anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

:flower:hi amiya welcome here. After op i got my period day 26 then i didnt get my own period i have to induce it by meds. I took provera or progesteron to get it. So dont be upset. Just relax and give some time to adjust ur hormon after op. I got my bfp after 9months. Here u can get lots of advice from other ladies experience.​
i am now going to complete 23week. My feet are swelling from last 3days. I thought it will disappear but no chance. I also feel some pain between leg and side of vagina bone. This pain is worse in the morning when i get up from bed. I feel it just my left side. There is no pain in my right side. I cant fell pain by touching there. I told my doc but she said in pregnancy all lower ligament lose autometically so it can be the reason of pain.
welcome Amiya! :hi:

Give your body at least 3 months before you start to worry about the op not working. It seems that it takes about that much time for your hormones to regulate.

I got my bfp 8 months after my op, but I had to use gonal-f.

GL! I hope you get your bfp soon!!
Anupur - :hugs: The aches and pains aren't nice are they. If you can, try to do some pelvic tilt exercises, they really help. :thumbup:

Bride - how are you getting on?
thanks for the warm welcome..kyla,anupur & cridge...
anupur--pain might be due to the pressure effects of the uterus on various ligaments of uterus..(im in health care,,knows a bit from here n there even its not my speciality...)..dont worry about it unless it gets worsened...
amiya - welcome! I am surprised they started you on the drugs so soon after the op?! I've been told to let the body try and sort itself out for at least 3 months after surgery. What's happening with your weight? Do you need to lose any or are you a lean pcos'er?
My d&g had higher sperm count but morphology was only 6%. It took us 9 months to conceive after surgery. He took vitamins and we also used Conceive Plus lubricant. After surgery my cycles varied from 23 days to 45. Some cycles I didn't ovulate. But when we conceived that was a completely natural cycle except I only ovulated on CD25!!

anupur - all I remember is that your legs should not be swollen in the morning! They can get swollen by the end of the day because of all the walking you do. But by morning the swelling must go. If it doesn't there may be a problem with blood pressure.
kyla - did u get relife from pain in breast? my hubby told me not to do any new exercise in pregnancy without expert advice because i dont know how to do it. Hubby also said If i do it wrong way it will harm so better not to do.​
amiya - how r u getting on in this cycle? Did u take metformin? What is ur body weight?​
maria - u r right my leg swollen at the end of the day. My blood pressure is normal. I cheked it yesterday. I feel really over excited last night to think about baby. I also thought about our journey. So cant sleep from 1am. Hubby assured me that it is normal. He is really very supportive now. There is 1 yr difference in our age but situation made us very mature.​
leaper - weekend is really great idea before coming baby. Just enjoy and shop for baby item.​
cridge , cullen, nikkia, scerena, sunny how are u? Lots of love to all of u.​
Anupur - that's so sweet! Your hormones are growing now and when the baby is born they will be all over the place so expect toget very emotional and cry a lot! It's great that DH is so supportive!
Hello Ladies, Hope your all ok?
Anupur i get swollen cheeks and feet at the end of the day my midwife say its all normal at the moment.

Maria I can't belive you little bread crub is nearly 1! How far you have come.

welcome amiya.

How is everyone else? Sonny?
As for me I', just over 30 weeks now time is going so quick, only 5 weeks left to work now. My back has been very painfull at times but I'm just trying to get on with it all. I just can't wait to meet our baby now and see what sex it is. xx
Anupur - My breast pain mysteriously stopped. I think it stopped partly because I introduced a dummy/soother for him as before that he was using me for comfort (which is ok, but restricted what I could do and think contributed to the pain). I'm still breastfeeding, but with an occasional formula bottle at night. It's been worth it though, it is amazing to do if you can.
You're really lucky to have a supportive husband. You both must be so happy. :cloud9:

Amiya - Maria's post reminded me that I also recommend a sperm friendly lubricant. I used PreSeed which is similar to Conceive Plus and I think that helped me conceive.

Nikkia - I am getting so excited for you and the other ladies due soon. :happydance: Have you got a shortlist of baby names? I had 3 books to choose from and I found it hard to narrow down properly!

AFM: I'm suffering now with post-natal hairloss. The shower plughole needs clearing everyday and my brush looks like it has it's own hair-do by the end of the day. I know it's normal, but I'm getting worried as I have fine, thin hair to start with so I need every strand :wacko: At the end of the pregnancy everyone was complimenting me for the first time in my life on how good my hair looked. Now if only PCOS gave us great hair hormones, I could forgive it a bit :haha:
Even though I realise a lot of you are not in the USA, I am still wishing you ladies a Happy mother’s Day today!

