anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Cullen - Enjoy your break! :hugs: It'll be nice to have a lovely time away before baby arrives. As the others have said, it's still very early days for you to worry about babies position. Jude was breech up to 32 weeks. With DS1, I had a crazy experience - he turned from head down to breech at 38 nearly 39 weeks so they scheduled me in for a c-section as he was footling breech and they will not even attempt a natural birth. I followed SpinningBabies website advice which worked brilliant because on the morning of my c-section (39+6) they discovered he had turned back to head down so I dodged a c-section that time. :happydance: Keep an eye on it and bookmark SpinningBabies, I can recommend the "side-lying release" as it works so late into my pregnancy.

Keisha - :hugs: So nice to hear things are relaxed for you. Brilliant about natural ovulation too! Fingers crossed for your IVF and hoping your hubby gets well too.

AFM - Jude is 3 months old today. Where does the time go?! I've managed to keep up breastfeeding as the nerve pain has all but gone, but we're supplementing formula feed at night so he's sleeping block of 7 hours - :happydance: which is a bit bonus for making me feel better.
Hope everyone is well :flower:
Yay Kyla - I'm so glad bf'ing is getting so much better for you! Most of my pain was gone just after 5 months, although I still have a day or two of pain here and there. But now that I'm feeling like I could go a lot longer, Ninja seems to have different plans, so I think I'm pretty close to giving it up. :cry:
Cridge - Thanks :hugs: Aw, lil Ninja is growing up, nearly 6 months old! It's lovely to watch them grow, but I feel sad they grow so quickly. It's fun watching their characters emerge though. :flower:
Nice to hear from you Kyla! I also can't believe how fast they are going! Sophia is 10 months and I can't believe she will be one so soon! We are the opposite with Sophia and breast feeding! I am trying to wrap it up but she refuses to drink any milk or formula! She drinks water from a cup very well but as soon as she tasted cow's milk or formula she gags and spits it right now!
So I still breast feed three times a day and am trying to supplement the other feed with yoghurt, buttermilk, cheese and other dairy products.

So you just never know how these babies will turn out - its a constant road of discovery :thumbup:
Hello lovely ladies! Long time no speak. I do keep up with the thread every few days so I am still lurking!

Tella - CONGRATULATIONS! I can't tell you how happy I was too see your update, you so deserve this.

Hi to all the gang, hope all is going well for everyone.

All good here, as you can see from my siggy I'm 17 weeks! Had my 12 scan and my 20 week scan is on the 28th, we will be finding out the gender, can't wait! I have a glucose tolerance test on Thursday. However they don't test for insulin which seems strange, in my last test which I had done privately my glucose was normal but insulin remained high, hence the insulin resistance. I worry they will stop my metformin based on the results but I want to continue with it for the insulin. Did any of you ladies have a GTT while pregnant?
Hi Lpear
Great to hear from you, I was wondering how you were getting on. So exciting to be finding out the sex, I did with both my sons as I still considered it a 'surprise', just that I was getting the surprise early!
Yes, I had a GTT during my pregnancy, and I was on Metformin. I haven't ever been proven as insulin resistant, but I am sure I am. Anyway, I was on Metformin to help me lose weight after the op and to help me conceive. I saw my consultant for consultant led care because of my BMI and because of the fertility treatment.
He said I had a choice to stop the Met at 12 weeks, or carry on until the GTT and stop then, OR to carry on all the way through. In his opinion he said since I wasn't actually diabetic, there was no evidence to suggest it was of any benefit to me once I had conceived and gone past the first trimester. I decided to take it all the way through, although after my GTT came back normal both my GP and the registrar I saw when my consultant was on holiday said I could stop taking it as I didn't need it and questioned why I needed it, but I just said my consultant had ok'd it and they shut up :haha:
So I suppose it depends on why you started on the Metformin - was it because of IR and to help you conceive? Are you under consultant care because usually they will review you after the tests with the results anyway and discuss it for your particular case.
There is always a lot of discussion about GTT and people's experiences. When I was expecting DS1 I had to take a horrible thick sugary solution, like they's dissolved 20spoons of sugar in about 4 spoons worth of water. Then they pricked my thumb to get the blood. It was vile, and it's those days that people refer to when they say it is a horrible test.
This time round, they gave me 500ml of Lucozade which was much better to drink and took blood sample via needle in the arm! A lot of hospitals are switching over to Lucozade because the syrup solution used to make people feel sick and if you are actually sick it ruins the test. From what I understand, you can always take in your own Lucozade for the test in case they're still on the syrup, as Lucozade gives the same results, but take in 2 of the 330ml bottles. Good luck :thumbup:
Lpear - I'm similar to Kyla. Except I saw a consultant at 9 weeks, so still in first tri. He said it was my choice too. But he did say that there's some evidence that taking Metformin whilst of can reduce the chance of a m/c (so earlier in pregnancy) and also reduce te risk of GD. So his recommendation would be for me to take it throughout pregnancy.

