Bride - Lovely to hear from you

Aw, bless you I know how tough trying to lose weight with PCOS is. The camp sounds fab! Having the holiday to look forward to and relax should help.
Shardil - Insulin resistance can cause annovulation and sometimes Metformin use can trigger ovulation on it's own. I have never heard that OD can "kill good eggs" and I have done a lot of research and general reading on OD (although I am not medically qualified, just never heard of that about eggs before). I have high BMI PCOS and I got pregnant with a combination of Metformin and Femara (a drug with excellent results in Clomid resistant women) a few months after the op.
I have had PCOS since puberty and I had many years of having hardly any periods. I once went a year without one, but on average I'd have 3 or 4 periods a year. In 2005, with a BMI of 33, I conceived my eldest son, completely naturally after going on the South Beach Diet for weight loss and to 'reset' my insulin levels so I do believe in insulin playing a big part in messing with my ovulation.
To conceive my second son I tried Vitex, with evening primrose oil and starflower but I didn't ovulate. I was on the point of trying accupuncture when I was offered the OD and following up with Metformin and Femara.
Can I ask, although you're lean PCOS, do you consume much carbs and sugar? Could you follow an eating plan to lower these if you do?
Happy to help anyone on their ttc journey, this thread really helped me and I want to 'give back' by helping others.
Saralou - Welcome to the thread!

I hope you recover quickly from your op. You're in the right place here, lots of supportive ladies some with babies now, others who are pregnant (we're expecting some birth announcements this summer!) and others who are ttc, but all of us have experienced the rollercoaster of fertility problems and ovarian drilling.
Ovarian Drilling worked for me, in combination with Metformin and Femara. Did you know about slow release Metformin? It can help those who react with sickness and might be worth investigating.
Sounds like you're in a good place right now if clomid has worked and you've now had the drilling. The hardest part after the op is to relax as much as possible and not stress about wanting immediate results.
Do you monitor your cycles at all with temping or ovulation predictor kits?
Good luck with your new cycle, did you know to count the day of your op as CD1?