on my first IUI! Keep in mind I never had an actual period in my life unless induced by meds. Didnt respond to clomid, had the OD and first IUI after OD, BFP!! I did the injections in the tummy (menopur and ovitrelle - not the highest does though). Sooo, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and if you want to chat about IUI stuff in more detail, message me as I'm happy to help although don't think I am quite as knowledgeable as a lot of the women on here.

Lacroix - glad to hear the op went well. Take it easy; I found recovery harder than I expected!

AFM - my parents are here for about 5-6 days which is great!!!! I am loving it as I was just back in the US 3 weeks ago and now I see them again. Usually I only see them once or twice a year so this is a serious treat. They brought this little suitcase and told me to open it. It was full of unisex outfits, two of everything and they were soooooooooooo cute!!!
I find out the sexes on very exited.
Ok - enough about me - sending love to everyone here and hope you are all doing great! xoxo

Sunny do you know if your twins are identical? I'm an identical twin and love it and her so much,along with hubby she will be at birth of this baby. I was also at the birth of her identical twins. xx
Lcroix sorry I'motmuch help either. Iwould prob call the fs and as for an consult before 2 mths to discuss it.

Marie You baby is getting a big girl. Are you back at work?

Afm I'm doing ok 'm just oer 28 weeks now, can't belive how quickly its gone. I've got really bad lower back pain at the moment so currently off sick any tips to help anyone? Hope to see physio next week. I hope to finish work at 35 weeks.
Tella I'm just over
opps Tella over the moon for you. You Beta's are v similar to what mine were. xx
Lacroix - I have heard of it before , a lady I worked with had it and had to have a minor op, she fell pregnant pretty quickly after that though, I think 2/3 months after. Hopefully they will give you a report on their findings and their proposals for what happens next at your meeting. Post-op, the waiting is always awful but it's good recovery time. Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Sunny - Aw, it must be lovely to have your family around pampering you! Can't wait for Mondays update!

Nikkia - Pelvic Tilts!! Wonderful exercises that ease a whole host of pregnancy grumbles. They do a marvellous job at relieving lower back pain and they help move baby off your pelvic floor in the third trimester when they seem to want to Riverdance on your bladder.
:thumbup: Hope you feel better soon. Also I found a gym ball so useful for SPD pain, and I think that helps lower back too. Do you work in an office? I had to take a small cushion in during my first pregnancy to support my back. Worth a try if you haven't already and putting a plastic bag on your car seat to make it easier to swivel in and out the car is another good tip.

Anupur - How are you doing with your aches hun?
I think my whole diagnosis and treatment plan has been a bit of a shambles in all honesty, ladies. I had an internal exam and hormone tests a couple of years ago and they lost my results. Had to have more bloods taken (but they did not time it within my cycle at all, no 21 day bloods, which I have heard others talk about). Those results apparently came back okay..?

When I went to my gp after a year of trying, she advised 6mts of temp charting with opk sticks. Went back, she referred hubby to have SA (all good) and me to FS who looked at my results again and suddenly thought pcos might be the issue. I found it all really odd as my gp hadnt picked anything up, and my cycle runs from 24-28d each month- i just cant guarantee i'm ovulating as i cant always take the tests during the day at work. That's when he started me on chlomid, but he gave me no ultrasound or any other tests. After 6 cycles on chlomid, with the latter 3 at 100mg, I definitely had positive opk- we were doing the BD and nothing happened. I genuinely think they have misdiagnosed pcos as they said my ovaries looked healthy yesterday with no need for drilling.

Guess this cervix thing may be the actual cause and having done some reading today (and maria, you're so right, google is sometimes not a good place too try and research) i am more confused about whether there is treatment available through drugs/surgery/herbal meds or whether there is no chance of ever getting pregnant :( I wish the consultant had spent just 2 minutes more time giving me a bit more info yesterday when I was too out of it too ask questions.

Sorry to rant and share WAY too much info, just a bit sad and emotional today xxx
Lacroix - It does sound like a shambles. Were you getting positive OPKs before the Clomid?
When I was diagnosed, they did it with an ultrasound scan where they could see the cysts and they did blood tests. When I was ttc, they would do Day 21 blood tests (which would've been useful for you on your cycle length) as that is a very good indicator if you've Ov'd or not.
If you only ovulated on the higher dose Clomid then you've only had a few cycles chance to go out. Sometimes women can be clomid resistant (I think I was as I had hit and miss ovulation on it) and Femara/Letrozole is a better option for those ladies.
How is your BMI? Personal question I know, but a low or high BMI can aggravate problems too.
I would think that if you're having periods...then there is obviously enough space for AF to get through then there should also be room for sperm too :shrug:

ps Ranting and sharing info is fine!
Hi Ladies!!

CongratsTella on your precious baby on the way :pink:!!!

I know I have been ghost for a while but I wanted to let you all know I got my :bfp: this week :dance:!!!!!! It's been four months since my OV drilling surgery and I'm in shock. Funny thing is we did not intentionally try this month because my husband had to go out of town on Day 12 until day 18 of my cycle. So we did the do the day before he left which I thought was way too early but after :wohoo:trying for two years this day has finally come. Thanks to all of you because your words of encouragement kept me going:hugs:

To Lavroix or anyone else TTC never give up:flower: your blessing may be right around the corner!
Milynn - congratulation for ur bfp. Happy to see u again here. Take care urself. Did u do beta hcg test?

Lacroix - pray for ur speedy recovery. Take lots of rest now. Hope u will get ur bfp soon.

Tella - did ur doc prescribe an early ultrasono to hear ur little one's hb? Did u feel any pregnancy symptom now?