Amiya – welcome to an awesome thread full of support! Fx for a BFP for you soon.

Nikkia – wow, you are 30 weeks already?! Time flies!

Kyla – I’m so happy that breastfeeding became easy/ painless for you . I am really nervous about breastfeeding but plan to give it my best shot!

Maria and Cridge - I can’t believe that Sophia is 10 months already (seems you just had her!!) and ninja is already 6 months! Holy moly does time fly by!

AFM – I had a really lovely time with my parents… was soooo nice to have them visit & not super hard to say goodbye like it normally is as they will be back in a few months when the twins arrive!
Oh and we are having a boy and a girl – YAY! Really excited about that – instant family! Everything looked good on the scan. Unfortunately I started having a lot more pain in my abdomen and back last week and it turns out I have a UTI so am not taking amoxicillin which makes my tummy delicate – blah. On top of that, the back pain is getting pretty bad. I am constantly uncomfortable and often in a lot of pain . I fear that it won’t really let up for the remainder of the pregnancy. I take baths every day to try to ease the pain but nothing really helps. I am getting sooo big. My waist has expanded by well over 10 inches now and I have put on over 20 pounds which is right in line with where I should be. I have been way lazy about posting a bump picture but will try to soon.

Ok well lots of love to you all and hope you had nice weekends! xo
maria f --thanks for the welcome...actually we are not in a situation to wait much longer..thats why going for an active management at our request..

anupur--happy to hear that your DH is so supportive...minimal leg swelling is fine,,its due to compression of big veins by the enlarging uterus..monitor your bp regularly..your dr will be doing weight is 59 kg and height is 163 taking is CD7..going for scan day after tomo...DH has viral fever,tensed!!..

nikkia--thanks for the welcome

kyla--im sorry for the hair loss..and about the lubricant,im going to order it very soon.
Kyla - my hair unfortunately still keeps coming out :nope: I also have thin hair which got really thick and I lived it. Then around when Sophia was 4 months I started losing it and its still coming out in heaps. It looks really thin again. I'm wondering if the fact that I'm still breast feeding has an effect?! Like she's sucking most of my nutrients out?!
I'm having my hair done on Saturday and I'm considering having a really short bob. Just so it doesn't look all thin on the edges :nope:

Sunny - fantastic news on boy and girl! Any more preparations? What buggy are you going for?

amiya - good luck for your scan!
Maria - :hugs: It's horrible when you've got thin hair and it starts to fall. I can't see any bald patches on my head which is surprising because I feel I have shed enough hair! I've just ordered some Pregnacare New Mum to try
I plan to take one of these one day and then the Breastfeeding one with the Omega 3 on the next day and alternate to see if it makes a difference. I've loved the Pregnacare range from the Conception His & Her, then I used Pregnacare Max so I'm already a fan! Just hope it works on my hair as I'm so upset at the state of it right now.

Sunny - Breastfeeding is great if you can get going with it, lots of support is available (hopefully locally to you) but also online and there's always the ladies here if you need advice too. :hugs:
Yay for Boy Girl twins!! How brilliant, you get the best of both worlds. :cloud9:

:hi: to all, hope you're all ok. :flower:
Kyla - I'm a huge fan of Pregnacare but have never seen those before! In fact I just went out and bought another box of Pregnacare Breastfeeding. Spent £16 on them.... That will last me a month and by then I should be done bf anyway. Afterwards ill keep looking for the New Mum range, thanks!
Maria - I have quite thin hair which doesnt really ever seem to grow past my shoulders (except when prego) and I have cut it into a bob a few times - looked fantastic! I have blonde hair and usually highlight it a bit so it is really blonde (not highlighting again till post pregnancy though) and quite chic/ sleek looking and just ever so slightly angular - always got tons of compliments that way. So may just work for you!
Sunny - I had very long hair before our wedding 4 years ago. I had enough of it and had it all cut off into a bob. I loved it and it looked fantastic. But my DH insists a woman must have long hair :dohh: In a jokey way of course but he was naggin me about it all the time! This is why I decided to grow it out. But right now I don't like the way it looks and given its my hair I think it should be my decision what to do with it :haha:
:nope: CD 9 scan multiple follicles largest right-10,left-8.5,endo thickness-5.3
increased gonal f to 75 and added menopur 75

