amiya - for cd9 that's pretty good! You have one follicle of 10mm and endo is pretty good already. Follicles grow up to 2mm a day so in about 5-6 days it should be around 18mm! Also endo needs to be at least 7mm thick for successful implantation and yours is 5.3 already! And you are only cd9!!
Also I agree with anupur - our bodies are SO unpredictable! For example in the month when I got pregnant I had a scan in cd12 and dr told me my follicle was 12mm and I should ovulate in the next 4-5 days. I was away from home then and was really disappointed because I knew I didn't have a chance to bd before ovulation.
But I kept doing the ovulation tests and they were all negative!!! I was so frustrated and upset that not only DH was far away but also that my body wasn't working and even when I started to grow a follicle it still doesn't ovulate

Then on cd24 (!!!) I got a positive ovulation test and ovulated on cd25 and got pregnant! The question is what was that follicle doing from cd12 to cd25 - was it taking a holiday?!

What I am trying to say is that our bodies are unpredictable so just have trust in yours!
Anupur - I'm sorry you failed the glucose test but I'm glad you are going back on metformin as it should help regulate your sugar levels. My dr told to carry on with it throughout pregnancy and I did my glucose test whilst taking metformin - of course I passed

Do you know I you have any more scans before you give birth? Do they give you more scans in India? Over here the last one is at 20 weeks and if everything is fine you don't have anymore tests.
As for us - no, Sophia is quite a lazy baby, like her mummy was

she only crawls but doesn't even plan to walk! She says Dada as Mama and lots of other cute little words but she doesn't yet understand that I am Mama and DH is Dada

She claps her hands, waves hello and goodbye and points at everything! The past 2-3 months have been the most exciting and interesting - when she stopped just eating, crying, sleeping and pooping and started developing!