Hi everyone, hope you are all enjoying this fantastic weather, hope it lasts for a while yet!
First of all a huge congrats to Amiya, so pleased for you hun, wishing you a fantastic and healthy 9 months

Welcome to Tropic too, I'm another od success story, I had my od done in July and got BFP in November having conceived October, lo due in just over 5 weeks time so it does work. The op itself isn't too bad, just like Maria says give yourself some time afterwards, its very hard to get disheartened the first couple of months if nothing seems to happen, wishing you every little piece of luck xx
Nikkia, yeah for finishing work, I'm here a bit longer yet, still haven't found replacement yet for me but interviews finish today so hopefully by the end of the week that will be one less thing for me to worry about! How are you feeling hun? Do you have your hospital bag packed yet? All ready for baby?
Kyla, really sorry to hear that youre still suffering with the hair loss hun, damn pcos! Hope it settles down for you soon xx
Maria likewise hun, damn pcos!
Hope everyone else is well?
Me, coming up to my 35th week, starting to get a bit apprehensive, everyone is full of advice atm, what I should or should not be doing and its starting to stress me a wee bit. I have started to get all the baby bits washed and put away but I still haven't packed my hospital bag, I don't know what to put in it for a start!
OH is stressing me a bit atm too, we went through a really tough time last year, without going into it too much he had a mental breakdown and he would still suffer from mood dips and it seems to be happening a bit lately, its putting a little extra strain on me too so I'm hoping it picks up soon!
Apart from all that I'm fine lol, still suffering badly with the heartburn and not sleeping much either but no change there! Our last ante-natal class was focused on perineal massage, did any of you try this? Its supposed to help with tearing during labour, I'm trying it but not sure if I'm doing it right lol. Anything worth a try I guess!