Kyla - how r u? Did ur lo sleep at daytime and wake at night till now?

Maria - to read about sophia i feel very happy. Its nice for me to listen a child's story. After two months she will one year old. Did u arrange any party at her birthday?

Sunny- did u feel daily movement? Did u start to take iron calcium supplement? Its really happy moment for u that ur mom dad is there for u. Waiting for ur monday update.

Afm- i have done my 20week scan. Every thing is fine. I have anteriorly placenta upper portion. Will go to my doc tommrow. My edd show now 02.09.13. My scan report show that i am 21week 4day pregant. Today i went for some cloths shopping with hubby. My all dresses are now tight. So i had to buy some dresses.
Anupur wow you are over half way there!!!
Yes I took a hcg test on Wednesday and at that point I was at 2,500mIU/ml. It should be doubled and a little beyond now. I go for my first ultrasound in 10 days(fingers crossed I'll see my lil one!!).
Milynn - :wohoo: Congratulations on your :bfp: :cloud9: What wonderful news, wishing you a H&H 9 months. Keep us posted on how you get on.

Anupur - Yay for new dresses! We're good thanks. Jude is sleeping in a double sleep at night now, so he will settle down about 11pm for a long sleep, wake up about 4 or 5am and then go back to sleep until morning. He's still sleeping a lot but he's more alert in the daytime as he gets older. He's a very happy baby and he is growing so fast.
Anterior placenta means you'll probably feel less kicks at the stage you're as it blocks you feeling movement so much and it may take longer to hear baby's heartbeat but that's normal. So excited for you! :thumbup:
Congrats Milynn! So good to see another OD success!
hi cridge how r u? Now can ur little ninja eat small bite of every food? Which is his favourite food till now?​
Milynn - did u start counting days to see ur little one in ultrasono scan? It is realy amazing to hear ur baby's heart beat first time also. Take proper rest and eat healthy food now. Did u find any pregnancy symptom?​
afm - today i went to my gyno and she did routine check up. Everything is fine.she prescribe me iron calcium tablet. She told to omit glychiphage after 1week. Is it ok to stop taking glychiphage now? She also prescribe tetanus toxoid first vaccine now and second one after 4week. I think this iw the vaccine about which cullen ask.​
cullen how r u? Did u take hooping cough vaccine? Is it hurt to take?​
hope other ladies are well. Baby :dust: to all lovly ladies​
Hi Anupur - I continued with glyciphage for the whole of the pregnancy, some Doctors advise that and others do not, it seems it depends upon the individual case. I think if your Doctor said it is ok, then it will be. :thumbup:
How are you getting on with your in-laws?

Nikkia - Hope the exercises are helping. :hugs:
Hi everyone :flower:

Milynn, aw hun that's absolutely brilliant news, so pleased for you :happydance::happydance:

Anupur, glad youre doing well hun. I go for my whopping cough vaccine at my next midwife appointment on 9 May, which is when I get bloods checked too x Hope you enjoyed your shopping for new dresses x

Lacroix, oh hun I'm sorry it sounds like your Drs aren't sure on much hun, wishing you a speedy recovery and get yourself back to them when youre on the mend to see if they can get you sorted once and for all! I was diagnosed through ultrasound and blood tests (LH levels very high) but I was ovulating, just couldn't get my BFP. Wasn't until the lap and od in July they removed loads of adhesions and some endometriosis too. Really hoping your BFP is just around the corner, keep us posted x

Nikkia, you doing ok hun? Did the exercises help? Not long now until you finish work!

Kyla, hows the little man doing? Hes very very cute hun :)

Everyone else ok?

Me, 29 weeks tomorrow! Had my waxing done at weekend, wasn't any worse than had been before, luckily no more bruising/irritation than usual either, still did hurt though! Were off to Dublin on Thursday for our wee break! Cant wait, it will be our first break in almost 2 years and goodness knows when the next one will be lol. Feeling ok, getting a wee bit more tired now and the heartburn is still causing problems during the night so sleep not much better. Bump growing well and bean kicking loads, still really low down a lot of the time so I'm guessing still breech, have been on my gym ball a bit as someone said it can encourage baby to turn, anyone heard of this? Anything worth a shot I guess!
Cullen - enjoy your break! Even when you go with the lo it will never be the same :dohh: :rofl:
Definitely bouncing on the ball can help and also standing on all fours with your head lower than your hips and rotating the hips gently. But 29 weeks is still really early! I know ladies whose bubbas turned after 38 weeks!!!!

Milynn - congratulations!

Anupur - really glad the baby looks healthy and everything is fine.
MariaF Thanks for asking, i am doing good. We are not allowed to BD because of my hubby meds, but feeling very positive about my IVF procedure coming up in July, it was originally planned for March, but my work have me travelling overseas on business so i am just waiting to complete this work project, so i can start my IVF shots!!!

I am really in a good place, no stress, my cycles are like clock work every 32-34 days, i am still tracking Ovulation and Os between cd14-17 every month, but my hubby's health comes first and we just want to ensure that he is getting better. I am so happy that we had opted to freeze his swimmers before he started his meds!!!

I will definitely keep you updated on my IVF procedure!!!
Hi Anupur! My little ninja doesn't love food. :shrug: But we're working on it. He does prefer veggies over fruit though, so I guess that's good! He doesn't like bananas, apples or pears at all. :haha: He used a sippy cup for the first time today and I gave him some baby cracker/thing that he loved working on. He definitely prefers to feed himself rather than have me spoon feed him. :cry:

Cullen - 29 weeks!! Yes, what Maria said is supposed to help flip babies. But, I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point; there's still plenty of time.

keisha - I'm so glad you're in a good place!! Good luck with the IVF!!

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