anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Yikes! That is expensive! I hope you're able to get them later on. I can't say for *sure* they're to thank for anything yet, but I do feel like they have potential.

And speaking of af... I think mine is just around the corner again. :shock: I think I'm on day 32 of my cycle, or something like that. Again, I don't think I ovulated (but I really don't know for sure), but I guess getting af regularly is better than nothing at all, which is my norm. I meant to check my temp this morning and I left my thermometer on my clock, but I didn't even see it this morning and totally forgot. :dohh: Better luck tomorrow morning, maybe. :haha:
Hi All! Hope this finds you all doing well. :hugs:

I know a few are probably almost full term by now – hope you are doing great! :thumbup:

Sorry for my silence, I have had a rough past month or so with horrible back pain, SPD/ pelvic girdle pain, vein problems in my leg which really hurts and generally feeling down and exhausted because I feel so very awful all the time.
I was signed off work early (finally finished last week) and the last few weeks were very stressful….am relieved to be done. Am doing hydrotherapy which was absolute heaven and the first time I have felt weightless and was able to move in all sorts of ways I haven’t been able to for months – seriously wonderful! I have put on over 40 lbs and still have about (I hope) 7-8 weeks to go….here’s hoping those beans will be big ones!!

Two quick questions – first, any tips on improving my iron levels? I am borderline anaemic (level was 10.5).
Second – for those of you in the UK, did you join NCT? Worth it? I am thinking I will join this week in the hopes that I can get extra help/ info on the whole twins thing. Last night my hubby pulled up most of the baby stuff from the basement and I felt a bit panicked. Most things have been given to us so I need to start sorting, washing, etc but it feels a bit overwhelming….wish my mom and sisters were around me although I have had offers of help from girlfriends of course.

Ok I will stop blabbing on. Hoping you are all well and will definitely be more ‘present’ on here in the days to come! xoxo
Sunny - so sorry you are feeling pants :hugs: Not much advice except that don't forget it IS temporary. And for such an amazing cause!!!!! Hang in there and just keep counting down the days. Now that you are off work may be you can ret a bit more or just take it easy when you aren't feeling up to scratch!

I would definitely recommend joining nct!!!!! The info they provided isn't rocket science but you get to meet other future mums of roughly the same standing in life as you. And once babies are born you will be going mad within the four walls so having someone in exactly the same situation as you definitely helps. Just to have ladies over for coffee or go for a walk and have a shoulder to cry on when you are feeling like sh*t :dohh:

Spinach, beef and buckwheat are all really high in iron. In Russia buckwheat is really popular - we have it instead of rice. If you are interested in giving it a try I can let you know the best way to cook it. It's not for everyone especially if you've never tried it before but worth giving a try especially for a good cause!!!

Sunny - I had SPD and it's awful, it must be bad carrying twins, but it really does stop as soon as the babies are born. Have you been given any physio? I found a gymball really helped as well as sleeping with a pillow between my knees.
Re iron levels, are you taking Pregnacare multivitamin? I took the Pregnacare Max throughout the pregnancy and found my iron levels stayed good. Maria has made some fab food suggestions.
I didn't join the NCT, but just wondering if you've come across TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Births Association)? My friend has twins and she finds them to be really helpful. :thumbup:

How is everyone? :flower:
I forgot to add:

Happy belated 1st birthday Sophia!! :cake:

Maria, how was her birthday? I remember DS1's first birthday, I was so emotional with the "this time last year" memories and the new milestone in his life. :flower:
Ladies my memory is bad at the moment but was someone on here after metformin?
Aw, Kyla, thank you!!!

Yes, I was an emotional wreck. Had tears in my eyes most of the day!! I still can't believe my baby is ONE!! We had a lovely time so far celebrating. And the big party is next Sunday. We have 40 adults and 20 kids coming, we hired a hall and have catering from a local supermarket. We have lots of decorations and they promise it will be HOT outside - so perfect for a party :happydance:

I think we can expect to hear some birth announcements soon!! I hope those ladies about to pop are doing well and have a smooth labour and get to meet their precious bundles very soon!!!
Hi Maria...I am new to thsi forum and I read a lot of your posts....can i chat with you more about OD?
My gynae advised me to do OD....but i am so scared...anyone had any bad side effects? did not have my periods in over 8 months since coming off i am not ovulating......any suggestions? my husband is also scared of the OD...he thinks it is very invasive.....only tried once cycle of clomid before of 100mg....
Hi Shardil and welcome! Totally understand how you are feeling. I think a lot of people underestimate OD and laparoscopy. I know I did and I had 2 of them! First time round I was told its a really minor procedure and I'd be running around again in a day :wacko:
This is what I told my mum and DH. They didn't even plan to visit me in hospital or pick me up!!!! How wrong were we?!
I mean it is keyhole surgery rather than a proper incision but you still need full anaesthetic and it lasts 40-60 minutes depending in what they find!
My recovery from the first surgery was longer and I was A LOT more uncomfortable for about 5 days. Then it got better.
After the second op I was actually horse riding again on day 6 I think. But everyone is different!