what if i dont respond this cycle also?...this injectables are useless for first iui was with clomid alone..
amiya - dont take stress about follicle. U know last december on cd15 my follicle grew only 15.5mm endo was 8. Doc cancelled my iui. I feel very depressed but doc told me to do bd for 4days. I felt waste of cycle without iui. But i thought about many women after cancelled iui got bfp in this thread. So try bd that night and after one day. That was the cycle i got my bfp on 1.1.13 morning. I couldnt believe at that time. So dont depressed just do what u can do. By the way how is ur dh now? Ur weight is correct but if u can put off 2/ 3kg then it will be great. Before december cycle i put off 4kg weight from 60kg by walking.​
maria - can sophia walk now? Can she speak any word? It is really nice to hear little babys cute talk.​
kyla - after 3month of pregnancy i lost many hair on 4th and 5th month. I dont know the exact reason. But now it stop totally. I think weather is one of the reason for my hair loss. Could u use to make strong hair follicle product? There in market u can get many product to renew ur hair.​
sunny - u r so lucky that u will get both gender child. Congratulation. Waiting for ur bump pic. Take care hun.​
nikkia - ur pregnancy time flying now. Did u start countdown? Just few more days left to meet ur baby. Back pain is really horrible. Try to seat with good back support.​
afm - after stop taking metformin for 1week i had done pp blood suger test on sunday. Level is 150. It should be 70- 140. So doc told me to continue glycephage 500 1tab daily. Also told me to check suger level at home by suger test machin to track suger level.​
amiya - for cd9 that's pretty good! You have one follicle of 10mm and endo is pretty good already. Follicles grow up to 2mm a day so in about 5-6 days it should be around 18mm! Also endo needs to be at least 7mm thick for successful implantation and yours is 5.3 already! And you are only cd9!!
Also I agree with anupur - our bodies are SO unpredictable! For example in the month when I got pregnant I had a scan in cd12 and dr told me my follicle was 12mm and I should ovulate in the next 4-5 days. I was away from home then and was really disappointed because I knew I didn't have a chance to bd before ovulation.
But I kept doing the ovulation tests and they were all negative!!! I was so frustrated and upset that not only DH was far away but also that my body wasn't working and even when I started to grow a follicle it still doesn't ovulate :nope: Then on cd24 (!!!) I got a positive ovulation test and ovulated on cd25 and got pregnant! The question is what was that follicle doing from cd12 to cd25 - was it taking a holiday?! :haha:
What I am trying to say is that our bodies are unpredictable so just have trust in yours!

Anupur - I'm sorry you failed the glucose test but I'm glad you are going back on metformin as it should help regulate your sugar levels. My dr told to carry on with it throughout pregnancy and I did my glucose test whilst taking metformin - of course I passed :thumbup:
Do you know I you have any more scans before you give birth? Do they give you more scans in India? Over here the last one is at 20 weeks and if everything is fine you don't have anymore tests.

As for us - no, Sophia is quite a lazy baby, like her mummy was :winkwink: she only crawls but doesn't even plan to walk! She says Dada as Mama and lots of other cute little words but she doesn't yet understand that I am Mama and DH is Dada :dohh: She claps her hands, waves hello and goodbye and points at everything! The past 2-3 months have been the most exciting and interesting - when she stopped just eating, crying, sleeping and pooping and started developing!
hi..thanks for the support..

anupur-so sorry for the sugar levels.if sugar levels are high,dont hesitate or worry to start insulin.oral hypoglycemic agents doesnt cross placenta.and if we leave it like that complications can not trying to make you upset but be cautious..hope,it ll settle!..
and i wanted to ask you another thing.why your cycle was cancelled?..if the follicle doesnt reach more than 14mm on 21st day,,its ideal to cancel the cycle..but your 15.5 was good...and it has grown,,,no doctor can cancel your wonderful bundle of joy dear..:hugs:

maria f: im feeling positive now..thanks for your kind words..happy to hear about sophias sweet that she calls dada and mama..:kiss:

my CD12 scan came as 10 on right and 11 on left..endometrium 5.7..
was initially very sad..but one thing is good,as my left follicle has shown improvement from 8.5 to,fingers crossed...and felt so happy when re stopped menopur injs..
next scan on monday..

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