Now, I really don't want to scare anyone but there was a lady on this forum (not this thread) who had PCOS and took Met to conceive and stopped it at around 13-14 weeks....sadly she lost the baby at 16 weeks. There could be a million reasons why this happened other than her stopping the Met but when we talked about it she said that next time around she'll carry on taking it u til the end.

I'm so excited for your 20 week scan! Will you share the gender news on here? Are you leaning towards one gender or have no clue?
Lpear - I took met for insulin resistance - I was told I should be on it the rest of my life. I took it through 12 weeks... more probably, I'll have to go check. You don't want to stop taking it too early because of the risk of miscarriage, but my doc said that there is an Australian study on metformin taken for GD, and there's a correlation of taking the metformin and having premature babies. :shrug:

I had the feeling that the met was keeping my babe small (but who knows, really), so I chose to stop taking it in the 2nd tri. I didn't end up with GD, which I tested for at about 24 weeks, I think, but I was very close to failing my 3 hour test (failed the 1 hr).

So I think you just need to do what you feel is best for you and your baby.
lepear - really glad to know that ur 12week scan goes well. About metformin i dont know whether to take or not to take in whole pregnancy. My doc told to stop it from 22week. Then i asked her if after stopping met blood sugar rise. She told to do blood suger pp after 1week of stop met. If my pp level will high then i should take it again if not then it is better to not take met till end of pregnancy. Did u feel movement now?
Hi girls, thanks so much for all your advice, I don't know what I'd do without you!

I am on metformin for insulin resistance, even through I have a normal BMI - actually on the low side, I paid to have a GTT privately and my insulin remained high after the two hours and my glucose was actually lower than to start with! So they said I was insulin resistant and I have been on the metformin ever since.

For this reason I am under consultant and midwife care. I saw the consultant on Friday and I took my GTT results with me and she didn't understand my result because they don't test for insulin, only glucose. So this worries me because quite possibly my GTT next week will come back as normal but I expect my insulin will remain high but they wont know! I have to stop the met 48 hours before the test so it doesn't interfere with the result. Even that is worrying me!

I really don't want to stop taking the metformin, I get so worried that my high insulin is going to affect the baby in some way, how can they make an informed decision about me if they don't even test for the thing that is my problem! I just hope they allow me to continue taking it. I do eat well, I'm still on a low GI diet - to an extent. I originally was not snacking but I cannot do that now as I get so hungry, but I'll snack on nuts or cheese and not carbs.

Do you think they'll let me continue taking the metformin if I kick up a fuss? It was a different consultant at a different hospital that put me on it to start with.

Kyla - in my GTT before I had it done privately and they gave me lucozade, but with this one they have given me that icky powder that you speak of! Really not looking forward to it. Because I don't have that much sugar in my diet I'll probably find it extra sweet! I might look into being sneaky and having lucozade instead! Much nice tasting I expect

Anupur, can't believe how far along you are, it's going so quickly! I have felt a couple of 'bubbles' but that could have just been gas! But hopefully within the next couple of weeks I should starting feeling something for sure!

Maria - I will share the sex on here, not sure if we will tell our friends yet though, I think so, but haven't really discussed it with DH yet to be honest! I am 90% sure it's a boy for a few reasons. I didn't get any morning sickness, I have a hairy belly (!) and I just have a strong feeling! We have a perfect girls name but no boys name, argh!!

Cridge - I've had three scans so far and at the 7 week and 10 week baby was measuring bang on, and at the 12 week he was measuring 3 days behind. I will be interested to find out the measurements at the 20 week scan. Babies in our family tend to be on the slightly larger side so if I am measuring small I will have to wonder whether it is the metformin.

Hope you are all doing well with your gorgeous babies and baby to be!
I forgot to tell you we are going to New York on the 19th for a week! So if anyone has any recommendations on places to go then let me know!
Hi girls, the best anniversary gift EVER was delivered to us today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got our :bfp: it feels sooooooo unreal i dont even know where to begin.

My Hcg was 38.6, and will retest on Friday. Untill then just the parents know.

Gave DH a "anniversary" gift but it was to announce it rather. See the attached pic :)

I cant stop thinking about this little life growing inside me!! GOD IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats Tella!! I have been waiting to hear this from you! I am sure you are on :cloud9: and you deserve every bit of it! I am soooo happy for you! I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months! :happydance:
Lpear - I would think that if you've been prescribed Metformin for a medical need and not 'just to conceive' then surely they will let you continue? Could you order a repeat prescription to take you to the end of the pregnancy? Try not to worry :hugs: Lucky you going to New York!! You'll be able to buy loads of lovely baby things. I've never been so not sure on where is a good place to go - have a fab time.

Snflwrgrl - Nice to hear from you, how are things?

How is everyone?