I think from this thread you can see just how many girls have had success after the surgery. Naturally or with help of further drugs. But OD certainly played a role in them getting pregnant.
Speak to your doctor, ask him how many if these procedures has he done and then think about it! But I would definitely recommend it!!
Maria - Have a fab party at the weekend, it should be lovely weather. Lovely new profile pic :cloud9:

Shardil - Welcome to the forum. I was advised by my gynae to have ovarian drilling done as I have PCOS as I wasn't ovulating naturally. Before the op they tried me for 8 months on Clomid and I only ovulated a few times. I was nervous of having the op too, as I'd never had an operation in my life but I opted for it after doing online research. Studies show that the ovulation rate after ovarian drilling is 80% with a 50% pregnancy rate and almost all of the women with PCOS will see an improvement in other symptoms too.
As Maria said, we have lots of success stories on here and I think everyone would recommend it, my ovarian drilling baby is now 5 months old. :thumbup:
It took me about 4 weeks to fully recover from the op, but I would definitely have the operation again if I needed to as it has been so worthwhile for me. Good luck making your decision, this thread is wonderfully supportive so please let us know how you get on. :flower:
Hay, I'm kinda new to this forum ! I have been endlessly reading them for the last 2 years while TTC #1 and thought I would join in, hope that's ok ladies. I'm 32 my hubby is 27 ;-). We have been trying for baby #1 for 2 years now. I got diagnosed with PCOS 18 months ago after coming off the pill and not having AF. I have around 50 cysts on each ovary. Started on Metformin a year ago which did nothing for me apart from make me vomit, we wanted to try and go the naturalist way possible as only in our first year trying. I had first round of Clomid last month which did make me ovulate (6eggs !!!!!!!!) however none fertilised . 7 days ago I had laparoscopy, ovarian drilling, D/C HSG (they thought my tubes where both blocked but the dye studies shows they are both clear.) and to restart Clomid again. I always new in the back of my mind I would have problems TTC but never thought I would have to go through this emotional roller coaster journey to concieve a little angel. Has anybody had ovarian drilling that has worked ? I'm hoping for a miracle as much as we all are.
Kyla and Maria....thank you so much for the support....even though you all have already had success with your surgeries you have not forgotten others....this is a very difficult journey....btw your babies are too cute...congrats :)

I have heard that OD is more successful for "lean pcos".I am 29, DH is 29 and has good sperm everything! TTC 8 months. My bmi is 22. I have been to two gynaes recently who are regarded as some of the best in my country. The confusing thing is that they both have different approaches...see below and let me know what you all think.......

1) Gyn #1 : She advised me to do a 2 hr glucose fasting test which showed that I was suffering from impaired glucose tolerance/pre-diabetes..and subsequent was put on 500 mg metformin 4 X daily....have only been able to do 3 so far...been on it a month and acne cleared up but no ovulation. She told me to continue with this for four months and lose a few pounds (I am 117 lbs 5'1"). She does not believe in OD since she says it can kill good eggs.

2) Gyn #2: He is registered with my company's health insurance (#1 is not). He said that even when I was very slim when I was 18...I wasn't getting my periods...He does not believe that metformin is very effective for "me" for ovulating would just help with the pre-diabetes. And it seems that I am clomid-resistant. Also, he says being a lean pcos woman I am a good candidate for OD and my job's health insurance will cover all costs associated with the surgery. My company will be giving me surgical leave for 2-3 weeks as well for the surgery if I decide to go ahead with it. He said the success rate is 70%.