AFM - Although I am still breastfeeding, AF has returned. I presume it's AF and not just spotting. :shrug: If it is the witch then I shall consider that good news because I didn't always get a period before my op.
LPear - have fun in NY! I've had the 6 hour insulin/glucose test done as well, which is how they determined I was IR and needed to be on met for probably the rest of my life. I think my OB would have allowed me to stay on it through pregnancy, but because it was making me nervous she was okay with me quitting as well. I think that if you feel like you need to stay on it, they should allow you to stay on it. BUT, if your diet is low sugar (which is sounds like you're doing really well with that), then maybe you'd be okay. Your body does metabolize glucose and insulin different when you're pregnant (hence the GTT), and you might be okay while pregnant.

I really do think, though, that if you feel strongly about staying on it, you should. There are many women that have stayed on it throughout pregnancy and have been just fine. Likewise, there are many that have quit midway and have been fine as well. So either way, I wouldn't worry.
Snflwrgrl - nice to see you on here. How are you?

Kyla - that's fantastic news on your periods! I still haven't got one and starting to feel down about it though I know I could still start getting periods when I stop bf completely...
Hi girls, the best anniversary gift EVER was delivered to us today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got our :bfp: it feels sooooooo unreal i dont even know where to begin.

My Hcg was 38.6, and will retest on Friday. Untill then just the parents know.

Gave DH a "anniversary" gift but it was to announce it rather. See the attached pic :)

I cant stop thinking about this little life growing inside me!! GOD IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats Tella!! I have been waiting to hear this from you! I am sure you are on :cloud9: and you deserve every bit of it! I am soooo happy for you! I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months! :happydance:

Thanks :hugs: I sure am on cloud 9!!!!

Hows the little man doing?
Hi everyone, just popping in to catch up x

Tella, still smiling hun, it really is brilliant news :happydance:

Kyla, fab news if its AF (never thought I'd say that lol) maybe your body is going to behave now!

Hows everyone else doing?

I'm 30 weeks today. Was at midwife yesterday, yet a different midwife again, had a bit of a scare, there was a trace of protein in my urine and my blood pressure was up, baby was also measuring 26.5cm on the chart so she sent me down to the hospital to get checked over fearing pre-eclampsia. Thankfully everything is ok, hospital checked urine again and no protein detected and bp although a little high was nothing they thought I needed to worry about. The Dr also scanned baby and all is fine, measurements are perfectly ok and baby is no longer breech, which is also good! Were now lying head down.

It was awful thinking something might have been wrong, midwife wants to check me again next Tue just to make sure all is ok. I think I might get my replacement for work sorted sooner rather than later though because if things had worked out the opposite way I might not have been working as long as I hope to!
Thanks Maria and Cullen, it's definately AF. :happydance: I'm starting to monitor my cycles now as I am curious if I will ovulate or not and I might as well find out. Obviously, we're not ttc but I would like to know for reasons of science if the op has rectified things and this may help others in the future to know if the op works beyond 1 pregnancy.

Cullen - Aw, I had loads of bp scares, right down to them thinking I had HELLP syndrome when I was in labour. It's frightening, but try not to worry as everything seems ok and they will monitor you closely from now on anyway :thumbup:
hi everyone...can i join?..gone through most of the previous was great reading the worry,anticipation,failure and finally success of most of the ladies here..
about me...ttc since last november...were not regularly staying together with DH before that..married for almost 3 miscarriage 2012 april(?blighted ovum)
Me-->had oligomenorrhoea,,40-50 days cycle,,typical polycystic app in much other pcod symptoms,,there is increased dheas levels..multiple small fibroid in uterus(not submucosal,not distorting the cavity)
DH-->SA shows count 30-45 million(some times went as low as 8 mil,but new levels are good) motility 45% morphology 10%
there is oligo asthenospermia...borderline...
so,,a case of combined infertility
dec 2013-- had a clomid 50 cycle ,with hcg shot and iui-->BFN
jan 2013--cycle break
feb 2013-- gonal f 75 iu for 9 days,no dominant follicle-->cancelled cycle and posted for lap& ovarian drilling
march 10--AF
bleeding for 3 days..then no AF
until april induced withdrawal bleed with progesterone..
may 6-->AF
now CD 3 with clomid 50,gonalf 37.5

please pray for me...

and a doubt,,if AF doesnt come by itself after the surgery,does it indicate failure of op?..pls girls help from your valuable experience
:hi: and welcome amiya :flower:

Glad you've joined us, the more the merrier. You'll find lots of support and advice here. So sorry about your miscarriage.

Good luck with your new cycle. I don't think AF not coming on it's own is a sign of failure of the op. You are still early days after the op and your body will still be wondering what hit it :hugs: It is often said by ladies on here that it's hard waiting after the op because you want instant success, but it is normal for our bodies to have to get used to what has happened and start functioning how they should again. Try not to worry (very hard I know from experience) your body needs a bit of time to adjust, but is much more likely to respond to fertility drugs than before. Keep us posted on how you get on. :thumbup:

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