Also, did anyone try vitex? acupuncture? and what about long months not ovulating before the surgery? Did anyone experience this as well? really worried about no AF for so long :-( So as you see I am torn.....should I wait and try met? Try some vitex and natural methods or just go for the OD......suggestions please ladies? and thanks again SO SO much!!!
Sarahlou.....i know the feeling...I am in the exact same boat.....wishing you all the best and keep us posted on your progress :)
Hey ladies sorry I Haven't been on in ages kinda stuck In the one place just finding it hard to stay motivated with trying to lose weight even though I no this is what I have to do ! So on Monday I'm doing a six weeks biggest loser camp In the local gym hopefully I will lose the weight this way and get my motivation back :) so that's my plan lose the weight I'm going to Portugal the end of August for a week then my first anniversary is the following week then I'm hoping to start our first iui so I need a big push on the weight loss !! Oh the joys :-(
Hope all you ladies are keeping well can't believe some of your girls are neary due how exciting and nerve wrecking at the same time good luck to you all xx
Hope everyone else is well and bumps growing nice a big and to the ladies who have had ther babies hope all is well ANd your enjoying every minute with your little beauties xx
Bride - Lovely to hear from you :flower: Aw, bless you I know how tough trying to lose weight with PCOS is. The camp sounds fab! Having the holiday to look forward to and relax should help. :hugs:

Shardil - Insulin resistance can cause annovulation and sometimes Metformin use can trigger ovulation on it's own. I have never heard that OD can "kill good eggs" and I have done a lot of research and general reading on OD (although I am not medically qualified, just never heard of that about eggs before). I have high BMI PCOS and I got pregnant with a combination of Metformin and Femara (a drug with excellent results in Clomid resistant women) a few months after the op.
I have had PCOS since puberty and I had many years of having hardly any periods. I once went a year without one, but on average I'd have 3 or 4 periods a year. In 2005, with a BMI of 33, I conceived my eldest son, completely naturally after going on the South Beach Diet for weight loss and to 'reset' my insulin levels so I do believe in insulin playing a big part in messing with my ovulation.
To conceive my second son I tried Vitex, with evening primrose oil and starflower but I didn't ovulate. I was on the point of trying accupuncture when I was offered the OD and following up with Metformin and Femara.
Can I ask, although you're lean PCOS, do you consume much carbs and sugar? Could you follow an eating plan to lower these if you do?
Happy to help anyone on their ttc journey, this thread really helped me and I want to 'give back' by helping others. :hugs:

Saralou - Welcome to the thread! :hugs: I hope you recover quickly from your op. You're in the right place here, lots of supportive ladies some with babies now, others who are pregnant (we're expecting some birth announcements this summer!) and others who are ttc, but all of us have experienced the rollercoaster of fertility problems and ovarian drilling.
Ovarian Drilling worked for me, in combination with Metformin and Femara. Did you know about slow release Metformin? It can help those who react with sickness and might be worth investigating.
Sounds like you're in a good place right now if clomid has worked and you've now had the drilling. The hardest part after the op is to relax as much as possible and not stress about wanting immediate results.
Do you monitor your cycles at all with temping or ovulation predictor kits?
Good luck with your new cycle, did you know to count the day of your op as CD1? :friends:
Thank you ladies for a very warm welcome :) it's so nice to be able to talk to people in the same situation, there is only so much talking about it to my hubby before he zones out lol.
Kyla, I have tried to temp but I sleep with my mouth open and I get funny readings burning have started again after my drilling. I use the clear blue OPK as with the other tests I am constantly second guessing if it's darker lol. Yes I counted my op at CD1 and (I didn't know this till my specialist rung me on CD4 to start taking my Clomid again on CD5) so I took my last tablet today ! My husband says he is living with the SHE DEVIL !! lol. So all being well ovulation may happen but I know not to get my hopes up after 2 years !! Kayla your bub is gorgeous :) how long after the drilling did you get your BFP ? wow a slow relese tablet would be so much better it just made me feel really yucky so I kinda gave up onnit.
Shadil you should Defo give the drilling a chance ! The procedure was invasive but minimal and I was
Out the same day ! It was a bit painfull when I woke up and at home but was fine the next day just felt a bit battered and bruised. I took a week off work (due back tomorrow:-(. I would go through any kind a pain if it gives me just a small chance to have a little bub :). So glad I have found a place I can talk ! There is only so much friends and family wanna know lol.
:hi: Saralou

Thank you! We've been so lucky to have him, we were ttc for 2 years before I had my operation and I got my BFP 5 months after the op. I didn't ovulate on my own after the op, but I did respond to meds which was marvellous as we'd had so much disappointment and heartache.

This is a lovely place to chat, we all support each other so welcome again, keep us posted on how you get on. :thumbup:
Sara - oh boy, how I remember feeling like a witch when I was on Clomid :wacko:
I still remember having a few nights of proper hysterics on the sofa in the living room :cry: I was shouting to loud I think the whole neighbourhood heard me :wacko: I could not control my hormones or my emotions or my temper. So I really feel for you!
Good luck!!!! Fingers crossed you ovulate very soon! Is DH sperm all ok? Do you use opk's?

Haven't heard from anupur in a while... Or Nikkia or Lpear! How are you ladies?

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